Sunday, November 21, 2010

John Birch Society

Regarding the John Birch Society: Who are Welch’s successors, and have they evolved? If they notice that our borders are not being enforced, I presume that is more than mere opinion. If they notice our energy production is being shut down while Soros makes out on Brazilian adventures, I presume that is more than mere opinion. If they notice our inner cities are being emasculated and our minorities are being taught they are owed, I presume that is more than mere opinion. If they notice more and more families are being cast aside as the primary unit for raising the next generation, I presume that is more than mere opinion. If they notice pre-adolescents are being trained early to be sheep for TSA pat downs, I presume that is more than mere opinion. If they notice our politicians are essentially ignoring the will of some 60 percent of the electorate, I presume that is more than mere opinion.

When I add these kinds of insults up, I don’t need a statistical analysis based on data selected to a purpose to calculate whether this is all more than just coincidence. I don’t need a disinterested bystander from outside the system of the universe to acquire a firm belief that something important is out of balance.

Anyone who takes on the international corporatist leviathan that is undermining America is going to get relentlessly tagged as, guess what? A lunatic. So it’s important not to be silenced by mere name calling. Regarding the N.W.O.: No one nowadays even bothers to hide high level talk about it. Why should they? Any pipsqueak who repeats it is labeled a lunatic. Even though the words and the events are all around. It’s like we’re walking about as zombies while the billionaire owned media relentlessly tells us, “None of this is real.”

This is something new. It’s not hypnosis, not Stockholm Syndrome, not mass hysteria, and not Eloi and Morloch. It’s something like mass, organization-man, self emasculation. Is the effect heightened by something in the water, the dope, or the subliminal?

So, I’m concerned when billionaire-run media hound us to give up, impressing us that resistance is futile and our opinions are lunatic. I’m concerned when conservatives are encouraged to line up in a circle and open fire on one another. If one shows signs of being impervious to name calling, is one to be put on a watch list? To have one’s opinions erased? Are we getting down to the last remaining Americans on earth?

I’ll look at references. I want to confirm where the modern JBS is factually wrong, intellectually dishonest, or sensationally bonkers. Until then, I’ll not call them nutjobs. That would be little better than the nut media calling Tea Partiers baggers. I’ll review the references. Admittedly, I begin with a suspicion, that no media of significance is willing to make a frontal assault against the N.W.O., or to suggest ways to attack it. After all, that’s not where the easy money is. But if we don’t open eyes, we’re toast.


Anonymous said...

Progs mean to destroy America. You can still call it America, but Progs mean for it to be a land of endlessly intrusive regulations, endless political wrangling for special benefits and entitlements, divided and demoralized labor, state run health flops, and class advancement based on corporate nepotism, willingness to be an apologist for corporate rule, and committee assignments. Obama won, and shamelessly broke most promises. Repubs won in mid-terms, and already grease skids for the return of the Rinos. Nothing changes. The Tea Party will need to grow even more backbone. It can hardly afford to fail to defend like minded compatriots. The gathering threat of corporatists is not a delusion. Something wicked this way comes.

Anonymous said...

The Islam meme is like a virus that must consume its host. It will rage until it does, and then it itself will die. That is what it wants.

The Marxist meme has already accomplished most of its purpose for reducing large populations to utter dependence on being governed by elites. Its peoples are now accustomed to being imprisoned by elites.

So why is the West feeding Islam and Marxism? Is it out of short term greed, long term ignorance, or is it because such feeding happens to enhance opportunities for corporatists who can read tea leaves in order to establish absolute hegemony? What is the meme of the corporatists who now run most western institutions? Is the corporatist meme to reduce the entire middle class of the civilized West by playing it off against those parts of the world that are already reduced to control under Islam and Marxism?

Are we living during a quickening for putting masses worldwide under complete surveillance, to feed them steady diets of dis-information and mal-education, to divert their energies and attentions to election spectacles that rival Roman circuses? To what purpose? Are we corporatists’ playthings for some kind of meta game?

Do we want and need corporate kings because we are still too stiff necked as independent individuals to appreciate a faith based on the Golden Rule?

Anonymous said...

Are we to weaken so soon after mid-terms? Nary a fortnight, and already Rinos kneel to accomodate Carville and the Progs? Until the Tea Party shows it has the means and fortitude of a mongoose, to face down the Prog snake of Rinos and Dinos, any attempt at comprehensive reform will play into the the two headed snake's plan. Two things America must first demonstrate: willingness to fence the border; willingness to enforce the border. Demonstrate that, then come back with comprehensive reform. First show me the political funding billionaire -- Dem or Repub -- who wants to preserve America. Then talk of fairness. Until then, the true translation of comprehensive reformists is "Give up, America." While Holder is forcing Arizona not to enforce its borders is not a time to speak of accommodating Progs. Have we not yet learned that we are in an existential fight to save America?

BTW -- why should not America look to fairness in terms of what is needed to sustain a viable, assimilable culture? Reformists toss around ideas as if people from different cultures or religions are interchangeable and all suited to America. They are not. Some are downright poisonous to America. There is even such a thing as too much of a good thing. Either America is a country for Americans or she is a country for Prog billionaires and their invitations to serfdom.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, given America’s obvious quickening into statism, it cuts no ice with me just to assume the JBS is entirely at sea regarding an existential threat from proponents of collectivist serfdom. Unless the JBS is shown to be akin to something like a collection of KKK race bigots, I'm simply not inclined to discredit their modern readership based only on a collection of adverse caricatures.

Anonymous said...

From A.T. -- Re: “The legislative branch, for example, has ceded vast parts of its authority voluntarily”

Well, to whom have they really ceded power? Who are the insiders attracted to such power? I doubt they’re the ants that are attracted to the outdoor unit for my air conditioner. Is Obama the power, or is the power that for which he fronts? Something heavy and crusty about our system has set in to apply rewards, punishments, and black balls to filter those who rise to the top, economically. Is there an American billionaire who could be trusted to promote the preservation of American borders and industry?

Anyone who comes to promote significant measures that could work to such purpose is singled out and dealt with. The techniques are: gang style ridicule, humiliation, intimidation, offset, diversion, boycott, exclusion, vandalization, cooption, buy out, and elimination. The more you become a threat, the more the techniques escalate.

Is Limbaugh given rope to play for the preservation of America? I’m not sure. Has Limbaugh pointed out that it may not be a good trade off, to apply the kind of free trade that gives us lower prices when the results are to enrich enemies, send industry overseas, and force Americans to compete against third world wages?

Is Beck really being given his string? Well, has he been able to lead us to much more than bread and circuses? Are his efforts not easily and adequately offset? Will the last round of freshly elected Republicans decline to serve Prog masters? How soon will we be wall papered with reasons to reform “immigration,” comprehensively?

Anonymous said...

The EPA is a monastery for catholic priests of the environment, and theirs is an angry god. However, it needs more sturm and drang and hymns and gothic art, to keep it interesting. The EPA needs an earthy fresco of Lady Gaia instead of Mary Magdalene. Compare

Anonymous said...

From A.T.--
Re: "When faced by circumstances beyond our control and events beyond our commonsense comprehension, we like to explain what seems illogical by imagining a conspiratorial group with a nefarious master plan."

That there may be no master plan does not mean there is no fidelity to a master beast, whether planned or not. The master beast is the desire to get yours by making your best material deal, in the unmoderated faith that there is nothing more worthwhile. As people get more skilled in feeding the beast, they begin, erroneously, to think they can actually control it. Whether planned or not, both our national parties serve interests that are calculated to open America's borders and to drown America under an internationalist system in which our mores, laws, and economy will be reduced to the whims of the most vile. Seems pretty nefarious to me. There's mojo in the notion that you're either for the beast or you're against it.

Anonymous said...

What we have nowadays in terms of capitalism is competition among large international corporations to control governments and the inculcation of minds. In respect of natural laws, events, in physical aspect, must always return to a kind of balance. The challenge is to reconcile such balance with the moral pursuits of our consciousness. The balance of wages and trade is not immune.

Ask: Is wealth that is made by Americans, having been opportunized by sacrifices of American veterans, fully earned and merited when it is made by combining politically to require American laborers to compete against third world wages? Is this not a backdoor way to reduce the American political system to the kind of third world system our veterans fought to protect us against?

Regardless of how one may feel about the history of capitalism, the hard fact is that Americans have no intention of competing for wages at third world rates. Corporations that seek such rates will have to ship their industries overseas. Lacking wages, what then will unemployed Americans do at home? Well, they will combine to force high progressive tax rates. The cost paid by American corporations to avail themselves of third world labor will be to pay higher taxes in order to pay welfare to more and more Americans for doing nothing. IOW, there is no free lunch, not even for opportunistic corporatists.

Somehow, we are going to need to take a step back and view the wider problem, which is this: How do we best facilitate the kind of freedom of expression and enterprise that are the foundation of America?

Suggestion: We give corporations numerous special benefits, such as limited liability for stockholders. In exchange, if American corporations are to be responsible taxable "citizens," we are going to need to better regulate them to require more loyalty to the interests of freedom of expression and enterprise, so freedom does not perish from earth. Otherwise, a balance will reconcile, but it will not be one that is to the liking of the great middle class. We need not make freedom to sell out America part of the equation.