Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Math of Nature, Free Will, and God

The Math of Nature, Free Will, and God:

There seems to abide a perpetual relationship of feedback that fluxes between two domains that either define or correlate with our ground of being. Each domain obeys an algorithm, one that is perhaps discoverable and derivable to mortals, the other, if knowable, is knowable only to God.

The first algorithm (Nature) controls limits or parameters for choices that may be implemented for individual relationships among our variously measurable perspectives of the here and now. On one side, this algorithm seems to bespeak an unperceived essence; on the other side, it bespeaks appearances.

The second algorithm (God) is of a domain that avails means by which choices are universally synchronized throughout our domain. It is beyond our control or derivation, but receptive in our intuitive appreciation. The immeasurable quality of that which we appreciate is the feedback in consideration of which it effects each successive universal choice. On one side, it operates as a holistically synchronizing algorithm; on the other side, operations in respect of it are to us indistinguishable from a operations in respect of a notion of free will, as implemented and synchronized by God, as variously appreciated through our separate perspectives.

Thus, notions of nature, free will, and God cohere consistently.
Is mass just a store of energy, and is stored energy just stored information?
Is mass a signpost, derivative of the interfunctioning of perspectives of information?
See http://content.usatoday.com/communities/sciencefair/post/2010/11/experiment-makes-enery-from-information/1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Re: "We might find it funny that most of them are too clueless to see that the overwhelming majority of Americans stand firmly against them."

There's no funny. Progs have good reason not to fear us, not in the least. Corruption, like water, will always seep and find its level. In the end, America's Dem "representatives" caved and re-elected Soros' girl as the face for their leader. In the end, they expect the illegal, illiterate, ignorant, corrupt, and weak to opt for the Maher model of a benign, corporate dictator. Progs are too far along, running too many institutions, to simply fade on account of any temporary set back. After all, Americans proved they could vote based on nothing but fairy tales when they elected Obama.

Once a decent, educated, middle class is swamped by an unworthy electorate, it's over. We are at that tipping point, so we have at most only a faint chance. Without stern, manly measures, we have no chance at all. We had a chance with Reagan, but the kinder and gentler Bushes horribly blew it. Progs have tasted the power of being able to print their own money and write their own laws, as they please. They know how to recoup on political investments, so the next round of electoral bread and circuses will be unsurpassed in extravagance.

In this state of affairs, we cannot prevail by playing evil's game on its terms. We have to take Progs' tools away from them, but a Rico Act will not save us from Prog wealth used for political corruption ... not so long as Rino and Dino judges run our courts. I don't know what can save us. We may find a way along an entirely unexpected path, but not without sweat and faith. We will need all stern and decent hands on deck.