Friday, October 1, 2010

Python Axis

The grand meme of Atlas Shrugged --- of creative Republican entrepreneurs being drug down by collectivist Democrat ne’er do wells ---  is often misapprehended. The era of a Republican party, led by entrepreneurs who actually produce, is gone. To be misdirected to that bygone era is to ignore what is choking us now. What we have now is a remnant of disorganized, unrepresented, creative, middle-class, small-business Americans being choked into political oblivion by an axis of easily-bribed Dino louts, being pulled around by a looting ball of Rino snakes, which has acquired preposterous power to fund shenanigans by squeezing the money trust, merely by squeezing currency reserves against sovereign notes. Rinos are the brains of the python, and Dinos are its muscle, but they’re of the same snake. Obama knows to enrich his creepy handlers much more so than his snake-food admirers.

This modern Ruling Elite, or Python Axis, is not entrepreneurial in the sense of earning wealth by actually inventing or building much of anything. Instead, it insinuates itself through complex and indecipherable financial instruments and reorganizations, to choke all middle men and all creative, small-business entrepreneurs. It squeezes out wealth by insinuating deceits, with choke agents planted to control institutions of banking, media, academia, entertainment, Congress, regulatory agencies, off-shore secret organizations, and (likely) organized crime and piracy.

In investing in, and buying, governments, the Python Axis soon learns to insinuate its messages in the deceitful language of governance. In service of the Python, the Axis writes regulatory concepts that are so meaninglessly open ended as to constitute delegations of the rule of law to the rule of regulatory agents and judges. The forked tongue of the Axis hisses in the language of law, but directs in the language of fascism.

Ask: What infused Obama, an inexperienced tool of radicals, with confidence that he could front the Python Axis? His experience as a community organizer, rubbing elbows with useful idiots who really believe in a worker's paradise, could not have infused him with that confidence. People like Soros had to have had their hooks into Obama long before he began making poppycock promises to proles. The Axis must have recruited and soothed Obama, thusly: Accept our agenda, don't worry about what you need to say, and we'll write the script for you on Totus.

So how does one free oneself from a python, much less a snake ball? If one attacks a python’s head directly, by oneself, to try to wind it off one's body from the head down, one has no chance. What are required are industrious, virtuous friends to unwind the python from the tail up. Doing that necessitates a focused, organized assimilation of individualist values, to institute power to severely punish every attempt to manipulate currencies for buying laws and governments, as if they were mere commodities.

In the face of the monstrous meme of modernity, by what faith can any industrious, free-minded, middle class unite, take action, and preserve morale? How can the common-sense middle class refute insinuations that the Python Axis of Dinos and Rinos (Chinese model?) is “for our own best interests?” How can we refute that elites know best, mean well, and will deploy their oligarchical control in order to institutionalize organizations for the “fair and equal” interests of the collective N.W.O? How can we refute that the individual is impotent against superior duplicity of the python-ruled collective? Well, for that, Atlas Shrugs still presents considerable prescience.

Imagine a N.W.O. that comes to be run by competing gangs of louts and looters, which promote their rulers based on who is most elite in the craft of deceit. (After all, the louts they rule can’t handle the truth anyway.) So ask: Will that system of elitist rule of collectives lead us to peace in the valley? Has it ever? Presently, we have (1) a reclining American model (that is being rapidly dissolved into a twin for the Chinese model), (2) a rising Chinese model, and (3) raging Islamic fascism. Of these three, the only one that can hope to remain strong enough to tolerate keeping its neighbors at arms length is the American model. The other two do not mean to tolerate long term equilibrium: There is no hand wringing and no questioning; they mean to rule.

If the American model, like the twin towers, continues to collapse, each of the remaining models will attempt to purge the other in an intolerably violent cataclysm. (Consider the nukes of Europe, once Islam overpowers Europe from within.) Elitist rule does not lead to peace in the valley until it first extracts total surrender of mind from the collective. Even then, elitist rule will bring only the peace of mind death. The shadow of worldwide corruption and darkness looms -- unless decent Americans wake up. Against this challenge, Obama is no champion; he is but a tool for forces of despair, with no timely capacity to learn to be otherwise. In the name of decency, the sooner Obama, Soros, and their looting posse are relegated to a proper level of competence and contrition, the better.


Anonymous said...

Many who go into public service profess or pretend ideals for helping the collective to progress. Often, they fail to realize that the best progress for the central government is to do no more than is minimally necessary to sustain a decent framework for allowing liberty to unfold, and to leave governance to the lowest levels at which its participants should be invested. Many, as they come to realize limits of decent governance, become disillusioned and think whatever the government we get is the government we deserve. That’s when some begin to rationalize the idea of “getting yours while the getting’s good.” That’s when they become easy recruits for joining with those who smell profit in investing in government not as a service but as a commodity, for greasing the buying and selling of well placed persons and well placed favors. That’s when government becomes not a facilitator for Americans’ pursuits of fulfillment or production, but more like a pimp-house for pushing and pulling power in respect of cheap delusions and addictions. The modern mogul tends not to be an elite facilitator of individual creativity, but a pimp for co-opting and milking codependent depravity.

It may help to keep government more honest were there an institution, like an independent Inspector General, nominated by a majority of state governors, who could be removed at any time only by a majority vote of governors or by impeachment by a 2/3 vote of Congress, who should be reasonably insulated from politics and bribery, and who should be availed general funding and authority to investigate all agencies of government, charity, church, club, and business.

To such ends, the Inspector General should be empowered to subpoena records, obtain warrants, publish findings of probable cause to suspect wrongdoing, and recommend prosecutions and Rico like proceedings to forfeit all related ill gotten private gains and/or to recommend trustees in receivership to manage and liquidate such gains. Such an officer should be empowered to collect, analyze, and disseminate data to report to Americans about how their institutions and laws are influencing their state of freedom, dignity, charity, work ethic, sense of well being, and zest for the future. No suit should be entertained to be prosecuted against the IG in any official capacity except directly to the Supreme Court, at its discretion.

Simply put, our modern Congress is too close to pimps and politics to be counted on to perform an inspector general function in any way that accords decent respect for an ordered society. Something effective needs to be done to address the prostitution of our system of currency manipulation, rule making, and regulatory enforcement. We desperately need an effective way to put Soros and his every international clone on the ash heap of influence over America.

Obvious Gordian knot: How to prevent the IG from becoming a steward of despotism.

What we are enduring is a vast, back-door movement to deploy rote, madrassa-like mind deconstruction, to indoctrinate new soldiers into anti-White liberation by waging jihad against conservers of liberty everywhere. Commie rap subjugates minds ... to punish old subjugations of minds ... by destroying present day liberty. What decent parent would want any child's mind to be twisted up with this kind of rot rap? The forces that are financing this kind of rot are in a no holds barred war against America. But it is not a war that is even based on moral principles. Rather, it is based on pure greed and hatred of being'ness. This war has passed beyond the ground of being into a metaphysical level, where we are become the voodoo playrags of lost demons. There is no rational way to explain the force that is animating a rising oligarchy of internationally connected amoral elitists and clones of Soros.

Anonymous said...

A problem with Libertarians is they tend to think friends of Soros are Libertarians just because they’re billionaire corporatists. They lack vision to see in advance when forces are indeed uniting to dissimilate their country and to pick their pockets. They tend not to see that freedom cannot be defended without moral courage, i.e., the capacity to take principled stands for preserving a city on a hill.

It’s not the rest of the world that is expanding freedom. It’s America that is renouncing freedom. Within 22 years after the last conservative president, America has become a vassal to China, a country that is despotic to freedom. Indeed, the current administration openly expresses admiration for China. We did not fall to this outrage all at once, nor within the 10 years of Dino administrations. It took 12 additional years of Rinos -- 12 years of the brains of a snake and 10 years of its muscle.

As Reagan left office, what Conservative would have foreseen that America would intentionally follow polices designed to erase our borders, throw our industry overseas, choke our energy independence, enrich our enemies, wreck our economy, and fill the minds of young voters with the notion that God is irrelevant and the State can do no wrong? Who would have foreseen that we would promote laws and policies to make us vassals of, and “free traders” under, the dictate of elite despots?

Could such a transformation of America have occurred any faster had it been deliberately planned? I doubt it. I rather sense that every Rino and Dino administration of the past 22 years has taken advantage to let no crisis go wasted on the way to delivering America into a worldwide despotism run by elite oligarchs. To useful idiots, our leaders have become expert in covering their betrayal and sell out of America with lip service, pretense of feeling pain, and the higher values of atheistic libertines.

Is the handwriting yet clear? Who is funding, directing, and inciting the movement to get useful idiots of the Progressive (entitlement-minded and mores-irresponsible) and “compassionately conservative” base to denounce corporatists, if not N.W.O. corporatists? Under cover of lies, the wolf is encouraging gullible Little Red Riding Hood to denounce wolves, even as Red opens wide her door.

Within the N.W.O., how much is the freedom and influence of the masses and middle class to be chained down? Once all serve the oligarchy, how shall anyone ever break the chain? How did we come to this? When the rest of the world asked, “Who do you think you are?” why did we not proudly answer: We are free Americans? Why are we following, blindly and sheepishly, the rest of the world into servitude?

Idiots of America have too long confused looters of government pull and favors with producers of real goods and freedom. They have too long confused looters of financial instruments and manipulators of currencies with conservers of liberty. The new corporatists of the international oligarchy are not producers, not loyal Americans, not preservers of human freedom and dignity, and certainly not liberals or libertarians in any classical or meaningful sense. Rather, they follow a philosophy of the lowest order: one that promotes slithering sinisterism.

After the coming election circus, the chokehold of elitists will barely slip, but many Libertarians will imagine “mission accomplished.” In the short span of that slip, it will be immeasurably urgent for American Conservers of Liberty to brand every globalizing attitude of villainy that is riding roughshod. That will require moral courage. Failing that, hope of liberty will be buried.

Anonymous said...

One may be more likely to draw references to an assortment of Libertarian holy texts than a straight forward answer to questions about Libertarian limits. I wish Jeff Foxworthy would explore: You know you're a Libertarian if ....

It may make little difference how we address problems of drugs, abortions, and other forms of social irresponsibility until we address how to begin slowing the cannibal corporatists and pushers who thrive by promoting such things, even as they pretend otherwise.

Gov will always be the biggest offender so long as Gov is run by puppet masters. One hand pretends to teach kids not to smoke, the other subsidizes tobacco production.
On and on it goes. Insanity will continue until Social Conservatives and Libertarians are no longer strung together in a Bunraku theater.