Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Cerebral Vandals, Collectivists, and Progressives

Cerebral Vandals, Collectivists, and Progressives:

Radical collectivists (aka “Progressives”) think they know best, the masses are stupid, and the middle class is misguided or evil. They want detailed, central power – not only over what is produced, but how it is produced and how it is distributed. Imagining themselves as cerebral Vandals, they feel entitled to extract booty for their efforts in seizing control over all choke points of government. Of course, this is for our own “greater good.” (Sarc.) Of course, this also soon translates into asserting collective ownership over materials and land, insofar as details about: how such properties are used and distributed, and who are to be empowered to profit therefrom.

Soon, radical collectivists come to recognize and promote only their own and to usurp or outlaw concepts of private property, individual responsibility, and rewards based on individual merit in initiative or innovation. Eventually, radical collectivists reduce ordinary people to pets, citizens to subjects, electorates to shadows and dead men voting, and decency to lab rat experiments. This is what comes of decent society surrendering the spiritual glue that holds its center in exchange for the “scientific” religion of faith-based radical collectivism.

Insofar as higher, empathetic Consciousness seeks unfolding, civilizing communications and insights among companions, the goals of those who would ignore the citizenry – in order to substitute forced collectivism for freedom of mind – serve an evil “obamanation,” i.e., a foil to decency, America, and God.

Radical collectivists, having forsaken God and individual responsibility in order to substitute the “scientific” right of elites to rule the collective, have no quarrel with whatever the means needed to force the collective. Any individual who dares to challenge the will of those in the despotic hierarchy for ruling the collective will be ridiculed, reviled, branded as a racist or heretic or religious nutcase, expelled to political purgatory, or shot.

Every radical collectivist is high on collectivist religion. For him, beingness is nothing but a con-test of scientific, collectivist survivalism, i.e., hive mind. His emotional content is totally committed to his cause. His mind is locked behind “Borg conditioning,” which makes him all but impervious to reason or empathy beyond the collectivist cause. The persona that has come to possess him cannot imagine anything beyond the Borg, much less any higher standard or Source of conscious empathy. That persona is utterly convinced it is “rightfully” entitled to require that its demands be served. Since that persona is “right,” everyone below it in the collectivist hierarchy is a cool zero.

This is the nature of the mind set of evil, whose encroachments free thinkers tolerate at utmost peril. This is the character of the perennial war of good versus evil. To willingly and entirely surrender one’s moral responsibility to the struggle of the collective is not mere moral hazard. It is soul suicide. I suspect, for soldiers of the Marx-Allah-Borg agglomeration, there are no 72 virgins hereafter. There is mind-sacrificed, soul-dead, drugged-out oblivion.


I am gratified that more and more folks at AT seem to be catching on -- that people who make big money off government have a stranglehold on the middle class. F. Hayek had been saying similar things since the late 30's. Lifson posted "Weekend Reading" at http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2010/07/weekend_reading.html, praising an article that pretty well lays it out. Maybe middle class leaders are beginning to coalesce.

But understanding the problem is different from advancing ways to solve it. There seems to be a tendency to think, now that we understand the problem, that it will recede. But I don't detect that Obamanauts much care that some of us know what he is about. Even when we return the House to Republican control, we will continue on the same road to serfdom, just at a slightly slower pace.

While I believe we will turn this around, I don't yet see the mechanism. I'm enjoying that AT at least has a clear view of the problem, regardless of anything I may comment. So, now what is the road to resolution? I'm just not seeing any likely resolution or substantial change in direction, absent a substantial change, revival, new assimilation, or re-awakening in how we come to approach old spiritual values. There's a big hole in our present attempts.

The social conservatives at AT who are religious literalists tend to have good values, but dictating those values in law will not work and is not really conservatism, IMO. In a way, using government to dictate values is the same collectivist problem, regardless of whether the dictate is to reestablish Blue Laws or to establish detailed carbon monitoring. Someone like Hayek or Niebuhr needs to awaken a following that will appreciate the worthwhile, figurative truths that are at the heart of Jesus' message. IMO, those truths were not about inciting the collective to force redistributions of material wealth. On a spiritual basis, for inspiring truths about why and how to preserve individual freedom and dignity, I see stuff at the perimeter, but nothing that is gaining purchase.


Anonymous said...

From http://comments.americanthinker.com/read/42323/635898/637648.html#msg-637648:
@Jon W, re: "Progressives still love, want, and maintain boundaries, they just don't want to be limited...by the law."

Well, this is one of those topics that seem appropriate for "trivalent logic." See : http://www.lojban.org/tiki/Three-value+Logic; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ternary_logic; http://lexnet.bravepages.com/firstorder.htm.

So, I see truthiness in your point. I guess I would say there are no "higher boundaries" in Progressivism, i.e., no boundaries Progressives do not feel entitled to erase or replace, at whim of their hierarchy (tradition, religion, and culture be damned!). So, yes, they have boundaries, and lots of them, i.e., detailed minutiae of regulations that cannot be sensibly interpreted except at whim of a Progressive regulator. I agree about the law. When you're "progressive," the law (even the Constitution) is whatever the prevailing hierarchy says it is.


Were a competent, conservative Black to have beaten McCain, I would have been joyful. Not because of color, but because of competence in conserving Liberty. But this Regime cuts no ice with me. Zero. It would matter zero whether the President were any other color. Given his politics, he would still cut exactly zero ice with me. As a philosophy for governance, collectivism is evil. Obama's entire stance is for intrusive, busybody collectivism. Whatever may distinguish an American, none of it is in this President. I want him to stay physically healthy, but I also want him to be politically neutered. I did not celebrate when he was inaugurated, but I hope I am still able to celebrate once he is gone. He can call me racist all he wants, and I will continue to call him zero. Nay, a thousand thousand times: Zero.

Anonymous said...

PROGRESSIVES’ FEELINGS: When feelings rule, substance fades and madness reigns. Except in pretense, HR diversity-compassion does not really beget a kinder, gentler Dear Leader. It begets self-righteous, wild-eyed outbursts of violent shrieking among insecure, ruffled codependents, trying hard to maintain false veneers of respectable reasonableness.