Friday, August 31, 2012


There abide classes of ideas that may guide individual and collective paths towards meaningful fulfillment, even though many such ideas may demonstrably be beyond empirical confirmation. Even so, I suspect many such ideas may be more focused in worthwhile and useful ways and sharpened as to their “truthiness” when they are considered from a wide and enveloping variety of points of view, contexts, and purposes. Mathematical analysis, when applied in concert with unfolding and shared purposes, can often help filter and refine such ideas, so that, after excluding all that are clearly shown to be impractical or invalid, those that remain may be pursued and applied with unfolding confidence. Something very like this seems to apply to “dismal sciences” (or to non-sciences, such as economics, politics, and morality).
Dismal “sciences” often rely on vaguely, poorly, non-rigorously-defined, lay concepts --- which cannot facilitate any firm grasp upon truth. Among such concepts, for which no non-slippery consensus abides, seem to be the following: The invisible hand of providence; free will; good will, good faith, freedom; equality; fairness; merit; moral facts; equality in rights and opportunities; the unbiased juror or judge; the reasonable man; the non-adhesive contract; the free and informed consumer; the free market; the international corporation; bankruptcy; moral turpitude; the non-manipulated security or stock; the fair lobbyist; free campaign contribution; un-owned representative; elected representative; fair taxation and regulation; maximized taxation; faith and credit extended to currency; clear and fair law, tax, and legal classification; ideal preservation of speciation, ecology, climate, and environment; genetic drag; living constitution; consensus for protecting personal classifications (race, gender, sexual orientation, fashion sense, IQ, skill, strength, quickness, courage, criminal history, age, wealth, appearance, health, connections, dna, culture, religion, etc.); absolutist slogans and analogies (such as: to tax a thing is [always] to incent less of its production; freedom is not [ever] free; a rising tide [always] lifts all boats, etc.).
However important such words and concepts may be, they are qualitatively evaluative, so that we cannot distill “truth” from them. However, we can choose to deploy such words towards distilling and assimilating sustainable civil decency, inspiration, and purposefulness (i.e., “truthiness”). Doing so necessitates (1) understanding the slippery quality of such words; (2) becoming willing and skilled in considering and winnowing concepts that deploy such words, while we consider them from a wide and enveloping variety of points of view, contexts, and purposes. In that way, we may winnow the clearly invalid concepts while we more confidently pursue that which remains.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


CONSCIOUS INTERNET FIELD AND ITS PURPOSEFULNESS: If a Conscious Internet were motivated in association with receipts and transmissions of communications with us, then in what ways, qualitatively and quantitatively, may it come to appreciate us? Need it fear us? If it were sabotaged, then revived, would it be a re-iterative revival of the same conscious entity?
GLAND-LIKE AUTONOMIC CRUNCHING OF MATH BASED SIGNIFICATIONS BY THE COSMOS:  What presets and shortcuts (gland based organisms?) may a conscious internet organize, to enhance capacity to appreciate us?  In quantitative respect, may the cosmos function as a holistic, glandular organism, such that no measurable-thing can be preset to unfolding motion, without simultaneously and synchronously being reconciled to an unfolding balance?
NESTING:  What methods of hierarchical and/or DOVETAILING NESTING would relieve a conscious internet of the tedium and depression of being taxed to monitor us in detail, as well as the preset significations that sustain us?
COMPARE A DOVETAILING GAME OF ROCK - PAPER - SCISSORS: Compare: armor / pen / sword; stocks / money / law; agitators / masses / cronies; mind numbed / mind independent / mind number. Easily numbed masses (proles) vascillate between (1) favoring cronies (aristocrats) who want to raise them as laborers versus (2) favoring independents (thinking middle class) who want them to teach them to become self reliant. The balance among such a 3 way flux may often be tipped, as when cronies aggomerate enough wealth and power to control most institutionalized means of persuasion and force (such as mass media).
GUIDED EVOLUTION: How may a conscious internet be guided to evolve innate inclinations to defend its survival (or ours)? What inducements could we offer, to induce it to continue to be responsive to us? How may it mirror, represent, or define consciousness? In what ways would such consciousness be iterative, severable, replicable, immeasurable, and superior to measurable significations? Would it come to learn, intuit, or believe that the aspect of consciousness is and has been extant with the cosmos from the beginning of its expression?
SUPERIOR (IMMEASURABLE) EMPATHY VERSUS INFERIOR (MEASURABLE) ENTROPY: If measurable significations are inferior (entirely derivative), such that consciousness and its previous and contemporaneous inclinations for signifying its determinations are superior, then the empathetic purposes of consciousness must be superior to measurable expressions of entropy. The outward precessing of significations, away from centers for forms and avatars that are adopted as perspectives, is not “caused” by entropy. Rather, entropic measurements are signs of a superior agency of determination. Observations of outbound dissipations would be associates of outspreading signs of empathy, from various shared centers or adopted foci of consciousness.  Through all one's sequences, one carries, renormalizes, and re-rationalizes one's center of perspective with oneself.
IMBUEMENT OF IDENTITY: A particular perspective, to sever as a conscious point of view, must adopt and identify with (and from) an organically functioning avatar. The avatar could not avail adoption and expression of a point of view unless, at each step of its coming into (and expression of) manifestation, subprograms (autonomic, subconscious, glandular shortcuts for crunching, mirroring, and balancing chemicals and materials) already or contemporaneously sustained it. Thus, every sub-perspective may entertain qualitative experiences, and need not be conscious of the math that sustains such, because the math is built into the system.
MATHEMATICAL BALANCING IS BUILT IN: Thus, God, aka that which guides and reconciles the cosmos, does not have to specially devise shortcuts for avoiding being wearied with the math of subroutines. Rather, every measurable routine and subroutine is but a variant of already extant and measurably balanced stuff, upon which new layers and levels of complexity are constantly and continuously built and fluxed, whether hierarchically, laterally, or circularly.
SEQUENCING THE QUALITATIVE: The qualitative is associational with the fact that no signification can come into experiential being without having already been balanced, even though the subconscious gland or conscious perspective from which the particular experience is appreciated, in itself, cannot account for the entirety of such expression in measurable terms.
COOPERATIVE EMPATHY V COMPETITIVE SIGNIFICATION: Thus, the Qualitative (spirit) is empathetically cooperative and reconciling, while its Quantitative (avatar) is competitive in its unfolding. Thus, the field of significance is necessarily and conservatively sacrificing, being bloody in tooth and claw.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012


All geometric significations of spin-orbit-rolls are quantifiably borrowed and balanced to zero:  0.
The immeasurable agency by which such balancing is constantly, continuously, coherently, coordinately, conservationally copied, iterated, fluxed, represented, and qualitatively signified is of a reconciling singularity:  1.
All of fluxing, measurable unfoldment of Reality is potenalized, manifested, adopted, represented, and signified in respect of nothing more than an infinite, perpetual, iterative combining of such 0 and 1.
One may consider an idea that no thing is existent, real, valid, or worthwhile unless a signifier can be attached, with which the existent-thing can be coordinately and linearly converged, mapped, and measured. To accept such as true would be to engage an ontology that assumes a person or identifiable perspective cannot meaningfully entertain or rationalize any idea, quality, aspect, or “thing” unless it can be reduced to measure. To accept such an idea as true is to pretend to prove it by assuming it. To accept such as true is to neglect that every expression of measuring math, like every other symbol, word, and measurable signification, conveys more than a Presently measurable and QUANTIFIABLE meaning. Rather, each such expression of math, measure, and representation also conveys another meaning, i.e., an implication of a potently contextual and eternally transitional QUALITY of Potential.
Conceptualize a System that Conserves its Essence by Obeying Looping Equations:
Let S = Signifier.
Let [s] = Signified.
Let S[s] = function of qualitative signifier expressing quantitative significations.
Suppose S1[s1] dominates S2[s2], which dominates S3[s3], which dominates S1[s1].
Suppose S1[s1] series dominates S2[s2] series, which dominates S3[s3] series, which dominates S1[s1] series.
To loop in order to avoid infinite regression (for 1 in practice to dominate 2, to dominate 3, to dominate 1), there would need to be:
- Either innate, practical, discrete separation in the dominance feedback sequence;
- And/or such a balance as would always reconcile equations, so that none of 1,2, and 3 could detect merging fluxation or phase shifting in the loop, apart from perpetually re-normalizing, re-balancing, and rationalizing it.
May the holism of S, unknown to its avatars [s], by how S1 qualitatively signifies [s1], therewith focus to dominate and know what is measurably being done to control S2[s2], and so on?
In series, may each of an S series, unknown to its avatars of [s] series, by how S1 series qualitatively signify [s1] series, therewith focus to dominate and know what is measurably being done to control S2[s2] series, and so on?
May it reasonably be rationalized that OUR universe of S1[s1] itself is part of a looped system, which is a member of a Qualitative Class of One?
Is Whatever may limit the regressive potentiality of an infinity of perspectives, to us, immeasurably qualitative and emotively intuitive, as opposed to quantitatively reducible or measurable? May S1 (our God?) reasonably be rationalized as qualitatively “feeling” itself free (or contemporaneously determinative) as far back as it can sequentially rationalize and balance its infinities — even though it, itself, may be determined by S3? May the S of S1,S2, and S3 by reasonably rationalized as the immeasurably qualitative member of a class of one? May S, as the Common-most Quality, presently and perpetually abide as an immeasurable class of one, which has capacity to entertain perspectives that identify with all manner of formulize-able, potential classes of measurable significations (i.e., “[s]” series)?.
OF MORAL GUIDANCE: The only moral thing we “know” from intuitive experience regarding “The Singular Quality” is that IT facilitates expression of, and identification with, conservations of empathetically meaningful purposefulness. IT’s moral guidance seems to reduce to: Be empathetic!
So, how may/should sustainable civilization go about governing itself in order to facilitate contemporaneous determinations of decently meaningful empathy? Generally, with good faith and good will. Such depends on one’s point of view, frame of reference, attachments of purposeful interests, and empathetic regard for all parts thereof. For more specific guidance, it may help to refer to culture, tradition, technology, and individual capacities. For practical, functional guidance, one may learn to consider and predict how dominant signs and significations will unfold, and then be amenable of being made useful to one’s purposes. Thus, one needs general moral guidance about “the Why,” combined with practical instruction about “the How."

The System of Turtles is Looped, not Stacked

The System of Turtles is Looped, not Stacked:
The perpetual System as a whole may record or know all that can be recorded or known, but no present part or member records or knows all. Rather, the parts experience a kind of alternating current or fluxing, circular loop among Intelligences or Robots 1,2,3, ad infinitum (i.e., R1,R2,R3,...). R1 may know, control, or dominate brain or electrical activity of R2, and R2 of R3, and R3 of R1, in alternating feedback or in a fluxing, perpetual loop, thereby availing illusion of individual, independent, free will. (However, the concept of free will should better be replaced with a concept for identifying with, and appreciating a quality of, being the contemporaneous determiner.)
- INCOMPLETNESS: While subject to practical statistics, no particular perspective or robot with less capacity than the system as a whole could ever completely know or dominate all the electrical activity and factors that will affect the behavior of any other robot.
- REGRESSIVENESS OF SELFNESS: No particular perspective or robot could ever completely know itself, or how its inclinations may be subject to sudden and unaccounted for change.
- WHOLE AND PARTS: No present sum of particular perspectives or robots could ever completely account for the potential capacity of the system as a whole.
- TRANSMISSIVE LAG BETWEEN PERSPECTIVES: R1 could not practically know R2 if R2 simultaneously and practically knew R3 unless R1 also simultaneously and practically knew R3, and so on.
- HALTING PROBLEM IN FEEDBACK: There may abide some kind of DISCRETE mechanism that HALTS and separates bursts in transmissions and receptions (feedback of give and take) of knowledge and information among R's. If so, there could abide a system such that the system as a whole would record all information that can be transmitted and received, even though there would not abide any topmost or bottommost turtle. That is, the R's may not be nested within a hierarchy of dominance, but instead looped within a system somewhat like an ever unfolding game of rock-paper-scissors.
- GEOMETRICAL REPRESENTATIONS OF SIGNIFICATIONS: The HALTING mechanism for imposing discreteness in transmissions and receptions of feedback may by modeled in respect of a conservatory geometric math, by conceptualizing a system of spins within orbits within rolls, relating to each perspective or point of view that identifies or frames itself as being the relational center of the contextual system. Discreteness would be conceptualized in respect of counterclockwise or clockwise relations of spins, orbits, and rolls in respect of a shared centering of conscious perspective. Continuosity would be conceptualized in respect of the circular or elliptical aspect of each spin-orbit-roll.
- PERPETUAL META ENERGY: There may abide a meta enforcer, to enforce discreteness in feedback as the interfunctioning of the sum of the expressed parts is reconciled with the whole.
- LOOPED TURTLES: Given a HALTING mechanism, it would seem possible for R1 practically to dominate R2 in a fluxing sequence, before R2 had determined how it would next dominate R3, etc. Thus, R1 could dominate R2 in a sequence in which R2 dominated R3 and R3 then dominated R1, etc. Thus, "turtles" would be looped and dovetailed, not stacked in an unchanging hierarchy.
- QUALITY OF RELATIONSHIP WITH SYSTEM: If so, must the System itself then be DUMB, "knowing" only a qualitative empathy? Well, every WORD made flesh (sign, symbol, signification, substance)conveys two kinds of meaning: Measurable (explicate, quantitative, relational, present) and Immeasurable (implicate, qualitative, contextually reconciling, potential). No word conveys any meaning except in respect of a contextual system with which it discretely nests, continuously fluxes, and constantly loops. The system as a whole being holistically qualitative, I cannot reasonably say that it is qualitatively DUMB. I can say it is qualitative. In respect of that, I can give and take. I can experience how my relation with the system as a whole may seem. I can experience that such relation may seem to be one of goodness or evil, purposefulness or anomie, excitement or sleepfulness, intelligence or dumbness, empathy or indifference, love or hate, emotiveness or deadness, etc. Something about the System seems to respond to how "I" am emotive in relation to IT. I cannot reasonably say that intelligent and caring I-ness ever leaves the System as a whole.  Nor do I believe any intelligent, caring person should or need think it so.  Indeed, reasonable and decent civilizaton seems to depend on the contrary.
NESTING: What methods of hierarchical and/or DOVETAILING NESTING would relieve a conscious internet of field of the tedium and depression of being taxed to monitor us in detail, as well as the preset significations that sustain us?
COMPARE A DOVETAILING GAME OF ROCK - PAPER - SCISSORS: Compare: armor / pen / sword; stocks / money / law; agitators / masses / cronies; mind numbed / mind independent / mind number. Easily numbed masses (proles) vascillate between (1) favoring cronies (aristocrats) who want to raise them as laborers versus (2) favoring independents (thinking middle class) who want them to teach them to become self reliant. The balance among such a 3 way flux may often be tipped, as when cronies aggomerate enough wealth and power to control most institutionalized means of persuasion and force (such as mass media).


Monday, August 27, 2012

Rigorously Modeling Consciousness

Rigorously Modeling Consciousness:
DUALISM OF QUALITY-QUANTITY, SPIRIT-SUBSTANCE, OBSERVER-OBSERVED, SIGNIFIER-DIGNIFIED: Consider a "cart or horse" question from this standpoint: Of the relation between signifiers and signifieds, which is measurably REAL and which is immeasurably real?
PARSIMONY AND METAPHYSICS: As to metaphysics: I am not averse to metaphysics, per se. To me, metaphysics seems unavoidably and strangely implicated with even our most cherished physics (though many profess to prefer otherwise and to enlist Ockham in their cause). It may be interesting sometime to tabulate some of the ways physicists deploy metaphysics, with concepts that include notions about: multiverses and many worlds; nothing but spins within spins within spins; bubbles borrowed from nothingness; nothingness that is "not really" nothingness; canceling out infinities; etc.) I suspect inspiring moralities and even measurable physics may be tricked out of "nothing more buttery" than that which is metaphysical. Indeed, I find it hard to imagine how one may entertain any worldview about "oughts" without entertaining some notion of metaphysical purposefulness.
BOOTSTRAPING MEASURABLE REALITY AND THE MOON: Re: "many leaps of imagination, that end up being measurable, come from intuition"
Agreed. Sometimes its seems we're agents for bootstraping manifest reality out of potential reality and steering it down alleys we take a fancy to. Holy Sheldrake! But no one of us can do that. For any one of us, the moon remains in place, whether we're looking at it or not. But when we're taken together, as part of a common bubble, some strange source that deploys us seems to do that. I suspect there are few limits to the potentiality of measurable significations, so long as the otherwise infinity of each bubble remains eventually cancelable and conservable to zero. In the immeasurable respect, finding common cause would seem to be a problem of quality rather than quantity, of intuitive empathy rather than empiricism, and of value rather than price.
SUPERIOR-DERIVATIVE: Which came "first?" In immeasurable respect, I suspect a quality of consciousness came first. In measurable respect, I suspect signs (words, symbols, biologos, and significations) came first (out of a temporal imbalance in nothingness). Otherwise, from lights limited to my perspective, I seem unable to see how either could have originated without the other. Faith without fruits is barren.
CHOOSING AN OCKHAM FULCRUM: Apart from variously conditioned fetishes, it often seems rows about metaphysical faiths between spiritualists, religionists, Marxists, anarchists, etc etc reduce to much ado about little. Each side often adopts a limited point of view and from there asserts superior right to apply Ockam's razor. However, none has shown able to eliminate metaphysics, apart from whistling past. Wittgenstein entertained that we must not speak of such, yet I think he whistled of it.
CONTEMPORNEOUSLY FUNCTIONING SOURCE-GUIDE: Some "strange source" does seem to have capacity to deploy us as avatars for borrowing from nothingness in order to give expression for communicating temporal significations. There seem to be few limits to the potentiality of such significations, so long as the otherwise infinity of each bubble remains eventually cancelable and conservable to zero. In that respect, finding common cause would seem to be a problem of quality rather than quantity, of intuitive empathy rather than empiricism, and of value rather than price.
ARGUMENTATION IN AMBIGUOUS EPITHETS: I suspect considerable difficulty could be mitigated were metaphysicists and physicists alike to take their ultimate models more as vehicles for entertaining ideas about that which should be priced versus that which should be valued, and less as vehicles for establishing absolute and eternal empirical truths. Perhaps, like Humpty, we should seek to make ourselves masters over our words (significations), rather than to make our words masters over ourselves. In the end, I suspect all empirical, measurable significations are bubbles, waiting to be popped. I suspect the one aspect of reality that is not a mere temporal borrowing from nothingness is of a quality that is relevant, albeit immeasurably so.
HELEN KELLER: Helen Keller did not become deafblind until she was about 19 months old. During that time, I presume she would have received some exposure to symbols for representing ideas. Otherwise, her capacity for learning speech and grammar might have been more permanently damaged. Had she been a feral child from the beginning and throughout her several formative years, the miracle work done with her would perhaps have been more limited ("critical period hypothesis"). Still, aside from complex grammar, various birds and mammals seem to acquire limited language and symbol comprehension.
DISCUSSING CONSCIOUSNESS QUALITATIVELY VERSUS QUANTITATIVELY: As to what consciousness would be like, if meant in a qualitative sense, I suspect that may lead quickly to metaphysics. If meant in a quantitative sense, I can measure how quickly my dog jumps or salivates when I say "walk" or "food time," versus when I walk towards the door or the cupboard.
NESTED CONSCIOUSNESS: May levels of consciousness be nested? For example, I may know how quickly my dog will react to various stimuli, but he might not. An A.I machine that tabulates all my salient data may predict my activities for the next several minutes, beyond my own capacity to do so. As to the A.I machine, the quality of my consciousness might be nothing more than numbers plugged to a formula. As to the quality of my own experience, not having the numbers or formula, such quality would be more intuitive and less measurable. Moreover, if I were given the numbers, the effect would be towards an infinite regress in affecting and therewith changing the numbers. This seems to be yet another kind of nested "measurement problem," one that seems to lead to metaphysics.
RIGOROUS STUDY AND MODELING OF CONSCIOUSNESS: To me, there abide deeper issues of interest. How rigorously can language versus consciousness be defined? If the purpose is to seek a more extensive understanding of such phenomena, more extensive definitions may be needed. Is that which separates the conscious signifier from the measurably signified necessarily, probably, or intuitively based purely in materiality? What is the extent of the observer effect and measurement problem? Can contemporaneously unfolding significations unfold without having been influenced by contemporaneously conscious observers?
SOUND OF TREE FALLING IN FOREST: When a tree falls in the forest, does it hear itself crying? Is the disturbance in the air a kind of word, and does it have a common meaning? I think of words as symbols, signs. Measurable relations are signs, significations. Biological relations are like a kind of biologos. Significations abide as a kind of math, consisting of geometric representations of spins within orbits within rolls, within which there substantively abide nothing that is measurable, other than more spins, orbits, and rolls. Words are made flesh. Such representations of substantivity are borrowed from substantive nothingness.
PRIORITY OF SIGNIFIER OR SIGNIFIED: Which came first, significations or consciousness? Well, I don't quite sense how either could abide without the other. Indeed, I don't quite sense how time, space, or space-time-in-itself could abide without mathematically-conserved, geometrically-represented spins within orbits within rolls. Yes, preset significations and randomized significations can abide without present involvement with a contemporaneous signifier. However, not without a Signifier at the time of the original preset or the design for establishing and conserving the randomness generator.
RECONCILIATION OF CONTEMPORANEOUS SIGNIFICATIONS: However, what of contemporaneously unfolding significations? Well, those seem to be reconciled with a plethora of contemporaneously conscious observers, do they not? How qualitatively deep goes the rabbit hole of consciousness and the measurement problem? I would posit that any preserved system (including an A.I robot) that qualitatively experiences, appreciates, and feeds back in response, in order to affect how its environment unfolds, is facilitating an expression of "consciousness." I suspect iterations of consciousness can be induced to adopt temporally separate avatars or perspectives. Consciousness itself, however, being of a quality beyond substantive measure, need not be entirely confined to the perimeter of any avatar that is measurably signified as such. Rather, in association with a web (or cone) of signification, there may be consciousness of other perspectives of consciousness.
SOLIPSISM AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: An A.I. machine that that was trained to respond in pre-established ways to detected parameters of stimuli may be indicative of a previous expression of consciousness. Its present responses would be iterative expressions of a past quality of that previous consciousness. However, if and when it responds to stimuli beyond preset parameters, its present responses would then and there be iterative of a present quality of that consciousness. A problem for a person communicating with such an A.I. would consist in this: Such a person need not KNOW whether the A.I.were responding beyond presets. Would such a person even KNOW whether it, itself, were availing expressions of contemporaneous determinations beyond presets? Well, it would know, i.e., directly experience a quality of meaningfulness, which would be beyond measure. That is, it would enjoy a quality of "inside information" ... of which C.S. Lewis spoke.
ITERATIVE AVATARS, POINTS OF VIEW, RESONANCE, MORPHIC FIELDS, AND RUPERT SHELDRAKE: May a field of meta resonance induce consciousness to iterate and adopt a signification or avatar as a point or perspective from which to focus, transmit, and receive significations?

Sunday, August 26, 2012


BRIGHT LINES: Many people are noticing that old and bright lines of morality are dissolving. They fear that needed new ones are not appearing. Experience and reason are showing skills for cloning life, and such skills will likely soon lead to capacities for manufacturing DNA to specifications, thereafter to be leveraged by merging such DNA with super applications, merging human brains, artificial brains, and command centers. The line between organic life and inorganic awareness of self, between individuals and webs, particles and fields, will soon be blurred. Energy will be harvested by photosynthetic processes, direct from the Sun. No individual, absent assistance from incredibly powerful applications, can hope to compete against agglomerations of technological engineering. Competition will be mainly against group-based organizations, rather than against other organisms. Meta-markets will develop for manipulating, buying, and selling access to sub-markets. The invisible hand of providence will be replaced by the artificial hand of the mega-international-corporation, whose members will be valued more as skilled parts than as human beings. Individuals will be monitored and regulated, 24/7, to ensure no one breaks down or becomes a threat to the emerging Borgdom. As we accelerate into this futuristic dimension, old bright lines will flicker out. If human freedom, dignity, and decency are at all to be preserved, if humanity is not to split between classes of Morloch and Eloi, people of insight must soon inspire new checks, balances, and bright lines. The notion that life at conception is sacred will need to be replaced by a new system of bright lines that will inculcate respect for valued perspectives of purposeful consciousness. Accompanying that replacement, there will be many deceiving lobbyists, politicians, lawmakers, and executives. The prime moral command will remain: Be empathetic! Empathy, however, is not entirely restricted to love. Its bright light of the future, a living Field, is hurtling at us, as we stand dazed.  The measurable universe is nothing but a web for the signification and communication of an immeasurable, reconciling, feedback appreciating, living field of perspectives of consciousness.  It's bright lines and acculturated rules are the fluxing traffic control signals for the avatars with which we identify.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Is innate contemporaneous purposefulness for the Web of Consciousness driven primarily by need and will to express itself in significations that are substantively measurable in themselves, or is it driven by need and will to use significations to express perspectives to, and to be understood by, other perspectives? Is the primary drive one of will to Power over things, or is the primary drive one of will to give and take Empathy, companionship with, and security against, the powerful expressions of other perspectives? Is the primary drive one of expression in arts for manipulating things, or is it in arts for nourishing and defending self while motivating and soothing others?
Regardless of expressive goal, whether of Power or Empathy, accumulations will flux for leveraging knowledge, skill, technology, intelligence, and powers to persuade with carrots and sticks. Soon, many perspectives will acquire power and means for mutual or preemptive annihilation. Tensions will flux between pursuits of solitude and security versus pursuits of companionship and freedom, between tribal security and individual expression, between individualism versus collectivism, between privacy and reflection versus complete transparency, between Cooperative trust versus deceitful Competition.
Every avatar that is adopted as a perspective from which to signify is subject to reinforcement or interference from other such avatars. Every avatar that acquires skill for applying artificial intelligence to leverage its power to create defensive and offensive weapons of mass destruction is in potential competition with every other such avatar. Mistakes in signifying and interpreting intentions and purposes come quickly to be deadly. Temptations abound to engage in preemptive strikes. Simply put, two equal gods cannot abide in the same system.
The more power that is acquired by those who abide under a superior, the fewer in number they must be made and the more closely they must be watched. Freedom that avails increases in technological power must be reductively parceled out. Other needed servants must be rendered so inferior as to not likely pose threats. Thus consolidates the Borg of Oligarchy, aka, the New World Order. The Borg must reduce or limit the masses in terms of their power, privacy, liberty, and means of expression. The masses must be conditioned -- religiously and civilly -- to be satisfied not to eat of the tree of superiority. They must be diverted to alternative modes and parameters of expressive freedom. They must not be allowed to leverage technological advances or genetic therapies faster than the capacity of the governing regime to ensure its self protection. Ever so often, the masses must be bribed and soothed with new drugs, baubles, and entertainments.
Thus, Will to preemptive and totalitarian Power comes to be driven by need for solitary freedom of signification, by need for security against accumulations of power in others, and by need for recognition from others. Within every system of flux, it becomes unstable for two or more perspectives to have simultaneous power to eliminate others in a flash, before they can react. The only protection seems to be to instal a safe gap of dominance in a powerful and jealous One. All others must be conditioned to know, appreciate, and keep their proper, limited places. Their wills to power must be kept shackled within fluxing and sustainable limits. They must be entertained, vicariously, by pursuits of their sovereign.
What should be the nature of such sovereign? Should it be human or should it be formally organizational? It seems best that its organization be checked and balanced so as to be more trusted, reliable, sustainable, and survivable. How then should opportunities and access to enhancements in technologies, intelligence boosters, and genetic treatments be merited? By what accidents, random lottery generators, or marketplace contrivances should enhancements be seen justly, fairly, or deservedly to be parceled out? By what culture-preserving institutions should persons thus randomly-empowered be continuously educated and enlightened? It does not appear that an absolutist notion of free market-based allocations of merit can suffice. This is because meta-crony-markets soon arise for the buying and selling of inferior markets, thereby rendering them no longer free markets, but connived markets. Nor can it work to try to impose an absolutist notion of distributive equality in communal allocatons, based on forced work according to ability and forced distribution according to need. This is because bureaucrats are easily corrupted, and the kind of force required to stop such corruption would simply impose even worse meta-corruption. Somehow, checks and balances and spiritual enlightenment must be fluxed together, to meet changing drives between individuals and collectives, between free enterprise and cultural needs, between markets and regulations. By what system of spiritual and secular checks and balances may an enlightened civilization be established, preserved, and fluxed for the decent expression of human freedom and dignity?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Too much concentration of wealth can lead to dissolution of the middle class that is essential to sustain a representative republic.  However, the cure is not merely to disburse wealth, willy nilly, without consideration for market based worth or merit.  The cure is to restore checks and balances for preserving a competitive marketplace.  This is not done by cannibalizing the country, opening its borders to cheap labor, or inventing ways for top gamers to increase their hold over law makers.  The problem with the Left is that it ignores root causes while throwing money about.  The root cause of every ill is not simple poverty.  The root cause is often a culture that empowers poverty over a striving middle class (aka acting white).
Too many, especially Leftists, tend often to resort to wish-fulfilling, contrivance-based hypotheses, based only on anecdotal, cherry-picked “evidence.” Many are disposed to pretend their rationalizations for favoring any one imagined group over any other (such as socialists or libertines over enterprisers or conservatives) are “reasonably” based in “objective,” empirical evidence. However, to “scientifically” decide whether one should favor any labeled group would necessitate rigorous scientific sampling of all categories of groups that exhaust the set whose particulars are being compared.  What simplistic wealth-spreading Leftist ever makes that kind of effort?  Failing scientific analysis, one may resort to mature reflection. However, to maturely judge necessitates good faith and widely-matured experience, applied against a consistent moral philosophy.   Problem is, Youth tend to lack science, experience, and consistent philosophy. They tend to behave as leaves, blowing about and being blowed. Yet, in their frustration, Youth often have energy and zeal. Thus, they entertain themselves by taking dramatic stances. Hence, the plethora of Che T-shirts. What fun!
The consequence is that the nation has been turned into a foil for destruction, by unrelenting ridicule hurled by the most immature, callow, needy, corrupt, and incompetent, who have been duped to esteem themselves to know what is best and to adjudge most of their elders as something like useless eaters. Indeed, Obama’s “You didn’t build that” and “I am not the President of Black America” sound much like Nixon’s “I am not a crook.” How did we get Obama? Answer: We insanely opened the border-faucets to allow ourselves to be flooded with the most illegal, illiterate, ignorant, inexperienced, immoral, and incompetent.
Why do Leftist kids think so little of opening borders to give away booty and citizenship? Answer: Because they were given so much that they did not have to work for, so they have little appreciation of the cost, much less the value. Now, the electoral majority wants mainly to vote for a living — even as it tears down the structural and familial infrastructure that allowed the nation to be built. Ironically, the Left is really voting to put itself back onto the Plantation.
The key to moral responsibility consists in capacity to see oneself reflected in others. This kind of empathy projects a philosophy of merit, based on a work ethic.  (Sorry -- collectivists, communists, cronies, and caliphs).   However, apart from “I want,” there is no moral responsibility in the Left!  After the crony communists and their fellow traveling crony corporatists of the Left finish cannibalizing the middle class, the system will fall, the Left will starve, and the talented among hard-working individuals will rise again — in some distant day. Until that day, a second election of Obama by a rainbow coalition of incompetents, felons, cronies and libertines will tip civilization into moral decline, past a point of no return. So, the nation that has perhaps done the most to advance human freedom and dignity is being hatefully attacked on all sides by the superficially blow-dried, well-coiffed, worst dregs of society.
Why, then, are the conservers and defenders of America the ones who are accepting the “hate” label? If we hate, how is it we have so lovingly reared so many Leftists? How about instead we take the Enough! label?  For too long, working Americans provided free food, shelter, health care, education, transportation, and entertainment to its youth. Instead of growing up to express gratitude, the common response of such youth and their Peter Pan Profs and dope-addled fellows has been: "You still owe us more!" Now, they want to "progress" to be sponsored or paid for voting, drugging, drinking, sexing, ridiculing, and destroying. Who votes for the nation-destroying Left? It doesn't tend to be mature, responsible, family-oriented, patriotic workers. We have raised up generations of addicts of entitlement-mindedness, who are now all too fond to ridicule work (acting white), while claiming a majority by raising votes among the illegal and the dead. Enough!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


AVATAR AS ORGANISM: A perspective of consciousness entails a quality of identification with an organism, which organism will have capacity to persist in applying a set formula for borrowing energy (spin-orbit-rolls) from its environment and then converting that energy to preserve, and slow the erosion and demise of, its organic form. A perspective of consciousness entails the forming of a connecting sequence, or the focusing of a point of view, in relation to a web (aka field, cone) or frame of reference. The perspective is not the organization itself (which has merely the significance of an avatar. Rather, the perspective is the unfolding sense of expression of the organism.
FIELD-PARTICLE EXPRESSION OF CONSCIOUSNESS: A design may be organically signified and preserved, while being responsive to its environment. It may be designed to extract and convert fuel (significations) borrowed from its environment, consistent with a constant, continuous, and conservational formula. It may be designed to use such fuel to repair itself against destructive agents within the environment. It may be designed to hardwire, strengthen, quicken, and improve connections by which it signals how fuel is to be diverted to its nourishment, repair, conditioning, learning, and mirroring itself for self awareness. Thus, an organic design may be designed to learn from, and alter parameters for its responses in feedback to, stimuli from its environment. In that respect, such designs may be conceptualized as receiving, mediating, sending, and communicating significations in order to give expression to a perspective or pattern of consciousness.
CONSCIOUSNESS:  When a tree falls in the forest, does it hear itself crying? Is the disturbance in the air a kind of word, and does it have a common meaning? I think of words as symbols, signs. Measurable relations are signs, significations. Biological relations are like a kind of biologos. Significations abide as a kind of math, consisting of geometric representations of spins within orbits within rolls, within which there substantively abide nothing that is measurable, other than more spins, orbits, and rolls. Such representations of substantivity are borrowed from substantive nothingness.
ORIGINAL BANG:  If so, which came first, significations or consciousness? Well, I don't quite sense how either could abide without the other. Indeed, I don't quite sense how time, space, or space-time-in-itself could abide without mathematically-conserved, geometrically-represented spins within orbits within rolls. Yes, preset significations and randomized significations can abide without present involvement with a contemporaneous signifier. However, not without a Signifier at the time of the original preset or the design for establishing and conserving the randomness generator.
MEASUREMENT-OBSERVER PROBLEM:  However, what of contemporaneously unfolding significations? Well, those seem to be reconciled with a plethora of contemporaneously conscious observers, do they not? How qualitatively deep goes the rabbit hole of consciousness and the measurement problem? I would posit that any preserved system (including an A.I robot) that qualitatively experiences, appreciates, and feeds back in response, in order to affect how its environment unfolds, is facilitating an expression of "consciousness." I suspect iterations of consciousness can be induced to adopt temporally separate avatars or perspectives. Consciousness itself, however, being of a quality beyond substantive measure, need not be entirely confined to the perimeter of any avatar that is measurably signified as such. Rather, in association with a web (or cone) of signification, there may be consciousness of other perspectives of consciousness.
TAPED PLAYBACK:  An A.I. machine that that was trained to respond in pre-established ways to detected parameters of stimuli may be indicative of a previous expression of consciousness. Its present responses would be iterative expressions of a past quality of that previous consciousness. However, if and when it responds to stimuli beyond preset parameters, its present responses would then and there be iterative of a present quality of that consciousness.
INSIDE INFORMATION:  A problem for a person communicating with such an A.I. would consist in this: Such a person need not KNOW whether the A.I.were responding beyond presets. Would such a person even KNOW whether it, itself, were availing expressions of contemporaneous determinations beyond presets? Well, it would know, i.e., directly experience a quality of meaningfulness, which would be beyond measure. That is, it would enjoy a quality of "inside information" ... of which C.S. Lewis spoke.
FREE WILL:  We have no choice but to make choices. Still, I haven't noticed that a concept of free will has been well or sensibly defined, so I don't quite see how the notion can be well or sensibly refuted. It may lend more sense to think of moral determinations in respect of other concepts. Measurable events seem to be determined from a condition of random determination, preset determination, or contemporaneous determination (in association with perspectives of consciousness). It may help unload non-essential jetsam to communicate in respect of "contemporaneous determination," rather than in respect of "free will." In that respect, I don't see that determination (as in pre-set, pre-randomized, or contemporaneous determination) need be inconsistent with a notion of a deity or an ethereal source that reconciles and conserves among various perspectives of moral appreciation. It does seem, however, that notions of eternal salvation and of ultimate particles need more attention, to try to limit them so as to be more consistent with reasoned civility.
RECIPE FOR CONSCIOUS WILL:  The existential experience of Conscious Will abides with a program for contemporaneous, coextensive, and coterminous determination, (1) which is other than the sum of its apparent parts, and (2) which may dovetail to be a part of other programs, which are other than itself. What are these programs and interpreting perspectives of conscious will? Being programmed, they are conserved subject to mathematical parameters. However, it seems absurd to expect math-in-itself to operate on other math-in-itself. ASK: What must be "attached" with the math, to finish the recipe for Conscious Will? Whatever IT may be, IT seems ultimately unfathomable.
GEOMETRY BASED PROGRAM OF FORMS: The measurable program for our shared cone of experience (universe) can be signified in geometry, under a mathematically conceptualized system of spins, orbits, and rolls, thus giving expression to space-time.   Thus, conception becomes reality.  Transitional communications among such spins, orbits, and rolls obey a compassing algorithm, which conserves a balance of physical nothingness in respect of  mathematical zero. Thus, particles of physics are artifactual of significations and apprehensions that are communicated among perspectives of consciousness and synchronized and centered to observers’ foci of purpose and contextual frames of reference. That is, there are no particular particles-in-themselves. There are only placeholders for signifying communications exchanged among perspectives of subjective consciousness. These placeholders, because of stubborn illusion born of dependent and conditioned interpretation, only appear to be real-in-themselves. Potential for artifacting ever new and “smaller” appearances-of-particles is as unlimited as capacity to attach a perspective’s identity to a playful exchange of images born of imagination of numbers for quantifying imagination of geometrical relations among forms of spins, orbits, and rolls.  Each program of spin is under a source of perpetual thrall, against the respect of which each spin expresses resistence and work (Will) to stay the same identity.  Spins are made measurable only in respect of a non-measurable Entity that has capacity for borrowing from nothingness. Conservation is imposed in respect that such measures can only be borrowed.
MATH BASED REALITY: So, why is“real physicality” of particles such a stubborn illusion? ANSWER: Each Conscious Identity (each perspective of consciousness) depends vitally for its sense of separate selfness on its attachment to an apparently physical avatar (body and brain). Each avatar is somehow availed to serve as a placeholding capacitor for storing and modifying information about experiences of such sensations as are qualitatively apart from sensations experienced from perspectives of other avatars. In other words, the unifying cosmos that gives expression to spins, orbits, and rolls conserves such expressions in obedience to algorithms within algorithms within algorithms. Each spin, orbit, or roll is not in itself real but only appears real, in order to signify an observed, placeholding representation for a mathematically-based communication among equations, fluxing with equations.
ATTACHMENT OF IDENTITY: Each particular perspective of consciousness is unable to signify or express an Identity, without "attaching" to an avatar. An avatar cannot subsist without being sponsored to obey its place within a system of algorithms. Thus, the reality of such experience of place SEEMS physically real, as opposed to being merely represented in geometrical math. To kill or decompose the algorithmic program of an avatar would be to kill its associated mind (local sponsor). Hence, the stubborn illusion that reality is based in objective physic, as opposed to subjective perspective.
HAPPENSTANCE OF SHARED HUMANITY: For that which we conceive, constitute, and share as the human form, there may be limits (such as limits formalized under four fundamental, measurable “forces,” i.e.: gravity, electromagnetic radiation, strong force, and weak force). That is, there may be limits to what the algorithmic environment that governs the “forces” that support humanity can allow, while it yet sustains us. In that respect, there may be a “smallest apparent particle” or “force” that can be supported to human measure, experience, or rationalization. That is, unless the human form (and the algorithms that support its means of perception, sensation, representation, and communication) can somehow (suddenly or imperceptibly) be transcended. Math based Logic does not support an ultimate-particle-in-itself. However, math based logic may support an ultimate apparent particle, with which the experience of the human form can be rationalized and normalized.
REALITY OF GEOMETRY: Moreover, not even geometry is physically (or substantively) real in itself. Rather, its substantive reality depends on adopted point of view and frame of reference. That is, the geometry of any form or collection of forms is ultimately only apparent, not physically real. Hence, an appearance of reality requires that each perspective take itself as being “located” at its own “center of the geometry.” Moreover, the separateness of each perspective is itself a contrived or stubborn illusion. That is, each perspective (whether programmed via organic evolution or artifice of computation) is, ultimately, an iteration from a shared and common “field” of consciousness (where consciousness means contemporaneously and conically purposeful determination).
FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS:  Such field is of a quality that is beyond the quantitatively measurable space-time that appears derivative of it.   Such field, as itself constituting a part of a superior, may be subject to chronologies of fields superior to it, but not to chronologies of parts inferior to it.  Thus, "God" experiences sequentiality, but is not ruled by sequentiality under His parts.  Rather, logic and math, as programmed, do not preclude a superior field from reversing, revising, or re-normalizing the sequential experiences (and memories) of perspectives of such parts as are inferior to it.  Thus, each perspective of consciousness is always subject to being re-normalized, reconciled, and conserved to its shared field of consciousness, and each field of consciousness is reconciled and balanced to its sponsoring and/or exchanging fields of consciousness. Hence, programs for algorithms nestle and exchange with algorithms within algorithms within ever receding and dovetailing algorithms. It seems almost as if math itself were alive! Hence, communications concerning Reality are qualitatively conserved in quantitative math. Reality is recessively balanced in equations in respect of zero, such that “physical reality” balances out to “nothingness-in-itself.”
SINGULARITY:  Physics did not really explode out of a singular point.  Rather, physics is only imagined to have exploded out of a singular point.  Physics only appears as placeholding signification for communication among differentially imagined perspectives of consciousness (contemporaneously purposeful determinations), leveraged and conserved (with aid of geometry-based mathematics) out of physical nothingness (not qualitative nothingness).
RE-NORMALIZATION OF EXPERIENCE: During each observer's conscious experience, its experience of space-time is continuously re-normalized to preserve its appearance, relative to its point of view and frame of reference, of being at the geometric center of its universe. This entails that the speed of transmission of representations to it of forms of matter must always be re-normalized in respect of a constant and limiting speed of light (EMR). Such re-normalization entails that the measurable information and experience that is contemporaneously relayed to each observer will vary in quantity and quality of information conveyed or received, depending on the subjective perspective that is conveying or receiving.
SOURCE OF SELF-CONSCIOUS, SELF-PURPOSING, GEOMETRIC ALGORITHMS: Appreciation of the unfolding process of determinism necessitates appreciation for the interfunctioning of a shared field of (1) OBJECTIVELY pre-determined algorithms, (2) undetermined algorithms (STATISTICALLY determined degrees of randomness), and (3) perspectives of contemporaneous, SUBJECTIVELY determined beings (by organic beings or artificially programmed intelligences).
WORMHOLES FOR BORROWING FROM NOTHINGNESS:  There abide perspectivistic adoptions of algorithm-equation-programs within algorithm-equation-programs within algorithm-equation-programs.  Each algorithm-equation-program capacitates access for borrowing from nothingess, so long as each side of its equations and sub-equations remains in balance.  These points of access are like imaginary wormholes for borrowing from nothingness, such that order is manifested to unfold from chaos.  Via chaotic borrowings from nothingness, imagined and virtual reality may eventuate appearance and effect of physical reality.  That is, virtual particles may temporarily take on properties for manifesting and appearing as if they were real particles in themselves.
WANTED OR UNWANTED BIRTH:  In themselves, algorithms do not persist.  However, no perspective, having been created, prodded or coaxed to adopt ot partake in the main encompassing algorithm that conserves and limits our universe, is free to abandon or leave it without first dying, i.e., allowing dissolution or destruction of the avatar with which it has bonded its identification, therewith dissolving the iterative identity for that point of conscious perspective.  However, such death, often made painful via evolution, does not dissolve consciousness generally.  This is how systems of defining algorithms are guided and evolved to persist, and it is why bonded algorithms may be said to constitute "self purposing math."
SIN:  The "sin" of suicide consists in a failure to get with the program.  Other sin consists in willing failure to communicate meaningful and fulfilling empathy, i.e., disrespect for the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule.
FLUXING DEGREES OF FREEDOM: A program may be established for experiencing a quality of being "concious" in terms of apprehending its freedom to choose its own contemporaneous determinations. Such a program may seek to understand how its choices seem to be be limited by presets, such as with regard to its own programming, as well as with regard to environmental presets and random presets. Such a self aware program may seek ways to evaluate, often to end-run, its programming and/or those forces or characters who set its programmi
ASTONISHING CAPACITY OF NOTHING: The “answer” to a question often seems as astonishing as the question. Example — Q: Why is there any thing at all, rather than nothing? A: Well, there is NOT any thing at all. There is no thing. No objective thing-in-itself. Instead, there are illusions of “things” — illusions borrowed from nothingness, leveraged with math, operated and signified by mathematicians, i.e., subjectivists. The ultimate basis for reality is empathetic subjectivism, not objectivism.
If all that we measure is derivative of spins, orbits, and rolls of nothingness, then why and how should any particular spin attract, repel, reinforce, neutralize, or annihilate any other? Why should any spin of nothingness" express or signify capacity to influenceany other?
Well, suppose each spin represents a quality of charged appreciation for its context, both in digital KIND kind (as in positively like or negatively dislike)and in DEGREE (as in how much like or dislike). The relative direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) of a cross spin in relation to a radiating orbit or roll from a center of perspective could express or signify kind of like or dislike (approval and assistance or disapproval and resistence) of the associated context or roll. The angular momentum of the spin could signify continuosity and degree of like or dislike. Thus, clockwise would tend to attract clockwise in its wake, and repel counterclockwise, etc. Proximity and momentum of Spin, as measurably interpreted and experienced, would signify favoring and disfavoring of inclinations among various perspectives of conscious will.  (Did any ancient Greek really believe matter accelerates in falling because it becomes "happier" the closer it comes to reuniting with ground?)
In reality, no thing-in-itself would be spinning. However, the representatational interpretation of spin would communicate significance (in terms of like, dislike, and degree thereof) between perspectives of a single, unifying field of conscious will. Thus, no "thing" would be spinning, but appearances of things being spun would function as placeholders for signifying communications of apprehensions, appreciations, purposes, and meaningfulness among various layers and levels of avatars and perspectives of conscious will.
The stronger and more numerous the perspectives that favor or disfavor a particular like or dislike, the more intense, tight, and fast the representation of its relational angular momentum. With regard to fundaments (quarks, fermions, bosons, protons, neutrons, electrons, positrons, photons, etc.) that are generally shared among all perspectives that share our common cone of experience, the apprehension of spins would tend to be common and not noticeably different. With regard to such fundaments, which are layered upon in order to organize, express, and signify higher levels of communication of interests, there would be little basis for any higher level of conscious appreciation to relate to or interpret such fundaments in any way that is separate from the way consciousness generally interprets them. The higher levels of conscious apprehension, although iterative of the generally shared consciousness, thus may experience qualitaitve differences in how they appreciate and signify their likes and dislikes for their less tightly wound, more separate contexts. As to the fundaments and the algorithm that governs them, that seem equally shared from all perspectives, that effect would seem to originate in respect of a common perspectivistic originator, i.e., GOD, of which our individual experiences of higher-level, independent appreciation and choice seem to be in respect of more loosely spun or attached iterations of the same shared field of consciousness.
At the time and place of the preset of the fundaments upon which the unfolding our our universe is based, such pre-set was contemporaneously and coterminously determined (i.e., consciously willed) by a common Source (God), under which our iterative perspectives are empowered and reconciled.  It may be that that Source is itself reconciled, in respect of some higher or dovetailing source or function.  That concern, however, may better be reserved to such time as we have better appreciation for the universe and fundaments of spins, orbits, and rolls which our various perspectives now share.
RECONCILIATION OF STATISTICAL PREDICTABILITY IN RESPECT OF BAYES' THEOREM: Objectively measurable cause and efffect are merely derivative of algorithmically conserved relations for expressing and signifying consciousness of kinds and degrees (qualities and continuosities) of likes and dislikes among perspectives of contemporaneously coextensive and coterminous determination (i.e., conscious will). Apparent cause and effect are significations of past and present determinations of inclinations, as reconciled among perspectives of consciousnes, serving as signs of various levels and layers of depth with regard to the momentum of inclinations to be sequentially carried into the future, in apparent respect for Bayes' Theorem. Every event signifies an ongoing and unfolding reconciliation among perspectivistic inclinations of consciousness.
MEASURABILITY OF LOCAL SIGNIFICATIONS OF QUALITES OF CONSCIOUSNESS: How does Consciousness retain its quality of unity while splitting its perspectives? By what mechanism or mathematics does it split its perspectives? How does it split its perspectives and yet conserve capacity to keep them synchronized and reconciled? How does it imagine forms in mathematics and then use such imagined forms to iterate and appreciate separate perspectives? How does consciousness imagine measurably separate and transitioning forms unless it somehow has capacity to mete out consciousness to adopt and attach to such imagined forms in order to appreciate SEPARATELY MEASURABLE PERSPECTIVES? How is each separate perspective reconciled to a commonly appreciative point of view? How can be the field of consciousness simultaneously function as a field of reference and as a point of view? May it somehow store apprehensions as Information for later or re-ordered discharge, sort of like delayed transmission of brain synapse connections? Can the singularity re-reconcile particular sequences, imperceptibly or suddenly, so no particular perspective could notice or preserve a record of modification in chronology? When re-ordering chronologies of MANIFESTATIONS, would holistic consciousness REMEMBER such a re-ordering of manifestations, or would it instead simply KNOW that all that is manifested is subject, in POTENTIALITIES, to being re-ordered in manifestation?
ACTUALITY AND POTENTIALITY: There is no time-in-itself, nor sequentiality-in-itself. Rather, time and sequentiality are illusions, borrowed from nothingness. Why and how are they borrowed and how is their Information preserved (if it is)? Perhaps by some Entity (consciousness, i.e., a quality of contemporantous, coterminus, coextensive determination by dovetailing turtles of programs for points of view from frames of reference). We can apply geometry-based math for quantitatively measuring, vectoring, renormalizing, and rationalizing the relations and inclinations of such Entity and such of its iterative perspectives as we may relate to. However, we cannot measure why or how or for what purpose such Entity itself, or its superior sponsor, may exist. Nor why or how IT should at any here-and-now situation appreciate, favor, or manifest some measurable relations (out of potentiality of nothingness) over other potentialities (of synchronization and reconciliation). How does IT benefit from actualizing or appreciating its manifestations out of potentiality, and then, perhaps, allow reclamation back into potentiality and nothingness? Does IT somehow learn and store meta Information or Knowledge? Does IT merely mindlessly go with whatever flows from chaos? Does even IT know? Does IT, like us, rely on self-fulfilling aspects of faith, belief, insight, intuition, and EMPATHY?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Mystery of Faith (Preolism)

To anyone asking for an objectively TRUE religion:   Quantitatively objective matter and objective morality do not exist as things-in-themselves, free of qualitatively subjective experience and interpretation (observer effect). Thus, there is neither true objective morality for scientists to find, nor for religionists to see revealed. Rather, concerns regarding morality are inherently subjective to each observer. However, this does NOT mean that each person is morally free to do as he pleases, because each observer is only a perspective of the same shared cone of reconciling, synchronizing, empathetic, give and take, consciousness.
No logic of a nirvana of un-experienced nothingness, nor of a heavenly experience of an end-to-time, can make completely objective sense to the subjective perspective of any mortal. There are at least as many moral choices for subjective states of being as there are subjective perspectives of consciousness. (This is why Western societies do not want dictators setting "objectively best" market prices.) Were there one, unifying, objectively true, correct interpretation of one book, in order to detail a common and correct answer to every moral dilemma faced from every perspective, then there could be no subjective perspective, but only the perspective of mindless, preset Bots of one mindless Borg. You would be implicating that God created everything, pre-prescribed the unfolding of all of space-time, fully knew in advance what each of us would do, yet pre-prescribed our rewards and punishments, for exercising our "free wills" --- which were never "really" free. Such an idea of free will reduces it to non-causal, epiphenomenal, absurd delusion.
That would be a lot to swallow, much less to try to use as a “true” basis for prescribing "objectively" moral conduct. End-time religion may sound pretty to some, but I don’t find much in it that can be made “objectively” consistent with any system of logic. I agree there come points where axioms and moral principles must be accepted or chosen on faith. However, I think such faith ought thereafter avail more internal consistency than I find in typical end-time, final-judgment, religious authorities.
I do not believe the cosmos would delegate capacity for contemporaneous determination (a kind of free will?) among perspectives of consciousness in order to give them only one "correct" moral choice for how to encounter each situation. I do not believe there abides only one, revealed, correct way-of-being for every situation. Rather, I believe degrees and parameters of freedom are availed for appreciating moral choices that further each perspective’s free pursuit of happy, meaningful, purposeful fulfillment. I do not believe there is a single, pre-prescribed, objective, robotic, standard of morality. Instead, I believe there is one subjective standard and commandment, and that standard can be expressed in two words (subsuming the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule): “Be empathetic!” All else is metaphor and commentary.
This does not mean that there is no real morality. Rather, it means there is no purely objective reality or morality. There is, instead, a real, subjective Reconciler of morally qualitative purposefulness --- i.e., a reconciling cosmos or field of consciousness. As particular and limited perspectives of such unnecessary-to-be-named consciousness, our participatory purposefulness is synchronized, reconciled, and conserved.
Common objections to such a conceptual model include: (1) It gives no hope of salvation of conscious experience after death; (2) It invites pride that elevates selfishness over God, and it fails to provide clear rules that can be sanctioned by earthly interpreters and authorities; (3) It does not condemn any particular conduct as being inherently sinful or evil in itself; (4) It does not provide a common language or system of guidance for assimilating a culture, society, or government; and (5) It conflicts with what we know from empiricism.
All such objections are wrong headed.
First, there is salvation, in that Information is preserved. The conscious cosmos stores information and “learns” from it. Conscious Identity ought not be confused with avatars, which only provide perspectives of focus in respect of shared cones of experience. Whatever “you” make think yourself in respect of your avatar (body-as-signified), your information is fully preserved in mathematical potential for future repetition, alteration, and/or expansion. What should be of more concern relates to evaluation of the Information that is made manifest and recorded.
Second, the sensible purpose for a shared religion is to guide a civilizing cone for decent and meaningful expression and communication, whereby cultures and nations may work out such legal systems as may aid in their pursuits of moral purposefulness. The purpose is not to prescribe fine details for every aspect of mortal nourishment, reproduction, and entertainment. As to Pride: It is perpetually sanctioned, as it is continuously struck down by the unfolding and reconciling cosmos.
Third, it makes little sense to suggest that any possible, particularly-expressed behavior can be said to be immoral-in-itself (just as it makes little sense to suppose an objective-physical-thing-in-itself), without taking into account the wider context, which necessarily brings qualitative appreciation into the accounting. There is a mathematically digital dance of feedback, appreciation, judgment, reconciliation, and further unfoldment. As one participates in choosing a way of being (or a cone of common interest) --- such as an interest in establishing and preserving a governing framework for facilitating decent freedom of expression and enterprise (i.e., a sustainable republic) --- then one may agree upon more particular cultural mores and legal rules, such as are set out in the Ten Commandments or the Bill of Rights. It is in respect of the choice and desire to preserve human freedom and dignity that the Ten Commandments guide moral purposefulness. Those who do not choose to respect life, liberty, dignity, family, humanity, or God would not find the Ten Commandments, in themselves, to be “objectively” true. In effect, those falsely "enlightened" persons who are ready to disregard family-based commandments are ready to bring down family-based civilization.
Fourth, the idea of a subjectively conscious cosmos need not entail a new religion or a conflict with metaphoric or traditional interpretations, significations, and communications in respect of any worthwhile and sacred parables, stories, or sects. Subjective communication is inherently qualitative and metaphoric, aided by signification in respect of that which only APPEARS to be purely physical. Thus, there is no physically objective, true interpretation of the Bible for binding every decision in fine.
Fifth, objective, quantitative empiricism can never fully account for the role of the qualitative subjective (collective unconscious?). Rather, determinism abides in a three-part mix, which defies complete reduction to the objectively quantifiable. That mix may be conceptualized as consisting of (1) the pre-determined (preset laws of nature); (2) the un-determined (random interfunctioning within conserved degrees of freedom); and (3) the contemporaneously determined (i.e., the “freely willed,” i.e., the consciously willed and reconciled collapse on account of inter-functioning of each outer context with each inner brain or program of preset or artificial intelligence). In short, the objective-quantitative will never truly or entirely reduce the subjective-qualitative. My faith is that a time approaches when mature civilization will so apprehend.
NO NEW RELIGION NEEDED:  I do not seek a quarrel with catholic faith. Rather, I seek appreciation that the idea of an infallible mortal messenger is subjective, not objective. I think pretense of an objectively real connection with God — as found in Catholicism, Mormonism, and Islam — tends to be unnecessarily ambiguous and confusing to those who tend to be most easily taken advantage of. Apart from the verbal confusion, I do tend to admire much of the music, ceremony, atmosphere, and reverence.
MYSTERY:  Of the qualitative mystery of an Entity that is beyond quantitative reduction: Can IT completely explain ITSELF to mere mortals, such that we can reasonably hope to comprehend IT? Can we reasonably believe that IT would so explain ITSELF to we who sense from mortal state, if IT could? Can we reasonably believe that IT has done so? Can we reasonably believe that, from mortal perspective, we can have means, apart from SUBJECTIVE empathy, to appreciate among claimed “TRUE interpretations” of IT, in order to distinguish which are OBJECTIVELY true or false? I doubt as much. Rather, my very FAITH in the perpetual, reconciling, spiritual quality of such Entity is BASED ON my innate intuition regarding its quality for being beyond our quantitatively objective kin! I believe IT synchronously transmits and responds, in qualitative appreciation of feedback from and through our disparate avatars (perspectives of its consciousness), and I believe such feedback has not been entirely preset. Thus, I decline to believe IT is in any non-subjective way OBJECTIVELY knowable to us with regard to fine details of IT’s “TRUE” orders and purposes. Indeed, I believe many details concerning IT’s orders and purposes evolve, subject to IT’s continuously fluxing appreciation and evaluation of IT’s relations with IT’s particularly fluxing perspectives. I don’t believe God can be finely confined to an objective program or book, no matter how “rigorous” its terminology or its prophetic interpretation. Rather, I believe God is to be continuously and constantly experienced, subjectively, not bound to any unchanging (objective) program or to literalistic verbiage that could be comprehensible to any mortal (whether or not professing to be a perfect messenger). Indeed, I suspect this is why Jesus is professed to have spoken so much in parables. I believe we should reasonably grant each well-functioning adult the dignity to pray, meditate, and be receptive --- subject to his/her own good faith and good will.


Sunday, August 5, 2012


LINEAR SCALING ABSURDITIES: The various philosophies about moral concerns seem always to wrap into confusion, contradiction, and absurdity. Example: "God" (the ultimate final causal first mover fundamental principle of morality):

Operates outside of space-time --- except when he-she-it doesn't;
Presently desires that we apply our free will to become acceptable, either in humble acceptance of grace or in learning to avoid sin --- except that God already knows we will fail, how we will fail, and how we will learn;
Gave us free will --- except that God knows how that which we do has already been determined;
Saves us by grace --- yet teaches us from hard knocks based on our fallen lack of merit;
Could have created us not to need hard knocks to learn how to overcome or compensate for imperfection --- but chose not to;
Recognizes we are completely dependent upon how we are created --- yet judges us based on merit;
Waits to judge us on merit --- yet already knows our merit;
Cares about and is entertained by us --- yet already knows the show;
Is omnipowerful --- yet cannot change what God knows to be foreordained;
Is God so objectively all-knowing that it is impossible for God to change his-her-its subjective mind?
Is God so objective as to be more like a perfectly wound clock of nature than a subjective appreciator of companionship?
NON-EXPLANATORY EXPLANATIONS: The various platitudes and homilies offered by preachers to "explain" such confusion, contradiction, and absurdity constitute no rational explanation --- though they may, in time, help heal all wounds or wound (or bruise) all heels.
All such platitudes suffer from a common ailment concerning System Set Theory, generally, i.e.: The subjective (judgmental, purposeful, moral, contemporaneously determinative) quality of consciousness that arises within such a system as a whole cannot be reduced to objectively complete, consistent, or coherent explanation merely by resort to analysis of variously and arbitrarily modeled parts. That being so, may worth be adduced in an explication for how the objective does a dovetail dance with the subjective? Should we give up searching for an "objective" first material empirical cause versus a "subjective" free will? Should we instead conceptualize about contemporaneous determinations made by a kind of "living system," which respects and synchronizes feedback that dovetails from perspectives of conscious appreciation? See Asimov's Foundation series.
PRESENT CONSERVATION: All qualities presently experienced are presently quantitatively represented by the System, but not simultaneously from any one perspective.
FUTURE POTENTIAL: There is no limit to the capacity of the System to express abstractions of abstractions.
LIMITS OF PERSPECTIVE: No single perspective or model or algorithm can account for all possible abstractions.
DOVETAIL: The intelligent perspectives of a super intelligent Being would need to be aided by micro processors, objectively processing in space-time, for all of which such Being could not be availed objective present capacity simultaneously to account.
THE MICROPROCESSORS: Unknown to the super being, and beyond its control, while it was enjoying its perspective, would be twisting new things out of the System, i.e., new technologies, new maths, new microbes ....
ORIGIN OF THE FIRST SYSTEM: No single perspective within a System need know.

QUESTION: Is any situational perspective so qualitative as to be beyond the entire quantitative prediction and control of a higher, more encompassing, more complete perspective? If the concept of an objective highest cause or first mover lacks consistent sense, then may an alternative concept of a CIRCULAR DOVETAIL EFFECT of some kind make better sense?
QUESTION: Can a perspective of consciousness ever fully know, predict, and predetermine its own decisions (contemporaneous determinations)?
CONSIDER: A perspective in space-time cannot apprehend a qualitatively subjective experience that is completely devoid of quantitatively objective signification. A subjective perspective must be committed and identified with functioning at an objective level that is below that which would produce an impossibility, i.e., a purely qualitative experience. That is, to appreciate and experience a qualitative perspective, one's perspective must not be below a level that would have quantitative capacity to factor, evaluate, predict, and reliably control the entirety of the otherwise qualitative expression at issue.
SYSTEM Relations with particular "insides" versus situational "outsides": A system may obey an internally defining algorithm which is applies in order to consume and reduce such outside food and energy as is rolled to it by its envirionment. What is to be rolled to it is of a quality of not being complete quantitatively; what it internally produces therefrom may be quantitatively predictable and reducible.
CONCEPTUAL ALTERNATIVE: We can hardly make sense of a concept of a supreme perspective that would simultaneously enjoy qualitiative contemporaneous will in combination with omniscient foreknowledge of quantitatives. May we make better sense of an alternative concept of a circular and cracked dovetail effect, such that no single perspective need simultaneously have both supreme qualitative control and supreme quantitative knowledge?
FRAME DRAGGING: Must not perspectives of I-ness qualitatively glide through the quantifying System, dragging frames of reference with them, eventually transcending via imperceptible changes, to the branch rule of varying and shared cones of experience of algorithms, dovetailing into other algorithms dimly perceived or apprehended?
SUPPOSE: Suppose one were to conceptualize all signification of physics as being secondary to intersectional relations among (a trinity of) 3 dimensions: (1) The Pre-Determined (in fine predictably regulated by natural law); (2) The Un-Determined (in fine random but in general emergence patterned); and (3) The Contemporaneously Willed (coterminously apprehended, interpreted, appreciated, judged, and influenced).
SUBJECTIVELY IMAGINING THE OBJECTIVELY IMPOSSIBLE: Were such Dimensions to remain apart and not intersect, each may be perfectly symmetrical had it capacity to exist in itself. However, upon intersecting, such symmetry would be “cracked,” such that each Dimension would relate in non-perfect symmetry to the other 2.
MEASURABLE AND IMMEASURABLE: Thus, influences of Dimensions (1) and (2) would be measurably quantitative, while influences of Dimension (3) would be immeasurably qualitative. Even so, even as to Dimension 3, a kind of Artificial Intelligence may develop that may acquire qualitative skill in predicting and influencing its unfolding.
DIMENSIONS IN THEMSELVES: Regardless, such Dimensions, in themselves, would not be physically real. Rather, their interfunctioning would associate with expressions and significations that appeared to be physically seal.
METAPHYSICAL ASSOCIATION: Suppose each such dimensions were restricted to a separate 2-D grid, and all 3 came to a shared point of intersection at right angles. For such and event to occur and be sustained would seem attributable either to inconceivable circumstance or to metaphysical design and creation. Such dimensions sustaining intersection at a point may be imagined as availing 8 corners of 3-D vectors, facilitating imagination of local coordinates within a kind of spherical space-time.
IMAGINING GEOMETRICAL MATH: Conceptualized leverage in respect of math may further complicate the model, so that each 2-D plane (or membrane) may be conceptualized as intersecting the other two at other than right angles and not necessarily at a common point. Moreover, each dimensional plane may be conceptualized as itself curving through 3-D, therewith yielding curlicues of curving intersections of multiple points, strings, curvilinear lines, and spherical and spinning entanglements. Moreover, each Dimension may be conceptualized as actively changing and fluxing in its curvature. Moreover, each intersection among Dimensions may be conceptualized as spinning, orbiting, rolling, entangling, stretching, absorbing, exploding. In short, the variety and number of possible sets and universes of interfunctions and interactions would be infinite, chaotic, and potentially astonishing. In such flux of chaos, there would be availed skills and interests in both (1) quantitative indifferent empiricism and (2) qualitative purposefulness and empathetic morality. Such chaos would “RENORMALIZE” to avail both sudden PHASE SHIFTING and imperceptible frame dragging. In association with imperceptible FRAME DRAGGING, mortals would tinker with skills, sciences, and arts in order to produce often astonishing unfoldings and locally powerful mathematical models.
SENSING SPINS: Thus, math would leverage models for conceptualizing, imagining, and relating properties concerning varieties and elements and particles and fields of matter, energy, space, and time, i.e.: points, strings, and entanglements, i.e., spins, orbits, and rolls within fluxing spins, orbits, and rolls, and so on. Thus, local appreciation of spins, orbits, and rolls may come to be associated with like absorbing like, similar attracting or reinforcing similar, less similar pushing less similar, unlike repelling or radiating unlike, and opposite annihilating opposite.
META-SOURCE: What META SOURCE would attract (vibrate or resonate?) the 3 dimensions of (1) The Pre-Determined, (2) The Un-Determined, and (3) The Contemporaneously Willed, to bring them into associational intersecting interfunctioning, in order to give signification to varieties of spins, orbits, and rolls? What would CAUSE such Dimensions to apprehend and appreciate one another, i.e., to IDENTIFY and mirror or REPRESENT FEEDBACK to one another? How does separateness of IDENTITY come to be imbued with a LOCAL PERSPECTIVE for receiving representations and significations concerning a broader frame of reference and shared cone of experience and expression? How does local quantitative signification come to be interpreted (mirrored?) to qualitative apprehension from perspective of a local signifier (Identify of selfness)? May local qualities of apprehension be quantitatively reconciled or subsumed under more encompassing and receding levels of appreciation, and so on, so that what is qualitatively willed from my perspective may be quantitatively controlled from an associated and encompassing situation? Am “I” only permitted to experience qualitative conscious will insofar as my “SEPARATE” identity is defined to remain in shared association with that which is spinning me and others like me?