Wednesday, October 21, 2009






Every perspective of consciousness may be a perspective of the same holistic consciousness, different only in aspect. The different kinds of perspectives that are possible within parameters of an Algorithm assigned for each Universe may be limited, such that “there is nothing new under the sun.” Each perspective of consciousness may somehow connect, and often resonate, to feel much the same as all other perspectives, such that, “as we do unto the least of us, so shall we do to ourselves.”

A being of moral sentience may ask: Will there someday be greater fulfillment in greater empathy? Will we progress to wean ourselves away from oft needing to hate an essence of one another, instead us to substitute a better empathy? Or will God, through us, necessarily continue to need to experience hate, fear, wrath, discord, upset, and evil? In other words, is Holistic Consciousness manic-depressive, pathetically-schizo, between good and evil? I hope and believe not, but I do not know.


Space, time, matter, and energy cannot exist independenly. Rather, each depends for its functional expression upon a holistic field, of which it is derivative. That field is a meta-field, existing in the mind of God, being expressed in the logos of God. Such logos conforms our universe to an Algorithm, consisting in various layers and levels of functions and equations. The logos of God is Math. The holistic field is derivative of nothing more than potential of higher Consciousness (aka, God) expressing perspectives subject to mathematical parameters.

That higher Consciousness has capacity to assume varying partial perspectives that are derivative of itself, to coordinate or re-normalize communicative feedback (i.e., information) between such perspectives, and to synchronize and relate feedback from each such perspective to itself.

Space, time, matter, and energy do not exist in themselves, but only as byproduct illusions, or informational feedback among partial perspectives, as moderated through a holistic Consciousness. As byproducts of illusions, space, time, matter, and energy are useful constructs or conventions for signifying exchanges and organizations of information, consistent with a ruling Algorithm.

Each partial perspective of consciousness experiences and expresses a point of view for organizing information within a frame or field of reference, within which it necessarily finds definition for itself, so far as it can re-normalize its measurements, to be at a “center.” As each such perspective observes its measurements, it sequentially accumulates and organizes information in such a way as to experience being at the center of its own informational field of experience.

Each such perspective senses itself as being limited between a finite, creative beginning and an entropic end to its own time of experience. Each perspective of consciousness begins at a meta-center of God, which meta-center, in that respect, is the same for all. But, in respect of availing potential for variation in interpretation and communication of qualities, each perspective is different. The potential of each of us is derivative of the same meta-centerpoint of God. For us, all else is derivative, or illusion.

Units of potential do not exist as units in themselves, but only insofar as they are renormalized to the experience of some point of view. Information does not exist as Information In Itself, but only as Information for the potential appreciation of some identifiable focus, perspective, point of view … or Holism. Except in derivative service to each necessarily limited frame of reference, there is no three or four dimensional grid or system of coordinates for locating every particle of matter or energy in space or time. I may be in communication with a material organization of information, plot it, be able to travel to it, and it to me … but no grid actually exists in itself. Rather, information for any such grid loci for particles exists, ultimately, subject to the holistic consciousness of God.


Among partial perspectives which are in communication with one another, how accurately may the quality, measure, and content of each perspective of consciousness be coordinated or renormalized to a common frame of reference? I suspect the accuracy may proceed up to the informational carrying capacity of whatever purpose or standard may be chosen as a common goal or referent, however incomplete or arbitrary. Subject to such implicit limits, accurate communication may thus be re-normalized.

Suppose, in the way Information is re-normalized to present to the interpretation and sensation of myself and my companions, I experience my universe as accelerating in its expanding at its fringes so fast that ever more of some bits and parts of such Information necessarily recede from any possible illumination or reflection back to me, because of the way the essence and body for my perspective of consciousness are organized. Even so, I suspect some higher or better adapted perspective of consciousness, of a different aspect, perhaps of an overlapping Algorithm, may yet retain, beyond my appreciation, capacity to continue to receive, sense, and interpret, some quality of the Author or organization of such Information.


Our beingness as partial perspectives necessarily limits each of us in our experiences and measurements to only a finite interpretation of the holistic potential of God, even though we may, however vaguely, sense that there is more to existence than what can be experienced from any present form. In other words, God limits each partial perspective’s experience to a finite frame of reference. However, God may preserve a holistic interpretion of the information of each such perspective. An aspect of God may be accumulating such information, to avail expressions of perspectives of consciousness to reincarnate, into ever new experiences of “universe,” to be birthed consecutively out of each previous old.


No unit of potential exists in itself. Every unit of potential exists only as information, in the services of some perspective of consciousness, for the purpose of changing its organization as Information, in feedback service to that perspective’s purpose, which itself is in feedback to God’s purpose. Such units of potential as are organized for leading to the expression of molten iron at the core of earth are in service to act with properties of iron, in service of God, for forming our perceptions of bodies and energies in motion.


The organization of Information is not to make a dead universe more organized as a body of dead physics. For that false purpose, information, depending on perspective or purpose, could just as well be considered as becoming more organized, or less organized. However, from perspective of God, the informational experience is a universal-feedback meta-empirical-test, for facilitating God’s learning or entertainment.


Freedom and dignity are about availing expression of our empathy. Organizing and focusing of perspectives for empathy gives rise to organizing of life forms for focusing of perspectives of consciousness. The Resonance-In-Itself (God) is the “empathy-lover.” It acts outside the Algorithm it established to rule our universe, but consistent with it. That is, the Algorithm does not determine God. God produces no perspective that is beyond God’s limits (if any). Our perspectives of empathy are epiphenomenal of the Algorithm, but not epiphenomenal of God. Our empathy is our after the fact appreciation or feeling of the consciousness of God.


Each unit of potential exists only as an equation, subject to capacity of each such equation to “resonate.” The equation for the most fundamental unit of potential cannot itself be “physically” split, because it does not exist as a physical particle, but only as an unsplittable, mathematical equation (or organization of information). Equations for units of resonance and for collections of such units must always balance, in incremental quantum leaps. The resonations effect changes in organizations of equations --- within, between, and among such equations. Resonance can be measured for expressing particle polarity, synchronicity, binding, exclusivity, charge, attraction, repulsion, spin, or wave function. When accumulations of units of potential are split, organizations within such accumulations are interpreted as resonating “outwards.” Each fundamental Unit’s essential potential remains the same in sum, although internally it may be measured to express different collections of ratios of quarks, leptons, or other incremental units of expression. That is, the Unit of Potential is the fundamental Unit, every such Unit has a same absolute value in respect of the ruling Algorithm, but every such unit, “internally,” may express varying sequences of composite, incremental units of expression. Although the Unit itself is not splittable, its internal organization may be caused to change in its relative expression and resonance, sometimes violently.


God never produces more units for transmitting potential empathy, resonance, or information than God can organize. If there is excess, it must “wink out” in black holes, but spread the information among the remainder.

Is each black hole a birth of a new God? Was our “big bang” a birth of our God? Does our God’s consciousness, as Holistic God, eventually reincarnate or “spread out,” to be inhabited or absorbed by subsequent or other Gods? Does all potential exist, both now and in following or future sequences? Is “eternal return” precluded only by “random” expressions of Godly consciousness? Or is what is “random” only an aspect of perspective?


Within some units of potential, the quanta are in a self-annihilating expression of balance, as quanta and anti quanta. Such units still resonate insofar as their gravitatonal effects, but not insofar as other particular effects. That is, they exhibit gravitational energy, even as they show no other measureable feathre. In exerting “gravitational pushes,” these Dark Units of Potential balance like matter, but behave live pure (gravitational) energy in that they do not interact of resonate as particles.


Resonance among “units-as-units” is continuous, in their expressions as waves. But resonance among units with respect to their internal quanta is particular and discrete. Some Units of Potential resonate to express particles only as anti-particles. Their anti-particle aspects annihilate in their resonances, so that such units soon reduce to expressing only virtual particles, thus behaving as Dark particles.


“Gravity” is one of four fundamental forces, each of which is epiphenomenal of Information being organized by a Consciousness that is ever-“expanding” and organizing its experience. Insofar as gravity is derivative of a Higher Consciousness, then the perception or measurement of gravity follows an Algorithm which has been set in place by such Higher Consciousness, to rule our communications. The force of gravity could be rationalized just as well or accurately by considering it as a “pushing force,” rather than as a pulling force.

Forces may be conceptualized among four types: Gravity, EMR, Strong, and Weak. All such forces may be considered as being secondary to the expression of exchanges of resonance or changes “among,” “between,” and “within” fundamental units of potential or, more accurately, the equation which defines parameters for components of each such fundamental unit. (The units themselves have no real physical existence, except derivative of mind of God.)

Gravity Force may be conceptualized (or interpreted) as being the expression of a “pushing resonance” between such units, without respect to their internal structure.

EMR Force may be conceptualized as being the expression of resonance “between” such units, in respect of their internal structures of charge, polarity, and similarity of quarks.

Strong and Weak Forces may be conceptualized as expressions of resonance within such units, in respect only to their internal structures of charge, polarity, and similarity of quanta.

Each fundamental unit of potential, within its mathematical parameters, has potential restricted in different proportions to represent different kinds and numbers of component quarks, which necessarily give off, or associate with, qualities of space, time, chronology, density, spin, motion, polarity, charge, etc.

Each unit of potential, within itself, obeys quantum-mechanics math. Between themselves, the units coordinate and express their own kind of space-time geometrical-math.

If the concept of a “graviton” is essential to understanding the ruling Algorithm, it consists in such units, each of which varies in its internal structure. The math that controls the limiting value for each fundamental unit of potential gives effect to that which we call “gravity.”

Even though every unit, acting externally, upon and between other units, carries the same absolute amount of influence within the Algorithm, a particular unit that is “dense” because it sacrifices capacity to express internal space-time in exchange for mass-density of quanta will exhibit greater gravitational effects. In that way, the “graviton” may be conceptualized as a particle which is comprised of internal quanta.

Perhaps denser units tend to have greater capacity for organizing and preserving more of what we call Information. Perhaps information from all other units of potential, even diffuse units, “pushes away” from denser units.


GOD PARTICLE / Higgs Boson: Conception of a facilitator for the transfer and radiation of resonance.
INFORMATION: Relates to how units of potential and their internal and external resonances are organized in respect of their encompassing field and in obedience to their shared Algorithm. Because of original density and big bang, from holistic viewpoint, Information may transmit instantaneously.
GRAVITY: Relates to resonance between units, without reference to their internal structure.
EMR: Relates to resonance between units, with respect to their internal structure.
ATOMIC/NUCLEAR FORCE: Relates to resonance within units.
POLARITY: Relates to Action at a Distance ; artifactual of equational construction of Information.
Q: So, is gravity instantaneous, or does it limit to resonate in respect of the relational speed of light? (Yes)
Q: What about action at a distance? Answer: that is not a representation of gravity or EMR. It is a representation of polar identity within an equation.


What is Consciousness, your consciousness, qualia of I-ness? What may it mean to have an Identity of indiscernibles? Of what may such Identities be derivative? Do “I” ever experience a qualia of “you-ness”? Does some qualia of God retain a reincarnating interest in qualia of me?


The purpose or goal of God is:
To apply an Algorithm for our Universe to continuously seek decent, sustainable, fulfilling, surpassable, civilizing, facilitating Algorithms;
To organize knowledge and skill of field of consciousness of the present Algorithm into perceptive foci of consciousness of units of potential, so they can be applied in consideration of the next universal Algorithm;
To learn how to recreate a more sustainable and surpassable universe for availing civilized companionship;
To inspirit Algorithms for giving birth to algorithms, for giving birth to new Algorithms, and so on, so God can thus pursue “happiness.”


By investigating the Algorithm, one may seek to learn about: The core, essental, intuitive appreciation of decency; how to lead other foci who are fundamentally inclined to seek more decent civilization to it; how to harness the essential capacity of units of potential, to access “wormholes” into a next “progressive” Algorithm.

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