Friday, January 25, 2013

Energy --- Meta, Potential, and Manifest

May ENERGY be comprised of the meta, the general, and the local? Some energies seem to be information-bearing unto differential space-time locales, some seem to abide as sources of undifferentiated, mathematical constants, and some seem to remain implicated but undetected. Information-bearing energy cannot impart (or deposit) information to a space-time locale except by having its information renormalized so that it is interpreted to the locale as obeying a limiting constraint that is a relative-constant (i.e., the speed of light). Regardless of locale in space-time where energy may deposit its information, such information will always be renormalized to be interpreted as obeying a limiting relative-constant. Regardless of whether adjacent or nearby locales in SPACE may be expanding or contracting in their separation in distance, the information that is imparted to them will be interpreted as traveling subject to a limiting constant speed in TIME.
INSTANTANEOUS SYNCHRONIZATION OF POTENTIALS: I suspect that energy that is not information-bearing remains part of a cosmic constant that generally and instanteneously affects present potentials everywhere, at the same present timem the Universal Now. I suspect energy that is not experienced by a local portion of space-time simply passes it by, "outside" any local grid or geometry of space-time. Energy that conveys information to only one portion of space-time will either have been newly and conservationally formed, or it will have passed by all other portions of space-time. Even when energy is detected only generally or indirectly, as by gravitational lensing, it is interpreted as traveling at a relative-constant speed. However, when energy is nowhere detected differentially, it would seem implicated that it "travels" (sequentially and synchronously feeds back to affect), instantaneously. Energy that is not differentially experienced by any particular part of space-time would seem to bear only information that is general, not differentially specific. That is, it is "dark," even though it may affect mathematical, cosmological factors or constants.
INSTANTANEOUS SYNCHRONIZATION OF COSMIC POTENTIALS VERSUS SEGMENTED TRANSMISSION OF MANIFESTED CHANGES: Every particular iteration that is modulated and normalized through a local change-agent instantaneously charges the entire cosmic field with potential to receive the charge and transmit it along a path to discharge it, which itself effects further transmission, and so on, in perpetuity. MANIFESTATIONS occur in mathematically measurable sequences and segments, while cosmic POTENTIALS, in terms of possible subsequent unfoldings, flux instantaneously. Manifest Energy relates to quantitative measurability among segmented manifestations. Meta energy relates to qualitative apprehensions of generally and instantaneously synchronized unfoldings of possibilities.
DARK SUBSTANCE: One can conceptualize that the Singularity at the instant of the Big Bang was not purely an outward burst of energy. (Lightning can be from the ground to the clouds, as well as from the clouds to the ground. Whether a charge should be called positive or negative is a concern for labeling.) Were one to conceptualize a cloud or Field of space-time, vectoring "before" the inception of any Singular Particle, then the inception could be conceptualized as the product of an instantaneous charging, from the field to the singularity. Thereafter, the bursting from the Singularity could be digitally and segmentally meted out in measurable and normalized sequences --- until such time as the Field were restored to its originating charge. The Field could be like a capacitor that, when fully charged, instantaneously releases. The Singularity and the Field could be like antipodes on a perpetual battery that is connected to a meta capacitor. An instantaneous release of all cosmic energy would not be measurable, because measuring necessitates chronological sequencing (time).
NORMALIZING MEASURABILITY: The outward bursting from the Singularity would be much slower than its inwardly, instantaneous charging. Even so, some of the initial outward bursting may be instantaneous. This is because there would be no observers or recorders to measure it or require its moderation or renormalization as a relative-constant. It would be pre-space-time, i.e., the contemporaneous creator of space-time. However, as the Singularity became asymmetric (cracked), there would be differential sequencing, hence renormalization to perspectives, via relative-constants. However, what would become of the outward burst that preceded the cracking of the Singularity? There would be nothing by which to measure or inhibit it. SO, WHAT BECAME OF THE OUTBOUND ENERGY THAT PRECEDED THE CRACKING? Did it define geometric limits to the expansion of the Singularity in space-time? Does it, when "consenting" to being subjected to substantive interaction, detection, or measure, show its face only as a relative-constant, yet remain of instantaneous potential in the absence of such subjection? Until detected in any particular relation, must it, in general relation, contribute to some kind of cosmological constant for affecting the measurable vectors of our sequentially delayed interfunctionings?
BREAKING SYMMETRY: MIGHT THE OUTBURST BEFORE THE CRACKING OF SYMMETRY ACCOUNT FOR THE DARK SUBSTANCE that seems to be missing from our standard models for measuring interactions in physics? May Dark Substance be the instantaneous, meta energy that generally affects our measurements of particular interfunctionings, i.e., the meta substance of universal, cosmological constancy that, absent particular detection, does not normalize as a local measurable? IOW, must there remain vast stores of non-detected Dark Substance, whose correlative effects can be estimated, but not precisely controlled? May such Dark Substance convey non-quantifiable, instantaneous apprehensions between the Field and its Particulars?
META WILL: What is the superior existent-in-itself, in respect of which all inferior appearances are derived? One may label or analogize that existent as Meta Will. As to ITS ITERATIONS OF IDENTIFIABLE I-NESS, each “I” is experienced by each other I as being a somewhat different personage or identity. Each friend who “knows” me knows me in a qualitatively different way. Even I, myself, experience myself over time in qualitatively different ways. "I" am not a thing-in-itself. There is some aspect of I-ness that cannot be confined to a particular measure, perimeter body, or avatar of choice. This applies to every apparent particular and to every measurable medium of particulars. Even light, as we experience it, "in itself," does not exist as a thing in itself. Rather, light manifests and presents as sequentially serried exchanges of charges and discharges of measured information among receptively renormalizing recorders and observers. Light’s constancy in speed is not of light in itself, but of light in how its speed of conveyance is re-normalized as a relative constant among relating perspectives. Observers, bodies, recorders of information, and measurable significations do not exist in themselves, but only insofar as they are appreciated by perspectives of Will.
TRANSCENDING AVATARS: When trivalent Will no longer associates with the bivalently presented machine of my body, it may bond to a succeeding avatar, therewith to guide, experience, and communicate chronologically renormalized measures of sequences in space-time. Thus, our avatars abide as way stations for Will to communicate appreciations of sequences, not as things in themselves. Hence, relative interpretations of our bodies are subject to renormalized interpretations.
HALTING PROBLEM: The more a perspective can do, the more it competes to do — unless it encounters a superior order to halt. Precious little leisure time is not filled with makework and fattening noise. One tends to fill one’s leisure time with collective hurly burly or solitary prayer. Being trained to think of oneself as only a machine would fit nicely with being trained to be only a cog in a collective.

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