Thursday, April 12, 2012

Will Vampires

We're awash in useful idiots from both the Left and Right. The common goal of those who want to rule the Left and Right is to reap the work of the Middle Class. What's the essential commonality among useful idiots across the spectrum? Well, neither they nor their would-be masters apprehend any responsible or empathetic Will. In their conception og Reality, the following are non-existent delusions: Will, dignity, freedom, merit, responsibility, and decency. Left to themselves, they're pitiful. Not believing in Will, why suppose Will should retain interest in them? They become like automotons, set to respond to immediate gratifications, drugs, hormones, depravities, and mind-numbing distractions. They greatly need either to be taken care of, or to rule others to take care of them. No surprise that they respond to despotic voices that repeatedly tell they they're entitled!
What's the consequence? The reaping and destruction of the Middle Class, i.e., those who believe in initiative, work, merit, responsibility, and sustained discipline. Are despots and useful idiots right? Is it true that Will is a non-existent? Hardly. A qualitative, non-physical subjective that's beyond reduction to quantitative, physical measure is hardly evidenced, much less proved, by quantitative measures. The ridiculous argument from the "ghost in the body" is the argument of a tautologist who fancies himself smart. Will is experienced by living it, not by measuring it. Because it's not physical, it's not confined or coextensive with a particular, bodily expression of the wider field.
History's replete with exploitations of useful idiots, such as those who come to believe non-physical qualitatives can be disproved by physical quantitatives. Such people are easily reduced to the most selfish, animalistic, narcissistic, sociopathic, and nihilistic of drives. They're crony socialists and crony corporatists of both the Left and the Right, who're quickening in alignment to cannibalize the Middle Class. They're not really communists or socialists, for such systems don't really exist. Rather, they're destroyers of human freedom and diginty. They're destroyers of middle class pursuits of meaningfulness and happiness. Only very recently might the Middle Class be waking up.


Anonymous said...

Except upon recognizing mutual obligation to accord decent respect for one another, there would be no rights. A sense of obligation derives from a sense of empathetic connection. That is, a spiritual, subjective, or accultured connection. Not arbitrary diktat imposed upon the collective under the boot of a despotic regime. A regime that relies on diktat to impose a fast changing takeover will always tell you that it is redistributing rights, as it divides and softens you up to teach you to accept every kind of indecent indignity. A regime means to rule you, not to recognize you as having any rights. It lies in the language of rights quite as well as it intimidates you in the language of thugs. It lies about its beliefs because it knows you would hate what it really believes. Its agents hardly believe in empathy or decency because they mainly believe in justifying their own power. They absolutely detest any claim in the masses to any remnant of power. Only the regime is permitted to know what is best.

Anonymous said...

The battle plan among Leftist oz-monkeys is to mark, freeze, and eliminate conservative champions of decency. Regarding the tempest between Progs and Rep. Allen West: In what way does the agenda of the CBC differ from the agenda of the CPUSA? Can anyone among the CBC explicate a distinction that makes a difference? It's easy to show ways in which they are the same. So how are they different? Well, there may be this: Commie elites tend at least to be smart enough to apprehend that the stuff about the dictatorship of the proletariat leading to a withering away of the State is a big lie. Commie elites at least tend to apprehend that the purpose of reducing the gap in wealth between the middle and lower classes is only so the gap in power between them and the ruling elite can be increased. Why is it racist or commie-phobic to call these oz-monkeys out for what they are? Why? Well, simply because those who major in journalism are not so bright, easily duped, or entirely corrupt, having given up any comprehension or regard for fundamental moral philosophy. Is the battle between right and wrong? Indeed it is!