Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Yin and Yang, or Problem of Evil?

Problem of Evil:

George Soros probably fears that if he does not seize and wield the ring of power, an even more evil, or less worthy, person will.  Thus his little soul leads him into evil.  That evil challenges We The People to reset the balance.  At present there is a gross imbalance in the Force.  And yet, another imbalance looms – the one where thousands upon thousands shall each acquire a death star of his or her own, to bring oblivion or suffering to all.  Save means to ensure the good will of all, how shall that time of sorrows be deflected?

Elite leaders rise from muck and contrive to produce a sign or a change in the direction of a pattern. The pattern becomes a fad or machination, until too many among the masses apprehend the trick. At that time, by factoring the trick, they reduce its potency. Whereupon elites “move on,” like little cat feet. Until then, the ideal for elites is often to keep the lowest levels in enough darkness so they will not know or feel the pain of being bent or consumed to purposes of higher elites. There will always be leader elites. The issue is: How best should they be given their head?

It seems different levels of perspectives of consciousness feed off and subjugate the wills of others. Hinduism recognizes a caste system, as did Huxley, in Brave New World. A representative republic avails that process to be maximally spread out. Yet, the role of the lowest class will always be to do as it is manipulated to do – coercively, voluntarily, or even for its own perception of interests (even if misled). Which among subgroups of masses should elites bring along to their heights? How? Why? What of when each elite acquires access to power enough in frustration to annihilate all?

Will humanity necessarily at some point acquire tech skills beyond capacity to communicate or relate for purposes that are consistent with stable peacefulness? Should elites see Islam as a way to temporize, by chaining most among the dangerous masses to keep their heads tightly screwed to the cave? Must technological power always be balanced against mass repression? Is the good of human civilization necessarily purchased by domesticating lower animals, to be kept in the dark?

Is this really a problem of evil?  Or is it more a problem of yin and yang, a dance between the Field of consciousness and its assorted particles of perspective ... for the experience, appreciation, recordation, absorption, and pursuit of fulfillment by the holistic field of consciousness?  Good thoughts, good words, good deeds.  What is the yang of, "If I don't do it, someone else will?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suspect concepts of absolute good and evil better apply when related to limited frames of reference, rather than to absolute or spiritual entities with souls. Related to a goal of establishing a decent, sustainable, surpassable civilization, I can conceive of good and evil. Otherwise, not so much. To me, a dance between the Field of consciousness and its assorted particles of perspective makes more sense. Although the Zoroastrian notion of good thoughts, good words, good deeds is uplifting, when applied to Soros and evil, I have to go to a different model and ask what is the yang of, "If I don't do it, someone else will?"

I think Soros, in his beknighted little self, traumatized at youth (as also was Obama), fears that if he does not establish hegemony to his liking, some more evil, less worthwhile person may establish hegemony to his disliking. Soros represents an imbalance between the Field and its particular particles and perspectives. He represents a tipping point, not a plane of stability. If we don't pull him back, the world will tip suddenly into something not to the liking of either us or him. We need to awaken to our close involvement with the Field and to the quite ominous character of the present imbalance. Soros is Dark Garch. The more we allow power to come under the clutches of Dark Garch and Obama's Czars, the more insane it becomes to believe we can retain a functioning representative republic. (The Dems just elected Pelosi minority leader. Hello.)