Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Handwriting on the Wall

Handwriting on the Wall:

I doubt we would be seeing the onslaught of workers organizations against an independent minded middle class, were useful idiots for Rino and Dino masses not set in motion and financed by international, corporatist elitists. Regardless, whether the influence of the middle class is wiped out by an elitist oligarchy of disloyal, international corporatists or by an elitist nomenklatura or umma of communalists, the intended effect is the same: the middle class is to be stripped of any influence as free thinkers, aside from capacity, if any, to extract lip service.

The axis of elitist oligarchs and drone collectivists is only imagined to be conducive to benign rule based on noblesse oblige or a workers' paradise. In actuality, the axis will produce one thing in common: a cattle feed lot, for the feeding, butchering, and harvesting of the masses.

This is the workers' paradise to which international corporatists are herding us, for which they provision both Rinos and Dinos. The handwriting on the wall is nearly complete (13 trillion worth). Unless the middle class assimilates in respect of common, real values that are superior to the values of governing elitists and their easily purchased drones, the middle class of free thinkers and doers will be smashed. Unless the middle class finds motivation and means to reassert leadership for preserving American values (not N.W.O. values), over both of our main political parties, it will be stamped out by an alliance of conniving sociopaths and their drones.

Thus may we return to being ruled under an inbred aristocracy. The drones who vote for such a situaton hold little value for freedom of mind, because they have little mind to lose; the minds of aristocrats who come to rule such a situation will degenerate from inbreeding and propensity for rewarding corruption and evil. The hierarchy to be syndicated will force that result. Thus may the human mind sink back into slime. Once middle class freedom of mind is stifled, the avenue that will remain for "pursuing happiness" will be limited to mindless diversions: drugs, rap, and video games.


Anonymous said...

As Pelosi might say: Constitutionalism ... you're kidding, right? As an alternative to Constitutionalism, Pelosi might consider the cattle feed lot. Once it is shown that a political model serves little function except to convey confusion about objective reality or despair about traditional values, with no insight or inspiration for any meaningful system of replacement values, then such a model may reasonably be labeled as conducive to mind-rotting bunkum, social depravity, and collectivizing slavery. Those are the models of Religious Fascism, Hierarchical Socialism, and Elitist Oligarchism. Those models are united for bribing masses to help financing elites to safely reduce the middle class to the cattle feed lot.

Dinos of little mind and Rinos of little conscience have aligned for a N.W.O. putsch: to reduce minds and enslave consciences. They advance their meme by conflating theft as charity, small minded ridicule as principle, and sinisterism as virtue. Theirs is the mirth and charity of zombies and the peace of mind surrender. While independent, middle-class people of mind, purpose and conscience have slept, the zombie axis of Dinos and Rinos has been voraciously at work, erasing borders, greasing despots, and choking energy independence. The voraciousness is now measured in terms of trillions of dollars. Little time remains to awaken, unite, and fortify a city on a hill for decent civilization to resist the red-eyed cowboys for the N.W.O.

Anonymous said...

From A.T. --
Re: GZ Mosque:
I cannot fathom how anyone, least of all a Muslim, or Bloomberg, would not notice the stars. This far into Obama's regime, ask: How many times now have we seen apologists tell us there is nothing here to be alarmed about?

Frankly, there are those who serve a nearly fundamental evil in the world -- an evil that at its core is more progressively busybody and loathsome than Islamofascism. These servants of deceit are often found as smiling and well dressed as Bloomberg. In the darkness of their hearts, they entertain a triumphalist need to put a boot on the face of humanity. More than Islamofascists, they serve an enmity that loathes beingness. Given cover, there is no monstrosity they would shy from in order to tut-tut their elite-hood or to force the abject submission of as many otherwise independent minded persons as possible. The force they serve is not God. God hardly needs our submission. The force they bow to is lower than God, but an inherent aspect of creation, and it is stronger than any single person.

This gangrenous force that Progressives serve will eventually darken the freedom and dignity of most individuals, and it will not be reversed unless and until a respectable middle class can institute effective Rico-like triage for forfeiting the wealth and influence of deceiving mongers who manipulate crises and currencies in order to buy laws, politicians, and governments. Infectious forces of this evil are now feeding on our innards.

Representative governance absolutely cannot survive unless it finds champions and ways to counter this gangrene. To ask soldiers of this worldwide collectivizing movement to don suicide belts or to submit to loss of mind freedom is barely more a sacrifice to ask of them than to ask the same of a worm. Merely electing Rinos instead of Dinos will interpose hardly a speed bump to slow this progressive, possibly irreversible, gangrene.