Monday, July 19, 2010

Perennial Struggle Between Two Main and Irreconcilable Worldviews

Perennial Struggle Between Irreconcilable Worldviews:

Civilizations repeatedly war to establish hegemony between variations on the same two competing visions, one I intuit to be valid, the other invalid:

. The valid vision is based on respect for core family values and higher decency. It pertains to representative republicanism and features many ideals of Jesus, i.e., voluntary communication about, and service to, a higher, caring Source. The “weakness” of such vision is that adherents often project too much trust in good faith of others. Adherents often misapprehend the power of an alternative vision, however false or evil such alternative may be.

. The alternative, invalid foil for such vision throws decency to the wind in pursuit of imagined “science of morality” or decree of objective uniformity. It features the sort of arbitrary and totalitarian rule as idealized by Mohammed. It forces collectivization, and it requires the collective to serve the whims of indifferent, deceiving, often sociopathic elites. Adherents desperately search for unifying platforms or causes, while expelling any notion of the God who speaks to each person, replacing such notion with elitist whims, masqueraded as science or prophecy.

Conceptualize: God is that Identity of reconciliation which one can intuit or receive, without force, of which each mortal is only a perspective. One has no power to force another to intuit that of which such other is unable, unready, and unwilling to receive. One can guide another’s intuition, for such other to find the key to unlock his or her own understanding. The only valid God is consistent to the core of each mortal’s subjective being, i.e., the God who is accepted, willingly, without force that tries to substitute for one’s own authentic will.

Dangerous kinds of manmade laws disrespect the dignity of each family and instead seek to force, rather than to lead, each person to conform to unnecessary and detailed intrusions under the apparatus of the State, as run by officious elites. The perennial struggle by agents of human liberty and decency is against agents of officious sociopathy, masquerading as moral scientists, defenders of the planet, or prophets.


If your special interest is to dissolve American liberty in order to replace it with international collectivism to be run by reliably corrupt elites, then Obama is your guy ... and you are his.


Anonymous said...

HOUSE DIVIDED: Of Liberal Zombies vs. Human Beings: Lincoln noted how a house divided cannot stand. At his time, the divide was between those who wanted a system of slavers and their enslaved versus those who wanted a system of free entrepreneurs and their employees. We have a similar divide today. It is the divide between those who want a system of ruling ("elite") collectivizers and their collectivized versus those who want to conserve a system of independent thinkers and their liberated followers. This time, the difference is it’s mainly the dying North that wants ("liberally") to defend the zombie-collectivist ("plantation") system.
What are the demographics of this polar flip? How does this correlate with the abundance of cheap, minority-manned, collectivist-trained, easily-conned, academically-gulled workers (serfs?) and eggheads (elites?) now found in major cities and institutions in the North? What is the character of the conditioning or disposition by which many types come not to yearn to breathe free, but to reduce as many others as possible to codependency in the nature of an exceedingly regulated submissiveness (such as is found in Islam, Marxism, and international Socialism)? What will it take to preserve liberty this time?

Anonymous said...

LOWEST COMMON COLLECTIVE: Elite Progs see themselves as ordained not to be regulated, but to regulate others. They deign themselves commissioned to ensure everyone else is reduced to lowest common equality, so no one among the regulated need feel envious. To perform such service, they deem it only just that they should fleece the middle class in order to finance elitist "selflessness" on behalf of the planet. Put these "self sacrificing" elites in puffy shirts and stocks, and then bring out the tomatoes! Hey hey, ho ho, John Kerry's got to go!