Tuesday, June 21, 2016

YOLO and The Talisman

The following occurred to me as I was listening to an Audible book called The Talisman, by Stephen King.  Its protagonist is often known as "Traveling Jack."

Interpretations of forms separate from and external to the Mind serve as means for interpreting the Mind itself.  The Mind envisions a straight line to be the shortest distance between two external points.  However, the existence of two separate points, as well as the line between them, is the derivative of mental imagination, conceptualization, observation, interpretation.  They do not otherwise exist in themselves.

The same may be said of separate minds.  They are relating assumptions, not things in themselves.  The Mind has capacity to assume any number of separate perspectives.  So long as a perspective is confined, and confines itself, to a particular pattern or set of assumptions, it experiences a potentiality of an infinity of possible assumptions.  All that is necessary to sustain each bubble of assumptions and patterns is that it be imaged to be integrally coherent, consistent, and "complete" -- within parameters needed to keep it from fuzzing out of focus.

Something about the web of math with which the Mind co-exists necessitates that the Mind image separate perspectives and externalities.  Something about our beingness as a holism (the Godhead) requires that it unfold and present in innate trinitarian aspect, fluxing as Consciousness, Substance, and Information.  Holistic consciousness (Godly empathy and intuition) may not manifest without the co-manifestation of perspectivistic potentiality.  And potentiality exists at all times -- past, present, future -- not just in the future.  YOLO is not just a conceit.  It is an absurdity.

It is not true in itself to say that a straight line is the shortest distance between two points.  Rather, the truth of such a statement is dependent on the potentiality of imagination that is availed to express itself via a meta field that encompasses Consciousness.  But for innate Consciousness, an idea of a straight line (or of any external perspective or form) would "be" an absurdity.  It is helpful, but not complete, to say a straight line "is" the shortest distance beween two points.  However, to make the statement "more complete," it is necessary to say:  Each particular straight line, as The Mind conceives it, is the shortest distance beween two points.

Going further, recognize that each Perspective of Mind, "itself," abides as a fluxing aspect of a meta-trinitaritan field of Consciousness-Substance-Information.  Thus, no particular line extends in manifestation beyond the power of Mind to sustain it, even though the power of Mind to sustain it is in some ways limited and in some ways unlimited.

Our qualitative potentialities are infinite, even though our means of quantitative transition and phasing are mathematically-to-be-prescribed, even if not by any particular perspective knowable.

Some traversements between widely separated points in the experiential distance will entail phased crossings through changing, no-way-back parameters, lnadscapes, and adoptations of perspectives and identities.  Experiencing the points will entail their change, and often no Manifest way back except through a Potentially infinite length and/or series of transmutations that cannot all be anticipated by any part-icular perspective.

BOTTOM POINTS:  We are not  predetermined in our experiences.  We are part-icipants with a trinitarian godhead that invites (and requires) us to function in respect of feedback loops of fractally patterning maths.  We participate in how the defining of our moralities, purposes, apprehensions, and potentialities are to unfold.  If and while we want to pursue decent civilization that avails the expression of  human freedom and dignity, we can so pursue.

PROBLEM:  Short-sighted people are prefering to transition to the cow-cloud, to be sedated on locoweed while being farmed by short-term hedonists and amoral libertines.  And decent people tend to have lost foresight and energy adequate to preclude the transition.  So, the American Ideal is dying and being replaced by forms that are antithetical to decent human freedom and dignity.  The ideal of individually part-icipatory freedom and dignity is being traded for a free-lunch lie of equality and algorithmically prescribed fairness.  Our leaders have become as stupid and corrupt as cows and demons.  Our "mother," America, is being killed by Sloats.  We don't need magic juice or a talisman to re-flip this.  We need to summon our power of re-image-i-nation.  We need to see the race-baiters and poverty-pimps for the garish "twinners" that they are.  Failing that, our manifest prospects are grim.



The Rino-Dino Uniparty is the antithesis of Conservatism. Its purpose is the replacement of the U.S. by a NWO-OWG. Criminal crony syndicalism controlled by whatever means necessary. No well funded institution any longer supports the preservation of the Constitutional Republic. Nearly all DC leaders are spiritually hollow, corrupt to the bone, and absolute liars in thrall to the devil. Whatever "conservatism" is, it is NOT support for either Rinos or Dinos.

What now rules DC, most of the world, and most of humanity is faithless dishonesty. Indeed, smartalecs would teach us that there is no such thing as innate spiritual empathy. That no one can ever project himself to serve any purpose higher than the perimeter of his skin and the boundary of his skull-encased hormones.

Such cognitive dissonance is nurtured everywhere, ramping up hate, distrust, and division. So called free-marketeers make themselves clueless that Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments preceded his Wealth of Nations. Perhaps that man has a qualitative "sense of beingness" that tempers his main quantitative senses of measurables. A spiritually innate capacity to feel our concerns in the concerns of others.

Smith: "[The rich] are led by an invisible hand to make nearly the same distribution of the necessaries of life, which would have been made, had the earth been divided into equal portions among all its inhabitants, and thus without intending it, without knowing it, advance the interest of the society, and afford means to the multiplication of the species."

Nowadays, given the disparagement of spirituality, not so much! Rather, our disparagement of spirituality helps lead us to demonic self-justification of hell on earth. Our "scientists" of objective and pityless parceling of all things have led us to disparage all moral sentiments -- except those of the most base, constricted, grasping, and selfish. We allow the most selfish cronies to float to the top rungs of our gov, and then entrust through them to redistribute "charity." Thus have faith, family, and fidelity been profaned.

Hillary and all her horses and men do NOT serve poor people except as faithless liars. Neither Dinos nor Rinos want open borders as a means for redistributing equality or fairness. For goodness sake, they DO NOT BELIEVE in any source of fairness. They believe in selfish grasping! And lying to that end.

To leverage their lying, they hunt the weakest prey. Who is the weakest prey? Well, that would be the Christian, competent, good faith, good will, Americans who are focused on producing for themselves and their families and nation, as opposed to looting from others. IOW, "Whities." And these Whities will remain the slow prey that entices and unites Dinos and Rinos until they collectively wake up, identify, and shrug off the parasites and predators.

The Faithless Liars (Dinos and Rinos) are absolutely false. False in charity, false in sympathy, false in equality, false in fairness, false in higher mindedness, false in free trade, false in fidelity to fellow human beings, false in fidelity to founding principles, and false in rationality, They excel in lying in order to hide the iron fist in a velvet glove. Once they have flipped the electorate and disarmed and neutered the general citizenry, they will rule amuck.

What has brought Western Civ to this sorry point? Loss of spiritual appreciation. And lack of formal means for stopping or checking an inexorable trend by which the most faithless and evil float to the top to rule every social institution.

This applies to every institution. In education, the worst float to the top because education-as-an-international-business promotes the harnessing of a perpetual class of those who are so stupid that they pay tuition in amounts way beyond value and vote to promote profs who perpetuate this abysmal feedback loop. In politics, the worst float to the top because we allow foreign interests to launder kickbacks and bribes to the worst of dregs. In business, the worst float to the top because we have allowed them to to chain us to banks and other institutions designed to allow them by fiat to abuse our common trust. So new wealth and power have become mainly rentier, not entrepreneurial.

The upshot is this: Christian middle class producers are the new slaves, made to be dhimmied and ripped by flesh-tearing gangs of allies among predators and parasites. That is the new and worldwide business model for the Rino-Dino, Crony-Commie-Jihadi Uniparty. That model gives lip service to our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights -- ONLY until it puts finishing touches on its cental consolidation of power and control.

What decency badly needs is a rational restoration of spiritual faith, combined with formal and effective checks and taxes against the power-floating of the most evil, anti-American, anti-liberty, crony corporatists, criminal commies, and crazed culties. "Whities" need to wake up and identify the evil enemy. Otherwise, Conservatism will mean nothing.


All I know is that questions needed to be asked about the shot down TWA flight.

D Day entailed mass deception on a giant scale. Harry Hopkins got away with massive treason while operating directly from the White House. The Press routinely ran mass disinformation on behalf of commies against Whitaker Chambers. It is routine, not unusual, for the worst of dregs to find ways to float to the top. Floaters develop some kind of emotional signaling and radar by which to recognize one another. In politics, campaign managers and message manipulators tend to have few scruples whatsoever.

Given advancements in mind manipulation and advertising, it is hard for me to spot the limits on elitist chicanery and hubris. When you look at the fashions and mores that are routinely sold to the masses, it becomes easy to suppose that those who control the institutions of persuasion, threats, and force frequently run amuck. I am thinking of the Mafia, the Clintons, and how Hillary probably silenced "bimbo eruptions." And how the regime evidently got to Justice Roberts. So I just don't know.

Up to the ranks of O6, I tend to agree that the Navy could not have been culpable. Beyond that, I suspect ambition tends to trump fidelity.

It seems possible that Russian or Chinese sabotage of a Navy test may have been entailed. Maybe to send a message to AF1: "Hey, "we" can touch you, take you out anytime we want, and no one will be able to pin it on us."

For another example, take JFK. A current theory is that the fatal shot was an accidental discharge by a Secret Service agent, and agents were subsequently disposed to provide cover.

To see what mind twisting and bullying can do, one only need look to the Stockholm Syndrome, suicide vestors, and bafflegab evangelists. Look to Patty Hearst. And the entire world of Islam, where hardly anyone on the inside dares say peep about the lunacy, brutality, and gross injustice of the Islamic meme.

Given how much control has been consolidated by the Central Apparatus, truth is almost certainly a frequent casualty. A lot of people don't want truth. They just want a strong man (or butch) to snuggle up to. For awhile, the U.S., because of how it was founded, was an exception. Here, we had more independent human beings than weak and incompetent subhumans. However, the world is filled with subhuman sado-masochists and doper-libertines. And anti-American crony-commies are importing them as fast as possible in order to flip America beyond salvage beyond a milleneum.

EDIT: When the U.S. falls, it won't be because the subhumans were on the right side of history. It will be because Americans lost good faith and good will and turned instead to mind blowing gratifications. That is how we will probably volunteer to yoke and subjugate ourselves to pure evil. Then there will be pieces. Humanity -- meet the Voldemort of Radical Evil whose name must not be spoken: The Rainbow Abominable Triad (RATs) of internationally-laundered crony corporatism (Bush Rinos), criminal communism (Clinton Dinos), and sex-crazed cultism (Gay Sheet-Dressed Wahhabi Muslims).


Anonymous said...

The following occurred to me as I was listening to an Audible book called The Talisman, by Stephen King. Its protagonist is often known as "Traveling Jack."

Short-sighted people are prefering to transition to the cow-cloud, to be sedated on locoweed while being farmed by short-term hedonists and amoral libertines. And decent people tend to have lost foresight and energy adequate to preclude the transition. So, the American Ideal is dying and being replaced by forms that are antithetical to decent human freedom and dignity. The ideal of individually part-icipatory freedom and dignity is being traded for a free-lunch lie of equality and algorithmically prescribed fairness.

Our leaders have become as stupid and corrupt as cows and demons. Our "mother," America, is being killed by Sloats. We don't need magic juice or a talisman to re-flip this. We need to summon our power of re-image-i-nation. We need to see the race-baiters and poverty-pimps for the garish "twinners" that they are. Failing that, our manifest prospects are grim.

Anonymous said...

Socialists are all about pc, safe spaces, and restricting and punishing the speech and enterprise of others. If you don't know even that much, heaven help you. They actually believe bureaucrats will treat them like their new mummies. Ha! If you want fairness, get competent. Or seek charity not from gov but from a real church.

It's really quite simple. Crocodile Hillary is not going to give it to you. All the socialist programs of idiot Dems have done little more than to impoverish America and inner cities. Are minority families better off now than before the socialistic pc crap? Just take the blinders off and look at our inner cities.

At some point you will learn that central unicorn regulation is destructive to human freedom, dignity, and decency. Hopefully before you turn 60. Some people are just slower than others to get a clue. Umfortunately, the crony commie uniparty is working as fast as it can to invite enough dummies to flip the electorate. If you think the electorate Obama is trying to flip will be concerned with the Bill of Rights, you are right out of your skull.