Wednesday, November 9, 2011


LOGOS OF GOD: Matter is the chalk. Energy moves the chalk. Space-Time is the chalkboard. In one aspect, Meta-Protoplasm is the schoolhouse, in another, it is the teacher, or Holistic Muse.  The teacher responds in a dance with my calls, capacities, confusions, apprehensions, and appreciations.  The Final Cause for each cone that limits each lesson to each student is the quality of the fuzzy, unfolding relationship and instruction between the Muse and the student.
MUSING WITH MY MUSE: To my intuition, there abides beyond present measure an unfolding, synchronized, two-step Dance between the 4-D (space, time, matter, energy) Perspective of the Particular and a 5-D (meta, space, time, matter, energy) aspect of the Holism. I cannot sense my Muse in present 3-D space, because I have no power accurately to reduce its existentiality to a mere instant in Present time. I can, however, intuit and empathize with my muse over time, through my sense of Memory, which is an attribute of Consciousness. The Quality of relationship between myself and my muse depends on our mutual purposes, conical contexts, and points of view. The Source tends to become or dance to what its parts believe and appreciate, and vice versa. As my consciousness calls forth to find and relate to my muse, my muse is called forth! A fundamental aspect of consciousness requires a Conserving relationship between its particulars and its Field. My perspective would not otherwise have Coordinated or been inspired to call forth the relationship. It’s not that all the fantasies I can imagine are real; it’s that all the forms and ideas I can possibly entertain require a particle-field converting-Mirror in order to apprehend and make manifest their potentiality. Ideas require recordation, reconsideration, and eventual re-communication. My muse is the “intuited 5-D face” the holism presents to me. The holism is no less meta-real merely because it is called forth to present itself to different qualities of Faces and answers among different seekers and perspectives. In 5-D, beyond the senses of our present, the face for my muse may present differently to different personalities, but always abides as an avatar for the Same Source, i.e., the Holism. My will does not "rule" it; its will does not "rule" me. My apprehensions are appreciated by it; its appreciations respond to my apprehensions --- back and forth. I sense my will functioning within a Cone of Potential experience, wherein my will is availed to exercise its apprehensions within quantitatively fuzzy parameters and degrees of Freedom, while Its will feeds back, to Guide my apprehensions, as well as to Synchronize my cone of potentiality.  Thus, my cone is buffered so as not to be allowed to violate any other perspective’s cone of potentiality or any other unfolding direction of existential expansion. The Strength of one’s reasoned belief, joy, and service adds worthwhile Meaning to one’s cone of potential experience --- perhaps even beyond. One’s Receptivity to such strength, not any innate superiority or merit in one’s mere body or brain, marks one’s attributes of apprehension as having been blessed with the interest and involvement of meta-guidance. In just such a way, the story of Jesus is everywhere, everlasting, meta-real --- not confined or swept under any small dust bin of history.
NOMINALISM VERSUS CONCEPTUALISM VERSUS SIMPLISTIC REALISM: I conceive that the real EXISTENTIAL REALM of abstract forms or universals for apprehending categorization among classes is in the meta imagination and memory of a “meta-protoplasm,” the flux and dance of which, in respect of itself as a holism versus itself as a sum of parts or perspectives, produces both the quantitative as well as the qualitative phenomena that unfold with apprehensive and appreciative will, in a synchronous, two-step dance between the will that is the expression of the holism and the will that is expressed as cones of particular, potential, experiential, sensation and interpretation.
EXISTENTIALISM OF PATTERNS:  As in a kind of conical, dervish dance, the only forms and patterns are the patterns that exist — in present manifestation and potential flux — in respect of the Field and the Cones of Consciousness, as the field and the cones rationally apprehend and emotively appreciate one another. Consciousness, itself, is of a dimension that is beyond the dimensions we relate to quantitatively in space, time, matter, and energy. With respect to our quantitative dimensions, consciousness is formless, yet its foundational beingness is empathetically intuitive, indeed, self evident. That which we quantitatively and qualitatively believe in and desire tends to synchronize with the beliefs and desires of others, to produce fads, even long lasting civilizations, sometimes even philosophies of spirit that abide surpassing time. Conscious Beingness unfolds in respect of a fundamental, Trivalent Relationship: Meta-Protoplasm, Holistic Perspective, and Particular Perspective. Analogize to Holy Ghost, Father, and Son. The self-evident, walking-contradiction, trivalent-existentialism that we experience every second of every day: Meta-Substance, Expression, Interpretation.
CONICAL METAPHOR:  A flat, square paper can be folded to make a Cone.  By my Myth or Metaphor, my Potential experience is suggested by extending the cone.  My past experience and present manifest are already attached to the Flat paper of the cone, as Information recorded on it.  My 5-D muse interfunctions to guide how my future will become manifest and attached to the flatness of the paper wall of the cone.  The metaphor is mainly intended only to illustrate a buffered range for degrees of freedom to be expressed through the interfunctioning of my perspective of consciousness with my 5-D muse.
ENLIGHTENMENT:  Enlightenment must be sought, not forced.  Enlightenment invites seekers and givers, not forcers and takers.  Forcers and takers spread darkness, not light.  When enlightenment lays open its borders and invites forcers and takers, it invites its own extinguishment.  A society lays itself open when it fails to defend its territorial borders and when it freely allows its trade to be usurped by foreigners.  Force must be applied to defend enlightenment from takers.  Force should not be applied to force enlightenment upon takers.
Perspectives of consciousness, when they become organized to express awareness of self, tend to apprehend that the cosmos are in a relationship with them, even responsive to them. They may project to assume interest in the cosmos in being responsive to their interests and pursuits. Human beings may project interests in that which would typically interest human beings. Thinkers may project more generally, not taking the cosmos as preferring any particular form of being, while yet being interested in feedback from perspectives of consciousness generally. Thinkers may equate what they desire individually with what the cosmos desires, and therefore with what all should desire, objectively. This propensity may consort more with the ring of truth or reason if approached in respect of desires that are in common with consciousness, generally. Generally, such would seem to consist in the innate need to communicate, to record and pass on experiences, to receive recognition for pursuits, and to engage in empathetic pursuits of shared interests. That entails apprehension for what the cosmos would avail, were most fellows to share such philosophy. This does not pertain to anything that can ever be “known” in the sense of scientific authentication. Rather, the only source of authentication is in the conscious will’s knowing itself. Citizens of the Field “vote” (appreciate) their interests and empathies. As they vote for harmonic accord, so also may they more likely enjoy it. As they vote the brute competition among wants, so also may they more likely achieve the life that entails. How citizens of the field “vote” affects what the field avails and becomes. The unfolding proceeds in digital-like, two-step feedback between the parts and the whole. The measurable interactions of energies of physics are the byproduct, or logos for the feedback of communication between formal organizations and patterns of particles and the availing field.


Anonymous said...

The Good Book is a good place to start, but The Word is a living word. It's self-evident that every able bodied adult is accountable to live his own life. For that, one needs to be humbly receptive to the guidance that unfolds within the context of one's life. That is not done merely by consulting words of a departed context. One lives in a present and unfolding context. No adult is entitled to avoid accountability for his own spiritual progress merely by regurgitating out-of-context shibboleths convenient to his situation, nor by putting unearned responsibility for his own well-being on shoulders of his parents or government.

The cone of potential experience for the expression of every person's free will is separately buffered and synchronized. Everyone must consult his or her own muse. As one calls forth one's muse, one's muse responds ... though not necessarily to one's pleasure. The muse is the 5-D meta-face that interfunctions with us flatlanders, beyond our flatland measure, but not beyond a quality of intuitive empathy. The music of that interfunctioning becomes more like noise the more one denies and dopes out its beingness and the more one tries to focus exclusively on one's immediate pleasures. The Everlasting Man has a face, albeit, presently, not a flatland face. No inferior human, religion, or philosophy has power to sweep or confine that 5-D face into any tight or permanent dustbin of history. Certainly not a Marxist Muslim who pretends to save us from self-responsibility, if only we accept the olives of his fiat money and bow to the pagan peace of his pax mythology.

Time comes when those who still consider the meta-Being as music bringer will have to confront those who see the cosmos as meaningless noise, to be blotted out by all means necessary. As Tom T. Hall explained so well, you will be confronted by those who will put "something cold and shiny layin' by my head," to convince you that it's all only about "faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, and more money." To be paid for, of course, courtesy of the collective.

Anonymous said...

Until China seeks enlightenment in more than material force, let her bust. Enlightenment invites seekers and givers, not forcers and takers. Forcers and takers spread darkness, not light. When enlightenment lays open its borders ("Open Society") and invites forcers and takers, it invites its own extinguishment. A society lays itself open when it fails to defend its territorial borders and when it freely allows its trade to be usurped by foreigners. Force must be applied to defend enlightenment from takers; force should not be applied to force enlightenment upon takers. This is the fundamental difference between Judeo-Christian societies and Muslim-Collectivist societies. The more we encourage free trade with China, the more we are made as materialistically blind as China. Until we learn this, we have no chance to avoid being swamped by a rising electorate of unenlightened collectivists, yearning to be made serfs. The stronger we help China become, the more China yearns to defeat us materialistically. The more purely materialistic we become, the sooner we will fall and be collectivised under the rule of extra-national elites. It matters little whether China falls if we are sucked into its downdraft.