Thursday, September 23, 2010

How to be an American

Would that there were classes in how to be independent minded Americans.  But that would only bring derisive choruses and pimped howls of "Nativist!"  There is too much momentum and money in erasing borders and falling to international corporate collectivism, as if all intelligent people should view collectivism as the enlightened wave of the future.  So, whatever has distinguished America is to be dissolved.  Meantime, elites "forget" to mention how much of the rest of the world that we are dissolving into has already traded individual liberty for the collective feed lot.  This is not based in principle.  It's based in pimpery.  The last force between us and the feed lot is the American middle class.  But its influence is at local levels.  It cannot very well compete with pimped up forces at the national and interntational level, which is where all power is being siphoned.


Anonymous said...

Re: Not all Muslims are violent.
No doubt, this is true with regard to many people who were raised as children, generally under good influences while perhaps lacking a spiritual connection, then falling later in life under the influence of otherwise rational proponents of Islam. It may well not be true with regard to children raised by fanatical parents, deprived of healthy alternative outlets, and numbed to madness, irrationality and hostility to all forms of individual expression. Once Islam, directly or indirectly, is raised by our laws to a superior position, then the legal bloodstream for protecting us against extremism will have become anemic. The campaign of dhimminization proceeds all around. Soon, it will be futile to resist, because idiot lawyers like Souter will make it a hate crime to disparage Islam. A man can learn and learn and still be a fool.

Many Americans would quote Goldwater, that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. An Islamofascist would twist that, to suggest that extremism in the projection of religious totalitarianism is no vice, and moderation in that pursuit should be only for pretense. To tolerate such a mindset among us is akin to ordinary Japanese bees tolerating among themselves a Japanese hornet.

Anonymous said...

Build a movement. Kindle respect for individual freedom of expresson and enterprise. The international momentum of the collectivizing system and the rot in D.C. have accumulated to such an extent that there is little hope of suddenly redirecting them at this time with mere reason. How do you redirect a mad man with mere reason? Or by electing an alternative mad man? Defend your families, extend your connections, establish pockets of reason and eternal truths, and do what you can. Don't sell out for cotton candy.

Anonymous said...

If we ever let hating hate become a hate crime, we'll soon be in for a helluva hurt. Everytime some idiot lawyer finds some new cause to exploit, using some fabulously new hopey-changey law, the door will always be nibbled and tested by the lowest common denominator of the lowest of the collectivizers and subjugators. Indeed, the waters will recede, i.e., the waters of decency and morality. Before you know it, shiploads of inassimilable nonsense will be sailing through the cracks, blessed by hopey-changey judges. Better to burn the Koran than to burn the Constitution. Once we can't hate the despotism of collectivists, we're done.

Anonymous said...

It seems only natural that unionized teachers would most love those students they can conditon to think like herd animals, and entitled ones at that. Before America became wealthy enough to afford Big Gov, churches and charities were more needed to help the less able and fortunate. It seems only natural that such churches would spend more effort trying to help those who were humble enough to actually be receptive to being helped. Now, we have replaced those church functions with Big Gov, acting as if it were Big Church. The difference is, Big Gov's parishioners feel not humble, but entitled. Feeling entitled, they feel little need to change. Rather, they feel only the need to change the producers who support the government, to give them even more entitlements. The question is, at what point do producers tell entitlement louts to grow up? Watch any Bill Maher round table, and what do you usually see, if not addicts and clowns lacking any clue about what they should be about making disparaging "jokes" about everyone who does have a clue? Throw the bums out. The funny is gone.

Anonymous said...

Re: "Supporting a more decentralized federal government with regard to social issues is inherently more inclusive."
Well, that's more like anti-federalism. Regardless, I agree. Don't fund feds any more than necessary for essentials! That's the only way to return buy-in and influence to the common sense middle class. Don't invent any more new classes for anything resembling equal-quota-hiring-and-entitlement-protection under national law. That treats people as if they were interchangeable commodities, and it tends to remove all effective pressures towards sustainable assimilation. Don't intrude with federal "hate speech" protection against people who wish to opine, outside work, against various or oppressive philosophies and religions. That forces us to tolerate the intolerable. Leave equal protection regulation of behavior stuff as much as possible to local levels. Do not intrude to impose hiring quotas against small business employers who prefer, for whatever reason, not to hire persons of known political, religious, drug, sexual, and criminal behavioral patterns. Don't use equal protection to trample on freedom of speech and association. Stop siphoning and collectivizing all government power to the highest central level!

Anonymous said...

Re: "I say leave me and my money alone. It's my money, not yours. Let me decide what to spend my own money on."

If the world population consisted entirely of people who respected individual freedom of expression and enterprise, or if all other countries were like U.S. states and members of the federal union, under the U.S. Constitution, this would make more sense. But the world is not like that. As things stand, we are pulling down both our physical and our trade boundaries, while we are being overrun with inassimilable cultures that are not friendly to U.S. values.

The more we erase our boundaries and the more we ship our industry overseas, the more we render ourselves easily pushed around by powers that could care less about American notions of respect at home for the decency, dignity, and freedom of individual Americans. If you live here, benefit from America's defense forces, and value such rights for Americans as are enshrined in the Constitution, then it is no sufficient argument merely to say what is quoted above.

What is quoted above is a poster attitude for how to sink America into a N.W.O. that will be far less accomodating to the kinds of rights Americans have traditionally valued. If I'm "nativist," then the attitude above is "friendly to the spread of collectivist despotism." This is what rinos Rove and Bush laid the path for, and it is the path Rinos will continue to espouse. Enough.

Anonymous said...

Set aside "fairness." Think about freedom of expression and enterprise for Americans, aganst a N.W.O. of collectivism. Trade -- free or fair -- with collectivist regimes -- without the will to preserve our borders, values, and industry -- is the back door for erasing our borders and importing collectivist fascism into America. It's Big Brother wearing a mask. It's people of no vision selling out America while the selling is good. Think smart trade.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Talk about an American Thinker! I don't know how book smart Reagan was, but in smarts worth having, he was a towering American. When Obamanites say, "We're Americans too," they're thinking geography, while I'm thinking spirit. In spirit, Obamanites have no clue. In spirit, they would erase America from the globe ... if they could. Some Americans, these Obamanites.

Anonymous said...

The point seems to be that values must be inculcated. So, when a society's institutions for remembering values no longer avail means for inculcating values, what happens? Well, Obama like presidents happen. Obama is largely a symptom rather than an anomaly. How many real Americans do we have in Congress? Or at highest corporate rungs? Self interest is fine, but it needs to be tempered with vision beyond the short run sell out. Even many of our libertarians delude themselves to believe that free trade policies of government, as opposed to smart trade, will sustain liberty in a largely depraved world. We have opportunity to further freedom, not guarantee or entitlement. How many of our leaders have intelligence or vision enough even to know how many hours it takes the earth to rotate once on its axis?

Anonymous said...

The notion of the West is to respect the dignity of each person to learn his own best path for giving expression to a meaningful life. The notion of Islam is to force a worldwide conversion, at all costs. Mind enlightenment vs. mind surrender -- that is the war: souls or sombies, matter or anti-matter. You own your mind or the collective will own it for you. To tolerate Islam is to tolerate the little fella in Alien that went into the man's esophagus, grew quickly to term in his innards, and then ate its way out through his belly. Anticipate Islam trying to go down America's throat by getting the already soma-fied Left to pass a law that makes disparagement of Islam a hate crime. A malignant brain metastasis waits.

Anonymous said...

Re: "We have an electorate that doesn't always pay that much attention to what's going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what's happening,"

Well, to get a more complete picture of the modus operandi of Kerry and his comrades of the Left, Kerry should have factored in the influence of simple lying promises made by a simple corrupt party to its simple minded base. Unfortunately, all things come to an end, so that not even a simple lying corrupt party can long fool all of the people all of the time. Not to exonerate Rinos, because both parties have been corrupted. D.C. has become corrupt because it has siphoned too much power. Americans need to claw power away from D.C. and both national parties and back to localities. Meantime, the crooks, even as they are caught red handed, will be dirtying the issue by calling everyone else stupid.
When I was a child, I spake as a Democrat. When I became a man, I put away childish things. Enough!