Saturday, November 24, 2012

Who Lost America

The Tea Party did not lose the election.  The election was lost by a Rino Dino Axis. What the world has once again come face to face with is a very Old Nemesis:  Godless, spiritless, faithless, crony corruption, i.e., Evil prancing and masquerading as good, promoting (irresponsible-cynical-hormonal-collective) Security over (responsible-charitable-purposeful-individual) Liberty.  That is, promoting lies purely for personal comfort (pot), pleasure (porn), and promotion (plunder).  These lies are promoted to the most gullible and incompetent, whose numbers are transformed into power by harvesting the votes of the most stupid and corrupt.  The biggest and most sinister of lies this Evil has promoted include the following:
- GAIA MUST BE WORSHIPPED: that Gaia is dying because of the sin of an excess of middle class liberty;
- AMERICA IS EVIL: that America is a nemesis of Gaia, so its territorial borders and moral boundaries must be erased;
- TRADITIONAL SACRED METAPHORS CAUSE SUFFERING: that a wall for separating traditional religious-based morality from the public square is not an establishment of false secular religion, with elites of Marxism and Islam substituted for spirit-guided respect for human individuals;
- SOCIAL JUSTICE ELITISTS SERVE GAIA:  that the proper office of crony elitists is to protect all plants and animals of Gaia from human beings, all of whom, save elitists, are rogues when they act as individuals;
- HISTORY IS SCIENTIFICALLY PROGRESSIVE: that Marxist and Islamic based humanities are morally-progressive, social "sciences";
- COWS ARE ENTITLED TO A LIVING: that the middle class must be collectivized so that wealth can be extracted and distributed, so that all who serve (Elitists of) the State will receive their fair share, to which they are entitled;
- ELITISTS CAN BE TRUSTED TO BE FAIR: that "fairness" requires that power and wealth be consolideted into benevolent elites (aka elitists), who should be entrusted to effect redistributions to those cultures that most cheaply produce cows that can be recruited and harvested;
- THE AMERICAN FAMILY IS ARCHAIC AND STIFLING: that the traditional family must be destroyed, because middle-class families can no longer be trusted to raise their own children;
- ELDERS (NOT SERVING SOROS) ARE WORTHLESS: that old people who disagree with collectivization-for-security under elites are old dogs who cannot be taught needed new tricks, and they therefore should be ridiculed, reviled, and revenged from the public square;
- DIVERSITY IS NOT A FRONT FOR DIVIDE AND RULE: that elite-guided respect for hyphenated, cultural diversity is not a front for dissolving middle-class respect for human liberty;
- WALL STREETERS HAVE SOCIAL CONSCIENCES: that joining with Chicoms in order to manipulate markets and ship entire industries abroad is the kind of free trade that will lift all boats.
These are the ideas of corrupt, spirit-dead, cronies.  They are not the ideas of youth.  They are the ideas of a very old Evil, injected into sociopathic, political fashion-leaders among youth, for the purpose of recruiting clueless and insecure youth in order to corrupt common decency and divide and rule humanity.  These are the ideas of an unholy axis of Rinos and Dinos.  That axis has now sunk America.  These are the spirit-dead ideas that a new party of Conservers of Liberty must confront, if human freedom and dignity are ever to be revived.  If confronting these ideas is what caused Romney to lose the election, then America was already lost.  In that case, the most important thing to preserve is the possibility of a new beginning, which cannot be preserved under the sponsorship of the unholy Rino Dino alliance of spirit dead cronies and political zombies.


Anonymous said...

It was not enlightenment to replace the God given right to the pursuit of happiness with "liberty, fraternity, equality" (libertine license, gang-banging, redistribution), nor is it now enlightenment to "refine" to "pot, porn, and plunder." Why have so many frenchified fools among the professoriate not apprehended that enlightenment is not extended childhood? Is it not obvious to anyone who can think that it is not being a Renaissance Man to rely on mass demands for law to tax other people's production (OPP) to supply one's food, shelter, entertainment, and education? Organized highway robbery is neither virtuous nor fulfilling. Lining up for welfare checks is not a job. Cannibalizing a nation does not make it a great society. Reviling job producers is not intelligent. Telling people it is moral to be amoral is neither moral nor civilizing. The Rino Dino Show of Court Fools is demented, not enlightened. Barbarians have been invited to breach the gates of civilization, not with swords, but with votes. However, the swords (and global warming WMD for stimulating global cooling) will not be far behind, as Gaia sheds much of its population and technology. So much for progress. Nations are being set up for a forced alternative: Appoint people such as Obama as New Caesars. So much for republics. Paving for the Rino Dino road to serfdom has been completed. Clowns to the left, jokers to the right. So much for the decency, freedom, and dignity of Reservoir Dogs.

Anonymous said...

If one assumes that Reality consists only of an empty set that happens to have bubbled out of nothingness only because it is being pushed along by an indifferent, directional force, then one will push the implications of such an assumption. Such a one will assume happenstance of dumb, unguided, purely-competitive evolution, in which societies and groups evolve that are able to cooperate only in subservience to a brute organizing principle: competition subservient to a dumb, outward-directing vector.

That's rather a cold, meaningless philosophy. Since it's based only on an unnecessary, axiomatic, original assumption, why indulge it? I don't think it's indulged because it's logical, necessary, morally purposeful, meaningful, or "reality." I appreciate that many DO think so, and I think it's important to identify them. For self defense, if nothing else.

However, there is an alternative philosophy that I believe actually is meaningful, and certainly no less reasonable. And I suspect many more than some realize see at least the glimmers of such philosophy. One need not assume the only purpose to Beingness is to give expression to the evolution of the fittest of base urges, the "fittest" being those which happen to survive and replicate. Such an "explanation" amounts merely to an after-the-fact label, in that it trivially calls whatever happens to survive the "fittest?" (Does "fittest" mean the smartest, fastest, most honest, most dishonest, ... most anything? In an open system, can you measure "fittest" before it bubbles into the manifest? If not, what good is the idea, other than as a trojan horse for trying to undermine confidence in sacred metaphors?) Out of what niche is our bubbled-out universe the "fittest?" Open Ended Material Nothingness? Does material nothingness "really" make sense to you? How is any direction "really" constrained, if it arises out of nothing more than open-ended material nothingness?

Anonymous said...

I believe Reality abides with Something more than measurable material. I agree that measurable limits apply to balance everything that is measurable. It's just that I don't agree that every Thing that abides is measurable or material. Some think everything has bubbled out of an empty set of numbers. Others, including myself, think numbers, if dumb, will take you only so far. I think dumb math constrains the empirically measurable, but I think "Active Math" is the SOURCE that reconciles Reality. I think that Source is not something you measure with your measuring senses. Rather, it's something you intuit, empathize with, and appreciate with your entire Beingness. And that capacity to sense does NOT stop at the measurable perimeter of your brain or skin. Rather, there abides a constant, continuous, intuitive, appreciative, ultimately-immeasurable-to-mortals feedback and reconciliation among fields and particles, such that moral Reality abides not limited to a dumb linear scale or vector, but with fluxing perspectives of conscious feedback. Conscious, unfolding feedback abides with a spiritual capacity for availing meaningful communication and freedom of expression. Its logos consists in the measurable significations that are communicated among its perspectives. That unfolding spiritual feedback is what gifts us with individual human capacity for pursuing happiness.

Bottom line: If you believe Reality purposes to advance decent freedom of expression and enterprise among cooperating, individual perspectives of consciousness, then you will tend to favor a reconciling interpretation of history and philosophy that will differ markedly from those who believe Reality is a meaningless competition for survival among brute urges. If you believe the brute-urge interpretation, then you look for the race, tribe, gang that can help you become lord over others. In that case, there is no shame in being a racist, bigoted, tribalist, misogynist, gang-banging brute and deceiver, because there is no real basis for shame at all. Indeed, shamelessness is an Old Nemesis.
what I have said is implicated in the figures of speech of the Bible. Unfortunately, those with eyes that cannot see also cannot sense the truth behind sacred figures of speech. Rather, they see only that sacred figures of speech cannot be reduced to measurable replication or control. So they assume there is "nothing" to them. They get laughs out of a notion of a giant flying spaghetti monster. When I suggest they are failing to sense with their entire Beingness, they have no clue what I am suggesting. That's ok. I just don't want them succeeding in ganging up to destroy every effort to sustain a decent republic that promotes general rules of fairness, rather than shameless, community-organized-robbers.

Anonymous said...

What should be done? Enforce the border. Teach what history and philosophy have to say about what it takes to preserve a decent republic that avails human freedom and dignity. Teach that it is the civic duty of people who lack a clue to NOT vote. Teach how Carville, billionaires, and Wall Streeters tend to favor Dims because they are easiest to fleece. Teach how older people who have successfully held jobs and raised families and run businesses are actually quite smart and competent. Teach that conservatives know what a figure of speech is, and also know the value of traditionally assimilative and sacred figures of speech. Teach that science does not avail objective answers to moral issues. Teach that there is a need for receptivity to spiritual, moral insight. And when youth and Dims give disrespect in return, for goodness sakes, don't join or celebrate them.

Anonymous said...

Some ideas seem obvious, while others should be submitted to careful consideration: Clarify that only Natural Born Citizens can run for President. Require every candidate to be transparent with regard to limited parts of his birth records, tax records, passport, and education transcript. Provide a way to oust a President and his administration by a vote of No Confidence (with his term to be completed and his administration to be replaced by a vote of Governors or Congress). Make Congress abide by the rules it writes for others. True the vote. Enforce the borders. Cut entitlement spending. Stop nation building in Islamic and Collectivist countries. Develop local energy supplies. Follow the money on international influence peddling in American politics. Rein in the influence of international corporatists over American policy. Reform the rules for doing business under the corporate form. End the corporate tax on purely domestic corporate production. End the Income tax and replace it with a progressive Consumption tax on individuals (to help thwart gangster cronies bent on siphoning fiat money and buying and selling politicians). End the Departments of Energy, Commerce, and Education. Scale back intrusions of Feds against States. Repeal the 17th Amendment. Audit The Fed. Stop holding gifted children back in public schools. Put 6 year term limits on Justices of the Supreme Court.

Anonymous said...

The middle class that worked hard to provide for its children succeeded, but in providing for its children ended up raising entitlement-minded children, ripe for being sold down the collectivizing river under a delusion: who needs responsible minded parents when one has the capacity of the collective to print fiat money? Now, opportunities are going to third world children. As they assume leadership, what will they impose on the world: will it be human liberty or mind subjugation?