Thursday, September 29, 2016

Regulation by Law V. Employment

Birth of a Gulag:  The people the Left sells to tend to fall quickest for stupid arguments and lies, and to have "moved on" long before the truth can catch up.  These are the people Lefties flatter by calling them "smart" and "educated."  Conservatives are more concerned with arguments for how to preserve a representative republic among competent free thinkers.  So Lefties have a built in advantage for appealing to everyone who is sub-marginal.  When the Left adds to that the people who can be bought because they are corrupt, our system is such that the Left is nearly undefeatable.  Once the corrupti and ignoranti have become a majority, we will have entered a black hole of despotism from which we cannot escape for a millenneum -- and then only with a miracle. 

Obama, Soros, the Bushes, the Clintons, and all their establishmentarian friends, mouthpieces, and hired trolls have been working hard to gift us with this paradisical NWO.

If it is not too late (a big if), we desperately need:  A restoration of decent and higher faith; formal checks and balances adequate to round up the bad boy billionaire corrupti and draw a hard line; measures to preclude the most ignorant and corrupt from gang-banging the vote; reeducation in basic common sense and civic responsibility; a deep cleansing roto-rooting to clean out DC. 

Otherwise, things will have to come to secession and catastrophe, whereupon we shall see what rises from the ashes.  Thanks, all you metroweenies, femimen, entitlement minded commies, anti-American hyphenates, ghetto loving multi culti, and feminazi knowitall subhumanizing collectivists. Your metro-matriarchal "paradise" is coming. If you liked Big Brother, you're gonna love (I am in no ways tarred) Big Sister.  S/


Corrupti will always be finding, making, and exploiting angles. There is no final solution. There is only eternal vigilance, helped along with assimilating good faith and good will --- and lawmakers on the side of decency to check and balance against evil wannabe lords who buy politicians and laws as if they were commodities.
Until the citizenry regains liberty-literacy, its blind striking at "gov" can be no more effective than hammering down heads in a game of "Hungry Hungry Hippos." It just moves gangster games to new locations. Once despotism becomes centrally encrusted, it does not even do that. It just plays musical chairs with new faces for old tactics and lies. Which is why the difference between a Rino and a Dino tends to be one of little distinction.
Gov is regulation of citizens. Businesses also regulate (their employees). The profit motive tends to make internal regulation of business more efficient. Closeness tends to make smaller businesses more caring. Smaller size tends to make them less dangerously despotic and less susceptible to contagion and gangrene.
The problem is not governmental regulation. The problem is the removal of gov regulation to a central apparatus run by inefficient, non-profit motivated shills for uncaring and lying people-farmers. The problem is the use of central regulations to set inefficiencies into stone.

Those who own central gov cannot rule an empire without sacrificing the freedom and dignity of the masses and turning them into inter-replaceable widgets. The extent to which jobs are being traded for cheaply industrialized commodities is precursor to dehumanization and replacement of families by Big Brother. Dopers, narcissists, incompetents, and shills tend to be easily led to believe this is a desireable trend.

The problem is central gov in the hands of those who deem the masses unfit to make decisions for themselves and instead fit only to be ruled as cheap laborers for gov regulators, who are owned by cronies that buy gov influence as a commodity. The flip side of this problem is the destruction of the family and the devaluation of decent and competent manliness.
This problem has been nurtured by people farmers. They have imported illegal and destabilizing liberty-illiterates wherever needed to flip demographics. They are deliberately funding and breeding episions who vote for crony pigs because they are too ignorant and doped up to see through the fog of evil deception. They have deployed dope dealers to poison the stock of otherwise capable citizens. They have imported primitives and funded and encouraged their separation into enclaves, under the lie that such "diversity" is our strength. They have bought up every institution of deceit and persuasion, to destroy all competent common sense and turn people into easily manipulated farm animals. Indeed, they have added insult to injury by convincing most cattle-people that is is "racist" to resist the new class of people farmers, who, so they claim, just want to "give back" to the little people.
This problem has festered because most of the people have broken or perverted faith with a higher spiritual Source. It has also festered because our formal checks and balances have been inadequate to protect the republic against the rising class of feudal neo-lords, aristocrats, and oligarchs, who have seized control over central banking to allow them to purchase gov regulators with laundered kickbacks and fiat money. So our neo-lords now "legitimize" the ways they are pulling all our industries and resources out from under us. They call this evil farce "free" trade. And they have trained most people to believe our new lords "earned" their place, and that everything would be so much better if only the competent middle class of producers (whiteys and uncle toms) would stop resisting the alliance of neo-lords and their hopped up dupes.


Without an assimilation of sustainable family values, a culture cannot sustain its liberty. It will be easy pickings.
I tend to agree that another person's wealth does not make me poor. There is a qualification, however: If another person's wealth (SorosIlk) inclines and empowers him to purchase gov influence to take advantage of me, then his unchecked wealth most certainly DOES harm me!
Moreover, it becomes a mortal threat to decent representative republicanism, worldwide. A republic that fails to check evil oligarchs becomes easy prey for the devil. This is not a hard concept -- except for the unholy alliance of demons and their inbred epsilons. However, everytime people say so, these belly crawlers try to drown them out in choruses of "racciiisssst!"

Corrupti will always be finding, making, and exploiting angles. There is no final solution. There is only eternal vigilance, helped along with assimilating good faith and good will --- and lawmakers on the side of decency to check and balance against evil wannabe lords who buy politicians and laws as if they were commodities.
Until the citizenry regains liberty-literacy, its blind striking at "gov" can be no more effective than hammering down heads in a game of "Hungry Hungry Hippos." It just moves gangster games to new locations. Once despotism becomes centrally encrusted, it does not even do that. It just plays musical chairs with new faces for old tactics and lies. Which is why the difference between a Rino and a Dino tends to be one of little distinction.
Gov is regulation of citizens. Businesses also regulate (their employees). The profit motive tends to make internal regulation of business more efficient. Closeness tends to make smaller businesses more caring. Smaller size tends to make them less dangerously despotic and less susceptible to contagion and gangrene.
The problem is not governmental regulation. The problem is the removal of gov regulation to a central apparatus run by inefficient, non-profit motivated shills for uncaring and lying people-farmers. The problem is the use of central regulations to set inefficiencies into stone.

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