Thursday, October 19, 2017

Speed of Transmission of Information Limited by Character of Consciousness

Holistic Consciousness:  Holistic Consciousness relates the math under which Simple Consciousness, Substance, and Information are activated and coordinated.

Simple Consciousness:  Simple Consciousness is a massless and qualitative capacity, from an otherwise dimension-less Point of relational Spin, to receive and transmit Information.

Consciousness of Consciousness:  Consciousness of Consciousness is Complex Consciousness that abides with an organized and adopted system of Matter.

Consciousness of Self:  Consciousness of Self is Complex Consciousness that appreciates and apprehends that it abides with an organized and adopted system of Matter.

Substance:  Substance abides with a quantifiable capacity to collapse, Re-present, store, and transmit measurable Information.  It can abide as Matter, Energy, and/or both.  Substance is comprised of a stored accumulation of Information.

Information:  Information consists in an accumulation and reconciliation of previously sequenced Representations of Substance.  Information is comprised of previous re-presentations of Substance.

Physical Size, density, and occupation of space-time (physicality) are all derivative of no-thing other than Holistic Consciousness taking Perspectives under a math-based system of algorithms.

The Existential Cosmos relates to the quantitative and qualitative "sum" of Consciousness, Substance, and Information. 
The Measurable Cosmos relates only to quantifiable aspects of Substance and Information.

Do Perspectives of Consciousness spin in space-time?  Or does space-time spin around Perspectives of Consciousness?  Is the appearance of spin purely math-based, without need of geometry?  Is every spinning sponsored by Holistic Consciousness an expression of particular, Simple Consciousness?What matter can absorb matter?


CONSCIOUSNESS:  Although Consciousness may transition among systems, layers, and levels, it retains an unending, math-based commonality:  An immeasurable quality of appreciating, experiencing, accumulating, exchanging, and communicating an unfolding of measuring.  "You" are a math-based, spatial-temporal, fluxing expression of a perspective of C.


From wherever and to wherever a Perceiver measures cumulative material density, his calculation will tend towards the same eventual measure of density in all directions. (Apart from the Godhead, there is no real center to the cosmos.    How can that be, unless the superior reality is more math like than substance like?)

Whenever and wherever a Receiver absorbs EMR, from whatever direction, regardless of the relative motion of the Receiver, the EMR is received by it at the same speed (unless some of the light passes through a medium other than empty space). (There is no real grid by which to compare and measure the absolute locus of any place or time.    How can that be, unless the superior reality is more math like than substance like?)

Neither matter nor energy seem to be built up from any ultimate building particle-in-itself. All measurable expressions of Substance are comprised of particles that, for their expression, require relationships with other particles. (No measurable thing has reality-in-itself.    How can that be, unless the superior reality is more math-like than substance like?)

No Perspective, and no Perception, remains precisely the same across the passage of time. (No mortal measurer remains constant.    How can that be, unless the superior reality is more math like than substance like?)

However, some standards remain practically the same across different lengths of time. Because of that overlap, things can appear to be physical and they can be measured and communicated relationally and sequentially, for practical purposes. (Why communication is possible.)

However, because of flux, no precise measure can be made of the entire cosmos -- either in its manifestation, its potentiality, or its origin. Substance, for its measurability, is not in itself sufficient. (Why materialism is defective philosophy and why mortals cannot rule the cosmos.)

When substantive things are related or measured, what is really being related or measured?  Why do some forms, as gross forms (not as ultimate-bit forms) function at gross levels as attractants or repellants of other forms?  Why is some Information received, interpreted, and absorbed, while other potentialities of Information are not?  What guides, reconciles, chooses, or rules how some gross forms of Substance and Information continue to influence one another, while others do not?  Can it really make sense to conceptualize that all the math is pre-set?

Apart from dna, what else may control how forms interfunction, grow, and pass away? If Consciousness is fundamental to the process, what is Consciousness, and how are Perspectives of it guided to interfunction? Is there a matrix of purely "algorithmic-dna" that sets parameters or selects permissible forms for Perspectives of Consciousness and what they are allowed to perceive? (How the unfolding creation is intelligent.)

Ultimately, must the superior from which all apparent Substance and Information are derived be Consciousness (God?) operating with Algorithms of Math? Architect of Fractals of Matrix? With what innate empathy and methods of leveraging may IT relate to us? How elegantly simple is what appears to be complex? (How the Godhead reconciles with Mortals).


Maybe America will get a second change, if its people reconnect more to the Godhead than to false-promising stooges and pleasure-swindlers for godforsaken oligarchs.


CONSCIOUSNESS:  Although Consciousness may transition among systems, layers, and levels, it retains an unending, math-based commonality:  an immeasurable quality of appreciating, experiencing, accumulating, exchanging, and communicating an unfolding of measuring.  "You" are a math-based, spatial-temporal, fluxing expression of a perspective of Consciousness.  Consciousness has to do with the Reconciliation and Interpretation of Information, as limited by speed of c.

THE EMR FORCE:  EMR has to do with the transmission, storage, and reception of Information.

THE STRONG AND WEAK FORCES:  The Strong and Weak Forces have to do with the integration and disintegration of loci for Perspectives of Consciousness.

SPACE-TIME:  Space-Time, as a medium for allowing Substantive interfunctioning to occur in sequentially measurable patterns, exists only insofar as such patterns also avail the expression of Perspectives of Consciousness.

QUESTION:  Can information from nuclear forces (Strong and Weak forces) be transmitted, received, stored, or interpreted without the influence of C (the limiting and constant speed for massless particles)?  Can any Perspective (present or potential) of Consciousness function without influence of C?  While protons and neutrons are expressed much larger than electrons and photons, what about their quanta components?  Apart from fuzz or Reconciling Consciousness, can nuclear quanta components store or convey Information in bits "smaller than," and free of, photons?  No.  Quarks carry mass.

For our math-verse, a nucleus can become free of electrons, but it will only provide a locus for a Perspective of Consciousness insofar as it helps receive, store, transmit, and interpret Information limited via C.


If a system of math-based algorithms defines and limits our cosmos, it is based around Consciousness and its various perspectives.  Not around any material things in themselves.  The things around each Perspective of Consciousness are treated, for that Perspective, AS IF they were real in themselves.  And such treatment is normalize-able and reconcile-able for every Perspective, so every Perspective will sense AS IF it were at the center of the measurable density and sequential unfolding of the observable cosmos.



The speed "c" is special in that it is a universal constant for all particles (such as photons and gluons) with zero rest mass that carry only kinetic energy.  Although they carry energy, they are zero-rest-massless so long as they travel at the speed of light.  This allows integration of the concepts of measurable space, time, matter and energy.  Every zero-rest-massless particle in a vacuum must travel at the speed of EMR.  A zero-rest-massless EMR particle, to be created in an otherwise vacuum, must be traveling in all frames at the speed of light.   Its only mass is the square of its Lorentz-invariant momentum fourvector P (a vector of energy and the normal 3d momentum p), which is 0 in all frames. 

Light bends due to gravity only because space-time curves such that anything traveling at c is considered to have "relativistic mass."  This is possible only because time and distance measurements differ for different observers, even though whatever chronological sequences they can share remain protectedThe bending of transmissions of massless energy would seem also to have to do with how every reception of Information can participate in preserving to every Perspective an appearance that our cosmos tends to equal cumulative density in all directions.

Since your body is not massless, it cannot reach c.  If it could, its clock would stop ticking.  Anything that travels at c is massless and would be observed as traveling at c by everyone who could observe it.  W

While you cannot travel through space-time faster than c, can you warp through space-time faster than c?  Were you to warp (alter your space-time locus instantaneously) back and forth, rather than travel, you would not be altering chronologies.

Photons carry the electromagnetic force, but are not charged themselves and do not interact via this force. Photons have relativistic mass and interact with gravity, but not with their own forces.

Gluons are carriers of the Strong force.  Both photons and gluons travel in a vacuum at c.  They do have relativistic mass, which acts as a gravity charge.

A Neutrino that changes flavors as it travels is not massless.  A Muon has mass and can be broken into an electron and two neutrinos.

A Photon, in itself, is not matter.  It has zero rest mass, but it does have relativistic mass.  When confined or stored to a system, a photon does increase the mass of the system.  Matter is stored energy.

Quarks are never directly observed or found in isolation.  Quarks have various intrinsic properties, including electric charge, mass, color charge, and spin.  Quarks are the only elementary particles in the Standard Model of particle physics to experience all four fundamental interactions, also known as fundamental forces (electromagnetism, gravitation, strong interaction, and weak interaction), as well as the only known particles whose electric charges are not integer multiples of the elementary charge.

A Graviton is a hypothetical elementary particle that mediates the force of gravitation in the framework of quantum field theory (QFT).

Like photons, gravitons also carry (relativistic) mass, but unlike photons and gluons, they carry the gravitational force which interacts with this mass. As well as gravitons having to thus interact with other gravitons, quantum mechanics means they must also interact with themselves via virtual particles. Understanding these interactions of gravitons' own relativistic mass with their own force is a qualitatively different kind of problem from modelling other types of bosons and is what leads to the renormalization issues.

It would seem that a concept of gravitons, if helpful, should relate Consciousness to a system of math such that every Perspective will experience general mass as if it tends to cumulative equal density (flatness) in all directions, even though of differing densities in near distances.

Most theories containing gravitons suffer from severe problems. Attempts to extend the Standard Model or other quantum field theories by adding gravitons run into serious theoretical difficulties at energies close to or above the Planck scale. This is because of infinities arising due to quantum effects; technically, gravitation is not renormalizable. Since classical general relativity and quantum mechanics seem to be incompatible at such energies, from a theoretical point of view, this situation is not tenable. One possible solution is to replace particles with strings. String theories are quantum theories of gravity in the sense that they reduce to classical general relativity plus field theory at low energies, but are fully quantum mechanical, contain a graviton, and are thought to be mathematically consistent.

It would seem that no Information can be transmitted without entailment, at some level, of c.  But for c, no field of math could be actively expressed, nor could any sequential record of unfoldment of Substance be preserved.

A photon would seem to function as a bit of stored Information.  Its transmission of Information diffuses in waves, until it is collapsed/absorbed to an expression of materiality.  As it is absorbed by matter, its wave function may collapse to a particle wherewith energy is transmitted to an electron to excite it from whatever orbit it may have been attached, as in the case of a photoelectric effect. 

Every body of matter constitutes a locus for an experience of Perspective of Consciousness, at some level.  That experience need not relate to human-like sense organs.  It may relate to sensations innate to spin, vibration (heat), amplitude, cumulative intensity, and so on.

Consciousness is innate to the expression of the cosmos.  Consciousness functioning with a c-based system of math avails geometrical forms for giving expression to measurable existentiality.  When Consciousness produces spin, it avails forms that avail various Perspectives of itself.  Spin, charge, polarity, structure, density have to do with the various geometrical forms of particles and waves that we interpret and experience as matter and energy.  They avail the organization, reception, storage, collapse, sensation, interpretation, and transmission of Information and communications.  Consciousness feeds back to affect how expressions of Substance and Information unfold, accumulate, and reconcile.

The relative density of our "flat" universe, as we tend to measure it, has to do with the maturing quality of our Perspectives of Consciousness, from simple consciousness of existentiality to complex sense-based awareness of self.


If a system of math-based algorithms defines and limits our cosmos, it is based around Consciousness and its various perspectives.  Not around any material things in themselves.  The things around each P of C are treated, for that P, AS IF they were real in themselves.  And such treatment is normalize-able and reconcile-able for every P, so every P will sense AS IF it were at the center of the measurable density and sequential unfolding of the observable cosmos.

Speed of Transmission of Information Limited by Character of Consciousness

Consciousness is the immeasurable quality of experiencing measuring.
Information is the past sum of measurable experience up to the present.
Memory is stored Information that remains and is accessible to Consciousness.

Holistic Consciousness is the immeasurable quality of experiencing the present measuring of the system of algorithms that expresses any hypothetical sum of the cosmos and all that entails.
Substance is the incarnate present-ation of accumulated Information.  There abides a Nowness throughout the apparent cosmos, even though no mortal can normalize it for all possible cases.  Holistic Consciousness measures the system of math itself, and is not bound to apparent substantive limits of speed of communication. 

The math-system, with Consciousness, gives expression to apparent expressions of measurable Substance and its sequential collection as cumulatively stored Information.  Apparent Substance is its derivative, not its superior.  Our natural laws of Substance do not regulate the flux of the math-system itself, with Holistic Consciousness.  However, so long as Holistic Consciousness is entertained by the Substantive appearances that derive from its reconciliation with the math-system, it will flux and correlate in ways that preserve the appearance of natural laws regulating Substance and Information.  In that respect, Holistic Consciousness is both within and without the apparent cosmos.

Could a mass vectoring in empty space faster than the speed of light still receive direct Information from EMR, but only from that EMR that, in relation to it and its medium, is sensible as going at or below the speed of light?  Otherwise, what non-internal force could ever relate to it, to brake or slow it?

For a Black Hole, it seems no EMR or any other Substance escapes (except possible Information smudged out over a vast potentiality).  May a Black Hole supply a mechanism for converting Substance into rarefied Consciousness and smudged out Information?  How may general, rarefied C flux and adapt itself to adopt, identify with, and limit itself to a bodily represented Perspective?  Whatever the nature or character of the locus that can receive, collapse, interpret, and store Information, it is, at some level, a perspective of a reconciling Consciousness.

It is possible to produce a medium of water within which electrons may travel faster than photons.  In respect of such a medium, a perspective of Consciousness may measure some electrons to be traveling faster than some photons.  (????  In a water medium, perhaps not all of the same photons go unmolested.  Many may be absorbed, to convert from EMR to Substance/Information, then radiated back to EMR.  So the stream of conveyance may be slowed from what it would have been, had the photons been unmolested in empty space.  A random photoelectric effect may entail more slowness than a stream of electrons through a pre-charged medium.  ????)

Apart from such circumstances or mediums, no perspective of Consciousness will concurrently sense, receive, store, or interpret any bit of Information external to it unless such Information is transmitted, relative to it, at the speed of light.  This would apply even to trace evidence of the flux of the Strong and Weak Forces and the Force of Gravitation.  (Via algorithmically enhanced sense organs, Information concerning the motion of gross bodies can be sensed and interpreted, wherewith the gross bodies do not reach the relational speed of light.  However, such reception of gross Information is the interpretive product of a sequence of bit Information that is received at the speed of light.  We do not directly sense the gross bodies themselves.  Rather, we sense and interpret Information that is relayed from them via EMR.  Likewise, we do not ordinarily and directly sense non-EMR cosmic radiation.  Rather, we sense and interpret their traces, the bit-transmission of which is at the speed of EMR.)  No gross Information below the speed of EMR can be transmitted except if it accords with the cosmic system wherewith it is defined.

Non-mass, non-material, non-entangled Substance (like empty space between measurable particles) can expand faster than the speed of light.

Apart from special mediums, non-mass, non-material, and non-entangles Substances, no other S can remain integrated as a gross body and exceed the SOL.

Every locus of recordation of Information is such that it cannot be coherently sensed except as being cosmically surrounded by mass densities that within limits of calculus sum equally in all directions.  Measurement in respect of every available locus is re-normalizeable AS IF it were at a center of the cosmos.  No perspective of C that can have an idea of the cosmos can coherently abide except upon sensing and conceptualizing itself AS IF it were at the center of the cosmos.

Can only Holistic C be Omni-present and/or exceed the SOL?  Is Omni-C the only Omni-Substance?  How may it leverage to appreciate, apprehend, understand, reconcile all mortal perspectives of C?  With the math of fractals?

Only Holistic C can give intuitive warnings, beyond the SOL, to upcoming storms of photons.
But humanity can interpret correlations among gross bodies to warn of probabilities of upcoming storms of photons.


Every presently measurable form is imbued with an identity, however expressed as spatially temporal, that gathers, receives, accumulates, stores, and exchanges levels and layers and fractals of overlapping and fluxing I.  Some fractal processes facilitate forms to express and feel awareness of self as an identity or perspective of C that is apart from the remainder of the cosmos.  Among fluxes of mortal expression, there abides C of being a part of the cosmos, as well as C of being apart from the cosmos. 

Fundamentally, all these perspectives of C constitute an immeasurable quality of appreciating, experiencing, accumulating, exchanging, and communicating an unfolding of measuring.  All are part of a system of math-based algorithms wherewith shared definition, limitation, and reconciliation is availed for our unfolding and conscious experiences of cosmos --- based around Consciousness and its various perspectives, but not actually based around any material things-in-themselves

Regardless of perspective, the common, perpetual, unbounded reference is:  Consciousness.  Consciousness is Consciousness --- even though it can entail reconciling Consciousness (holistic driving of math-based system), consciousness of cosmos but not of self (self perpetuating forms), and consciousness of limiting perspective of self (self aware forms).  Although Consciousness may transition among systems, layers, and levels, it retains an unending, math-based commonality:  an immeasurable quality of appreciating, experiencing, accumulating, exchanging, and communicating an unfolding of measuring.  "You" are a math-based, spatial-temporal, fluxing expression of a perspective of C.

Whatever the character, force, or system under which we are designed, expressed, reconciled, or judged, it could not express, judge, or reconcile us unless in some aspect or respect it remains involved with us.  Whatever its power or potentiality, it seems to be as open and unbounded as math. 



The speed of EMR in empty space is the limiting and usual speed at which any receptor can receive Information.  Information that may transmit there, faster than the speed of light, cannot be received by any mortal receptor/perspective.

Traveling instantaneously (warping between loci) would not alter the past or future or constitute time travel.  If I warped away from Earth faster than SOL and then warp-returned faster than SOL, I could at most have approached instantaneous travel, not travel into the past or future.

If I warp-travel instantly to a distant Star, I will arrive at its present time.  I will miss out on receiving much of the light/information from its distant past, that may still be bombarding Earth.  In this way, I may be able to go back and forth and remind Earth and Star people of Information from their past, but I would not be able to change their past.

No mortal P of C travels back and forth between past and future.  Rather, except in special cases, it simply receives whatever Information it receives at the limiting SOL.  By warp-exceeding the SOL, it would simply forego receiving some I that it would have received had it not traveled.

If instantaneous travel eventually becomes possible, it will be at the cost for the traveler of losing first hand experiences of Information.  It will not constitute time travel.

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