Saturday, June 28, 2008

Machine Miasma

(Click title above.)

idiot box (right view)
Originally uploaded by seekayem


OBAMA: Given the alignment of our situation, it comes as no surprise that our favored nominee for President (Head Thumb) is a supremely gifted organizer.

IMPLODING ORGANIZATIONS OF INFORMATION: In Isaac Asimov’s “The Last Question,” the entropic inclination for spatial dispersal within each preceding universe or hyperspace could be conceptualized as helping to preclude conflict with each succeeding hyperspace. In other words, entropy did not rule out an ever-replacing and organizing of perspectives of experience and information. Entropy did not rule out local or galaxy level explosions in inter-organization of self-aware or conscious forms of active information.

GAMING A TRANSCENDENTAL MEME: Participating In A Game Of Consolidating And Organizing Categories Of Information (religious, news, entertainment, advertising, communicative, capitalistic, and regulatory) seems inclined to turn temporal winners not just into kindred spirits, but towards
one monstrously powerful, self-feeding, exponentially-exploding (eventually imploding?) meme for controlling organized information, or “Head Thumb.”

RELENTLESS MEME OF HEAD THUMB: Humans are temporal and mortal. It is the height of foolishness for one to suppose he/she can “win the game” by becoming Head Thumb. The part of Head Thumb can only be created by zipping all of humanity into submission, in a “Borg” strait jacket. Once the position of Head Thumb is designed and actuated, it becomes a relentless meme. Humanity’s only hope against such Meme is to fire up some Red Ass Moderates (Rams).

TRIBE-ULATION: Tribes of Head Thumb Fascists are coming together in tribe-ulation: Religious Fascists (Muslamo-Tribe) are bent on imposing mind surrender; Computer Fascists (Media Tribe) are bent on plugging all human functions into one monitoring internet; Corporate Fascists (Market Tribe) are bent on gearing each of us into a completely controlled Product-Consumption-Unit (PCU), conditioned to mindlessly calculate product and to consume as instructed; Government Fascists (Marxist Tribe) are bent on imposing comfort and security in trade for confiscating freedom and dignity; and Mental Arts Fascists (Mentalist Tribe) are bent on our final mind meltdown.

CAPITALISM: Capitalism comes nearly alive, like a transcendental meme, to consume and dehumanize its players --- regardless of political stripes. Thus, Capitalism becomes a self-feeding game for conditioning, hardening, and numbing practitioners to treat flesh and blood people as if they were virtual abstractions, sort of like avatars in a computer game of Dungeons and Dragons. Capitalist winners, whether Democrat or Republican, come to feed on each other and on all of us --- coming to think nothing of: selling out the very country in which they were raised; reducing the countryside to servants, and organizing inferiors as Borg --- all under Head Thumb.

SELF DEFEATING REGULATORY STRATEGIES: But corporations love to be regulated! Regulations create barriers against potential new rivals. Smothering regulations help ensure oligopolies and monopolies. (Religion, Media, Capitalism, and Government all must be regulated, but sanity requires wise regulation, not smothering regulation!)

LOSS OF PRIVACY, FREEDOM, INDIVIDUALITY: We march on, reducing everything to market pricing and governmental measure, surrendering individuality, privacy, dignity, and freedom. We become agglomerated into Borg-Herd, leading to Borg-Gaia, then to Borg-Galaxia. We lose our separate selves, trading individual artistry for the comfort and security of Borg-Mind. But for Borg absorption or close monitoring (National ID cards, fingerprint credit cards, etc.), we would become, Separately, too powerful and dangerous for our Unity to trust.

"5M" BORG PROLETARIAT: Thus, we come to think it a good thing to lash ourselves and everyone else to serve the Organization Game, as Borg Slaves. Muslims, Media, Money Markets, Marxists, and Mentalists (aka, “5M”) all come together, to appreciate themselves as serving common cause. (
Were it not for 5M, why else would America’s leaders have been AWOL, even treasonous, for more than 30 years in failing to defend borders and to promote sane energy policies?)

ULTIMATE IRONY: Once we absorb into Borg, it matters not whether we label ourselves of the Muslamo Tribe, Media Tribe, Market Tribe, Marxist Tribe, or Mentalist Tribe --- for 5M Borg become interchangeably united, selecting temporal elites only to sell us into Borg-land. (Shut up and play the game.)

ON WITHERING AWAY: Once we consent to allowing patterns that facilitate the transcendental emergence of One Head Thumb, why should we expect such patterns to wither away, just because some titular occupant of that position happens to die?

SPENT CARCASS: The Republican GOP is a spent carcass, malnourished on a poisonous motto of the monied and political class (“money talks and bullsh*t walks”).

LOST INDIVIDUALITY: The Gini index forewarns of a bridge of empathy too wide to withstand accumulating pressures. Common cause in arts and concerns between ordinary middle class folks and other classes is being lost. Thus, we lurch towards isolation, each serving his or her self-created taskmaster. Once Pinocchio’s fellow gamers become transfixed into organized-donkeyhood, few will retain means or capacity to regain individual independence. Shut us and play the game!

ONE WAY OUT: If we have a way out, for navigating a course between the stinking carcass of Republicans, mindless blogswarming and Marxism of Democrats, and dehumanizing submission to Wahabists, it may be found by Red Ass Moderates (Rams).

EARLY DETECTION: Mental Arts Fascists are found in Rap Crappers, Heavy Metalists, Advertising Spammers, Blogswarmers, Addiction Pimps, Poverty Enablers, Abnormal Normalizers, and Morality Melt Down Artists. In self protection, we need a form of Interventional Machine Psychoanalysis, since we have no gauge on our foreheads for indicating satiation. That is, we need skilled intuition to recognize early warning signs that alert to needs to reorganize, divert, and reinforce attention away from mind surrender, towards other, newly emerging, more socially redemptive habits.

RESTORE MIDDLE CLASS: Rams must work to restore economic and political power to the middle class! Otherwise, we all fall under the spell and horror of an inhuman, self-made, soul-less, devil-meme, i.e., “Head Thumb” (Nurse Ratchet, aka, “Organized Wretched”) --- which must never be underestimated!
Man the firehoses! Throw the bums out!


Anonymous said...

Quote from John Dewey:
“… politics is the shadow cast on society by big business... Power today resides in control of the means of production, exchange, publicity, transportation and communication. Whoever owns them rules the life of the country, even if democratic forms remain. Business for private profit through private control of banking, land, industry reinforced by command of the press, press agents and other means of publicity and propaganda, that is the system of actual power, the source of coercion and control, and until it's unraveled we can't talk seriously about democracy and freedom.”

Anonymous said...

From :
George Ellis proposed a model universe that contains a naked singularity as a recycling mechanism, which he claims gives almost as good a description of the real universe as the conventional model.
The Ellis universe is like a cylinder-shaped universe, except that the Earth is located on one side and a naked singularity on the other. There is no cosmic inflation – the galaxies are arranged very unevenly, with a great deal of material crowded round the singularity, and very little near the Earth. The effect of such a distribution of matter is to produce a red shift of light that, at the Earth, has the same characteristics as if the galaxies were receding.

Anonymous said...

From :
“... his [Paul Davies] opinion of the implications of Gödel's incompleteness theorem, that "the search for a closed logical scheme that provides a complete and self-consistent explanation is doomed to failure."
He concludes with a statement of his belief that, even though we may never attain a theory of everything, "the existence of mind in some organism on some planet in the universe is surely a fact of fundamental significance. Through conscious beings the universe has generated self-awareness. This can be no trivial detail, no minor byproduct of mindless, purposeless forces. We are truly meant to be here."”

Anonymous said...

From :
“Dyson disagrees with the famous remark by his fellow-physicist Steven Weinberg that "Good people will do good things, and bad people will do bad things. But for good people to do bad things—that takes religion."
“ Weinberg's statement is true as far as it goes, but it is not the whole truth. To make it the whole truth, we must add an additional clause: "And for bad people to do good things—that takes religion."”

Anonymous said...

QUESTION: On what significant issues relating to defending the U.S. or civilized decency have liberals ever been able to draw or enforce any kind of meaningful line? How is modern liberalism different from values nihilism or anarchism?

From :
Once you've watched liberals long enough to understand how they think -- scratch that, how they feel -- they become extraordinarily predictable.
To begin with, the liberal agenda is, in many respects, the same as it was in the thirties. Whether you call it communism, fascism, socialism, liberalism, or progressivism, the only real difference is how much they believe they can get away with, the way they sell it to people, and the latest trendy name for what they believe.
So, once the liberals pick a policy from their stale program to push, the next step is to get it implemented. This is where liberals have problems because whether a policy makes sense, is practical, or actually improves people's lives is of secondary importance to them. What is important to liberals is whether supporting or opposing that policy makes them feel good about themselves.

Anonymous said...

Snippits from :
Technology That Outthinks Us: A Partner or a Master?
Published: August 25, 2008

In Vernor Vinge’s version of Southern California in 2025, there is a school named Fairmont High with the motto, “Trying hard not to become obsolete.” It may not sound inspiring, but to the many fans of Dr. Vinge, this is a most ambitious — and perhaps unattainable — goal for any member of our species.


The problem is a concept described in Dr. Vinge’s seminal essay in 1993, “The Coming Technological Singularity,” which predicted that computers would be so powerful by 2030 that a new form of superintellligence would emerge. Dr. Vinge compared that point in history to the singularity at the edge of a black hole: a boundary beyond which the old rules no longer applied, because post-human intelligence and technology would be as unknowable to us as our civilization is to a goldfish.

The Singularity is often called “the rapture of the nerds,” but Dr. Vinge doesn’t anticipate immortal bliss.


Thanks to special contact lenses, computers in your clothes and locational sensors scattered everywhere you go, you see a constant stream of text and virtual sights overlaying the real world. As you chat with a distant friend’s quite lifelike image strolling at your side, you can adjust the scenery to your mutual taste — adding, say, medieval turrets to buildings — at the same time you’re each privately communicating with vast networks of humans and computers.


Dr. Vinge, who is 63, can feel the elders’ pain, if only because his books are in that building. He took me up to the Elder Cabal’s meeting room in the library and talked about his own concerns about 2025 — like whether anyone will still be reading books, and whether networked knowledge will do to intellectuals what the Industrial Revolution did to the Luddite textile artisans.

“These people in ‘Rainbows End’ have the attention span of a butterfly,” he said. “They’ll alight on a topic, use it in a particular way and then they’re on to something else. Right now people worry that we don’t have lifetime employment anymore. How extreme could that get? I could imagine a world where everything is piecework and the piece duration is less than a minute.”

It’s an unsettling vision, but Dr. Vinge classifies it as one of the least unpleasant scenarios for the future: intelligence amplification, or I.A., in which humans get steadily smarter by pooling their knowledge with one another and with computers, possibly even wiring the machines directly into their brains.

The alternative to I.A., he figures, could be the triumph of A.I. as artificial intelligence far surpasses the human variety. If that happens, Dr. Vinge says, the superintelligent machines will not content themselves with working for their human masters, nor will they remain securely confined in laboratories.


To avoid that scenario, Dr. Vinge has been urging his fellow humans to get smarter by collaborating with computers. (See for some of his proposals.) At the conclusion of “Rainbows End,” even the technophobic protagonist is in sync with his machines, and there are signs that the Singularity has arrived in the form of a superintelligent human-computer network.

Or maybe not. Perhaps this new godlike intelligence mysteriously directing events is pure machine. Dr. Vinge told me he left it purposely ambiguous.

“I think there’s a good possibility that humanity will itself participate in the Singularity,” he said. “But on the other hand, we could just be left behind.”

And what would happen to us if the machines rule? Well, Dr. Vinge said, it’s possible that artificial post-humans would use us the way we’ve used oxen and donkeys. But he preferred to hope they would be more like environmentalists who wanted to protect weaker species, even if it was only out of self-interest. Dr. Vinge imagined the post-humans sitting around and using their exalted powers of reasoning:

“Maybe we need the humans around, because they’re natural critters who could survive in situations where some catastrophe would cause technology to disappear. That way they’d be around to bring back the important things — namely, us.”

Anonymous said...

See snipped comment, from

“Darwinism is a monolithic "view" only in the eyes of the hostile layperson. It is simply a scientific answer to the theory of God, and it states there is no need to postulate a designer, because there is a logical way to solve a riddle from within the system itself.”

Well, you begin by suggesting Darwinism is not a monolithic answer, but then do you proceed to suggest Darwinism SOLVES the riddle (of life, moraality, and existence?) from within the system itself?

I think all the tools in our toolbox have their uses.

A Darwinist, like any scientist, proceeds on the assumption that we can enhance skills for how we relate to (model) Nature by studying it empirically. But, I hardly see why anyone should presume that the empirical method is the end-all-be-all for all modeling concerns, scientific and moral.

I doubt most believers “postulate” a Designer, in the sense of a Supernatural Being who consents to Natural proof. That would seem rather silly (although, many empiricists seem to trip on this). Rather, I think God, as much as any other basis for intuiting moral choices and purposes, is that from which one receives or completes one’s intuitive guidance.


“... the multiverse remains a desperate measure ruled out by the impossibility of confirmation.”

So, how is the multiverse idea any less metaphysical, unsupported, and wishful in its thinking than any other metaphysical “explanation”?

Surely, it is no more “scientific” to imagine an un-confirmable multiverse than a metaphysical source of consciousness?

Regardless, would not each and every such multiverse be subject to “the measurement problem” (i.e., necessitate some form of “consciousness” for collapsing its forms to measurable or meaningful apprehension)?

I like the new “scientific” slogan: “There’s PROBABLY no god.”

1) Did scientists somehow quantify the probability? (No.)
2) Do they sometimes thrown a little salt over their shoulders, just in case? (Probably?)