Friday, November 2, 2012

Spiritual Evolution Beyond National Capitalism

Spiritual Evolution Beyond National Capitalism

“Elitists who know best” tend to rationalize collectivism in order to secure themselves, while they en-serf middle classes “for their own good.” However, enlightenment tends to come from the inventive, and energetic middle classes — not from narcissistic elites or ignorant masses. The enlightened freedom and dignity that accompanies a prosperous middle class is a rarity; such enlightenment is not the default position of humanity. Forces that shaped American-style self-reliance and assertions of God-given rights to pursue individual happiness did not shape most of the rest of the world. Much as misery loves company, most of the rest of the world has regularly found itself pulled back into squalor, serfdom, collectivized despotism, insane religion, barbarity, anarchy, lies, war, and despair.
Evolution favored an enlightened American middle class only so long as America preserved its defining physical and moral borders against forces of collectivizing muckdom. Now, liars eat at America’s moral skin by asserting we should let down our borders, be an “open society,” turn most of the responsibility for raising children over to fairness-enforcing governmental bureaucrats, tolerate Marxist and Muslim collectivizers even as they would smother us, and engage in “free trade” with nations run by neo-colonizing princeling-snakes who run peoples based on National-Capitalism. (National-Capitalism is Naci populace enserfment that combines with currency manipulation to benefit crony gangsters while gulling the masses.) So long as America declines to defend its defining physical and moral borders, America will have no choice but to compete against Chinese National-Capitalism by adopting National-Capitalism for America. Otherwise, an open-bordered America would necessarily lose the evolutionary arms race among financial societies.
Can America compete against Chinese National-Capitalists, without sacrificing the freedom and dignity of America’s middle class? Yes, but not while allowing the erasing of borders that define our country, nation, and assimilating values. However, the erasing of our physical borders is only the symptom of deeper causes. Were the world comprised of capitalists, free of National-Capitalists, then worldwide free trade would make sense and tariff protectionism would be counterproductive. However, National-Capitalists ruin that happy thought. They siphon our technology, flood us with products made with labor that is kept artificially cheap, lie to induce our businesses to move within the borders they control, invest in our businesses in order to cannibalize them, then find legal and illegal ways to buy our bonds and infrastructure in order to indenture our own government to them as we try to float our economy with fiat money. Thus, a deeper cause of our broken borders consists in our failing to defend domestic entrepreneurs by failing to preclude corporations run by international crony corporatists from bribing, buying, and selling our governing class. The result is foreign colonialism that infests us under stealth of currency manipulation and reams upon reams of legalistic tomfoolery. Thus, international racketeers are constituting a new world order of syndicating crony colonialists, buying favors wholesale from liars who pretend to be representing electoral masses.

And so America will default to the usual dark and corrupt position of elitist deceit and mass ignorance ... unless ways are found to restore checks and balances. Something like a business Monroe Doctrine is needed to bleach away the infestation of corrupt crony corporatism. To have any chance of success, such a program would have to be accompanied with educating debate among the masses. Since cronies now own the most powerful of our politicians, institutions, banks, media, colleges, and perhaps churches, we find ourselves with no chance ... unless we repent, seek guidance from The higher, reconciling Power, and resolve ourselves to try to be humbly responsible and receptive to that connecting Power. Not to any pretended, immortal, monopolistic messenger of God, but to inspiring signs of the potential of God. In humble receptivity, we may yet learn that combinations of space-time-matter-energy (measurable substance) are as immeasurable in potentially variable expression as are the expressions of conscious capacities of imagination and will and the evolution of feedback for guiding, enlightening, and astonishing individual and social evolution.
Being purposeless and clueless is often associated with being able to rationalize anything.  No perversion is beyond being rationalized as "normal," because every situation can be empirically prepped to make every hideous behavior seem appropriate.  Simply review Auschwitz, Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, ad infinitum.  The fact that the rearing of children is being defaulted to "the governmental village" is harbinger of situations being prepped for worldwide gnashing of teeth.  To default to "the village" to humanize one's children is prelude to surrender of individual responsibility for one's own humanity.  When gov and everyone are responsible, then no one is responsible.  When responsibility for overall raising of a child is not pinpointed, it is often smeared into irrelevance.  Such a child soon learns to tolerate and be able to "normalize" everything.  Human life becomes no more valued than any component for a collectively constructed machine.  Why else do we find progs who are adept in selling every oxymoronic depravity?


Anonymous said...

Wolf, I always enjoy your analysis, and I agree with much of it. However, I would qualify "the rich." Some of the rich are a problem. That would be the rich wall streeters who support Obama. The ones who think they should help Obama keep the poor in their proper place, dependent on trickle down government. That would be the rich who took their crony capitalism show on the road and thought they would teach it to the Chinese. They forgot that many Chinese are quite competent to completely turn the tables. So why does a corrupt cohort of the rich never seem to learn decent values? Why do they sell out the values and country under which they were raised? Why did Robinson Crusoe know he was not alone on the island? Follow the footprints and ask: Who benefits from crony capitalism? That would be the cohort of the rich that does not believe in American exceptionalism or American values. That would be the cohort that sees how to keep others under thumbs and then proceeds to make it so. What better way to attract incompetent slaves than to offer free board and room, with (crocodile) promises of (rationed) health care?

Anonymous said...

I think Little Boy was justified. That's the point: The justitfying is in the prepping. We didn't do the prepping to justify it. The Japanese did. Depending on the prepping, it's hard to think what could not be justified. That's why the GayProg movement shows no responsible will to be able to define, draw, and defend any lines. Not believing in any basis for responsible will, they fall to normalize every depravity. Tell me what depravity for which they would credibly say, this far and no further? The capacity to draw defining lines will not be found in empirically based substance or "GayProg moral science" of entitlementarianism. It is found in spiritual will. You have to ask: What kind of world should I/we want, and then seek vision to prep to help make it so. When we don't, the world falls for every depravity. As America is falling now.

Anonymous said...

Spiritual feedback expresses itself as evolution of analogs fit to their situations. We evolve to become analogs of what we prep, believe, admire, appreciate, and consume. Often with unintended consequences. As in the consequences of nurturing generations of entitlement minded, co-dependent collectivists. Collectivist welfare does not make the collective healthier, wealthier, or wiser. Absent spiritual vision, what we often pray for would be better were it not given.

Anonymous said...

Collectivizing evil triumphs by freezing minds and silencing principles in order to spread fear and its handmaidens: crisis, bullying, shocking marches, ridicule. Somewhere, there should be courses in how to anticipate, recognize, and repel collectivizing evil. I doubt you would find those courses in many colleges. Moreover, evil has a stealthy twin: One that triumphs over all social institutions under pretense of feeling pain, providing freebies, and printing fiat money to stimulate economies (while actually paying cheap bribes and kicking back to cronies). About half the population seems to give lip service to a god of decency while worshipping at the altar of self gratification above all else. The quick slide to empowering this ever present evil that cannot safely be ignored is in falling for its lies while giving too much benefit of doubt to its actions.

Anonymous said...

For spiritually blind materialists, this election is not about spreading wealth from rich Americans to poor Americans. It is about spreading wealth from America to collectivist nations in order to chain America under collectivism. This election is about securing wealthy, criminal, conscienceless cronies from the churning rumble of the middle class. Fronts for cronies mean to consolidate their wealth and position while filling the heads of masses with visions of sugar plums and leaving them shackled under spiritually empty promises. This is the program of hollow sociopathic dopers. It is inflicted by bad shepherds upon gullible sheep. Maybe it's a necessary purgative. I hope the cure is quick