Wednesday, October 21, 2009


End of Progress

Ideas run through societies, often in trends or cycles. They may simply be ripe for the times, or the product of something more calculating. From both left and right, ideas are coalescing that will effect a dissolution of middle class, independent-mindedness.

Certainly, the collectivist left has been no friend of the middle class. But neither has the political right. Rather, the right tends to advocate free trade to such an extreme as to demonstrate little concern for the effect on domestic workers or the preservation of national independence. The effect has been to consolidate power, reduce pay to workers, and render middle classes largely irrelevant. International corporations are learning to bypass concerns about governments controlling corporations. Instead, they proceed directly to invest in corporations controlling governments -- i.e., direct buying of politicians, not altogether unlike bribery or Gangster Capitalism.

In effect, we are “progressing” to political rule by only a few potentates, with everyone else, even academic elites and journalists, learning to be group thinking, go along, happy faces on sticks. Our dear leader says Fox is not a news channel, and all the elite donkeys bray right along. The middle class, in the sense of potent and independent thinkers, is dissolving. What remains will be the controllers and those they control.

What does this bode for break through improvements in civil society? How will vibrancy in ideas and in social mobility fare, once the middle class is laid low, worldwide? After all, during this time of governmental intrusiveness and economic retrenchment, who wants to stick their necks out? Worried people “invest” in gold, businesses downsize, and middle management flattens out. The good leave (or die), and those who carry on fear being downsized on account of whomever may seek to hatchet them by trumping up race-baiting complaints to human resources personnel.

In this muck, we end up not just with a post turtle at the top, but with post turtles all the way up, and then all the way back down again -- that is, until this unstable tower of post turtles falls apart, dropping us into the next cycle of competition among investment bankers.

From a sermon preached the Rev. William McD. Tully, Rector:
How can a gigantic investment bank have its most profitable quarter ever, two quarters ago, and now essentially be out of business, worth nothing? Upon what did that value once stand? I asked a lot of people this week what is it that we valued one day and didn’t the next. And the answer, pretty much, came back sounding like turtles—turtles all the way down.

After awhile, one may ask: Has the middle class become the hunted foe against which our main political parties are aligned?


Anonymous said...


1) Bush’s wilful stupidity in refusing to enforce the border;
2) Powell’s wilful stupidity in believing it would be just fine to have a Muslim for an American president;
3) Rinos’ constant refrain in praise of free trade, even to the point of hocking America’s infrastructure; and
4) Dinos’ wilful enrichment of cultures that want America dead, by pig headedly refusing to allow development of American energy reserves.

Could American leadership be any worse? Could MSM pundits be any more clueless? Could the American electorate be any dumber?

Friends don’t let friends drive Dino … or Rino. We must forfeit Dino and Rino keys to the car. As things stand, Dinos and Rinos are simply too hopped up on dope or avarice to care. They are so blinded by pleasure and power that they simply cannot think beyond their privates, much less to any purpose for their progeny.

I am so tired of being passenger to drunks, careening along well beyond any sane speed limit.

Anonymous said...

Re: "How come we have RINOs but don't have DINOs? "

Well, a true Republican would believe in the Constitution and in preserving the Republic. And a true Democrat would believe in the Constitution and in preserving indirect democracy via representative government. Within the U.S., true Republicans and Democrats would be true Americans and would believe in preserving American borders, language, culture, and liberty.

But essentially all our ruling pols, for the past 20 some years, have believed in porous borders, cheap illegal immigrant labor, free trade for selling off infrastructure, and utter disregard for what some 65% of Americans want. Among our pols, we have damn few real American Republicans or Democrats. IOW, we have Dinos out the wazoo!

Now, if you meant to ask why don't we have any principled Democrats in Congress who are willing to take a stand against the ruling regime, well that would be a question about intestinal fortitude. And the answer to why there are none with guts among Dems is this: They are owned, body and soul, by Soros, Daily Kos, and a network of nutbag leftist "elites," long infested and established in all influential institutions. Turn on the lights --- roaches everywhere!

Anonymous said...

International corporations are selling out individual liberty and arm twisting us all to submit to the lowest common denominator of international corporate rule (and valueless multicultural values). Lay bare the rift, nay thousand mile wide chasm, between Conservatives and Rinos. Folks, evil is evil, even if it comes in flavors of Rino or Dino. We can quibble and say Rinos are not themselves evil. Fine. But the philosophy that undergirds them is! There yet remains enough democratic spirit in America to avail a chance to come together and employ legal means to derail this juggernaught. No illusions, no regrets; but begin now. The rest of the world can take this internationalist claptrap and shove it.

Anonymous said...

Well, we will not prevail one on one against the brute by playing the brute's game on the brute's field. Thinkers win over brutes by leveraging skill, knowledge, and technology. If we lose our nerve for preserving technological superiority, we are doomed --- unless we are willing to become brutes ourselves. There is no communal society awaiting us if we lay down our intelligence and submit to collective serfdom. Rather, there is just open invitation to the brute.

Are Westerners willing to deliberately skin innocent people alive or to slice off heads? Usually not.

Rinos and Dinos are morally insane to expect we will prevail against blood mad cultures and sects merely by reigning in our pursuits of happiness while apologizing for defending ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Maybe. But too often what Rino Republicans really mean when they say starve the State is feed international corporatism, at the expense of American individualism. Individual initiative and American jobs are no less strangled, whether at the hands of Big Gov or at the hands of Big Corp. Collectivist Gov (Gangster Communism) is no less big when it is simply bought and owned by International Corporatists (Gangster Capitalists). Either way, both America and its middle class are caught in a free fire zone, in the middle.

To "change," by turning necks like a current, alternating from one gangster alliance to another, is still to seek the death of the idea of America and its independent middle class.

Every international corporatist can take whatever he wishes, count his ill gotten gains, and will still see a degenerate when he looks in the mirror --- a degenerate who has broken faith with every man, woman or child who has ever put skin on the line or sacrificed blood in order to build and preserve a land and culture for decent society among free minded individuals. In the balance, the trade for short term advantage is an unworthy insult to to human dignity, if not to God Almighty.

Corporatists are fond to say, "I earned it! I earned it!" Like hell you did. You wanna "earn" and deserve it? Then keep faith with your fellow Americans and preserve vital checks and balances; respect and defend the Constitution. Be part of a beacon for lighting the free minded dignity of humanity. For goodness sakes, Conservatives must stand up and "arrest" the Dino and Rino evil-doers who want to bleed dry the American ideal in exchange for short term "reparations" or "free trade" profits. Dinos and Rinos are slaughtering our country before our eyes.

Rinos hardly need help from Conservatives in order to eat our country alive. We don't need no stinking Rinos. We need to arrest them.

Anonymous said...

As a mid level manager for a governmental entity, I have been through numerous management courses throughout the years. They have all been a frightful joke, teaching nothing more than p.c. common sense, while engaging fantasies (like free health care) as if mid level managers actually had significant freedom to deviate from norms that factor most in promotions: race, gender, sucking up, and going along. Now that governmental fantasizing is intruding more and more into nearly everything, this sort of spiritual death seems to have become the blueprint for future management.

But sucking up and going along with government fantasies had little to do with the things I am proudest of guiding (legal and case precedents relating to tort reform). Rather, those achievements gave me no protection from a significant set back, which I endured as a result of not going along (with what amounted to playing footsie with subornation).

This gave me pause to look around, and I am quite uncomfortable with what I see. Without belaboring details, I see Dinos and Rinos being perfectly willing that everyone should be fitted as a cog for one encompassing machine that produces only nonsense. Of course, some cogs drive more gears than others. Regardless, as cogs, we are all to work, act, breathe, and think in complete subordination to a system that is contrived to enforce 100% politically correct subordination of the soul.

No doubt, Anita Dunn would admire that: “Mao's ” The Little red Book” or Mao Zedong on People's War (1967) became in the 1960s the ultimate authority for political correctness.” See No doubt, Ms. Dunn would fervently desire that everyone should become “one with the machine.” For Dinos and Rinos who have no faith in meaningful connection with a higher spiritual sponsor, source or purpose, this comes as no surprise.

Meaningful tunneling, creating, or thinking outside the materialistic system is coming to be rigidly repressed. It is in this context that humanity is exponentially expanding knowledge. And this lends incredible power, even to the least morally fit. So any gang that would rule must now intimidate or limit access to such power to all other gangs. And all who are to be ruled must be conditioned to bow before a common, materialistic power – whether in the name of Allah, Government, or The Collective.

To coalitions of free spirits under God, who have no desire to rule, but desire only not to be ruled, who would say, as Patrick Henry, “give me liberty or give me death,”the Halloween Collectivizers say, “take death.” This is because free thinking is a grave threat to all who most fervently desire our common submission to p.c. So this situation is coalescing into a meaningful, major contest between good vs. evil; between individual moral backbone vs. collective fear, envy, and avarice.

If ordinary, freedom loving Americans submit in mass to collectivizing deadheads, we will be well on the way to being reduced to glandular versions of an EverReady Battery. This is the utopian wish of dialectic materialism. For that trade, we shall have surrendered far more than our physical well being. Happy Halloween.

Anonymous said...

Delta said, "At some point, we are going to have to figure out just how much carbon the system can actually handle ...."

Not necessarily. More rational and effective would be simply to support general, reasonable ways to incentive population management. Not with eugenics or family size limits, but with general, indirect incentives.
Problems: Catholic opposition and unilateral disarmament in face of Muslim populating; would also require stern border enforcement.
Likelihood: Slim.
Regardless, I very much doubt that informed good will is the basis for the cap and trade nonsense. A far more likely candidate is simple human greed for power, wrapped up for useful idiots as if it were "principled."
After all, merely engaging in a good will campaign for population management would not increase one's power base, would it?

Anonymous said...

Thinking of Rube Goldberg, what about MSM "journalism?" Look what our last presidential choice was. Our Prog media delivered us to a choice between the two biggest Progs. What will stop them from doing that again? So long as Rino and Dino Progs have means to pass electioneering costs onto the middle class, what can possibly stop them from spending just as much as it takes to deliver us a similar choice in 2012?

It is sometimes said that eventually you run out of other people's money. But when the game of Gov is rigged, that is not necessarily true. The real "OPM" comes from the middle class. So long as Gov can print money and pass on the proportionate effect in order to further control and indenture the middle class, how can those who own Gov possibly ever run out of the OPM of the middle class? The problem is not absolute DOLLARS. The problem is proportionate CONTROL, as represented by dollars.