Wednesday, December 14, 2011


MYSTERY AND INTUITION WITHIN:  Hollow men like to believe there abides no mystery of the cosmos that can be related to only by intuition, which cannot be fully explicated by the method of science. I believe, however, that there abides a Science of Modeling, and I have an hypothesis relating to it (which seems amenable of testing and falsification, if it be false): There abides no explicating model for either the origination or the unfolding of our cosmos which is complete, consistent, and coherent enough to close off an at least equally likely model that a unifying, reconciling, synchronizing aspect of consciousness is innate to every possible perspective of our beingness. Every model that tries to explicate beingness without respect to, and by sealing away, an innate aspect of consciousness will be so fuzzy and incomplete in its relations and edges as immediately to invite, to the discerning, a respect for consciousness that is innate to the cosmos.
CHALLENGE:  If I am wrong, then I can be falsified: Simply show a model that is complete, consistent, and coherent enough to explicate our unfolding relations without leaving any loose threads that are so loose as to indicate that the model is sorely dependent upon purpose, point of view, and cone or context of reference. Until I am falsified, my hypothesis remains practical ... at least, so long as a model that leaves room for innate consciousness abides that is at least as practically useful as any alternatively rigorous model that pretends or hypothesizes, by implication, that consciousness is solely artifactual, derivative, and dependent upon a reality that can be explicated without need to refer to innate consciousness.
DIRECTIONAL CYCLE:  BH =} DS; DS =} IP; IP =} HS; HS =} BH; BH =} DS ... and so on. Black Hole draws in Dark Substance and projects Information Perimeter, through which interpretations of Holographic Substance are determined until they are translated and spent, pulled back into Black Hole, to be converted back to Dark Substance, to expel Information Perimeter, and so on, cyclically.
DERIVATIVE REALITY:  Thus, no single component of such System is real except in respect of the System. No field aspect or particular aspect of any such components abides in itself, apart from the System. Even in respect of the System, the direction or arrow of the cycle proceeds only one way, not backward.  Absent a sense of directional unfolding, there would not abide sensibility of consciousness.  Thus, appearance of Holographic Substance does not change back to Information Perimeter without first being sensed as being converted by a Black Hole to Dark Substance. Since none of the aspects or components of the System exist in themselves, all can be interpreted to relate in concert to every locus, depending on purpose, point of view, and context of reference and use. Thus, some size, kind, degree and/or manner of Black Hole must accompany and interpermeate every aspect of Beingness.
HAPPENSTANCE OF SHARING PARAMETERS THAT AVAIL DIRECTIONAL COMMUNICATION OF MEANINGFULNESS:  If Black Holes are to be modeled consistently, as part of the mechanism by which the direction of the cycle is preserved, then, likewise, each component of the cycle System is part of the mechanism, with regard to every locus in space-time. Thus, communication of meaning relies on sharing a common cone of purpose, point of view, and context. We cannot escape the cycle, but we can find meaning in how we choose to relate to and to determine the unfolding patterns and interpretations along the way.
UBIQUITOUS MODELS OF FIELDS AND PARTICULARS:  Math, empiricism, and observation, in every situation,  may reasonably be conceptualized to implicate a field of Black Holes expressing particles of black holes, fluxing in size and locus, depending on the local mix of perspectives of purpose, point of view, and context of measure or reference. The Holes are not in themselves real. Their reality is dependent and relational to local fluxing and overlapping cones of potential consciousness or shared experience.  They are placeholding signifiers, not real-in-themselves.
IMAGINATION: Unknowable Unknown, Feedback System, Apprehension-Appreciation, Yin-Yang, Imagination-Tinkering, Opportunistic Advantage Taking Over Unexpected Surprises, New Yet Incomplete Hypothesis, Leading Onwards To New Technologies, Never Explicating The Unknowable Unknown. The direction of our Reality is driven by Imagination, and Walt Disney is its prophet. We pursue happiness and fulfillment by the power of positive thinking, functioning AS IF ultimate explication were possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have less need for a fixer-in-chief than we have for a competent leader who can inspire a return to first American principles. Problem is, Gingrich and Romney spend a lot of effort telling us who would be the best fixer. Romney can't win that because Gingrich is more broadly educated. American can't win that because what ails us is not lack of a fixer. What ails us is a crisis of individually assimilated common sense. We need a patient leader who can downsize our hedonism and say no, and who can inspire us to understand that no is what we need. America is throwing a tantrum because it wants and wants and wants. And it does not want a Mormon. Why? Maybe it's because Mormons tend to be self reliant. Being self reliant used to be American, but no longer is. Really, we need to get over the spiritual literalism nonsense and look to first principles.

First principles: To force human minds to profess literally to believe mumbo jumbo dogma (Mormons profess some silly stuff, but they don't force it) is to make them subhuman. To fence human beings into regulations of minutia is to treat them as subhuman. To indoctrinate human beings to believe they are disrespected unless all material wealth is spread equally is to keep us as irresponsible, entitlement-minded, amoral, whiney babies (viz, see our president). To deem it God's will to monopolize and populate every corner and crevice of earth with more procreation of people, the rest of creation be damned, is to turn earth into a human cesspool.

Most of what is worthwhile in moral, political, and theological philosoply can be summarized derivative of two words: Be empathetic! Once we begin respecting the fundamentally same essence of human consciousness in one another, then respect for liberty for each to apply his own reason to pursue his own fulfillment, subject to empathy for creation and one another, becomes self evident. We don't need reams upon reams of law, governance, and dogma. All an enlightened society needs to be well governed is a minimally structural framework of law for defending civilization (borders), communicating ideas (language), and assimilating purposes and mores (culture). Problem is, minds of Americans have become infested with the opposite of enlightenment. Our brains are filled by politicians, reporters, professors, anarchists, atheists, and entitlement-minded doper professors. Our problem is not lack of a srong, competent, or good leader or detailed system of regulations. Our problem is how unenlightened the population of our world has become. We have the technology and science down pretty well. So what we have is incredible power now under thumbs of sociopathic deviants and moral adolescents. This imbalance will not be easily reset. It needs patient competence, not an impatient fixer.