Saturday, August 4, 2012

Quality of Faith and Will and Abstractions

Quality of faith and will: Can goodness and badness be well defined or measured?
GOODNESS: Given a purpose that can be objectively recognized when and where it is achieved, it may be possible along various dimensions to scale objective progress towards it. The goodness of the progress could hardly be quantified without first deeming the purpose, and the path towards it, good. "Goodness" may be measurably correlated with progress towards the purpose, but would not appositely measure goodness of the context at large, nor of other purposes ignored while the limited purpose under focus were pursued. Because focus and context flux, goodness also fluxes, so that it qualitatively recedes with illusions. Thus, goodness and badness, while important, tend usually to be discussed in imprecise, qualitative, exploratory, inspirational respects.
Being often exploratory, the pursuit of goodness in good faith and good will is often easily distracted and divided by selfish collections of opposing interests, i.e., bad faith and bad will. Thus, selfish, rent-seeking interests tend often to confound common, communal, cultural, and civilizing interests. A society that promotes free expression and enterprise cannot long survive once it becomes top heavy with rent-seeking cannibalizers --- especially when ordinary citizens remain too long focused on livelihoods, while ignoring consolidations of rent-seekers surrounding them. Absent a culture of decent mores and laws, a culture of exploration and free enterprise cannot survive competition among consolidating cynics. Goodness cannot sustain itself in a culture that does not value it or believe in it.
ABSTRACTIONS:  There will come a time when each person will control much, not in physical manifestation, but on clouds of potentiality. These clouds will pertain not just to entertainment and music, but also to durable machines and goods, even groceries. Wealth and power will be measured in terms of access to the cloud, the layers and levels of which will be subject to political connivance, regulatory control, and social monitoring. Political loyalty, communication, reproduction, and survival will be gamed and fashioned via significations of significations and abstractions of abstractions.  At some point, cloud apps may facilitate detection, monitoring, diversion, and harmonizing of cloud use --- even states of mind for cloud use.  Mind explorations will proceed in respect of hierarchical purposes and layers and levels of control over clouds within clouds.
FUZZINESS OF ABSTRACTED MODELING:  Conceptions Relating to Determination, Regarding Uncertainty Principle, Collapse of Wave Function, Re-normalization in Respect of Observer Effect, and/or Absurdity of Objectivist Set Theory:
While I'm looking from my own eyes, I cannot see them, but only representations of them. While "I" am looking (or spinning, orbiting, or rolling in space-time) from one of three vectors of determinism (i.e., 1 - the pre-determined, 2 - the undetermined, and 3- the contemporaneously determined), "I" cannot model or measure the vector from which "I" am spinning, except by representing it in respect of the other two. To model or measure any aspect or property of a dimension of determinism through which I am modeling the others, I must re-normalize my experience, perception, and/or measure of the others, AS IF the dimension from or through which I was taking my perspective of focus and contextual frame of reference could be entirely equated or mathematically reduced to an analogy or model of the other two dimensions. In seeking a "complete" analysis, I can slide my perspective along my dimension of perception, and as I do so, I will find each change in perspective gains and loses Information relative to other dimensions along the slide. No summing of all such Information can suffice to allow me simultaneously to see or measure the dimension from which I am taking my perspective. Thus, I cannot entirely predict a predetermined event while I am apprehending or unintentionally influencing its undetermined aspects.
ABSURDITY OF CONCEPTUAL REDUCTION TO OBJECTIVISM:  To conceptualize, one must, subjectively (or A.I., programmatically), have first been inculcated with, or adopted, a world program or worldview. The instant one (a person or A.I.) determines to conceptualize, one manifests an undetermined system (a game determined by conservation of present indeterminants), in which one who is generally conscious of his wider situation cannot entirely predict the consequential order and unfolding of his situation in respect of his having undertaken the conceptualization. For example, if one elects to play a blind game of rock-paper-scissors, one cannot predict what one's opponent will play. Somewhat similarly, the act of conceptualizing cannot unfold except in contemporaneous accompaniment of three aspects of determinism: the contemporaneously determined (chosen); the conservationally determined (natural law); and the undetermined (random degrees of parameter freedom). To conceptualize the possibility of a system --- that is ruled entirely and exclusively by random nature, or by preset nature, or by contemporaneous consciousness, as opposed to a dancing-interfunctioning-flux of all three --- is simultaneously to conceptualize (or imagine) an absurdity.
EDEN: Each perspective of consciousness is always induced to its present quality of apprehension and appreciation by the contextual system that led up to its expression, such that each perspective tends to feel "at home" with itself, not tending to feel itself un-meritorious, not tending to desire to become a different perspective, but, in envy, often desiring to consume and engraft opportunities of others to its defining experience. It is the task of a civilizing Eden to lead each perspective to value its expression not just from its own avatar, but also in empathy for the apprehensions of others, thereby to extend identification of communal I-ness beyond the perimeter of each avatar's skin. This task tends to be conserved gradually, by cultural conditioning and evolutionary refinement, not by infantile wishfulness or sudden and arbitrary changing of manmade law, contrary to timeworn traditions.


Anonymous said...

The Leftist idea of free speech is a political system that monopolizes the air ways and harmonizes the brain waves so that no one will ever think a thought that might threaten the regime. Because your brain waves will be tightly regulated and induced to harmonize with the regime, you will be harmless, while still believing you are free. This ideal, somewhere betwixt 1984 and Brave New World, is Lefty Holy Grail, a place where thought control is free speech. The top .0001 percent, professing to be God's word on Earth, will teach us all we need to repeat about free speech. No middle class of free thinkers will be allowed, but no one among the doped and soothed multitude will suspect it.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how Leftists predictably and routinely remain convinced that Government as practiced is incompetent to enforce intelligent policing, yet Government as idealized would be competent to enforce intelligent redistribution of wealth.