Saturday, October 3, 2009



HOLISTIC WILL: There is an Organization or Mind for the accumulation of Information about our universal field as a Whole, which, in how it synchronously relates to each different Perspective, is known or experienced only to Holistic Consciousness of Will (or Mind) of God.

PARTICULAR PERSPECTIVES OF CONSCIOUSNESS: As to each separate, feedback-processing, subjective-objective Perspective of such Consciousness, it is given expression concurrent or Coordinate with a Meta-Situation of synchronous and relative intermingling among all Units of Mathematical Potential.

FUNDAMENTAL UNIT OF POTENTIAL: Each fundamental Unit of Potential, in mathematical relationships consistent with a defining Algorithm, in various parameter and mathematically-limited proportions or functions, may be related, or experienced to relate, to avail and transmit the expression or communication of such Information as is derivatively Idealized as being organized for signifying geometrical forms, forces, and particles.

A-TOMS NECESSARILY COMPRISING UNITS OF POTENTIAL: Each such Unit of Potential may express a set of particular “a-toms” or quanta of forces or energy and/or particles of matter, but only in such mathematical forms and proportions as are algorithmically balanced and permitted, depending upon how many and what kinds of a-toms there are, in any incremental and quanticized way, that are then and there being given derivative expression "*within" an ideologically shared field of space-time.

ILLUSION OF SPACE-TIME: *Actually, the perception of being "within" space-time" is derivative, in that space-time is derivative of idealizations of perspectives from a meta-situation, whereby the idealization of each perspective must conform to the Algorithm. In other words, the appearance of "Natural Physics" is a consequence Idealizations ("perspectives of consciousness") relating to one another in respect of parameters availed by nothing more than pure math.

CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCING: A chronology of transitions and changes in the expression and communication of Information that is channelled among and through such units of potential occurs incrementally or granularly, in obedience to a ruling Algorithm.

INFORMATION: Information is preserved in respect of how each perspective perceives the mathematically place-holding signifiers of our Universe to be expanding and chronologically unfolding. We perceive our universe to Expand because the Information stored in Potential is expanding. When a unit of Potential “dies,” the information that is stored or focused in the equation that defines it is spread out and absorbed by other expanding equations.

DERIVATION OF PHYSICS: Physics is derivative of Holistic Consciousness availing feedback-interaction among limited Perspectives of such Consciousness, which depend utterly for regulating their separate Identities upon a ruling Algorithm. That is, Physics is secondary to Mind of God as IT employs a parameter-limiting Algorithm, which mortals must obey.

EQUATON CONTROLLING EVERY UNIT OF POTENTIAL: An equation for representing each and every Unit of Potential must explicate how each such unit is delegated with potential to: Relate, empathize, switch, polarize, attune, resonate, convey, and communicate informational receptivity about Degrees of Freedom for storing, manipulating, changing, releasing, directing, and creating Information … and feeding it back to the Whole.

EACH UNIT NECESSARILY RETAINS SOME CAPACITY TO IDEALIZE, REPSECT, OR RELATE TO ALL FUNDAMENTAL DIMENSIONS OF SPACE-TIME AND MATTER-ENERGY: Each Unit of Potential, in relating to all others that are then and there receptive to it, must have capacity to express Space, Time, Matter, and Energy subject to certain limits, provided that the interpretation of such representation may depend upon the receiving potential’s relationship, direction, movement, acceleration, medium, and expansion (into aether?).

EXPERIENCING CHOICE: Responding to Feedback by which to Choose what to Identify with, as one’s primary frame of reference and point of reference or view, affects how one interprets and perceives “The World.”

SELF-MEASUREMENT OF UNITS: It seems that each Unit of Potential can only be interpreted (or averaged to interpretation) consistent with its mathematical parameters. It seems no such Unit can know its own Measure, but, at most, only its Measure in how it relates to what it “perceives” or interprets of its relation to others, “choosing” which others are most significant to its “Purposes.”

RESPECT FOR MATHEMATICAL LAWS OF NATURE: Mathematically, each such Unit must always “Respect” limits (natural laws under a shared Algorithm) for the interpretation of its capacities. So, how is it that each and every such Unit always knows, deduces, induces, or adduces, in order to obey and “respect” the ruling Algorithm?

EXISTENCE AS IDEALIZATION: Existence may be better idealized not as circular, but as spherical. Or, better yet, as Algorithmic --- like a spherically-expanding, parameter-limiting, algorithmically-balanced Equation. Insofar as one’s Being’ness obeys an Algorithm, to “pass” an algorithmic limit to linear Continuosity may be to make a “quantum leap” to a new location, connecting to relate from a new Category of view line.

HOLISTIC WILL: There is an Organization or Mind for the accumulation of Information about our universal field as a Whole, which, in how it synchronously relates to each different Perspective, is known or experienced only to Holistic Consciousness of Will (or Mind) of God.

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