Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Health Care

We live and communicate subject to a fluxing and shared conceptualization of a re-representation of a more encompassing reality of inexplicable potentiality.  Subject to that, each of us can choose to conceptualize as if a basis for higher-mindedness abides, or as if it does not.  Logic and science will not explicate any greater probability for one than the other. 

Assuming there abides a "true" conceptualization of the encompassing reality, it would need to be at a holistic level, such that the conceptualizer (consciousness), conceptualization (substance), and reality conceptualized (information) would be one thing of three aspects, with capacity to appreciate the quantity and quality of every conscious perspective of such conceptualization.  It would be beyond mortal.

We, as mortal individuals, participate and share in an unfolding definition and experience of the conceptualization, but we do not rule it.  We are subject to its rules for reconciling how our bodies and brains are adopted and adapted.  Even if substance and information are ultimately comprised of mere math as directed by the Holism, they are real to our mortal limits of experience.

We can discover rules for the conceptualization that we happen to share, but we cannot limit how those rules may flux or be fluxed over space-time.  Even if potentiality were not eternal and infinite, it seems to be astonishing and inexplicable.

We cannot scientifically define, confine, or refine the Holism.  At most, we can try to be qualitatively receptive to its guidance and reconciliation.  That is, we can try to live together in good faith and good will, and trust in the Lord.


Absent some kind of voluntarily inspired population control, the march to "widget-man" is probably irreversible.  It seems a sin to sub-humanize people by depriving them of freedom of expression, enterprise, and association.  However, as knowledge and capacity to produce weapons and means of mass destruction disseminate and increase, seemingly exponentially, the race will be on to monitor and constrain every person, business, and nation to try to ensure against "man made disasters" on epic scales. 

Even if such a race could be won, the price would be mass sub-humanization.  Absent a population correction, the sub-humanization of humanity is probably unavoidable.  If so, the NWO will be one of "safe spaces and economic security" --- in exchange for surrendering the best and most important aspects of being human.  Instead of yearning to breathe free, we will be programmed to yearn to breathe safely. 

But we will be fed and famed with Big PC, soma, and omni-sex --- to keep us safely occupied.  At least, so long as we are useful to the farm.  After we are no longer useful, the fake mask of caring and social justice will be discarded.  After all, once we have been deliberately sub-humanized, why should we any longer expect to be valued?


Tools for Soros pretend to feel everyone's pain.  Pretend to be motivated to serve humanity.  What a farce!
I have lost faith in these studies by the useful idiots, stooges, and shills for the practitioners of NWO oligarchic collectivism under the power of phony elites (falsely called "the open society").  Their paymasters do not value human freedom, dignity, fairness, or equality.  They value farming the people, with the masses to obey and do as the moral scientists and elites for the oligarchy instruct.  Theirs is neither to be responsible nor to reason why, but only to do as they are told.  Perhaps this is why so many Germans seem to love Merkel and Islam?  There is no outrage these tools cannot wrap up in intellectual language and snooker their fellow travelers into finding reasonable.  It is only while the masses have value as farm animals that their masters will care about their fair treatment or their sex or drug based happiness.
Quotes from O'Brien in 1984:
"Do you suppose it is beyond us to produce a dual system of astronomy? The stars can be near or distant, according as we need them. Do you suppose our mathematicians are unequal to that? Have you forgotten doublethink?'"
'Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just round the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?'
"But always – do not forget this, Winston – always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever."


Single Payer along the Australian Model would make sense. Health Care is not a natural right. But, as a Safety Net, it is akin to investment in Infrastructure that makes sense for a decent and healthy nation. The level of health care should be that of a safety net, not a hammock. Not to the level of encouraging gross irresponsibility. Moreover, the level is not something determined by natural law. It should be a level that comports with what is sustainable for a decent society, as it becomes ever more economically able. Making health care the responsibility of employers tends to make the nation less economically competitive with others. Alas, our nation is becoming so politically and historically illiterate that our Representatives seem unable to summon and legislate any semblance of good sense. For Conservers of Liberty and a decent representative republic, this should not be a political football between opposing gangs of Rinos and Dinos --- nearly all of whom are in the pockets of souldead oligarchs.


My key point is that one often needs to be a disciplinarian for empathetic reasons.  Is it more empathetic to coddle a child to become a burden on society, or to inculcate enough self respect to learn how to become competent and strong enough not to need coddling?  Nurturing a cub/child from infancy to responsible adulthood and ability to think beyond pc indoctrinated slogans is a complex process.  I am interested in that empathy (enlightened self interest?) which relates to capacity to identify oneself with persons and interests beyond slogans or the perimeter of one's skin.

I'm more a believer in natural empathy than so-called natural law (Secular Substitute for Faith in a Metaphysical Reconciler?). Even so, I don't see where I contradicted Locke. Did Locke ever say Natural Law requires that a nation provide single payer health insurance?

I want our empathy-muscles to be developed towards strengthening grownups who will incline towards preserving our representative republic, instead of towards a NWO where the masses are kept subjugated under the socialist-fascist rule of oligarchic knowbetters.


By performance-magic, wannabe rulers are redefining language to indoctrinate, bribe, and prepare the masses to be ruled.

A conserver of liberty would prefer that our empathy-muscles be developed towards strengthening grownups who will incline towards preserving our representative republic. 

But our wannabe rulers and rule-ees  prefer to redefine empathy as tolerance whereby the masses are to be kept subjugated under the socialist-fascist rule of oligarchic knowbetters and their thugs.  They preach humility under God, but then they substitute Central Planning Gov for God and put both God and the republic out of the picture.  Then they tell us they are "as moral as anyone else."


The NWO goal for our schools --- whether public, private, or corporate --- is to make the masses ready for the Fake NWO. But the Real NWO is to be the same tri-part dystopia of Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia --- under the boot of socialist-fascist-corporatists, everywhere. This is the default position for humanity when the majority slips over into incapacity --- whether by trained stupidity or cowardice --- to reason for itself. Once in the pit of this dystopia, they will comfort themselves by telling themselves the slippery slope was all a big fallacy.


Rinos lie for votes when they promise to repeal health care, Dinos lie for votes when they promise gun control legislation. They all get rich while they play Kabuki for oligarchs. Why is there no organized effort to take down oligarchs when they launder money for treasonous purposes? Could it be because they have bribed and brain washed so many tenured and radical gullibles into believing that flooding the USA with cultures alien to representative republicanism is a good thing? A nation whose citizenry has become liberty illiterate cannot long sustain a republic. Inevitably, they will fall under the boot of socialist-fascist-corporatists posing as expert moral scientists. Sadly, many seem to think that is a good thing. And they want to make it worldwide.


Revisit Emmanuel Goldstein.  Then compare 1984 with Brave New World.

Whips are not necessary where candy will do.  The central force of gov despotism is not necessary where oligarchs learn how to entice and farm the masses and then buy the gov politicians.  A representative republic cannot survive once the majority of its electorate has been trained not to think beyond PC, and to call that wisdom. 

Useful idiocy is now rewarded.  Thinking for yourself and then saying what you think, if it is outside PC, is hazardous to your social standing.  Putting your real thoughts online, on social media, can be as much a permanent handicap as a revolutionary act. 

The program of useful idiots is to be divisive, to help oligarchs rule, so they will pay candy.  The program has nothing to do with fairness or equality, except as slogans to turn the masses into sub-humans.  We are now far down a twisted road, with nary a bread crumb to lead us back.

For Emmanuel Goldstein's Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Theory_and_Practice_of_Oligarchical_Collectivism:

"[T]heorists, such as Max Schachtman, saw the Soviet Union, along with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, as representing a new type of society, neither capitalist nor socialist, characterized by direct, integrated political and economic rule by a new ruling class of totalitarian state bureaucrats. In the era of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and the lead-up to World War II, this theory claimed that the apparently opposed Fascist and Stalinist social systems were in effect identical in essence, reminiscent of Goldstein's claims that Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia are actually identical and only differ in the justifying ideology."

(Stalin was as much a fascist as Hitler.  Sub-humanizing collectivism under oligarchs is fascism.  Totalitarianism is totalitarianism, whatever its flavor.)

Compare the theory of Soros' "Open Society" with its actual practice, where:

- buying and selling politicians and governments is conflated with democracy
- crowds on demand are purchased by agitators
- thought control is conflated with social justice
- gov control over the distribution of financial incentives is conflated with freedom
- surrendering the power to defend yourself is conflated with enlightenment
- banning words is conflated with being socially sensitive
- inventing and forcing recognition of strange genders is conflated with science
- girl scouts become boy scouts
- friends with benefits will become group marriages
- illegal aliens become respected residents with voting rights
- science of people farming animal husbandry is conflated with morality
- orgasmic instruction is to become a right of children
- parents are to be replaced by villages and bureaucrats
- marriages and families are eventually to be de-defined
- culture based on individual freedom and responsibility is to be made racist
- law enforcement for preserving decency is made into oppression
- people are prepped to become cattle
- open season for oligarchs is conflated with free trade
- divide and rule and cheap and desperate labor are taken to be marks of the open society
- the masses should obey their more scientifically trained moral elites
- God is not dead, but banned

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