Friday, February 17, 2012

The New Marketplace

.The problem is tying health care generally to employment and making employers pay for it.  That puts America in a competitive imbalance with other nations.  It also hands regulators broad scope for sweeping nearly everything under the heading of "health care."  So long as that's the template, most voters will prioritize by not wishing to allow religious exceptions to general secular regulations.  This is because most people are not of a particular religion.  Religious truth has become passe.  Indeed, even Americans who are of the religion are not of the dogma ... as dogma.  They are of the dogma as society, music, ceremony ... and form --- not as in itself true.  How else could one explain most American Catholics?  N Pelosi; T. Kennedy; S. Colbert; etc.  They are cultural Catholics, much as American Jews are cultural Jews.  Cinos and Jinos and inos ... everywhere.
Many Republicans are miscalculating where most people will come down on this issue.  Most people sense that responsible stewardship and moderating population via general incentives are better than the alternatives:  imbalanced depletion, force, violence, and war.  The heart of the matter is this:  Humanity remains fundamentally confused about whether the Source (mind) of objective truth abides as matter or as spirit.  No mind, no appearance of matter; no appearance of matter, no mind.  Being confused about the source of rights, most people are easily stampeded to the whims of the most cynical.  Most sheep have consciences --- it's just that they have no guiding star.  Thus, our electorate does by and large as it's told by those who presume to wear the symbols of legitimate authority.  Many among our youth figure MSNBC is legitimate, and all who fail to see that are ignorant and greedy heathens.  So, among those who would rule, the competition is to buy and wear the symbols of authority.
The ruling win-win marketplace is an off the books marketplace for cronies, corrupt promisers, kickback artists and sell outs.  And man how that marketplace has quickened!  That marketplace for corruption can be played or it can be fought.  However, there's no extant political party that's organized for the purpose of fighting it.  Nor can such a marketplace, mired as it is in corrupt rules and regulations, be fought with more mere rules and regulations.  Republicans and Libertarians constantly espouse "free trade" and "free enterprise," even as they remain dumb to the fact that there is no longer a relevant free marketplace.  The pretense of a free marketplace is now owned and operated by corrupt cronies and wannabes.  They will not be defeated by smart linear calculations that ignore the underlying reality.


Anonymous said...

Nowadays, we tend to remember our Constitution more as a beginning point or touchstone than as a repository of objective meaning. In our fast paced world, practicality leads us to become more concerned with the poses and clothes of legitimacy. A conscious sense of responsibility (conscience) tends to be retained and respected only until such time as one enters into the domain of a perceived superior authority. Then, ordinary people tend to yield to those who wear the white coats. So, leaders compete to dress up and pose in white coats that are chosen to stun the sense of responsibility of lesser people and to help exude airs of moral legitimacy. The whiff of authority is what most are now conditioned to look to, not principles or constitutions. Not only are we thus conditoned, we are also thus divided. This experience of being divided and dis-assimilated teaches us not to rock the boat and to go along with perceived legitimate authority. No constitution, by itself, can save us from this condition. What is needed is respect for That from which a viable constitution derives its perceived legitimacy, so as to accord assimilated respect for such a constitution. What is needed is assimilated respect for the Source. Alas, perhaps a majority now believe such a Source is not only nonexistent, but that respect for IT leads us more to evil than to good. In other words, we are come to the point where many, for their sense of what is good, think they need to believe that there is no source of good. Figure that one out! If we were to begin in good faith to look for what is needed to sustain decent, empathetic society, I suspect we would better assimilate towards viable solutions that would help us decentralize authority out of the centralizing hands of cronies, bureaucrats, cynics, and secular utopians. That is the viable meaning of freedom, and that, in main, is the Spirit behind what our Founders intended with our Constitution. And that is what we have misplaced.

Anonymous said...

Well, conscience pertains nearly to the opposite of undertaking to force everyone to do as one thinks one knows best. Conscience pertains to empathetic toleration of the freedom of others to express themselves in their own words and work, so long as they don't threaten the social framework. If you ask what's needed to work towards that purpose, you tend to arrive at a different set of answers than will a Lib. So Libs redefine and twist the concept. For them, conscience becomes akin to declining to resist their insistent redistributing of means and opportunities in order to allow everyone to blow his or her mind every which way but loose. To accomplish that, everyone must be harnessed to the same social-corporate-union-collectivist yoke. Lib conscience: Take the yoke so you can get freedom to toke. This is how "bright" Libs "win" debates: by redefining foundational words.