Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Second Amendment

Second Amendment: The right to bear arms is in respect of a natural right to take reasonable precautions to defend one's interests against potential ravaging and pillaging by unprincipled gangsters who have taken over government while posing as civic servants. Against such gangsters as now occupy government, such right is not one that can be preserved by mere paper, precedent, or constitution. Ultimately, such right depends upon sustained committment among an assimilated core of decent Americans, enlightened by study of history and morality. The specific contours of such right flux with the competitive and cooperative needs of society, as the social and technological arms race unfolds between crony takers and liberty lovers. A right to bear arms cannot be machined out in simplistic, either-or logic. The Second Amendment cannot be sensibly respected merely in bivalent reasoning. Rather, liberty lovers must duly consider what is needed to defend against being stampeded under ever more intrusive indignities, as masses are made to moo under sociopathic controls of gangster cronydom. The Second Amendment is shorthand, like a sacred parable, for communicating a standoff between individual producers and crony takers. It's definition cannot be entrusted to "elite" collectivists.

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