Sunday, April 15, 2012

Corporatist Resistance is Futile (?)

The Left doesn't deal in practical reality.  It deals in abstract feelings and jealousies.  So, corporate opportunists have become very proficient in taking every culture apart, simply by dishing in abstract resentments.  Any unified culture or people can be thus divided into innumerable, overlapping "minorities," therewith to sow and reap resentments. Under what concepts can a conniving corporatist put flesh on abstract resentments, thereby to destroy every nation?  Well, resentments can be artificially nurtured and exploited among all human classifications, including the following:  Ethnic origin, race, gender, age, kind of education and conditioning, sexual orientation, dependency orientation, fashion wannabe orientation, criminal background, empathetic worldview versus habit of gangster backed selfishness, and spiritual code of mores.
By marking abstract classes and nurturing resentments, thugs can so divide a society as to fool it into believing its various divisions are represented, even though, had the society considered its interests as a holism, it would never elect such beasts.  This is how international crony advertising and corporatism works.  The two-party system is powerless to defend against such corporatism.  The natural inclination of morally unguided corporatism is to crush and cannibalize every nation, even nations built on traditions for respecting its citizens' freedom and dignity.
Corporatism inclines to replace intuited, common-sense notions of higher purposefulness with "science."  Sam Harris seems to want elites to quantify and allocate morality under a "scientific" metric of "well being."  Of course, non-scientifically trained members of the masses must delegate responsibility and control for making such measures and allocations to properly trained, scientific eiltes.  No doubt, these elites will have only our best interests at heart.  Lol/sarc.  What would such "moral scientists" make of Barry and Michelle's example for partying down on the money of the American people? What would they make of the message imparted to the Secret Service?
America's founders had foresight to check and balance against a multitude of evils.  However, they failed to provide any meaningful check against godless, international corporatism, which now owns and operates both of our main political parties.


Anonymous said...

Regardless of how great a population Earth can sustain, there abides this question: How great a population of free thinkers can Earth sustain? If the question of sustenance were restricted to the abundance of raw materials, Earth could no doubt sustain quite greater populations. However, the answer is likely different when the question asks what levels of density the populations themselves will tolerate and sustain. I suspect a representative republic must give way to severely hierarchical empire as its population increases in density and habits of consumption of then available resources. Unless broad incentives are applied to promote a sweet spot for population management, I much doubt that any semblance of representative republicanism can much longer be sustained. On one side abides the anarchical savage, on the other abides the despotic antpile. Free thinkers seek the sweetest spot in between. If we want to sustain human freedom and dignity, we had best think about the conditions that necessitates.

Anonymous said...

Too many people get lost in numbers, as if dollars had value in themselves. However, the battle that is raging is about relative wealth and power. The greater the relative gap between the top and the lower classes, the greater the control, power, and opportunity to make the system. Population, environmental, and technological pressures are forcing us to transition from a representative republic to a strictly hierarchical antpile. Those who believe that is inevitable are simply consolidating their positions. Those who believe that is not inevitable have not yet found a viable way to organize to stop it.