Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat

Trick or treat: Forget one person, one vote. Think about one billionaire, a million stooge votes. The top 5% among Americans are evidently worth 40 trillion. That level of dis-proportionality is unseemly for any decently representative republic. So what should be done? Well, if we tax and soak the rich, would that help? After all, that would increase the size of government (which is already notoriously inefficient), and that would invite ever more grifting among special interests. It would also fund inducements to easily bribed louts to immigrate.

Who would really run any such a newly confabulated Gov? Would its representatives really listen to the 65% of responsible middle class Americans, or would such a Gov mainly deal instead in tricks, treats, and lip service? Would not a bidding war be set off among the wealthy, to buy influence in such a Big Gov, to assert even more collectivizing control over already collectivized masses? Would this not make our republic even less representative than it already is?

Instead of any new taxes that would just further bloat an out of control and non-representative government, why not try something different? If the concern is to more fairly distribute wealth in order to more fairly distribute political influence, then why use a tax at all? Why not simply use a “save the republic redistributive levy?” That is, levy against the wealthy, put the cash in a stash, and then proportionately divvy it up among everyone else, not based on need, but based on pre- existing proportionate relations in respect of wealth or income?

That would probably lead to deflation in some prices and inflation in many others. No doubt, it would entice many to move overseas. But would it really reduce investments in competitive free enterprise? Well, not necessarily -- not if it revived capital for competition among more small businesses. After all, what is the quality of competition among giant oligarchs?


Anonymous said...

What tactic is often shared in common among struggles by Nazis, Marxists, Islamists, Progressives, and Elite Corporatist Collectivists? None achieve their goals by convincing the intelligent middle class of the truth or validity of their ideas. All operate from a base formed from among those who are not of the reasonably decent and impartial middle class. All form a corps of dedicated special interests and then hoodwink, bribe, and scare dependent masses comprised of the ignorant, corrupt, and weak. They then marginalize, diminish, or destroy the remnant of the independent middle class. This is the quick and indecent path to temporary riches and influence.
Transcending that path is an arduous process, but it is the constant challenge of decent civilization. Fortunately, in good faith and good will, leaders regularly arise to bring the independent minded middle class together, to move humanity towards a better way. Often, when the hour looks bleakest, there is sent to us an Aristotle, Paul, Galileo, Spinoza, Berkeley, Schopenhauer, Washington, Wilberforce, Lincoln, Planck, Templeton, Fritjof Capra ... or Chris Christie.

Anonymous said...

There are too many billionaires who don't know what to do with their money, so they want to invest in government. The new rage is for one world. So they want to make government bigger and then buy in, to run it. Convince people they need to tax the wealthy and then spend the tax revenues to make government bigger, so the wealthy can be offered slices of government worth buying.

After all, Soros et al know the money is just being laundered through a government factory in order to turn the masses into tasty sausage. Neo noblesse oblige is to teach everyone else to want to be Oscar Mayer wieners.

Solution: Forget new taxes and new government programs. Just pass a direct redistribution levy, straight from Soros et al into the hands of every small business. If being an Oscar Mayer weiner is such a good thing, let the billionaires who want to buy government go first. Let the billionaires who want to live by government die by government.