Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Alliance of Hedging Cronies

The encompassing issue pertains to how best to dismantle our Rube Goldberg system of centralized regulatory confusion in order to revitalize the middle class and respect its political potency. I suspect few of those who fund either of our main political parties actually want to pierce through the confusion. They like being able to keep the middle stirred up, divided, at odds with itself, and diverted. During discontents, there's money to be made by hedge artists! So long as discontents can be so easily stirred, the middle can never become potent to counter: cronies from selling out the nation; taxes from tying workers to mortgages; promises like health insurance from being lost once employment is lost or corporations are repackaged; and education from being tied to centralized mind confusion. Thus, the middle class will never see obvious solutions, and it will instead remain mired in irresolvable cross purposes, impotent to stop the fleece machine.
Indeed, the alliance of cronies holds all significant cards and coins, as it has held them for more than 50 years. Heads or tails, the fleece alliance hedges and wins either way. This is not the fault of advocates of any single issue! It's the fault of middle class leaders for allowing themselves to be divided by foolish concerns over foolish inconsistencies and for refusing to unite into a sensible third party in order to stop the general source of the rot. Case in point: diverting attention to bickering, as we go over the falls, as if nothing could be more important than that kids ought to be exposed to even more rot, drugs, and gender confusion --- as if sex, drugs, rap, and rot did not already becloud our vision of everything else. No, we must have more, and more, and more. After all, it energizes the easily misled, especially the youth.


Anonymous said...

Beneath the socialist patter, Obama and his mentor, Soros, are about payback while getting rich with cronies --- which is the best revenge. Whatever Obama and his cohort of the morally deformed does, it won't be about helping Whitey, ordinary Americans, or Western Civ. The extreme socialism is not meant for our good. Despots already know this kind of socialism doesn't work, so it's meant instead merely as front for despotism. It's to justify forcing our heads into the toilets. A sort of turn about fair play against the old patronizing plantation. Meanwhile, many Whities wallow too deeply in self debasement and dopery to notice. Unless ordinary Americans wake up, they will "earn" what Obama intends to dish: The Revenge of the morally deformed, covered under a self righteous cycle of abuse. Because liberal Whities aspire to be the new house servants, they laugh off Samuel Jackson's sentiments.

Anonymous said...

Review the Reconstruction of the Old South after Lincoln was shot. That's what has come home to roost: Revenge --- not Better Angels. Revenge stoked against persons generations removed from old wrongdoings. Now we have a whole new class of supermasters who have become their own gods, intent on forcibly showing us what's best. Americans sought to enhance the self esteem of our most ignorant and thereby put us on a dystopic path that has succeeded beyond all expectations.

Anonymous said...

Libs of all stripes tend to feel more than they think. They feel strongest about their wannas, far less about what can sustain decent society. No doubt, one can cherry pick and crop the bell curve, to pretend feelers are smarter than thinkers. These are the people prone to name their movement "wtf." Yup, real geniuses.

Anonymous said...

Hedge artists learn to profit by keeping sheep nervous. Feint, condition reactions, then shear when opportune. Recycle process. When you own the joint, this is what you do. These people have no fear of the sheep. The sheep are simply not represented. CathINOs (like Pelosi) on the take who vote for government sponsored social depravity and abortion are more like opportunistic sociopaths, operating under only the facade of catholicism. They've become so brazen they figure they have media matters by which to fool most of the sheep most of the time. Practiced lying tends to make for successful politicians. After awhile, it morphs into a competitive sport for which blue ribbons are awarded every 4 years. Given how much the Pope is ignored and Israel is written off, one begins to wonder how many real Catholics, Jews, and people of good faith remain. The electorate has become so smart alecky, it's overripe for smackdown. And it is coming.