Monday, September 24, 2012


THE PERPETUAL PRESENT: The present consists of a perpetual process of feedback: back and forth between the (conserving, unifying, Wholism) Reconciling Field and its multitudinous, adopted, sequencing perspectives (Parts; more descriptively: phase-aspects normalized to relative locus).
ALTERNATING CURRENT OF DIGITAL FEEDBACK: There abides between the Whole and said “Parts” (Field and “Particles”) a perpetual, participatory give and take that synchronizes and conserves (preserves) evaluations. Such evaluations process and effect an ever changing, fluxing store of signs and significations, i.e., Information. The expression of the Present accompanies a digital, on-off feedback of vibrational mathematics between the perspective of the Whole and the perspectives of such Parts.
ONLY TIME IS PRESENT TIME: There is no “time” other than the digitized duration of the Perpetual Present. There is no Past time, only previously sequenced, mathematically layered, fluxing geometries of forms of stored Information (i.e., Substance).  Information pertains to the chronological sequencing of previous unfoldings.  Substance pertains to the present measurement of accumulated stores of Information.
HOW WILL TO APPRECIATE CAUSES SUBSTANTIVE EFFECTS: No human being can by telekinesis will a penny to climb up a wall. So, how can the mere choosing by a perspective of what to appreciate be expected to affect anything? Well, Substance is merely the presently measurable manifestation of Information. Thus, the focusing of a choice affects and adds to and alters the balance of locally accumulating layers of Information. After awhile, there is an effect of ATTRACTION or overbalancing, that tips Information in a way that substantively affects future events, to favor those events towards which appreciations tend. That effect can be leveraged by channeling electrical impulses secondary to thought commands, to transmit from the brain through electrodes in order to power machinery. Eventually, a field for empathetic communication may be constructed such that electrode connections are no longer necessary.
SPIRITUAL TELEKENISIS EFFECT OF CONSCIOUS APPRECIATION: Humanity’s words are helping to focus to a point for conceptualizing this state of affairs as part of its Information, i.e., information about the character of information. This episodically awakening conceptualization will affect the empathetic quality of feedback and communication. Notwithstanding various blowups, this will eventually lead to a Civilization of Empaths — although such a civilization may itself be a mere part of a temporal sequence of the perpetual present. I do not believe there is a Final End. I much doubt there is a final end that entails only the vision of Arthur {spelling?} Clarke in “Childhood’s End."
LAWS OF SUBSTANTIVE PHYSICS AS APPLIED TO INFORMATION:  It is sometimes thought that the fundamental forces or laws of nature that apply to measurable Substance do not apply to Information.  Thus, it is thought that Information in itself is not ATTRACTIVE or subject to gravitation, magnetism, or electrical charge, etc.  Yet, Information works as Information because it is subject to being recorded, stored, ATTRACTED, drawn from, CONSERVED (preserved) and conveyed ... much as Substance is.  This leads me to suspect that Information is simply the record of previous sequences (often spread out generally within a field) that lead up to its being stored in presently measurable SubstanceEven though Information, as it is being collapsed and brought by appreciation into manifest being, is not presently measurable under laws of physics until it accumulates into present Substance, that does not mean that decisions (drawn from the field) to collapse, accumulate, or deploy Information are entirely lacking in DELAYED EFFECT (attraction or repuslion, etc.) on substantively measurable physics.  It just means the effects are not collapsed to be measured until they are accumulated to be stored in Substance.  That is, until the Information is APPRECIATED/CHOSEN.  When mind-will-evaluation come to instil more immediate effect in collapsing non-measured Information into measured Substance, then the physics of informational relations will become more obvious.

The law of Conservation of Substance (matter and energy are interchangeable, but total remains constant) does not allow an accumulation or creation of local new Substance unless there is an offsetting loss of previous or distant Substance.
Potential change in Information is infinite, but the total of Information presently manifested in Substance must remain constant. The way I am defining Information, some old must be lost when some new is created.
Law of Entropy says Substance dissipates. I say Substance is not in itself real, but only appears to dissipate from a center of a shared, algorithimically-based cosmos. The kind of Consciousness that shares humanity's cone of experience must be experiencing an appearance of outbound dissipation of substantive significations.
That appearance must be offset (or traded in) for an increase in the organization of Information apprehended by Consciousness. Apparent dissipation of Substance must be related to apparent increase of Information. Information local to each Perspective of Consciousness must be increasing, while Information distant in Space-Chronology-Preservation must be decreasing. In relating to Perspectives, Information mediated or made manifest to local perspectives must increase, while Information made manifest regarding distances away must offsettingly decrease. What about in relating to the Reconciling Field: Does such Field ever gain or lose Information? Perhaps not, because Information for IT is always available in Infinite Potential. I cannot meaningfully rationalize whether IT learns or de-learns by gaining or losing Information or Experience. I must be satisifed to believe IT seeks Qualitative unfoldings of relations with Perspectives.
Thus, it seems there must be a capacity for Information to mediate tradeoffs in local versus distant experiences of Substance, without changing the total of Substance, as mediated by changes in accessibility to Information. Local Information must substantially increase, even as local Substance dissipates. Information "itself" cannot be massed or weighed, except insofar as it mediates changes in Substance. However, its accessibility to local Consciousness must, in some broad, Smeared Out way, be increasing.
When Substance relative to Consciousness dissipates beyond the capacity for local Consciousness to access local increases in Information, there must be entailed some fundamental local change in the mathematics of the Field for supporting local Consciousness --- perhaps some kind of condensation, collapse, or qualitative new Big Bang beginning.
ALTERNATING MASKS OF INFORMATION:  Information, in form, presents itself in both the quantitative and the qualitative: It is quantitative to Substance, qualitative to Conscious Purposefulness.  Whether an aspect of Information is quantitative or qualitative depends not on the Information itself, but on whether the Information is being applied substantively or purposefully. Whether the Field at any particular focus or locus is expressing itself Substantively, Informationally, or Consciously depends not on the Field itself, but on how the Field is then and there purposing to apply itself.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Left is bipolar nuts. To see how nuts, watch Eastwood's Play Misty For Me. The Left has insinuated itself to such power that we can no longer incent good and dis-incent bad. The Left has us so that we cannot incent good unless we equally incent bad. Leftists have conditioned ever more Leftists, so that bad is good and abnormal is normal. The Left is the anti-matter that is hell-bent to annihilate decency. How did the Left get so powerful? Because Conservatives thought God doesn't allow junk so there is no evil. As evil consolidated itself, too many Americans bought into the name calling. They did not want to be phobes or nativists, so they let evil gain. Now, many who could have been good Americans are twisted into Nutsville. America, like all nations before, lost her moral compass and let Evil grow.