Saturday, September 4, 2010

Of Royce's Hologram of Liberty

From A.T. -- Re: "The façade of socialism has always been the same -- a phony banner for the acquisition of power." Sinisterists ... "hate divinely ordained liberty."

Hear, hear! For Obama, his individual salvation (rule?) depends on salvation of (rule over?) The Collective. From Ayn Rand's "Anthem": What is not done collectively cannot be good, said International 1-5537.

There is no such thing as a withering away of the State. However, there is such a thing as a withering away of the influence of an active and churning middle class. See North Korea, Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, the expanding realm of Islam, and so on. When the influence of the middle class is reduced to mere form and pretense, devoid of substance, there comes totalitarian rule over the Collective -- regardless of whether under rule of Emperor, Despot (Marxist or Islamist), or International Cabal of Corporatist Rulers of the Collective. Any financial system, whether communist or oligarchically corporatist, that effectively wipes out the influence of a middle class will condemn humanity to a gross disregard of human liberty. Even as to rulers, they can hardly rule with unquestioned power without debasing their humanity. In Orwell's 1984, people did not really rule. It was only debased, impersonal, indifferent power that ruled. Humanity kneeled under an invention: Big Brother, with his boot on the face of humanity, forever.

Regarding "liberty" and word idolatry: See Kenneth W. Royce's 1997 edition of Hologram of Liberty, in which one learns: The Articles of Confederation of 1781 so jealously protected local rights that they failed to avail power adequate to address local needs. After Shay's Rebellion, the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 was called, at which the American countryside was not especially represented. Various of the famous revolutionaries (Jefferson, John Adams, Henry, Paine, Sam Adams, Gadsen) were not delegates because they were in Europe, refused, or not chosen. Hamilton was sure that there would be social anarchy unless a consolidated government could be maintained, independent of the will of the people. He believed man could be governed only by force or interest (apparently, not by his "better angels"). Eventually, the Constitution was signed by only 39 of the 74 chosen delegates. The Constitution was ratified by means other than popular vote; in Rhode Island, it was rejected by popular vote, by a margin of 11 to 1. Later, upon members knowing of a bill soon to pass to undertake for the federal government to assume the war debts of the States, paper was bought up at five shillings on the pound before holders learned Congress had already undertaken to redeem at par, so that mass sums were redistributed from the ignorant. Having facilitated wealth among speculators, Hamiltion acquired considerable influence. Upon seeing government being used to consolidate oligarchy to exploit the masses, Madison parted with Hamiltion. With Hamilton, the key to everything was "commerce." The point of Royce's Hologram of Liberty is not to trash the Constitution, but to step outside "parchment idolatry." He thinks the Constitution is still correctible ... even as he recognizes that Rhode Island succumbed to ratify the Constitution on May 29, 1790, only after the Senate had voted on May 18 to embargo all trade with "Rogue Island."

When the middle class sees its value and purpose only as shadows cast in a cave of the State, totalitarianism is the inevitable result. Only by Conscious Will's valuing of its divine source may its middle class representatives receive and preserve strength to resist the otherwise inevitable fall of humanity into word confusion and state imposed robotic mindlessness. If atheistic respectors of middle class values prefer to call that source "higher atheistic values" (chuckle) that is fine. For my money, a "conservative" conserves liberty; a "liberal" enslaves the collective to the sacrifice of liberty. Definitely, to label oneself "liberal" in order to justify enslaving the collective is indeed sinister.


Anonymous said...

I think useful idiots, in their slogans, tend to express socialism and communism as variants for pursuing "the greater good" by consolidating control over The Collective in order to facilitate more enlightened rule by elites. For some reason, elitist, imperial consolidation of power over vast collectives never seems to pan out well for the actual peons. Plus, it seems always to dehumanize those who acquire the most power, to corrupt them, absolutely. As an ideal, to pursue the greater good through collectivization of the masses never quite works out. Instead, it reduces all to a philosophy of cruelly indifferent meaninglessness, satiated with glandular induced highs from metaphysical trances, adrenalin, violence, drugs, or hormones. The motivation to acquire power, wealth, and prestige becomes the motivation to surrender mind to gland related highs, sort of like a temporary death or release from living, sort of like submitting to accept Islamist insanities.

The meaning and communication of empathy become lost in the mix. Indeed, even consciousness comes to be seen among Progs as mere acausal artifact of physical interaction of chemical agents. Of course, if there is no greater good (higher atheistic values?), then ask: Why should Progs seek to pursue a non-existing greater good through collectivization?

I think the answer is this: Progs don't really understand collectivism, because collectivism (like proving the invisible unicorn does not exist) is fundamentally contradictory to meaningful reality. IOW, Progs are not really pursuing the greater good at all. They are pursuing release from life, release from responsibility, and release from hoping for meaningfulness. Since they are cowardly, they are not willing to follow their philosophy to its conclusion, not without taking a lot of company with them. Progs don't really expect collectivism to relieve their misery; they just want company in their misery. Progs don't want higher empathy; trying to communicate higher empathy with Progs tends to be a waste of breath. Simply put, Progs are unable to preserve a house made by Empaths, but Progs certainly can tear down the house. Just let them acquire the voting majority and stand back and watch.

Anonymous said...

We elect politicians who stand to gain by dealing with Islamists (Bloomberg deals; Bush-Dubai deals), who in turn finance Islamists to rain dhimmi upon us. Why is this happening? Well, there is a quickening consolidation of control by elite international oligarchists who have no loyalty to America or even to basic human decency. To accomplish the consolidation, they must level our middle class and reduce America to third world status. They have their tentacles into everything. What now passes for Banking, News, Education, or even Science has become a farce. Simply put, it is counterproductive to rulers for non-rulers to have accurate information. Rather, the ruled class must be kept poor, ignorant, busy, agitated, misdirected, and divided, like trained seals. For our rulers, our purpose is no more than to bark as instructed.

Why is America in decline? Because our electorate has been shaped and taught to elect politicians willing and eager to sell our government and cash in on our demise. Ownership of our politicians has become a game of corporatist survival, like a competition to pair the most devious sellouts with the most corrupt buyers. Power has been consolidated into a cesspool. Read Hologram of Liberty.

Why are there so many voters and politicians among us who grease this path? Consider what is the fount of their value system, then ask: Why should you expect anything different from them?