Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pax Hillarica

Re --Pandering to despotism: Hillary and Obama are wannabe agents of despotism. When Obama and Hillary speak, do you not hear the words of Equality 7-2521? Obama believes his “individual salvation depends on collective salvation.” Hillary believes “it takes a village.” Read from Rand ’s “Anthem,” of Equality 7-2521: “We are nothing. Mankind is all. By the grace of our brothers are we allowed our lives. We exist through, by and for our brothers who are the State. Amen.”

Such words promote unscientific, coerced faithfulness to perverse metaphysics, and damn any individual’s dignity and mind for daring to authenticate beliefs for himself. Such words frame beliefs fit for robots and zombies, not for human minds. In framing programs, rather than discussing beliefs, such words do not represent beliefs that can claim to be chosen as one’s religion. If God is words made flesh, then the words of Obama and Hillary are words made Hell. This is not hard: For an adult, a belief pertains to a map for guiding those values that one comes, of one’s own experience, to ratify and choose as a guide. Forced profession, whether from tyrant or bureaucracy, is not “belief.”

Progs are not content to regulate your acts to the nines. They mean also to regulate your inner space, even your thoughts. You are neither to be secure in your borders nor in your homes. You are not to express religious thoughts and beliefs beyond perimeters as allowed by the State. Since values are religious oriented, value beliefs are not to be expressed beyond constrictions against “hate speech.” Only values as permitted by the State are not religious oriented. No other values can be legislated. Only those moral values that are Prog values can be legislated. Prog-approved values are “scientific.” Only Prog values should be advocated -- either in the public square or for choosing representatives. All contrary values reflect sickness, phobias, and vast right wing conspiracies. They are to be condescended to, treated, fined, or prohibited. This is so the modern State can be run logically, reasonably, scientifically … without interference from independent-minded religious nuts, racists, bigots, phobes, or any other enemies of Hillary's Hive.

In effect, Human Collectivists like Hillary may as well be doing their dhimmi work against Jews and Christians on behalf of Islamists. Well, given the spread of oil money, many probably are, directly or indirectly. How can any sane American fail to recognize pandering to tyranny (UN Human Rights?) when it is immediately before our faces? How can any sane American think it “phobic” to be wary of proponents of forms of Marxism and Sharia? How can any sane American think it “bigoted” to consider that any book, under any auspices, that is generally interpreted as literally blessing and inciting the ongoing and outrageous mistreatment of “nonbelievers” is anything other than the continuing work of evil? Why should any American, under a twisted call for pandering to and tolerating the intolerable, be intimidated into professing that BLT and the Koran represent doctrines of peace? When truth becomes “hate speech,” we shall know we are close to the peace of Pax Hillarica.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The American people will rise to the challenge if they do not allow themselves to be divided by salvation dogma. Romney likely would have defeated Obama. Huckabee was, shall we say, what tipped us from running Romney and instead gave us McCain. IOW, painful as it is to say, salvation dogmatists gave us Obama. Conservatives need to become united by higher and spiritual purposes, not divided by salvation dogma.