Friday, November 27, 2009



AMBIGUITY OF POTENTIAL FOR INFORMATION: Information exists in an ambiguous vacuum or state of potential, until such time as it is reduced or collapsed to the navigational experience of perspective(s) of consciousness.

CONTINUITY AND DEFINITION: A conscious being, existing within a frame or field of reference as a particular observer of a point of view, needs general continuity for experiencing itself as an Identifiable Being, but also needs means for discretely demarking and measuring particulars about its situational environment. That is, to experience meaningful changes, a conscious being needs to perceive as if there were both continuity and discreteness.

FEEDBACK PARTICIPATION IN CHOOSING: Consistent with “feedback design,” God, animals, and man may leverage and introduce various “devices” for generating, recording, and taking measures of information about developing potentials within a state of being. A device (such as a star) may be prompted for generating and recording information about a continuous sequencing of events, such as under a field or wave perspective. If so, all perspectives of consciousness which eventually access such information, to interpret it consistently, would likewise experience it consistently with a field or wave interpretation.

Alternatively, a device may be prompted for generating, recording, and taking measures of a discrete sequencing of events, such as under a particle or quanta perspective. If so, all perspectives of consciousness which eventually access such information, to interpret it consistently, would likewise experience it consistently with a particle or quanta perspective.

SHARED FIELDS OF INFORMATION MADE MANIFEST: Suppose, within a state of unfolding potential, one device is introduced for taking measures consistent with a wave interpretation of continuity, while another is introduced for taking measures consistent with a particle interpretation of discreteness. If information “had existence” independent of perspective, it would seem problematic were one device to interpret it as wave-like, while another device interpreted the “same information” as particle-like.

However, information does not have manifest or independent existence apart from perspective. There is no “existent information” that could be interpreted in two different or conflicting ways because information does not exist as an identity in itself. Information is experienced to generate shared experiential feedback, but information does not in itself exist.

SHARED RULING ALGORITHM: Because of a ruling Algorithm, each and every device within each and every shared perspective of reference will have the information it measures and interprets shared and renormalized consistent with the experience of each perspective which shares, records, and interacts with it. Each device and perspective which shares interpretations of information is sharing meaningfully communicable interpretations of potential, AS IF such interpretations were real, even though none of such interpretatons of potential constitutes reality-in-itself.

Rather, each device and perspective that shares interpretations of potential is part of a derivative or inferior reality, which is only shared with such potentials of consciousness as are consistent with such interpretations of potential. We do not share a same physical reality, because there is not such a thing. Rather, what we share is an overlapping renormalization of experiential reduction of potential of reality to shared and communicable interpretations of perspectives.

COMMUNICATING ABOUT SHARED PRETENSES: Indeed, not even that which we take AS IF it were the identity of each perspective of consciousness is intependent in itself, but is part of an interprtation of potential, for sharing and communicating with other such perspectives (such as, friends). Although my friends do not “really” share a same “physical universe” with me, they do share significantly overlapping and renormalized aspects of a shared interpretation of the potential of beingness --- AS IF it constituted a real universe. (As to Who or What avails the sharing of interpretations of potential information, I intuit: There is meta-action in respect of a higher Consciounsess, interacting with a field of potential information in accordance with a parameter setting algorithm.)

PHYSICAL REALITY: An infinity of parallel physical universes does not exist, because there is no real physical universe in itself. Likewise, there is no real time travel, because there is no real physics within which to time travel. Likewise, an infinity of perspectives of consciousness which are in identity with my own and which are inhabiting parallel universes does not exist.

UNIQUENESS OF LIFE PATHS: Rather, each perspective of consciousness takes the measure of its path of experience through the field of potential information in its own unique way. It could “repeat” only if information reduced to conscious or recorded experience within the field could be lost. If such information, once made manifest to experience, cannot be entirely lost (which I intuit to be the case), then each layer of new information will necessarily preclude any subsequent sequence from being precisely repetitive. In other words, our perspectives of consciousness are discretely different, even though our ultimate source of consciousness is continuously the same.

META-ENTERTAINMENT: It is through us, the various perspectives of consciousness, by which the experience and interpretation of information from the field of potential beingness are made meaningful. I intuit that aspects of information from our experiences are somehow preserved or continued, for influencing the continuing unfoldment of beingness, for the meta-entertainment of a higher, unifying, synchronizing, holistic Source of consciousness.

RENORMALIZING TRICK: Thus I concpetualize the trick by which our shared experiences of chronological sequences of information are interpreted, both as continuous and as discrete, in ways that are renormalized to preserve our shared experiences, i.e., illusions derivative of higher Source.

MODELING CONSCIOUSNESS IN MATH: Instead of trying to model math and physics for why space-time is either continuous or discrete (“either-or”), we need to model how math is consistent with both continuity and discreteness, depending upon purpose and choice of perspective of consciousness. That is, “perspective-of-consciousness” needs to be interrelated with our math, for renormalizing “particular point-of-view” and “field frame-of-reference.” We need to overcome “either-or” notions about “physics-in-itself” and move on to try to interrelate and understand “consciousness of beingness in itself.”

CONSTANCY OF CHANGE: Regarding one’s meaningful experience of change: Continuity preserves a sense of Identity of a thing that is being experienced of measured. Discreteness facilitates its measurement. “As if” experience, both of continuity and discreteness, is requisite to the meaningful experience of change. Neither continuity nor discreteness can be banished from existential relevance merely by “either-or” thought processes.

CARING CHOICE, PREDETERMINED FATE, AND RANDOM INDIFFERENCE: Consider that a device, recorder, or person has been introduced into a state of being for “taking measurements” of apsects of field-like information versus particle-like information. How “should” such introduction into the state of potential information be conceptualized? Ultimately, should it be conceptualized as in some sense having been (1) chosen; (2) predetermined; (3) randomly generated; (4) mixed; (or (5) imagined? Regressively, if imagined, should a field of imagination be conceptualized as having been chosen, predetermined, or randomly generated?

GOD’S ALGORITHM: As best I can intuit and conceptualize, I believe each such introduction of each such “device” is backed originally by a higher Source of conscious choice, which avails a field of potential by which such device is imaged, and which also predetermines a patrameter limiting algorithm for generating random interactions of such devices, subject to a continuous role for such higher consciousness and its avatars or perspectives for exercising feedback choices or degrees of freedom within such parameter limiting algorithm.

As for the most fundamental “device”: It would seem to be a basic unit with a meta-aspect for controlling how information (about expressions that we measure as “matter” and “energy”) is conserved.

In other words, that which we take to be “physics” is derivative of a “God particle” interacting with a field of potential information. As a result, parameters for such physics were chosen or set for ruling degrees of freedom. Holistic God and particular Avatars of consciousness, in expressing such interactions and in participating in taking measures thereof, by such means effect meaningful feedback choices within such degrees of freedom.

SPIRITUALLY EMPATHETIC CHOICES: Ultimately, such exercises --- of degrees of freedom, avatars of consciousness, and algorithm for generating shared limits for experiencing potential of beingness --- are all derivative in respect of a meta God particle interacting with a meta field of potential information.


Anonymous said...

Assume we got universal health care in America. Given collapse of our borders and economy, the next step would be to seek "global-univeral" health care, by getting reparation insurance pledges from every country whose residents average a yearly income of more than $500. The progressive dream of Gaia worshippers never dies. They know there is something to worship, but they just can't quite get the leap past materialism. Problem is, you don't incentive industriousness by rewarding traditons and habits that don't work. You don't vitalize the energy of good faith in that way, but you do promote sloth. To look at the the effect of brains and religion when mixed with the drug of materialistic jihad, look at the political proposals of Dems and other fascist elites and their followers. Just imagine a world with elite fascists' fingers on the big buttons.

Anonymous said...

I think the proper secular goal is to promote decent civilization. But
how we arrive at and try to assimilate our notions for what is "decent"
is partly objective, partly subjective, and partly a mystery. Each
tries to be receptive to that which is right and just. Whether one
calls that Source by a name, i.e., "God," is secondary. (Personally, I
think it is a wasteful misdirection of good will and good faith to try
to assert moral principles while professing that there is no higher
Source for sponsoring them.)

If one proceeds in empathetic good faith, seeking to establish mutual
respect, one will tend towards, I believe, the right track. If one does
not believe there is such a thing as a right track, one more easily
falls, I believe, for rationalizing sociopathic self indulgences.
"Scientists" are hardly immune from this. The scientist who pretends to
"objectively" rationalize that which we "should" do has already strayed
into the sort of philosophy which he pretends to abhor. What? We
should have boards of atheistic scientists teaching us moral values
about what we should be doing? This leads quickly to rationalizations
for free public expressions of carnal love with beasts. LOL or COL?

An evil abyss lies on both sides of the track. One abyss is godless
communism, all the better to lead idiots to subservience to the
sociopaths who always rise to rule such societies. The other abyss is
god-coopted religious fanaticism, all the better for sociopathic
faux-messengers to usurp authority to intervene between each person and
God, easily leading idiots and unfortunate, misled children to enlist in
"jihad against infidels." It is hardly surprising that sociopaths often
respect unholy alliances, sort of as a form of "professional courtesy"
for respecting each one's territory.

I agree with this much: An atheist may be confused about God, yet
still respect the need for good faith in respect of a source of
rightness. But I also think that surrendering moral determinations to
"boards of objectivists" leads quickly to social and moral depravity.
The right course for a decent society is the narrow path between godless
humanism and god cooption by charlatans and fanatics. Was that not like
the course Jesus taught? IMHO.