Monday, November 23, 2009



What does it mean to be aware of one’s self? Is “self” purely a byproduct of physics? Does “self” participate via feedback in effecting choices within parameters of physics? Or is self’s participation purely epiphenomenal, and otherwise ineffectual? Are the patterns of forms chosen by God or Spirit entirely determined, or are they determined by some kind of mathematical function for generating randomness? To the extent events appear to signify in obedience to parameters that may be expressed mathematically, what is the “reason” for that?

Are choices derivative of some aspect or component of “will”? If there is an aspect of self or free or meta will, what, if anything, may it signify physically … or suggest spiritually? Is meta will determined not merely by accumulations of information of the past, but by purposes for the future, perhaps even teleological purposes which pull at such will, timelessly?


What non-triviality may emotively, reasonably, or meaningfully be said of such “will” … or of holistic or meta-will versus particular or mortal-will?


And is there any way, “objectively,” to “know” whether any other being is consciously aware of itself, as a “separate” perspective of consciousness, as opposed simply to being physically programmed to make appearances AS IF it were self conscious? What if it appears to store information, learn, adapt, respond consistently within expected parameters, and express rationalizations for choices?

But if a universe may appear to confer me with self consciousness, by what “test” may or should I reason that it appears likewise to confer self consciousness upon other perspectives of beingness? May other, particular perspectives of consciousness only “appear” to be separate, while “really” being of the same holistic perspective?


I choose not to believe that awareness of self is purely derivative of physics. I choose to believe that all of physics that is accessible to mortals is derivative of a meta will or consciousness, interacting within a meta information field, which is set to obey algorithmically controlling parameters. Such controlling, unifying Algorithm may in some sense be accesssible to mortal, measurable derivation.

In other words, our best evidence for perspectives of “selfness” and “will” may be subjective, internal, empathetic, and/or INTUITIVE. But our best evidence of “reason” may be objective, external, empirical, and MATHEMATICAL.

However, I also believe “reason” is derivative of “selfness.” That is, our experiences of empirical “physics” are derivative of our various “selves” SIGN-ifying and de-SIGNing forms for sharing expressions of math, which would be dimensionless but for being shared and limited within a common defining Algorithm.


But Who has availed such Algorithm? Perhaps “God” or Holistic Consciousness, aka Meta God Particle interacting with Meta Information Field. If so, all dimensions and expressions of physics (space, time, matter and energy) are derivative of, and subordinate to, such “ongoing” meta interaction, which may as well be conducting its entire concert on the head of a dimensionless pinpoint (sort of analogous to a physical Big Bang out of a dimensionless point of virtual nothingness).


Those tending most purely to be devoted to empiricism often scoff at notions of “intuition,” as if intuition should never form a basis for belief, as if the only belief worthwhile must be supported in respect of objectively measurable math. For them, I ask: apart from ongoing “intuition,” how do you form, unify, or COMPLETE any reasoned belief that any other perspective of self aware consciousness actually exists?

My point is this: There is a reasonable realm for measurable empiricism, but there is also a reasonable realm for moral intuition. I believe to think less is to follow only the poorer half of a philosophy.


Why is this of import? Well, “elite” campuses worldwide are hell bent to deconstruct all meta-thought about freedom,dignity, family, decency … in short, civilization.


In that regard, so-called hard-science “empiricists” have hardly covered themselves in glory with their half baked philosophies bent on denigrating and replacing spiritual intution in respect of a New Moral Priesthood … composed of scientists, bureaucrats, and (in the vein of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”) intolerant, fascistic, religious oppressors.

In short, many godless scientists, in presuming to replace religion, are perverting spirituality, becoming as bad or worse than any spiritual teacher they seek to replace. That is, many empiricists have become fervently “religious about science;” they have become neo-moral-fascists, bent on denigrating fundamental traditions and institutions requisite to decent civilization.


I intuit that there exists an Information Field (Aether?). It is not composed of information, but of potential information. It is the interaction of such field with Some Essential Aspect (Mind or God Particle?) that generates (Genesis?) present information about experiential existence, i.e., Identity of Beingness (reactiveness for storing potential for the unfolding of information to consciousness, subconsciousness, consciousness, self consciousness, spiritual consciousness).

It is the interaction of such “Metas,” i.e., Potential and Mind, which expresses, as byproduct, a competitive, cooperative, evolutionary unfolding and flourishing of freedom to imagine, interpret, express, communicate, translate, allegor-ize, and share interpretations and de-signs within algorithmically prescribed parameters.

Thus, experiences of information become organized among various perspectives (varying points of view within shared frames of reference), which share overlaps, which are derivative both of heirarchical (superiors’ and inferiors’) and horizontal (peers’) interactions and communications.


Each of us is a perspective of the Consciousness or Mind of God, interacting with a Field of Potential Information. To realize separateness of perspective, and to be able to communicate with similarly separate perspectives, we each assume (or are brought to assume) a role within our common Source’s (God’s) existential game of “let’s pretend.”

To play (“exist”) in any such game, we are required to accept its parameters and rules. Such parameters constitute a web of mathematical laws of nature, i.e., the Algorithm, which limits and defines all “physical tokens” (aka symbols, forms, models, and metaphors) for our interactions within the game. What we take to be our “physics” is what we must accept as conventional in order to participate, SIGN-ify, and communicate within the rules of the game.


So who or what is The Source-Interactor (or Mind or Will of God) that interacts with the Information Field? Being “meta,” IT may better be called “spiritual” than “physical.” Being meta, IT is not any sort of measurable or physical particle, not even as an “ultimate” physical particle of matter (insofar as we are accustomed to thinking of what is measurable in physics). Nor is the meta Information Field any sort of ultimately measurable physical field of waves, particle packets, or quanta of energy.


Being meta, the “Information Field” and the “God Particle” are necessarily beyond quantifiable relation or measure in physics or science. They are to be subjectively experienced (in intuition of potentiality of perspective and imagination). They are not to be objectively reduced, converted, or harnessed to mathematical relations or measures, They are not that which is mathematically (or statistically) measured, but that which avails measures. That are not of the game, but that which avails the game … and that which sets the teleology of the game.


Anonymous said...


Re: Biggest loser weight loss bet

Ok, for time of test, I'll acquiesce to mere mortals who have not yet discovered time travel. Pity. 1010 was a good year for dieting.

I'm just back from time traveling with Leon Lederman and Robert Godwin. My head is still spinning. I halfway understood Leon Lederman's (now dated) The God Particle. Just to get the spiritual analogy, I also read Robert Godwin's One Cosmos. (That guy's destiny seems written in his name --- poor chap.)

I have merged the two and decided that the God Particle resonates to an algorithmic tune with a field of potential information. This all occurs on a dimensionless pin point. Everything else is mere illusion and opinion. Just so you know, I'm already weightless!

No doubt, you recall musings from geometry that, given one untrue assumption, one can derive a "proof" for just about anything. So consider some fundamental assumptions that are popular among physicists (as well as among some analytic, "either-or" philosophers): that our universe arose from a dimensionless point; that various fundamental particles are points of no dimensions yet with properties (some only with a property of asymmetric "chiralty"); that time is only a stubborn illusion (what of space then?); that matter manifests only in respect of a virtual vacuum or nothingness that somehow has cloaked or diverted it's share of antimatter; that every observer is somehow renormalized to his/her/its own center of perspective.

Well! I do not mean to denigrate that which is measurable for practical purposes. But what I do not get (at least not yet) is why certain scientists deign to intrude into moral philosophy, AS IF practical physics in itself could point to scientific answers about that which we "should" be about.

For purposes not of measurability, but of intuitive morality, I say one may just as well model AS IF the God Particle resonates to an algorithmic tune with a field of potential information. Everything else is mere illusion and opinion. Ommm.

Now that you're properly stunned, you may send me a virtual check for my winning the bet; I'll refrain from cashing it until you arrive in June.

Anonymous said...

No non-trivial “fact” exists except in the service of contemporaneous philosophizing at some level.