Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Eternal Idiocy Of Revenge

Canadian Gothic
Originally uploaded by I voted for Kodos

(Click title above.)

Eternal Revenge Of Idiocy:

Usually, it only seems hard to do the right thing, while the harder thing becomes to try to justify the wrong thing. Humanity’s failure to appreciate such homily is an idiocy that haunts us routinely. Such idiocy has taken no holiday in respect of our current administration.

When President Bush came to office, his party had sufficient good will from Americans and Congress to facilitate good governance.

Even under a childish philosophy of “Objectivism,” where personal greed and self interest are esteemed as highest goodness, is it not stupid of Corporate-Blueblood-Globalists to have so managed affairs as to become likely to lose control of them?

Except in idiocy, his administration had to appreciate that mainstream Marxist media would always be laying traps and hunting for him.

Why, then, did Bush fail to marshal the middle class backbone of America in an alliance against Marxist media, leftist dupes, and fellow travelers?

Why, then, did the Bush administration proceed to govern as would frat boys ("it's our due")?

Why did he fart all over the middle class, essentially telling us we are in a fan factory?

One who so blatantly chooses to break faith with the middle class may as well prepare to face the pain that comes of licking a cane toad.

Opportunities were spread before President Bush. He could have acted sooner to protect America’s borders. He could have tempered his tax cuts, in progressive concern for trying to narrow a widening gulf between haves and have nots, in respect of the Gini index. Instead, he catered to a globalist agenda of short sighted business interests, reveling in the sell out of America for cheap, illegal, servile labor. He pursued such economic agenda for favoring big business globalization, even though the least regard for human nature, current events, and history should have informed that the world is not ready for one big American led capitalist enterprise of unregulated disregard for mores of traditional societies.

Only a frat snot would think it adequate to answer that non-frat's have never had it so good. Only a frat snot would think it neat to lick on a middle class cane toad. ("The lucky toad was named “Spew” and is doing just fine and the both of them look to make a full recovery.")

In America, good governance necessitates that no one presume to be an aristocrat, that gulfs in political and economic power not become too wide, that all remain responsible to tend our common garden, and that temporary caretaking entitles no one to desecrate our garden without tendering appropriate recompense. In other words, ours is a system of regulated capitalism, not a frat club for enslaving or thumbing-over those who may be less driven to presume entitlement over the whip.

Once, we had a leader. He said: “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.” See

But, Booth'ian idiocy got its useless revenge.

Still, in respect of capacity to produce leaders like Lincoln and Churchill, we retain cause for optimism. Indeed, as Churchill said, “For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else.” See

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Moral Equivalent Of War:

From :
“What [William] James neglects to realize is that when you conduct domestic politics using the moral equivalent of war metaphor you do not just conduct a War on Poverty or a war for Energy Independence. Wars are not conducted against an idea but against people. You end up making your fellow Americans into a hated enemy. You declare, in other words, a "moral equivalent of civil war" against people who disagree with your call to fight wars on poverty or who fail to grasp the Inconvenient Truth of the need to save the planet.
Our liberal friends are quick to worry about the dangers of "nationalism" and are ultra-sensitive about anyone questioning their patriotism. But they have no problem in questioning the motives of anyone that dares to oppose their militant campaigns for universal health care and gay marriage.
All this is rather unfortunate. Pace William James, we have a rather effective system to engage the martial enthusiasms of young men without setting blue staters against red staters. It is called American business. And the good thing is that when the captains of industry battle each other for market share they are not firing the opening shots in the moral equivalent of a US civil war. There's no need in business to stigmatize half the nation as racists, sexists, or homophobes-or as mean-spirited Republicans.”