Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Active Ingredient of all Renormalizing

Active Ingredient of all Renormalizing:

RENORMALIZING: What I mean by "to Renormalize" is to experience a difference in feedback or perspective and then to translate and communicate ways to appreciate the difference to other perspectives, and sometimes for them to confirm the appreciation.

CONDITIONS FOR COMMUNICATION: How is that-which-is-manifested-into-existence made or renormalized out of that-which-is-of-a-virtual-vacuum?
There occurs for us a constant and continuous renormalizing of our experiences.
Were such not the case, I can conceive of no way for any two living, conscious beings to experience different perspectives and still be able to relate to one another regarding their states of being.

SUPERIOR LAW: For conceptualizing a law of nature, such Process Of Renormalization, in encompassing consciousness of experiences, appears to be superior even to what is commonly referred to as the law of conservation of matter and energy.
May a Law of Renormalization, when considered with derivative Law of Conservation, account for our experiencing or measuring of virtual particles or bundles of matter or energy?
Is not the borrowing of such virtual particles against the unfolding future (i.e., choices unfolding along our lifepaths) a form of renormalizing?
What sort of Mathematician of Pure Math could account for such renormalizing of experiences of consciousness?

FUNDAMENTAL UNIT OF POTENTIAL: To coordinate the experiential effect of a generally quantifiable and measurable sequence and direction for each unfolding process of renormalization, it seems there must be prescribed and/or obeyed some sort of fundamental Unit of Mathematical Potential, which may be borrowed from in various of its secondary expressions, but which must always be balanced.

BORROWING AGAINST VIRTUAL REALITY: How else may one account for measurable borrowing of virtual particles against the future, or for the “twin paradox,” unless some perspectives of consciousness receive, interpret, alter, and/or choose aspects of information somewhat fuzzily, differently, and/or incompletely from others?

NORMALIZING THE ABNORMAL: In the proverbial case of the space-traveling twins, one will age more than the other, depending upon how much more quickly he experiences sequences of information during his life path and along his spatially changing and renormalizing frames of reference. During their lives, one twin will age faster and be crammed with a different quality of more information and, upon his turning back, even experience his own renormalizing loss of part of the stream of information that yet continues to be availed to his twin.

RENORMALIZATION OF EXPERIENCE OF INFORMATION: In other words, no particular particle, wave or field of light is renormalized.
Rather, what is renormalized is the conscious experience of the observer himself.
Physics does not, in itself, borrow against the future.
Rather, each conscious being, in approaching each situation while interacting with other perspectives, acts as a choice-inducing agent.

SYNCHRONIZER: And the sum of all such choices must be renormalized in obedience to a synchronizing Wielder of a higher Algorithm.
In other words, it is because virtual loans can be taken against the vacuum of the future that it is possible for us to experience ourselves as choice-effecting agents.
But for such process of renormalizing to perspectives of consciousness, whether particular or holistic, physics would not manifest, inasmuch as it makes no coherent sense to speak of “physics in itself.”

IMPLICATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS: For Physics to relate in any relevant way, Consciousness, at least in potentiality, is necessarily implicated.
Perspectives of physics, and storage and interpretation of information about physics, are renormalized not in respect merely of any physics-in-itself, but in respect of perspectives (or at least recorders of potential perspectives, i.e., measure-inducing observers).

PHYSICS AS A PLACEHOLDING CONVENTION FOR AVATARS: That which we call “physics” is artefactual of how consciousness stores (“placeholds”) its perspectives of information, after the fact of each renormalization.
That which we measure as “particles or waves of physics” is after-the-fact artefactual of something more fundamentally essential, i.e., renormalizing feedback from the interacting of our particular and holistic perspectives of consciousness or choices of imagination.

FEEDBACK WITH AVATARS: Each particular perspective appreciates each sequential novelty as feedback, a slight step later than it was prescribed by a holistic, synchronizing, Renormalizer of consciousness.
That which one takes to be one’s body serves only as Avatar of Something spiritually deeper, beyond physics.
I am unable meaningfully to conceive of any existent field-in-itself which would renormalize itself for the Purpose of renormalizing perspectives of consciousness.
Rather, I can conceive of a physical field only as a secondary placeholder, artefactual to a synchronizing perspective of consciousness.

GROUND OF BEING: I am unable Meaningfully to conceive of “dumb physics” or “dumb math” as providing the ground of being for the renormalizing of perspectives of consciousness, sans Physicist or Mathematician.

INTERACTIVE GOD: For us, no field exists as our “ground of being in itself,” but only artefactual of the synchronizing imaging of an Interacting Agent of renormalizing, i.e., “God” -- not a mere disinterested or uninvolved deity.
Every choice we experience is artefactual of feedback with a higher Renormalizer.

PARITY AND CRACKED SYMMETRY: Exact parity is not required for each and every perspective of being. Rather, the symmetry of experience is “cracked.” Were it otherwise, it would seem that communication between perspectives of being would not be possible, if there could be only one perspective.
Rather, different beings must experience different perspectives, but of the same underlying source of expression or ground of being.
The ground of being that we share as a frame of reference must be one and the same, yet it must avail us with non-parity in perspectives.
Example: There is a conceptualized a particle called a (“righthanded”) muon. In some relations, it is measured as spinning clockwise on its axis of movement, but never counterclockwise. In other words, a muon can be experienced only by a measurer who is sympathetic with its direction of movement. No measurer can ever experience a (“lefthanded”) muon as spinning counterclockwise, because no measurer can ever approach it except in sympathy with clockwise spin about its direction of movement. This violates parity, and allows one who is in sympathy with a muon’s direction of movement to receive and interact with information about it that may not be available to one who otherwise would relate to the muon from a non-sympathetic perspective. In other words, the universe we share renormalizes available information about itself differently to one who is sympathetic to the frame of movement of a muon as opposed to one who is not. May other relations pertain, by which parity is violated?

FUZZ: If you and I are accessing different microscopes that are focused for observing the same bacteria, we will interact with the information differently from those in our lab who may be accessing microscopes focused only for observing the same atoms within the bacteria. Each observer’s information will be renormalized within shared parameters, subject to “fuzz,” insofar as no two observers will perceive exactly the same perspective. The more we share the same parameters for focusing, the less the fuzz that needs to be renormalized in our attempts to coordinate our notes. No non-trivial communication or sharing of information is exactly coordinate at all levels and layers of consideration.

PARAMETERS FOR NON-TRIVIAL COMMUNICATION: While we do not share independent stories, we do share differently renormalized stories on a theme. Depending on level of story precision, consensus can be reached about information that is within the same parameters or margins of statistical error. Insofar as physics does not exist in itself, but only artefactual to perspective, no level of precision will ever produce a clear or complete picture or description of any “particle (or any other thing) in itself.”

MORALITY: Materialism-consisting-only-in-itself is not an adequate model for discussing materialism. More importantly, absent conceptualization of an interacting Synchronizer of purposefulness, there is no coherent conception for inspiring moral cooperation. Attempts at moral inspiration would reduce to a hoax, or, as Vonnegut would say, a crock. Such is philosophy fit only for weed smoking Ivy profs, solipsistic totalitarian collectivists, and misled materialists.

RENORMALIZING LIGHT: Were our interpretations of light not limited to a constant, how could we experience chronology or any sensible interactions within space-time? How could we merge in identification with any sensible form or perspective of particular consciousness?

Every perspective receives information in chronological sequence from every source-direction. But suppose information from each of five sources could be transmitted at various speeds, without limitation to any renormalizing limit. If so, the observer could not renormalize to determine which incident being reported by the information occurred first or last.

For example, if the speed of information received from each different source depended upon the speed and direction of its projecting source, then the observer would have no reference by which to trust, make, or communicate sensible experience out of any chronology of incidents. That is, our experiences would be without reference to any sensible chronology. Time would neither impart meaning, nor respect memory.

It is only in respect that the speed of transmission of information has a limiting speed relative to each observer that we are able to renormalize our perceptions of events to communicate our sense of their sequential movements and relations.

But it is not the speed of light, per se, that is limited. Rather, what is limited is the renormalizing speed at which information is interpreted as being receivable to each perspective. Somehow, information “touches” each of us in sequences. What we call “light” is merely artefactual to our interpretation of how that happens. And information always “touches” us a step before we sense of react to it.

Whatever may constitute the process or renormalization to perspective, we ourselves – our bodies, brains, and experiences – are artifacts to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I took the watchword in Avatar to be “balance,” as in mathematical balancing of the physics and empiricism of nature. But pantheists and empiricists seem never to voice intuition of a Source for the balancing, which Itself would be superior to such balancing.

Such Source’s interactions with IT’s creations could never be empirically measured by IT’s creations as being other than consistent with mathematical balancing. Yet, IT’s meta-choices among potentials for IT’s interactions would be ruled under IT’s own holistic kind of consciousness. (The Whole is greater than any mortal capacity to sum its parts.)

This kind of intuition entails empathetic respect for a meta-Consciousness, beyond the mere balancing of “physics.” This is the kind of intuition and empathy that pantheists fail to respect, and often disrespect (as if it were religious nonsense or disproven by “science”).

Why is it important to notice how pantheists deny any higher or meta-consciousness, as they place all their faith in an illusion, i.e., the false completeness of our mortal “physics”? Well, do a mind experiment and ask: What sort of moral principles would devolve to be espoused by a pantheist versus a believer in a higher Source of consciousness?

Which would tend to seek at all costs to perfect a tower of Babel, and which would seek primarily to teach good will, good faith, and sustainable empathy among all? Which would contrive a self-serving vision of “saving the planet” and then insist it was the only scientifically supportable vision? And which kind of civilization do you want to be a part of?

BTW -- If "natural balance" should be one's most superior moral guidepost, then who among our elites should say when how such balance should apply? Trivially, is not nature always, necessarily, "in balance"? If "balance" is your only guidepost, are you really saying anything substantive? May this kind of moral "principle" help explain why Liberals, Libertarians, Atheists, and Pantheists tend fundamentally to be unable to draw or defend any lines for preserving civil decency?

On the other hand, if empathetic respect for each perspective of consciousness is the guidepost, then no mere mortal need be taken as superior to each person's individual responsibility to account directly for his or her own relationship with meta-Consciousness. After all, did God give us minds to sense His creation (i.e., His symbolic Word), only for us to surrender our minds to mere spins on dogma? Must all bow to interpretationis by "those who know best," i.e., Lord Gore, Obama, Dear Leader, and Whackjob?