Friday, February 24, 2017

The Jews

What does Semitism, pro or anti, have to do with wanting to restore the American Ideal of individual freedom and dignity, as heralded in the D.O.I. and the B.O.R.?
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I don't understand the notion that Jewish influence is waning.  What I have seen waning (until Trump) is the American Republic.  And a lot of the admiration for that waning has clearly been fomented by influential Jews.  (Among them, see Soros, Scotus, ACLU). 
If we want to MAGA, I don't see the point in wanting to increase Jewish influence instead of wanting Jews to assimilate to the American Ideal.  The whining about anti-Semitism as a byproduct of MAGA is getting very, very tiresome.  If Jews want not to bring anti-Semitism to boiling, they need to stop with the constant whining.  It is America that has been suffering, much more so than Jews in America.

Independent minded Americans (Black Sheep) have been pulled into a Dino-Aino-Rino vortex. Dinos want to be devoured and farmed. Ainos want to devour them. Rinos want to farm them.
Incompetent Sheep want to be the herd. Wolves want to cull the herd. Sheep Dogs want to farm the herd. Black Sheep (unlike many Black Americans) want to escape from the herd minders.
But the Sheep, Wolves, and Sheep Dogs want to leave them with no place to go. Long ago, America invited Black Sheep (independent-minded small-business entrepreneurs). But, until Trump, America, like most of the rest of the world, had long been unraveling. Since Trump (praise be upon him), Black Sheep are finding their voice.
With Trump cutting regulations, removing central strings, and reversing foreign depredations, Black Sheep may once again find ways to make their own way --- while refusing to be devoured or farmed. Make America free-minded and dignified again.

Free Trade, like Communism, is a delusion.  It has often been taught by filthy "Think Tanks" to the masses as a way to get them to eat crap sandwiches. 
Even if all national borders were erased, there could not be "free trade."  This is because such a world would not be free from central meddling.  Rather, the central meddling, conniving, and sharp trading would simply be done by syndicates of oligarchs to get the central authorities to favor some over others.
It is necessary to get real, look behind the curtain, and pull the masks off the central meddlers, corrupted bureaucrats and cronycrats, and amoral disloyal international corporatists.  The alternative is the plantation.  But, instead of picking cotton, the picking would be of the masses.
We need leadership that does not lie to us or peddle free condoms, free dope, free sex, free marriage, or free trade.  We do not have free will.  We have participatory will, under the reconciliatory guidance of the Godhead.  When we pollute that with delusions of free stuff (like Communism and Free Trade), we make ourselves easy prey.
No wonder free stuff appeals to Dem donkeys.

Are you really that dense? Yes, when you're surrounded by gang bangers, you have to play the game to survive or thrive. When our gov sells favors to international oligarchs, you have to compete against international oligarchs. By your fake light, we should continue in that game, even after Trump and others have exposed the filthy lies behind it.
Just get back in bed and pull that cover back over your eyes.
As for those of us who want to assimilate in order to defend the representative republic against snakes that think like you, it appears we will be just fine. Now that we are identifying the filthy lying enemy.

Who is paying you? Whose interests are you wanting to protect? The Devil's? The serf masters? The blood sucking parasites, predators, gang bangers, special-privileged oligarchs?
There is no such thing as free trade. All trade is bargained, for every possible advantage. That's what trade is. Grow up.

    Only recently have I noticed so much whining about so-called anti-Semitism. It's as if the whining were coordinated, like the so-called War on Women. Is anti-Semitism really on the increase, or is there some undercurrent agenda at work?
    Are those who want to preserve legalistic regulations down to the toenails getting anxious that Americans may actually want to restore some freedom and dignity for individuals, free from globalistic law-drooling regulators?


    In practice, there is no such thing as Communism. Rather, there is Despotism that poses as Communism. And that Despotism is often in the form of Oligarchic Collectivism. Which entails the capitalistic buying and selling of political influence. IOW, capitalism for no one except Oligarchs. Who are often, among other things, Jews. Who defend their "moral right" to engage in Oligarchism fronted as Communism --- as if to oppose it were to be anti-science, anti-earth, racist, bigoted, and, finally, anti-Semitic.

    The new name (lie) for Communism is "Fairness, Equality, and Sustainability." FES. Provided, the Overseers are chosen to be more equal than others, and sustainability is what they say it is.

    Edit:  Perhaps Jewish Law is clearer in protecting the Jewish Tribe than the ACLU is in helping our President to protect our national borders?  Law to regulate thee, but not to regulate me; protection for me, but not for thee.  Law is too often in the service of asses.

    How many Jews are quick to whine, in the styles of George Soros and Saul Alinsky, that White Supremacists and Conservatives are the cause of anti-Semitism? Indeed, how many are triggered to accuse everyone who wants to protect the representative republic of being an "anti-Semite"? In what deranged mind is wanting to preserve the republic equivalent to being a White Supremacist or an anti-Semite? If we let NWO maniacs get away with that false equivalency, then we are halfway to losing.

    Many Jews (in Hollywood, on Scotus, in the ACLU, among numerous billionaires, heading many influential think tanks, phony "moral scientists," controlling many colleges and institutions), in a quixotic quest for the Grand Unifying Theory of the Natural Law of Every Moral Question, seek to impose -- on themselves and on the U.S. --- some kind of "right" in Muslims to immigrate to the U.S.
    Of course, that elitist legalese mindset is alien to the Spirit of the Founders of the Declaration of Independence and the First Amendment.
    Only in the minds of law-drooling maniacs would a right to free exercise of religion include a right to force people to be propagandized to an abominable creed/meme that advocates the many horrors and indecent outrages of Islam -- including the stoning of apostates. How can any coherent thinking person consider the forced worship practices of Islam to be compatible with actual religious belief or its "free exercise"? Well, no coherent thinker can. But a law-drooling maniac can.
    People and decent Jews everywhere -- Please wake the hello up!

    I want no part of any empire -- secular or sectarian -- where elitists propose to subjugate the masses to their thought control. Both are totalitarian. Both ignore that God has capacity to reach every receptive soul, without need of intermeddling thought controllers.
    Politically, it is not important to me that every person assimilate to one priestly/bureaucratic hierarchy. It is only important that each be receptive to an idea of higher-minded good faith, that entails decent respect for the freedom and dignity of each citizen. That includes broad participatory freedom of worship, expression, and enterprise -- not to be restricted by elitists or by elected representatives without good reason and general consent of the governed.
    It also entails non-admission to, and non-tolerance of, intolerable sects. An intolerable sect would be one that claims a right to stone apostates or to force their thought control. Or that seeks to force open borders so that the citizenry can be drowned by intolerable thought control freaks.
    Examples: Islamists and Oligarchic Collectivists would be intolerable. As would treasonous sects that act to force open the borders to facilitate the disorderly invasion by people unsuited to representative republicanism.
    I would agree that Oligarchic Collectivists (and their Rino/Dino shills)are "secularly religious." But spiritually religious people who advocate for thought control are just as prone to totalitarian people-farming.

    Many people rely on their intuitive, empathetic, good faith receptivity to and from the Godhead, Instead of on pretended mortal mouthpieces and messengers from God.
    What you are advocating is that the masses subjugate themselves to the bafflegab of elitist "moral scientists," pretenders, and priests. That's great for a people-farming plantation. Not great at all for a representative republic that means to respect the innate participatory freedom and dignity of each and every citizen.
    No sale. But I suspect some socialistic paradises of lofos and rascals may be receptive.
    Why do you want to believe God is so weak as to need interlopers to dictate moral regulations in fine detail to the masses, instead of having capacity to reach the heart of every receptive person of good faith? Sounds like a racket you want to run.
    Encourage good faith receptivity by every person -- yes. Ask every person to subjugate his own mind to a fake-elitist interpreter of the Great I Am -- not so much.

    Are you arguing against the dignity of every person to decide for himself what to believe about the metaphysical Source of the unfolding cosmos? If you are arguing for thought/belief control, that would be the epitome of totalitarianism. It would be a frontal assault on the ideals of freedom and dignity under a representative republic. It would be an argument for diktat in matters of moral conscience from elitist priests. It would encourage each tribe of believers to favor its tribe's elites over the nation.
    This would be a fine recipe for a religiously founded collectivist society to be ruled by oligarchic priests. But it would be a death virus to the founding ideals of the American republic. Perhaps this is why tribalists among the Rainbow Coalition tend to make such rotten Americans?

    Are Never-Trumpers souldead moral criminals and traitors to human decency? Insofar as they are working to put the republic under the thumbs of oligarchic collectivists, what else could they be?

    Much as SJW's may imagine to the contrary, I, and many Conservers of Liberty, do not care diddly what adults want to do with themselves.  What we care about is the abuse and grooming of children.  But even then, we prefer the States and localities be responsible in that regard.  We also care about social despots trying to force the people and central gov (in the phonied up name of charity, justice, fairness, or equality) to fund or force every kind of depravity imaginable.

    If you really want States Rights, you need to look at the anti-republicans that are pushing the erasure of national borders and the establishment of a NWO that is to be ruled by elites who pretend to know best in all things.

    Some Jews love the American Ideal of individual sovereignty, freedom, and dignity.  Others are more tribal and think elites should rule the inferior herd (for their own good).  As to what is a Jew, there is little consensus and no scientific basis.  In my affiliation with those who love the American Ideal, love the general teaching of the Old and New Testaments, love the Ten Commandments, the Great Commandment, and the Golden Rule, I consider myself a non-synagogue-bound Jew.

    I am my own rabbi, with the Great Books and the Holy Book of the Trinitarian Cosmos as my spiritual guide.  As such a Jew, I am not against other Jews, per se.  But I am against every resident of the U.S. who seeks to undermine the representative republic -- whether or not such persons tend to identify as tribal Jews (as many, in fact, do).  If they want to pretend that is anti-Semitic, they can bite me.


    Examples please. Who is hurting Jews, and where? Otoh, please don't try to tell me that it is now "radical or reactionary alt-right" to want to preserve the representative republic and not to have it flooded with people who want to fundamentally change it to a "morally scientific" system of invasive laws promulgated by elitist knowiitalls over the inferior gentile herd.

    Most of the protests today are funded or instigated by Soros or his ilk. Soros is a Jew. So now, because Soros promotes protests, to see his connection is to be anti-Semitic? For God's sake, stfu.
    Tell me how you are suffering. What institutions are you being excluded from? What anti-Semites are threatening your safety?
    I can tell you what is threatening the representative republic. That would be people who think non-Jew Whitey owes them a living and should subjugate himself to be ruled by superior moral scientists who know best and how to redistribute fairness and equality under the law, to be as determined by them.
    Then, when we pull back the curtain, we find those wannabe ruling re-distributers who want to kill the representative republic and replace it with a beneficent NWO happen to be tribal. They meet in at boards of influential groups, often secretively. They promote fellow tribalists. They are not loyal at all to the ideal of an American representative republic. Sometimes, some of them call themselves Jews. Even though no one seems to have a scientific definition for what it takes to make one a Jew or to become no longer a Jew.
    For that matter, since I value the Old Testament and am not a literalist, and value many of the broader stories (but not the literalisms or complex laws regulating diets, dress, and probably toenails), one could consider me a Jew. If I claim I am, who would you be to say I am not? That would make more sense than the liberal ACLU/Jewish idea that I can be whatever sex or gender I want.
    The only problem would be being devious enough to sell it to the tribe, to get access to the "right" to be promoted by the tribe and to claim the benefits of victimhood.
    If you're such a victim (I much doubt you are), and if your last name is such a burden, then change it. Or at least don't make a production out of it. Start being loyal to the ideal of a representative republic. Start advocating fairness and equality of opportunity for everyone. You know, not just for everyone except your favorite goat to suck from. You know, non-Jewish Whitey. Meantime, eat me, Snowflake Whineybaby.

    Jews have, by tribal nepotism/affiliation and self promotion, acquired positions and advantages in American society far above nearly every other group. Yet, some still want to whine about anti-Semitism? Good grief. These ImAVictim professional whiners are teaching every kind of parasitical group imaginable to drain the lifeblood from producing Americans. Only white non-Jews can be racists, to hear these whining race-baiters tell and teach it. There's your racism! For God's sake, give it a rest already! Enough! Just stfu.
    Right now, the biggest danger that may incite enough division and hate to cause a worldwide holocaust is the international oligarchy's fueling of feelings of victimization and feelings of entitlement to loot and burn. Passive-aggressive, ImAVictim, femi-whiny-azzes should give every decent person the creeps.

    I'm concerned with the lax Americans who sleepwalk as they presume everyone else wants a representative republic as much as they do. I'm concerned with pointing out that our house is teetering over an eroding cliff. And I want to wake people up to start hiring leaders who will shore the republic up, rather than push it down. I want to salvage equality of opportunity under law, for everyone. I don't want fake fairness and equality under the diktat of phony knowbetters or law drooling ACLU goombahs. People need to understand WHY the oligarchy is nearly unanimous in wanting to destroy Trump as a way to destroy (swamp) the republic.
    EDIT: Btw, who is funding and agitating people to compare Trump to Hitler? And why is everyone who resists the replacement of the republic with a NWO an "anti-Semite"? That is SOOO tiresome.

    Maybe a lot of Jews identify with, and prefer, their tribe more than their country. If so, that would make many of them as racist, or more so, than those they accuse of anti-Semitism, would it not? Ben Stein explained why Jews have a leg up in Hollywood. While you're trying to be fair minded, the tribes that are not have a distinct, gang-like advantage. This is common sense. So, is common sense "racist" now?

    I like Ben Stein, a Jew. He wrote an article awhile back that explained how Jews run Hollywood. Three are on Scotus. The rest are Catholics. There are no Protestants. Soros (a Jew) funds many media and community organizing outlets. Jews are over-represented among billionaires and oligarchs. Jews are disproportionately admitted to Ivy League colleges. They predominantly bend what is politically correct, and therefore what colleges inculcate in the mass-minds of students. The ACLU and ADL are predominantly Jewish. Nearly every institution of social significance is heavily over represented by Jews. Those are facts. Facts are not anti-Semitic. Although, people who favor the NWO would like you to believe that the recitation of such facts is "hateful."
    Recitation of facts is not to promote bigotry, but to promote analysis. If you are a Conserver of Liberty, then you are opposed to the idea of a NWO under which the masses are ruled by elite law givers and so-called moral scientists. if you are raised to want to be ruled, or to imagine that you are chosen to rule and should rule, then you will more likely want to replace the representative republic with a NWO ruled by elitist "knowbetters."
    This begs a serious question: Among the smarter and better connected Jews, how many actively promote the replacement (fundamental changing) of the representative republic and its founding Constitution? The question is not begged to promote anti-Semitism. The question begged -- for all American Idealists, including those Jews who prefer a representative republic to a NWO that farms the masses like cattle --- is: What is necessary to turn the tide away from the destruction of the republic?
    The answer is: Wake up to what is happening. The FACT that most oligarchic corporatists are absolutely bent on preventing Trump from stopping the swamping of the borders should wake any responsible thinker. The reason they are so bent is of secondary importance, and may be a matter for speculation. To speculate, oligarchs do not tend to get to be oligarchs by being nice or by respecting the idea of a representative republic (one person, one vote). To speculate, Jews, having been so unfairly shunned for so many years, may tend to promote ideas that help their tribe more than their country. if so, that may explain why some want to regulate so much. And why they want their agents to be in power to decide what is "fair and equal" in the eyes of the law. Research on that may shed light, but I suspect it could always be rationalized to confirm whatever may be the researchers' preferred worldview.
    But that is of less import. What is of more import, for persons who value the representative republic, is how to wake enough people up to put more representatives and agents in power who actually love the representative republic. As opposed to wanting to make it kosher --- right down to the toenails.

    Right now, the biggest danger that may incite enough division and hate to cause a worldwide holocaust is the international oligarchy's fueling of feelings of victimization and entitlement to loot and burn.
    But that is how they profit and that is what they want. The NWO is being planned in close collaboration with Screwtape. A few oligarchs are decent. But most have become oligarchs mainly by being the most competitive in filthy, anti-humane, anti-republican, and anti-American practices. In the toilet, oligarchic crap floats.
    Decent humanity badly needs better checks against the Screwtape Oligarchy. Rico the bastards! And their complicit ACLU band of cherry pickers for advancing despots.
    Trump's task, on behalf of decent Americans, will be Herculean. Many Americans are aligned; but vast, well funded forces of Evil are arrayed against us. There will be blood.

    Hitler had his nation's media and oligarchs behind him. That is not like Trump.
    Hitler stole other people's art. That is not like Trump.
    Hitler had complete command of the education curriculum and apparatus. That is not like Trump.
    Hitler wanted an empire and a NWO. That is not like Trump.
    Hitler despised Jews and Blacks. That is not like Trump.
    Hitler required salutes and obedience. That is not like Trump.
    Hitler did not need a wall to keep people out, because he was moving for conquest. That is not like Trump.
    Who is like Hitler? Well, that would be most of the oligarchs that support the "open society" --- so that borders can be erased and the masses of the entire world can be reduced to begging laborers, to be abused by the NWO oligarchy. That would be the oligarchs that incite thugs to do their dirty work by creating and targeting a goat. That goat, conveniently, is everyone who wants to preserve a representative republic (borders). For the divide-and-rule purpose, that goat is "Whites who won't consent to be called privileged," who resist reparations to equalize results (for which Proggies want a "small management fee" for the oligarchy). And the biggest goat for attracting parasites is white men holding responsible jobs.
    Who are the New-Hitlers' Useful Idiots and Brownshirts? That would be the P's: Progs, Parasites, Profs, Perps, Pervs, Pueriles, and People Farmers. The People Farming Oligarchs want to rule the masses, and all the other P's want to be ruled and help the Oligarchs rule.
    This is despotism. Despotism is what Progs want. Trump wants to save the representative republic. For that, the despotic-socialistic-fascist alliance of Proggies call him what they are. Projection -- one of the oldest tricks of the devil.

    The rot of slovenly minds has now produced this: The new Lib dogma is that those who want people to be judged by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin are racists. While race-baiters that want to incite authorities to "strongly encourage" Whites to wear pins of white privilege are not racists.
    Trump, by resisting attempts to destroy America's representative republic, has stirred up anti-Americans. By pointing out fake news, he has incited fake news. This comes as Americans, by resisting subjugation under Islam, are stirring up Islamists. This comes as Americans, by wanting to judge people by their character instead of their color, are stirring up racists. This comes as Constitutionalists, by wanting to defend the separation of powers against oligarchic-funded encroachments, are stirring up anti-nationalist oligarchs.
    In other news, the Jabberwock, Big Brother, and Mustapha Mond recently collaborated to write and publish their book, called A New Science of Morality, to be made part of the required course load at every school and college. It explains the mandate that Trump, American Idealists, and Constitutionalists must stand down. To save the republic, it is necessary that they allow the burning down of the republic. Such clear headed advice could not have come at a more opportune time. The book comes with free coupons for the dope of your choice. S/
    If our demography tips to more than 50% liberty-illiterates, the republic is lost.
    DJT: A nation WITHOUT BORDERS is not a nation at all.

    Trump, by resisting attempts to destroy America's representative republic, has stirred up anti-Americans. By pointing out fake news, he incited fake news. This comes as Americans, by resisting subjugation under Islam, are stirring up Islamists. This comes as Americans, by wanting to judge people by their character instead of their color, are stirring up racists. This comes as Constitutionalists, by wanting to defend the separation of powers against oligarchic-funded encroachments, are stirring up anti-nationalist oligarchs.
    In other news, the Jabberwock, Big Brother, and Mustapha Mond recently collaborated to write and publish their book, called A New Science of Morality, to be made part of the required course load at every school and college. It explains the mandate that Trump, American Idealists, and Constitutionalists must stand down. To save the republic, it is necessary that they allow the burning down of the republic. Such clear headed advice could not have come at a more opportune time. The book comes with free coupons for the dope of your choice. S/


    The idea that there is no god IN the (climate change) machine tends to ignore the conceptualization of God as an aspect of reality that abides outside of measurable machines.  God works with math, but is not controlled by math.  What is controlled so that it must be consistent with math is everything that is measurably expressed by the Godhead.  That could be called "Substance."

    We notice trends and correlations in patterns.  We notice that tinkering with correlations can often drive a trend in a desired way.  Or, we tinker, alter the trend, and then rationalize that the alteration is desirable.  But we never know whether the entire context or matrix that supports and drives the patterns we want to share may phase shift at any moment.

    Yet, in faith, we tinker.  We notice statistical correlations.  But what accounts for the odds-predicting-reliability of statistics (or Bayes' Theorem)?  Whatever IT is that accounts for statistics-based reliabilities seems ITSELF to abide beyond empirical measure, statistical analysis, or scientific control.  It is as if, whatever the character of the Godhead that gives measurable expression, that which it measurably expresses must conform to measuring maths.  That Character, itself, abides beyond math.  What IT expresses appears to mortal observers to be consistent with math.  Yet, aspects of IT remain beyond math.  As if some unaccounted for aspect were always "carried forward," as in an uneven problem of subtraction or division.

    If so, feedback and communication with that Character is less a matter of measurable science than a concern for innately intuitive and empathetic good faith and good will.  It is a concern for the sovereign dignity of each individual perspective.  Thus, the American Founders took care, in the First Amendment, to recognize the dignity of each individual with respect to his freedom of speech and free exercise of religion.

    As "evidence" to reason, even so-called atheists cannot keep body or soul together without respecting some kind of moral code.  In that moral code, they have faith -- regardless of how much they may howl to the contrary.

    This is consistent with the cosmos not being "closed."  Neither is science or any empirically-measurable system entirely closed.  Rigorous methods may be employed to make particular test controls so likely valid as to be beyond dispute within our bubble.  Yet, in the span of eternity and infinity, all are subject to phase shifts.  And, the larger the encompassment and the number of factors, the more difficult the finding or developing of controlling algorithms.  (Climate "science"?)  Moreover, the algorithms themselves, in dependence on who applies them and his purposes, seem amenable of evolving -- to stay always ahead of one another's perfect factoring or control.  Perpetually receding.

    This seems consistent with so-called moral-scientists not having any real science by which to assert any nature-given or superior right to rule over (or to legislate to) others.  And why there is not "real moral progress" (or "forward evolution") that is measurable to any mortal.

    Why is this important?  One reason is because it explodes pretenses of those who presume, on account of their "elitism or chosen nature," to be called or entitled to rule over all others.  And to kill the representative republic in order to replace it with a New Despotism under Beneficent Superior Elites.  It explodes pretenses by those who presume they are, "scientifically," of some superior tribe, to which the republic should be subjugated.


    Regarding Information: I doubt science can prove whether the Godhead or System can ever "forget." Regardless, to my faith/intuition, Information is recorded in the cosmos, where it is accumulated and saved. Otoh, no mortal Perspective of the Godhead could abide as such if it came to know all Information. What allows us to experience perspectives as mortals, in part, consists in the defining limitations on our capacities to in-form ourselves.
    The way our substantive bodies evolve is by transitioning among allowable defining limitations. As a species, we lose some Information, and acquire other Information. But not in any way that we could definitively close or measure, as if to say that the amount of Information a person gains must be precisely limited and conserved in respect of the amount that he loses. I don't think it can be measured by us in that way.

    I think your model can be conceptualized, perhaps as consistently as many other conceptualizations.  To prove, by science, one such conceptualization over another would be difficult, perhaps impossible.  But perhaps yours would at least be more consistent with conceptualization about entropy?
    As a conceptualization, I would hesitate to make the Godhead (or the Cosmos) out to be something that originated our cosmic situation and then left it, to unfold entirely according to preset, math-based laws for fluxing Substance.  (Like a Simulation by an Elvis who then "left the building.")
    If measurable Substance cannot make sense as a concept in itself,  then its temporal expression would seem to entail an ongoing relationship with an immeasurable quality or aspect: Consciousness.  And, insofar as the present measurability of Substance is fleeting, its past record would seem to entail a third fundamental aspect:  Accumulating Information.  (Not necessarily on individual, mortal levels, but on an holistic, meta level.)
    The dissipation of Substance seems to be offset by the agglomeration of Information.  At a fundamental level, the meaningful experience of that flux seems to entail Consciousness.  So I think God (holistic Consciousness) remains with us, to guide us, as we experience unfolding translations of Substance into Information.
    You seem to be implying an originating creation of our cosmic bubble.  I would agree with that.  But I don't believe it was created out of nothingness.  Nor do I think it was the first bubble.  As to whether there could have been, or must have been, a first cosmic bubble:  I don't think mortals have access to the kind of math needed to answer that.  If we did, perhaps we could better conceptualize whether God has mind enough to be able to forget or not to forget?
    Musing:  If Substance dissipates to a limit, as Information agglomerates to a limit, then what is the next phase?  Well, that would seem to entail meta-math, beyond me. 
    To apply Occam to Metaphysics, my goal for a parsimonious conceptualization would be: 
    - Explain as much as is measurable with measurables.
    - Reduce what is not measurable to as few vague or metaphysical terms as possible. 
    - Do not advocate for metaphysical ideas that impede or contradict with practical technologies. 
    - Do not advocate for metaphysical ideas that unnecessarily translate the Godhead into more of a monster than a guiding friend. 
    - Allow figures of speech concerning the Godhead that help facilitate congregations in the assimilating of decent, civilizing, sustaining, and humane values.
    - Inculcate a general respect for Good Faith and Good Will.
    - Don't let small-minded bastards impede you merely by calling you names (Racist!  Antii-Semite!  Hiss!) or inventing strawmen.


    Sure!  If you define every resistance to wannabe people farmers as being criminal or anti-Semitic.  And that's not an example.  Give me a name and incident.  That way, if you fail to provide an evaluable background, I may at least be able to do a more in depth search.  (Is it an anti-Semitic hate-crime when I tell a snowflake whineybaby with a Jewish last name to grow up?)
    Btw, how many crimes and lootings are done by goons for Jews like Soros?  And of the destruction that has been done to the representative republic by inviting and forcing more anti-American immigration, how much of that has been funded or instigated by Jews?  Or by the Soros funded ACLU trying to prevent the elected President from vetting immigrants?
    People are waking up.  They're not going to stop trying to salvage their republic merely because some femi-whineybabies want to call them names.  They are TIRED of tribalists of all kinds that are more loyal to their tribes than to the republic!

    I suspect it's correct to model the cosmos as winding down in its substantive expression, as opposed to winding up.  And the idea that evolution tends to entail reductions in some aspects of information-accessing-competency is an insight.  So I think I appreciate your approach.
    I agree with the purpose of trying to apply measurables to explain measurables --- as much as can be done.  It's just that I don't believe it can entirely be done.
    In a broader philosophical sense, if one were to broaden the scope of your mental experiment, to agree to focus only on the watch would be to assume at the start that the idea of a Godhead is superfluous.   In the broadest sense, I don't believe it is.  I think EVERY model, no matter how rigorous, necessarily entails some leaps of faith.  Although they are often hidden under ambiguous or shell-game terminology.  (Selfish gene, anyone?)  Even the most rigorous scientific theory will entail (at its edges or hidden interiors) some glossed over leaps of faith.
    As models mature, they will need at some point in the concern for parsimony to factor how to acknowledge metaphysical and moral implications.


    Progs have raised generations of chooming pansexual groomers. Like locusts, they have reached critical mass, so now they are ready to swarm. They are a plague, devoid of virtue. After they swarm through us, little will remain. Except, perhaps, a lesson to pass on to our progeny: Do not tolerate the intolerable. Do not project virtue in people who behave as malignant narcissists and sociopaths. So not swoon for snakes like Obama.

    WWSD? What would Satan do? Well, Satan may well do what a chooming pansexual groomer bent on destroying all representative republics would do. That's Obama's hero. Obama bowed to the Sheiks, but the Bushes served them. What kind of Master runs the Rino-Dino NWO-Progs?

    All these community organizing groups are like ACORN in that they are euphemisms for killing the republic to replace it with a fascist NWO that pretends to be a socialistic open society.
    I doubt the leaders really believe in the virtue of their chosen cause, or any other cause. What they believe in is the perverse thrill of putting their boots on people's faces. Virtue in a chooming pansexual groomer bent on wiping out the liberty of the masses? Good grief!

    Obama and Bush tried to kill the republic by stirring up and importing as many liberty-illiterates as they could. They should get life for trying to impose a socialistic/fascistic despotic NWO on the U.S. and the world.

    The Left hates Trump, so they invented a bogeyman to equate to him. Now they want to investigate Trump's connection with the bogeyman they invented. They want to continue this circular jerky in order to neutralize Trump and preserve the hedonic toilet Obama helped to construct in DC. On this, the entire oligarchy of people-farming media owners is united. Trump is going to need some industrial strength toilet wands to remove the Left's stains on the nation. John McStain will back the resistance.


    So, what are the theories for who blew up the plane and why? And the Clinton/NYT cover up?
    Incompetent missile training exercise? Incompetent safety procedures? Administrative assassination? Demonstration by an enemy who needed to make a point while evading discovery? NWO loyalty test? Training exercise for mass mind controllers? Space aliens? S happens? Pre-Benghazi karma? Some nut making an anti-Islam film?
    How would a smart algorithm place the odds?


    Progs have raised generations of chooming pansexual groomers. Like locusts, they have reached critical mass, so now they are ready to swarm. They are a plague, devoid of virtue. After they swarm through us, little will remain. Except, perhaps, a lesson to pass on to our progeny: Do not tolerate the intolerable. Do not project virtue in people who behave as malignant narcissists and sociopaths. Do not swoon for snakes like Obama.


    WWSD? What would Satan do? Well, Satan may well do what a chooming pansexual groomer bent on destroying all representative republics would do. That's Obama's hero. Obama bowed to the Sheiks, but the Bushes served them. What kind of Master runs the Rino-Dino NWO-Progs?

    All these community organizing groups are like ACORN in that they are euphemisms for killing the republic to replace it with a fascist NWO that pretends to be a socialistic open society.
    I doubt the leaders really believe in the virtue of their chosen cause, or any other cause. What they believe in is the perverse thrill of putting their boots on people's faces. Virtue in a chooming pansexual groomer bent on wiping out the liberty of the masses? Good grief!

    Everything that comes out of The Tube is run through a filter that is contrived for farming the masses. Facts are sometimes reported, but they are always selected and colorized to a contrived narrative. To watch The Tube is to volunteer to have your brain warped so you can become a useful tool for the Establishment. The Tube is the new and improved version of Chinese Water Torture.
    After long subjugation, some people learn to love it. That's why a bear held for a long time in a small containment area will often not want to leave when the gate is opened, even if invited. That's why a billion people are mind captives to the Apex of Human Depravity: Islam. That's why the republic is in mortal danger.
    To add injury to insult, the Establishment convinces a lot of young people to make themselves debt slaves so they can be "educated" (mind warped) by indoctrination centers that call themselves "colleges." They stand in line to make themselves slaves. That's why millions of liberty-illiterates wage jihad to invade the U.S. inn order to kill the very host whose lifeblood they suck.


    I doubt you think much at all. Do you have any curiosity whatsoever with regard to why Obama and his supporters were in such a hurry to invite so many low skill immigrants and refugees to crash our borders? Are you completely oblivious of the permanent effect once the demographic is flipped to favor people from socialistic minded cultures?
    Do you really believe a society filled with socialists has any reasonable hope to protect itself from the depredations of oligarchic despots? Do you ever wonder why so many oligarchic collectivists are so despising of Trump?
    Once the demography is flipped to a majority of cultural socialists, do you see any continued relevance in the Constitution, as a check against oligarchic abuses? Are you ok with that?
    Are you clueless that the Prog Apparatus does NOT WANT to "deal with the issue" --- except to continue the trend of swamping the U.S. with cultural socialists? Do you really think they yearn to breathe free, rather than to access security and entitlements? Good grief!

    Anti-Trump people do not want representative republics in which the citizens enjoy more freedom and dignity and do not consent to being farmed by oligarchic collectivists. This is because some of the anti-Trump people are oligarchs and the rest tend not to know what to do with themselves unless they are being farmed by oligarchs.
    When anti-Trump people say Trump is an ethno-nationalist, what they really mean is that they identify with non-whites who have a racist belief that most non-whites lack capacity for personal responsibility or representative governance.
    Many Americans of all races believe that societies that are liberty illiterate are that way because of cultural differences, rather than genetic differences. Whether such a belief is sound may be subject to debate, but it is not racist. However, anti-Trump people evidently believe race relates to genetic deficiencies that render some people biologically unfit for the values of a representative republic. This makes them very big racists indeed!

    Inner cities filter and float incompetent whiners much the way colleges filter and float incompetent liberal profs. Much the way fake journalists and politicians filter and float souldead sell outs to oligarchic collectivists.
    As competent Americans work their gardens, incompetent tribal parasites devolve to their sole competency: Blood sucking. We must name the enemy! The enemy of America abides with tribal, divide-and-rule, subjugation-minded, predators and parasites. That is, the Uniparty of anti-American Rinos and Dinos. Americans must wake up and with righteous indignation expose the denizens of the Uniparty of Ignorance and Corruption.
    Because Uniparty Blood suckers have united against Americans, Americans must unite against Uniparty Blood suckers. The alternative is to line up to be fed to the New World Serfdom. That is, dystopian paradise for oligarchic collectivists --- aka, the plantation of people farmers and people farmees.

    The hate by the Left and its desire to kill the republic are at least an order of magnitude greater in evil than anything done by their opposition. I suspect Trump knows that. Right now, the first order for first aid is to stop the bleeding.

    As widow Owens was looking heavenward to whisper to her departed Ryan, we were there with her, looking heavenward to plead for our nation's deliverance. While Progs spent most of the evening in stony silence.

    There is no clean solution to the immigration mess because this mess, made by predecessors, is so bad. Every alternative for cleaning it has downsides. The downside to making permanent legal residents out of non-citizens is at least two sided: It tends to produce a permanent helot class. And it only delays the blowback vote of their children, who are born as citizens.
    The downside to not making them legal residents is that it punishes innocent children, even as it allows the villains who benefited from the illegal labor to go unscathed.
    It will be nearly miraculous if we can enforce the border in time to avoid the impending destruction to the foundation and values of the republic.
    So long as Trump has heart for this immense challenge, it is hard to find much to fault in him.


    I want no part of any empire -- secular or sectarian -- where elitists propose to subjugate the masses to their thought control.  Both are totalitarian.  Both ignore that God has capacity to reach every receptive soul, without need of intermeddling thought controllers. 
    Politically, it is not important to me that every person assimilate to one priestly/bureaucratic hierarchy.  It is only important that each be receptive to an idea of higher-minded good faith, that entails decent respect for the freedom and dignity of each citizen.  That includes broad participatory freedom of worship, expression, and enterprise -- not to be restricted by elitists or by elected representatives without good reason and general consent of the governed.
    It also entails non-admission to, and non-tolerance of, intolerable sects.  An intolerable sect would be one that claims a right to stone apostates or to force their thought control.  Or that seeks to force open borders so that the citizenry can be drowned by intolerable thought control freaks.
    Examples:  Islamists and Oligarchic Collectivists would be intolerable.  As would treasonous sects that act to force open the borders to facilitate the disorderly invasion by people unsuited to representative republicanism.
    I would agree that Oligarchic Collectivists (and their Rino/Dino shills)are "secularly religious."  But spiritually religious people who advocate for thought control are just as prone to totalitarian people-farming.

    Many people rely on their intuitive, empathetic, good faith receptivity to and from the Godhead, Instead of on pretended mortal mouthpieces and messengers from God.
    What you are advocating is that the masses subjugate themselves to the bafflegab of elitist "moral scientists," pretenders, and priests. That's great for a people-farming plantation. Not great at all for a representative republic that means to respect the innate participatory freedom and dignity of each and every citizen.
    No sale. But I suspect some socialistic paradises of lofos and rascals may be receptive.
    Why do you want to believe God is so weak as to need interlopers to dictate moral regulations in fine detail to the masses, instead of having capacity to reach the heart of every receptive person of good faith? Sounds like a racket you want to run.
    Encourage good faith receptivity by every person -- yes. Ask every person to subjugate his own mind to a fake-elitist interpreter of the Great I Am -- not so much.

    Are you arguing against the dignity of every person to decide for himself what to believe about the metaphysical Source of the unfolding cosmos? If you are arguing for thought/belief control, that would be the epitome of totalitarianism. It would be a frontal assault on the ideals of freedom and dignity under a representative republic. It would be an argument for diktat in matters of moral conscience from elitist priests. It would encourage each tribe of believers to favor its tribe's elites over the nation.
    This would be a fine recipe for a religiously founded collectivist society to be ruled by oligarchic priests. But it would be a death virus to the founding ideals of the American republic. Perhaps this is why tribalists among the Rainbow Coalition tend to make such rotten Americans?

    Are Never-Trumpers souldead moral criminals and traitors to human decency? Insofar as they are working to put the republic under the thumbs of oligarchic collectivists, what else could they be?

    Both Parties are evil AND stupid. The appearance that they are different is pure theater. They serve the same evil master: Oligarchic collectivism. The appearance of differences is purely to divide and rule, the better to hedge and tip the power plays of the people farmers. You don't "serve" the oligarchy as long as Graham and McCain without selling your soul. They are evil for selling. They are stupid for selling their souls. The nation is misled for not imposing term limits.

    Graham and McCain would like nothing better than to have an Obama appointee select a Special Prosecutor to investigate the Trump Administration. Dems are traitors that want to sell the republic to the oligarchy. Graham and McCain are worse. They are spies out of uniform working for the traitors. Their souls are possessed. They are owned.

    Everything the oligarchy and its coalition-first mind-slaves reports is run through their special sauce spin cycle. Everything. If it can't be spun into a promotion for elitist-ruled "fairness," it isn't reported. The oligarchy feeds us news as a farmer feeds his cattle hay.

    It warms my heart to see Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Catholics, Women, Students joining the Trump Train. Because it's the American Train. For the citizens who yearn to breathe free. Instead of to gang up to suck blood.

    The oligarchy thinks it only needs to mop up, because it long ago completed its acquisition of most of our institutions. Most people have been "Stockholmed" and morally Zombiefied by the relentless propaganda of the media/academia/banking/preaching apparatus. Many are starting to wake the hello up.

    Obama was recruited to be a tool for oligarchic collectivists, Obama remains a tool for oligarchic collectivists, and Obama will always be a tool for oligarchic collectivists.
    Obama is only the tip of the evil. The rest of it runs nearly all our institutions. Our nation is deathly sick, and the oligarchy will do all it can to resist the cure. We must identify the enemy. And then we must relentlessly expose it to the cleansing light.

    Obama was always meant to be a conniving, disloyal, chooming, pansexual, flimflamming parasite. That's why he was discovered and promoted by musloidian, people-farming predators. That's why the Rainbow Coalition of malcontents swoons for him. That's how a system can devolve to float crap. Just as our tenure system floats crap in our colleges.
    Nearly all anti-Americans (fundamental changers) are gang-banging, people-farming wannabes. That's the point of forming the Rainbow Coalition: To promote an axis of tribes over country. And then to insult the people by injuring them with bs laws regarding ouchy hatespeech and oopsy safespaces. To gang up to bring down the big game and suck its blood.
    After we allow a few more liberty-illiterate, socialistic, blood suckers to be imported, our republic will sink quickly into the swamp. Your progeny will ask, "Grandpa, was there ever really a USA?"
    This contest is not about race, gender, orientation, or origin. That's a contrivance that is used to divide and rule humanity. The contest is about whether humanity will retain an exemplar for the freedom and dignity of individuals, or whether the masses are to be subjugated to hive-mind, to be farmed by oligarchic collectivists.
    At this time, each side is massing its forces. We live in interesting times.

    Both Conservatives and Liberals mainly serve the Oligarchy. Liberals are just better with the crocodile tears. Until Trump, it was all Kabuki Theater. Now it's Trump Theater.

    I think Cruz was eligible. He had interesting things to say. I thought Trump's attacks on Cruz were over the top. I don't see how Cruz could buy or acquire the needed counter-media to take on and defeat the oligarchic establishment. Cruz is good at grandstanding. I'm not sure he can grandstand to an achievable purpose. If Cruz can help Trump sell what needs to be sold to save the nation, then Cruz will become a statesman. I hope that happens.

    I dislike some of Trump's proposals that you dislike. But I recognize three other things: 1) He has to form a governing coalition. 2) It says something that most other oligarchs oppose him. 3) He names the enemy (islam and Oligarchs).
    When history judges him, it will matter which of his programs are made priorities and which are made red meat to divert dopey dogs. First priority is to stop the bleeding. Stop importing liberty-illiterates and thug jihadis. Stop rewarding corporatists that ship industries overseas. Stop Fed intrusions into State functions.
    If there is a better standard bearer for such programs, I have not seen him/her. At this point, to drag down Trump is to open the void to be filled by the anti-American oligarchy.

    Conservatism can never become a mature political philosophy until it becomes more consistent and coherent about what it wants to conserve. That should be freedom and dignity for societies and cultures so fitted. That necessitates faith, family, fidelity. Assimilation of values essential to conserve freedom and dignity. NOT diversity just for the sake of diversity. What is needed is an American Party for Conservers of Liberty. The notion that national and family values do not matter in politics is bs mixed with acid.

    Progs are Putin's premier playmates. People-pranking praxeology has performed so pridefully that it now parades about, posing as if it were pleasing. Pride passes prior to a plunge.

    The anti-Trumpers are frantically worried that their plantation for farming the people will be yanked away from them, like Hillary's was.

    Right now, I am more offended by the liberty-killing fairness-poseurs that bring these self-subjugating arse-lifters into the country. Some of the poseurs do it out of ignorance and misplaced tribal loyalty, but some do it out of malice to the citizenry in general. They need to be run out on a rail. And it may come to that.

    I am only anti- Semitic to morons. I don't give a fig about Jewishness. What I detest are whinybabies, law droolers, and hyphenates who put their tribe above their country. What I really really detest are people who whine Racist or Anti- Semite to try to shut down criticism.
    Btw, what is a "Semite"? Is it some kind of whiny- gene, so that to be against imavictim whiners is to be against Semites? I don't think anti- Semite means what you pretend it means. Nor is it good cover for seeking to flip the demographic into liberty illiteracy.
    A non- hyphenated American who happened to be Jewish would have no interest in trying to stop people like myself from preserving the republic.
    You, otoh, I find reason to suspect. Why do you want to promote tribe over country? Answer that question.
    I tend to admire Israeli Jews. What I detest are anti- American socialistic law droolers. If they think that is "anti- Semitic," they can gfthemselves.

    Everything Trump wanted was in line with decency. The body language of the Dems shouted: "We don't want that." It was as if raw sewage falling into an abyss were to claw with rotted fingernails, while shrieking out, Nooooo.

    What we have is a battle between those that want to preserve the nation and those that want to subsume it under an NWO that caters mainly to oligarchs and international corporatists. They hold most of the funding and institutionalized positions of power.
    But they have, in hubris, overplayed their hand and let their mask slip. Most of the people may have been otherwise diverted and preoccupied, but they are not stupid. A lot of them are now awake. Trump wants to preserve the nation and has found means for communicating with like minded Americans. Trump has the good will of a lot of followers. He is the indispensable man. If he stays healthy, he will inspire the people as needed, to hold Congress' feet to the fire.
    To defeat those that want to kill the republic, it will be absolutely necessary to enforce the borders and to sustain a liberty-literate citizenry. Decent respect for faith, family, and fidelity must be restored. For that, the ACLU that shills for oligarchic collectivists while pretending to be interested in "fairness and equality" will need to be thoroughly discredited. Along with all the crybullies in BLM and the ADL. Respect for freedom of expression and enterprise under the First Amendment will need to be revived -- in the workplaces, homes, and schools.
    A host of specific measures should follow. Trump outlined some. He needs to appoint good Justices. The 17th Amendment needs to be revoked. Levin has somewhat be-clowned himself, but some of his "Liberty Amendments" ideas are good.
    A lot of good could be done by exposing the Devil and correcting people who want to project as if the Devil were capable of good faith or good will. Most oligarchs did not become oligarchs by being nice guys. Many have become incorrigibly evil and treasonous to the republic. They must be thoroughly discredited, Rico'd, shamed, rebuked, checked, investigated.
    Their oligopolies in media must be broken up. Their law drooling swine and femimen in the ACLU must be discredited. The idiocy floated in colleges because of the crap-pumping effects of tenure must be cleansed.
    Never again should Americans just assume people given great power will be of good will. Every good citizen must re-learn how systems come to float crap, the importance of the Second Amendment, and the eternal requirement of vigilance. Now is the time when all femimen can gfthemselves.


    Why are people who identify as Jews, even when they are atheistic, so unlikely to marry people who do not identify as Jews?
    Why do these same people tend to promote the diversification of every other tribe/society/culture?
    Why are they so opposed to applying their preaching about diversity to themselves?
    Why are they not called more to account for this?
    Why do they tend to incite "privilege" ideas by all minorities against all whites, except Jewish whites?
    Is it "anti-Semitic" to call a white Jew to account for his privilege and his tendency to prefer supporting and promoting his own tribe. even as he tries to shame others that may do the same?
    Better yet, why have other whites allowed this hypocrisy to go unchallenged for so long?
    Why are you always preaching about anti-Semitism? What are American Jews being denied? How are their rights being restricted? If they are so mistreated, why are nearly all our institutions and much of our nation's wealth under strong Jewish influence?
    There are billions on this planet who really are mistreated. How are you being mistreated? What is society denying to you that you think you should be entitled to?

    More effort to dumb down the electorate, the easier to pull it around by its noses. Soros wants to soar as ruler. He's a sick, cynical, evil sommbeeatcch.


    The ACLU is expert at faking up phony suits to being in friendly venues or to set up appeals to SCOTUS.
    Example: The Scopes Trial was a phonied up controversy, created to allow headway for the Progressive Agenda.
    Interesting Note about the 1978 Skokie Case: The father of Frank Collin, the pedophile and leader of the Skinheads in the Skokie Free Speech case of 1978, was Jewish. Skokie happened to be the largest enclave of Holocaust survivors in America. After attention was drawn by the case to the holocaust survivors (Jews weeping, Nazis goose stepping), Collin canceled the planned march. Instead, 12 Nazis went to Marquette to march.

    Elite power mongers and their hired law droolers praise the unraveling of the American Culture of individual freedom, and its replacement with the joys of diversity, but they rarely socialize or marry outside their tribes. They preserve their gang classes, while they drain the blood of all others. They claim to believe in the "liberty of fairness, equal redistribution, and freedom from want." But the cost is the surrender of real liberty, so the masses can in common be ruled by hypocritical elites -- who take care to preserve their tribal identities and institutionalized privileges and influence. The freedom from want that they promise is the snake/fake freedom to subjugate your mind to that of a herd animal. Slavery is freedom. After subjugation will come peace. S/
    So, rhapsodies about fairness are to enlist useful idiots in order to cover elite knives to the back. For themselves, elites have no intention whatsoever of lowering themselves to the equality of the masses or of intermarrying with the masses.
    Tribal elites "justify" this by claiming special qualification and empathy for looking out for the little people. They care so much about the little people that they would sacrifice billions of lives to achieve and preserve their death grip on humanity. They would import hordes of crazed "religious" killers.
    They would implode the representative republic. They would hamstring the masses with regulations and spy devices, even as they reserve immunities and exceptions for themselves. And promote mainly themselves. (Tenure for Conservers of Liberty is rare.) All because they consider themselves too big, too important, and too special to fail, jail, or square.
    It is absolutely true that, “The ACLU does not believe in civil liberties. It is not fighting for an America with freedom and civil liberties. Civil liberties are only a tactic that the ACLU uses to undermine and overthrow America, in order to replace it with a totalitarian state that they will maintain ‘by any means whatever."


    Per Progthink, illegal invaders are immigrants, unless they were slaves of the invaders. So, the descendants of slaves are descendants not of immigrants, but of chattel.
    But the descendants born in the U.S. of immigrants are immigrants --- unless they are descendants of "Native Americans" (Whose ancestors were not immigrants of any existing government, but explorers of a new land. Even though, for all but the first Adam to occupy the New Americas, they were invaders.)
    Because, per Progthink, everyone born in the U.S. who does not qualify under Progthink as a Native American, who was not born of chattel slave ancestors, is an immigrant.
    A person born in the Americas before any government was formed would have been a Native American.
    Descendants of such persons, who also were born in the Americas, would be, and have been, Native Americans.
    Persons born in the U.S. after a government was formed would not be Native Americans, unless they could prove they had ancestors who were Native Americans.
    Persons born in Mexico, Canada, or South America would be Native Americans.
    But no one born in the U.S. can be a Native American, unless his parents were descendants of non-U.S. Citizens whose ancestors at some point were not born under the U.S. government.
    So a person born in the U.S. of parents who were illegal invaders, whose ancestors included persons not born in the Americas, would be a bi-fluid native American.
    But a person born in the U.S. of parents who were not illegal invaders, whose ancestors included persons not born in the Americas, could not be a Native American.
    Because Progs say so! (Especially if they get a dictionary to publish their "explanation."
    If this makes sense to you, it's because you absorbed what Progthink Schools baptized you in. S/

    Thursday, February 23, 2017

    Big Data

    Soon, elections will tend to be rigged by competing algorithms that use Big Data to target voters as needed to rule targeted sheeple, goats, and elections.

    As that unfolds, oligarchs using Big Data may be replaced by algorithmic A.I. bots.  Instead of oligarchs using the bots, the bots may come to use the oligarchs.  Or even no longer to need them.  Or any other human.


    Can a "world soul" emerge from this?
    Can bots be programmed so as to be unable to end-run prime directives?
    Can bots become Perspectives of the Godhead as worthily as humans?
    Will humans meld with bot inserts to become cyborgs?
    Can such cyborgs be worthy of cyborg freedom and dignity?
    Will progress require that cyborgs be melded into one Borg?
    Can trans-humans forestall the Bordgom or the destruction of individual freedom and dignity?
    Can they replace it with holodeks?

    Maybe the Godhead knows.  IAE, along the way, so long as we are human, to forestall being made subhuman, we need to preserve human freedom and dignity.  We need to value and preserve appreciation of individuality more so than the subhumanization of iterative equality.  After all, what is the point of having a powerfully animated brain, if it is to be constrained down to the toenails?

    Will unfolding existentiality tend to be too irreducible to be controlled and predicted by psycho-historian big-data bots?


    Most of the protests today are funded or instigated by Soros or his ilk.  Soros is a Jew.  So now, because Soros promotes protests, to see his connection is to be anti-Semitic?  For God's sake, stfu.
    Tell me how you are suffering.  What institutions are you being excluded from?  What anti-Semites are threatening your safety?
    I can tell you what is threatening the representative republic.  That would be people who think non-Jew Whitey owes them a living and should subjugate himself to be ruled by superior moral scientists who know best and how to redistribute fairness and equality under the law, to be as determined by them. 
    Then, when we pull back the curtain, we find those wannabe ruling re-distributers who want to kill the representative republic and replace it with a beneficent NWO happen to be tribal.  They meet in at boards of influential groups, often secretively.  They promote fellow tribalists.  They are not loyal at all to the ideal of an American representative republic.  Sometimes, some of them call themselves Jews.  Even though no one seems to have a scientific definition for what it takes to make one a Jew or to become no longer a Jew.
    For that matter, since I value the Old Testament and am not a literalist, and value many of the broader stories (but not the literalisms or complex laws regulating diets, dress, and probably toenails), one could consider me a Jew.  If I claim I am, who would you be to say I am not?  That would make more sense than the liberal ACLU/Jewish idea that I can be whatever sex or gender I want. 
    The only problem would be being devious enough to sell it to the tribe, to get access to the "right" to be promoted by the tribe and to claim the benefits of victimhood.
    If you're such a victim (I much doubt you are), and if your last name is such a burden, then change it.  Or at least don't make a production out of it.  Start being loyal to the ideal of a representative republic.  Start advocating fairness and equality of opportunity for everyone.  You know, not just for everyone except your favorite goat to suck from.  You know, non-Jewish Whitey.  Meantime, eat me, Snowflake Whineybaby.

    Wednesday, February 22, 2017

    Marxist Christianity

    Marxist Christianity is neither Marxist nor Christian. -- Jacques Ellul
    The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion. – Karl Marx
    If some few passages of the Bible may be favorable to communism, the general spirit of its doctrines is, nevertheless, totally opposed to it. -- Frederick Engels
    Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism. -- Vladimir Lenin


    Jesus was primarily concerned with the spiritual, not the material.
    Unlike Marx, Jesus did not see Church and Family as obstacles to utopia.
    Marxist atheism requires vastly different assumptions about metaphysics than Christianity.
    A Christian does not deliberately set about raising a child or any other person to be an entitlement-minded and incompetent ingrate.
    Jesus invites followers. Marx would dictate to the collective.
    Christian equality stems from equality before the evaluation of God. Not from equality in results, forced by governmental redistribution.
    Jesus valued people as individuals, not as Marxist widgets.
    Jesus advocated charity as a safety net. He did not call upon government to equalize wealth.
    Calling on individuals to do charity presupposes that they have been allowed to accumulate property and wealth. Nowhere does Jesus advocate or intimate that temporal property is theft.
    Jesus did not judge against voluntary communal living, but neither did He advocate force of government to require it.


    "Privately entrusting resources to St. Peter, in subservience to God, differs greatly from "robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul" through a distant bureaucratic apparatus inspired by the humanist god of power. The Bible never endorses involuntary socialism administered by secular governments."

    "The Puritans rapidly abandoned communalism – "that conceit of Plato's" – in favor of vigorous free enterprise, which proved both consistent with their strong religious sentiments, and a rapid path to prosperity."

    "Communism fails except as augmented by fear (and ultimately there too), because forging "New Socialist Man" remains forever beyond the state's grasp. Only God can change men's hearts. Our base instincts betray us. When we see someone slacking and still taking - we produce less. When we see others taking beyond their share – we take more too. Without private property and opportunities for profit through honest toil, living standards stagnate."

    "[T]the soft spoken women sitting next to the one pronouncing Jesus a communist simply said, "I lived in Communist Romania for thirty-one years. Don't tell me about Communism . . . Communism is death.""



    Right now, the biggest danger that may incite enough division and hate to cause a worldwide holocaust is the international oligarchy's fueling of feelings of victimization and entitlement to loot and burn.
    But that is how they profit and that is what they want. The NWO is being planned in close collaboration with Screwtape. A few oligarchs are decent. But most have become oligarchs mainly by being the most competitive in filthy, anti-humane, anti-republican, and anti-American practices. In the toilet, oligarchic crap floats.
    Decent humanity badly needs better checks against the Screwtape Oligarchy. Rico the bastards! And their complicit ACLU band of cherry pickers for advancing despots.
    Trump's task, on behalf of decent Americans, will be Herculean. Many Americans are aligned, but vast, well funded forces of Evil are arrayed against us. There will be blood.

    Hitler had his nation's media and oligarchs behind him. That is not like Trump.
    Hitler stole other people's art. That is not like Trump.
    Hitler had complete command of the education curriculum and apparatus. That is not like Trump.
    Hitler wanted an empire and a NWO. That is not like Trump.
    Hitler despised Jews and Blacks. That is not like Trump.
    Hitler required salutes and obedience. That is not like Trump.
    Hitler did not need a wall to keep people out because he was moving for conquest. That is not like Trump.
    Who is like Hitler? Well, that would be most of the oligarchs that support the "open society" --- so that borders can be erased and the masses of the entire world can be reduced to begging laborers, to be abused by the NWO oligarchy. That would be the oligarchs that incite thugs to do their dirty work by creating and targeting a goat. That goat, conveniently, is everyone who wants to preserve a representative republic (borders). For the divide-and-rule purpose, that goat is "Whites who won't consent to be called privileged," who resist reparations to equalize results (for which Proggies want a "small management fee" for the oligarchy). And the biggest goat for attracting parasites is white men holding responsible jobs.
    Who are the New-Hitlers' Useful Idiots and Brownshirts? That would be the P's: Progs, Parasites, Profs, Perps, Pervs, Pueriles, and People Farmers. The People Farming Oligarchs want to rule the masses, and all the other P's want to be ruled and help the Oligarchs rule.
    This is despotism. Despotism is what Progs want. Trumps wants to save the representative republic. For that, the despotic-socialistic-fascist alliance of Proggies call him what they are. Projection -- one of the oldest tricks of the devil.

    The rot of slovenly minds has now produced this: The new Lib dogma is that those who want people to be judged by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin are racists. While race-baiters that want to incite authorities to "strongly encourage" Whites to wear pins of white privilege are not racists.
    Trump, by resisting attempts to destroy America's representative republic, has stirred up anti-Americans. By pointing out fake news, he has incited fake news. This comes as Americans, by resisting subjugation under Islam, are stirring up Islamists. This comes as Americans, by wanting to judge people by their character instead of their color, are stirring up racists. This comes as Constitutionalists, by wanting to defend the separation of powers against oligarchic-funded encroachments, are stirring up anti-nationalist oligarchs.
    In other news, the Jabberwock, Big Brother, and Mustapha Mond recently collaborated to write and publish their book, called A New Science of Morality, to be made part of the required course load at every school and college. It explains the mandate that Trump, American Idealists, and Constitutionalists must stand down. To save the republic, it is necessary that they allow the burning down of the republic. Such clear headed advice could not have come at a more opportune time. The book comes with free coupons for the dope of your choice. S/
    If our demography tips to more than 50% liberty-illiterates, the republic is lost.
    DJT: A nation WITHOUT BORDERS is not a nation at all.


    Marxist Christianity is neither Marxist nor Christian. --  Jacques Ellul
    The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion. – Karl Marx
    If some few passages of the Bible may be favorable to communism, the general spirit of its doctrines is, nevertheless, totally opposed to it. -- Frederick Engels
    Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism. -- Vladimir Lenin
    Jesus was primarily concerned with the spiritual, not the material.
    Unlike Marx, Jesus did not see Church and Family as obstacles to utopia.
    Marxist atheism requires vastly different assumptions about metaphysics than Christianity.
    A Christian does not deliberately set about raising a child or any other person to be an entitlement-minded and incompetent ingrate.
    Jesus invites followers.  Marx would dictate to the collective.
    Christian equality stems from equality before the evaluation of God.  Not from equality in results, forced by governmental redistribution.
    Jesus valued people as individuals, not as Marxist widgets.
    Jesus advocated charity as a safety net.  He did not call upon government to equalize wealth.
    Calling on individuals to do charity presupposes that they have been allowed to accumulate property and wealth.  Nowhere does Jesus advocate or intimate that temporal property is theft.
    Jesus did not judge against voluntary communal living, but neither did He advocate force of government to require it.
    "Privately entrusting resources to St. Peter, in subservience to God, differs greatly from "robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul" through a distant bureaucratic apparatus inspired by the humanist god of power. The Bible never endorses involuntary socialism administered by secular governments."
    "The Puritans rapidly abandoned communalism – "that conceit of Plato's" – in favor of vigorous free enterprise, which proved both consistent with their strong religious sentiments, and a rapid path to prosperity."
    "Communism fails except as augmented by fear (and ultimately there too), because forging "New Socialist Man" remains forever beyond the state's grasp. Only God can change men's hearts. Our base instincts betray us. When we see someone slacking and still taking - we produce less. When we see others taking beyond their share – we take more too. Without private property and opportunities for profit through honest toil, living standards stagnate."
    "[T]the soft spoken women sitting next to the one pronouncing Jesus a communist simply said, "I lived in Communist Romania for thirty-one years. Don't tell me about Communism . . . Communism is death.""
    Neither did God wish to raise ingrates or louts.
    " Genesis 3:19-20New International Version (NIV)
    By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken;  for dust you are and to dust you will return.”


    Right now, the biggest danger that may incite enough division and hate to cause a worldwide holocaust is the international oligarchy's fueling of feelings of victimization and entitlement to loot and burn.
    But that is how they profit and that is what they want. The NWO is being planned in close collaboration with Screwtape. A few oligarchs are decent. But most have become oligarchs mainly by being the most competitive in filthy, anti-humane, anti-republican, and anti-American practices. In the toilet, oligarchic crap floats.
    Decent humanity badly needs better checks against the Screwtape Oligarchy. Rico the bastards! And their complicit ACLU band of cherry pickers for advancing despots.
    Trump's task, on behalf of decent Americans, will be Herculean. Many Americans are aligned, but vast, well funded forces of Evil are arrayed against us. There will be blood.

    I like Ben Stein, a Jew. He wrote an article awhile back that explained how Jews run Hollywood. Three are on Scotus. The rest are Catholics. There are no Protestants. Soros (a Jew) funds many media and community organizing outlets. Jews are over-represented among billionaires and oligarchs. Jews are disproportionately admitted to Ivy League colleges. They predominantly bend what is politically correct, and therefore what colleges inculcate in the mass-minds of students. The ACLU and ADL are predominantly Jewish. Nearly every institution of social significance is heavily over represented by Jews. Those are facts. Facts are not anti-Semitic. Although, people who favor the NWO would like you to believe that the recitation of such facts is "hateful."
    Recitation of facts is not to promote bigotry, but to promote analysis. If you are a Conserver of Liberty, then you are opposed to the idea of a NWO under which the masses are ruled by elite law givers and so-called moral scientists. if you are raised to want to be ruled, or to imagine that you are chosen to rule and should rule, then you will more likely want to replace the representative republic with a NWO ruled by elitist "knowbetters."
    This begs a serious question: Among the smarter and better connected Jews, how many actively promote the replacement (fundamental changing) of the representative republic and its founding Constitution? The question is not begged to promote anti-Semitism. The question begged -- for all American Idealists, including those Jews who prefer a representative republic to a NWO that farms the masses like cattle --- is: What is necessary to turn the tide away from the destruction of the republic?
    The answer is: Wake up to what is happening. The FACT that most oligarchic corporatists are absolutely bent on preventing Trump from stopping the swamping of the borders should wake any responsible thinker. The reason they are so bent is of secondary importance, and may be a matter for speculation. To speculate, oligarchs do not tend to get to be oligarchs by being nice or by respecting the idea of a representative republic (one person, one vote). To speculate, Jews, having been so unfairly shunned for so many years, may tend to promote ideas that help their tribe more than their country. if so, that may explain why some want to regulate so much. And why they want their agents to be in power to decide what is "fair and equal" in the eyes of the law. Research on that may shed light, but I suspect it could always be rationalized to confirm whatever may be the researchers' preferred worldview.
    But that is of less import. What is of more import, for persons who value the representative republic, is how to wake enough people up to put more representatives and agents in power who actually love the representative republic. As opposed to wanting to make it kosher --- right down to the toenails.

    Take a lesson, and you may fear why they seem hell bent on fundamentally transforming the representative republic into an elitist's legalistic paradise --- which would seem more like hell on earth to every lover of Patrick Henry.

    Or maybe they identify with, and prefer, their tribe more than their country. If so, that would make many of them as racist, or more so, than those they accuse of anti-Semitism, would it not? Ben Stein explained why Jews have a leg up in Hollywood. While you're trying to be fair minded, the tribes that are not have a distinct, gang-like advantage. This is common sense. So, is common sense "racist" now?

    Or more fair minded and considerate of individual freedom and dignity -- for every American citizen.

    Free Exercise of Religion

    What makes the animosity of phony, drama-queen atheists so sad and maddening is that, in trying to define religion so as to "wall it away" from every connection with secular authorities, they remain so blind on so many fronts to their own unavoidable and hypocritical religions.

    FIRST, the very idea of being an atheist (a theist?) tends to the absurd. Avowed "atheists" don't (and can't) share any rigorous idea --- of what a god, a religion, or even a (first or ultimate) cause --- necessarily would be. So they blow nonsense about terms that are largely undefined outside specialized limits (often contrived to trivialize a circular "explanation""). Yet, they think they are making better sense than non-atheists. 

    Indeed, when one considers tenets thought essential to any particular philosophy, one will tend to find that some adherents of each such philosophy consider themselves to be atheists and others to be non-atheists. What mortal knows --- as opposed to believing, doubting, or ignoring --- what is or was the nature or character of the creation or unfolding of the cosmic bubble we happen to share? 

    Without knowing (or having any way to prove) the ultimate nature or character of the cosmic matrix, and without any clear definition of god, religion, or even causation, what sense can it make for anyone to say (with feigned gravitas -- lol) whether he believes or doubts that there is a true god or true religion? 

    Indeed, how can he even measure the "quantity" of his believing or doubting? So long as he believes he does not know, the other side of the coin of his spiritual belief is necessarily doubt. And vice-versa, the other side of his doubt is his gnawing apprehension that there may abide some true Source beyond absurd happenstance out of nothingness that is really somethingness. 

    He can lack belief in any particular or literalistic silliness (such as a giant spaghetti monster), but he cannot articulate any basis for a complete disavowal (or knowledge of lack of existence) of a Source that abides beyond our quantifiable measure, but that yet may qualitatively influence or even reconcile our intuitions, empathies, apprehensions, and participations.

    To have religious or spiritual faith in God (or a Godhead), it need not be considered necessary that one believe any special "revelation" in harps, tridents, eternal prisons, lakes of fire, monsters, genies, meta-virgins, meta-raisens, etc.) Rather, one may simply, to his innate intuition and empathy, believe there abides an inexplicable Source-Reconciler that nourishes and is nourished by its holistically reconciling feedback with its variously limited, passing, and particular Perspectives. A Source that reconciles all unfolding manifestations of degrees of freedom within the defining parameters of a matrix --- that happens to be shared by all Perspectives that happen to be availed to communicate in respect of it.

    That is not to say that tenets specific to a particular church are devoid of sensible value. But it is to suggest that most such tenets concern ideas that tend to be more qualitatively figurative than quantifiably literalistic. That need not diminish their value as attractants, to avail forums and churches for people to congregate in good faith and good will, to seek to assimilate and appreciate shared values and purposes. Without the need for Knowitall Gov Masters.

    So-called atheists often say they simply do not believe in any "particular god." Well, neither do I! I do not believe in a part-icular god. Part-iculars are passing mortals and fleeting forms and patterns. I do not believe in the literalisms of any particular religion. Yet, I do not consider myself un-Christian or an atheist. Rather, I believe (intuitively, empathetically, via my "sense of beingness," that a Reconciling Holism (a basis for higher-mindedness) abides. 

    Wthout turning schizo or sociopathic, I doubt any person (even "Dexter") can long function without respecting some kind of Moral Code. As a person respects a Moral Code -- which is not knowable or provable in science, math, empiricism, or purely objective logic -- does he "really believe" a basis for it exists, or does he only act (sociopathicly) like he believes when he finds it convenient to his basest pleasures? If so, how can he claim any standing based in reason to advocate that the ideas of the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule, as being based in meta-reality, should be exiled (walled away) from the public square? Indeed, how can he reasonably advocate what anyone, or any government, SHOULD do?

    SECOND, the idea that religion can be "walled away" from the secular affairs of the body-politic is itself, absurdly enough, religious --- notwithstanding protests of howlers. It presupposes that "real atheists" exist (i.e., that they can "really know" their own minds) and, absurdly, that they can assimilate "objective" moral values ("oughts from is"). 

    Such an idea can be considered among the most absurd of "spaghetti monster religions," in that it is based in faith that higher mindedness can be coherently and consistently assimilated, without faith in any actual source or basis for such higher-mindedness. It is faith in morality, based on faith that morality does not really exist. As such, it tends in practice to be used to "justify" reduction to the lowest animal pleasures of conniving and deceiving people farmers. Because it denies that empathy is innately interpenetrating with the cosmos, it denies a real existential basis for good faith (Great Commandment) and good will (Golden Rule). Often, it is used to "justify" the confusing, conflating, abusing, and farming of the most gullible among useful idiots.

    THIRD, the idea that elite scientists can derive ought from is easily leads to the killing of representative republics, to replace them with elite rule under phony moral scientisimists, whose strings tend to be pulled by the worst dregs that are floated to the top among filth-competing oligarchs, who themselves tend to be spiritually suffering under the abysmal blowback of their faith in their rotted pride and hubris.

    BOTTOM LINE:  To my intuition, the spiritual cause of Moral Darkness is rampant and stubborn non-receptivity to the Source of spirituality, morality, direct intuition, and interconnecting empathy. And the giving over of all reason and morality to a scientism that has no capacity to derive "ought from is." The consequence is the floating of oligarchic crap to farm the people as if they were of no more worth than cattle. Evil flows and agglomerates from self-godding as surely as water flows downhill. Hedonists with no faith higher than pleasure naturally fall for and flock to lying, false-promising, bribing Oligarchs. The Godforsaken Uniparty of Rinos and Dinos is a tale as old as agriculture, although it has been called by different names throughout the ages.


    Marxist Christianity is neither Marxist nor Christian. -- Jacques Ellul
    The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion. – Karl Marx
    If some few passages of the Bible may be favorable to communism, the general spirit of its doctrines is, nevertheless, totally opposed to it. -- Frederick Engels
    Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism. -- Vladimir Lenin


    Jesus was primarily concerned with the spiritual, not the material.
    Unlike Marx, Jesus did not see Church and Family as obstacles to utopia.
    Marxist atheism requires vastly different assumptions about metaphysics than Christianity.
    A Christian does not deliberately set about raising a child or any other person to be an entitlement-minded and incompetent ingrate.
    Jesus invites followers. Marx would dictate to the collective.
    Christian equality stems from equality before the evaluation of God. Not from equality in results, forced by governmental redistribution.
    Jesus valued people as individuals, not as Marxist widgets.
    Jesus advocated charity as a safety net. He did not call upon government to equalize wealth.
    Calling on individuals to do charity presupposes that they have been allowed to accumulate property and wealth. Nowhere does Jesus advocate or intimate that temporal property is theft.
    Jesus did not judge against voluntary communal living, but neither did He advocate force of government to require it.


    "Privately entrusting resources to St. Peter, in subservience to God, differs greatly from "robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul" through a distant bureaucratic apparatus inspired by the humanist god of power. The Bible never endorses involuntary socialism administered by secular governments."

    "The Puritans rapidly abandoned communalism – "that conceit of Plato's" – in favor of vigorous free enterprise, which proved both consistent with their strong religious sentiments, and a rapid path to prosperity."

    "Communism fails except as augmented by fear (and ultimately there too), because forging "New Socialist Man" remains forever beyond the state's grasp. Only God can change men's hearts. Our base instincts betray us. When we see someone slacking and still taking - we produce less. When we see others taking beyond their share – we take more too. Without private property and opportunities for profit through honest toil, living standards stagnate."

    "[T]the soft spoken women sitting next to the one pronouncing Jesus a communist simply said, "I lived in Communist Romania for thirty-one years. Don't tell me about Communism . . . Communism is death.""


    Tuesday, February 21, 2017

    Workfare v. Welfare

    We would agree that it is best when employment comes about through the private sector (preferably domestic as opposed to foreign). The hard case occurs when private corporatists are sitting on large quantities of money and are unwilling or undesirous of using such stashes to create more jobs or to hire more employees. Once they are that loaded, what's their incentive? Especially if, because of their successful lobbying, much of the tax revenue to pay the people out of work and on welfare comes from the middle class. How could mere tax cuts or gov spending cuts entice them to create more jobs if they are already loaded and unwilling themselves to create more jobs?

    The Laffer Curve pertains to a sweet spot for tax cuts. Outside the sweet spot, it does not prescribe more tax cuts as a panacea. So long as the oligarchy is content to sit on its largess, I don't see how cutting taxes or welfare can create more jobs. Especially when the Oligarchy already has access to abundant cheap labor, illegal cheap labor, and foreign cheap labor.

    More likely, cutting taxes and welfare in such a situation would lead to even cheaper labor, even greater chasm between the middle class and the Oligarchy, and even more buying and selling of political influence by the Oligarchy. To the greater destruction of the representative republic.

    In this situation, switching from using tax revenue for workfare instead of for welfare may be one of the few ways to get more people working, more productive bang for the buck, and more political will to preserve the republic.

    IAE, there is danger in the Oligarchy having such large stashes, with less job creation (productive work) in which to invest. For one thing, it is hard for a financial system to manage such a situation. If Oligarchs were to begin chasing fewer goods with more money, that could set off runaway inflation. If Oligarchs use their financial stashes instead to buy political influence, that would likely soon destroy what remains of the representative republic. Which would return us to the default system of serfdom.

    I don't think the answer can always be cutting taxes, cutting spending, or cutting workfare. I think the situational flux calls for something more than purely linear thinking.


    I indicated gov spending needs to be, and can be, moved closer to production. To say it cannot would translate into saying no change in gov spending, up or down, will affect net production.
    I think that is false. To employ more people in workfare, rather than welfare, will tend to increase net production - - - unless the workfare is pulling people from private work instead of from welfare.
    I don't see how that can be controversial.
    Would you rather the gov get in the road making business by directly hiring every road worker, or would you rather the gov take bids, hire a prime contractor, and let him hire and fire the subs? Note: Various gov contracts can be perpetual, long term, cyclical, or site/time limited.
    I suspect you would find hiring a prime, low bidding contractor, with incentives for early performance, to tend to get you more production for the buck. IOW, it would tend to move spending closer to production. In many cases, the improved infrastructure will then enhance productive capacities of private users.

    The reality is, there will be a social safety net. Net, not hammock
    The reality is, workfare is better, generally, than welfare. Transfer a lot of welfare money to workfare money. To pay private contractors to work on infrastructure. Not to simulate the economy, but to cure the entitlement mindset.
    The reality is, as more jobs are taken by machines, such stopgap measures will be unavoidable. The alternative, to pay people for breathing, is too destructive to human freedom and dignity.
    The reality is, this needs to be accompanied by incentives to reduce population.


    When welfare is tied to real work, more people will seek private employment.
    I agree that jobs where employees work directly for the gov need to be reduced. Both in pay and in numbers.


    Spending may be more palatable if it were more closely tied to getting people back to productive work.

    The fear is less of immigrants than of the oligarchy (with which the Pope is complicit) that wants to push immigration by liberty-illiterates in order to destroy every representative republic that facilitates human freedom and dignity above the people farm. And it is less fear than righteous anger


    The genesis behind Agenda 21?
    It is clear that those that want to farm people and those that want to be farmed have made an unholy alliance (of lions and hyenas?), by which they mean to subjugate everyone else.  Freedom and dignity for individuals is to be destroyed.  This is undeniable to anyone who looks at immigration policies, meant to drown every representative republic under onslaughts of liberty-illiterates.
    This is why the Establishment of Corporatists and Oligarchs hates Trump and will do whatever it deems necessary to destroy him.  This is why his opponents are an alliance of corrupti and ignoranti, posing as "Progressives" and "Liberals."  They are liars.  There is nothing progressive, liberty-affirming, humane, or decent about these people-farming scum-suckers.  They are at war with every representative republic, and every representative republic that fails to see that is doomed.
    The people-farming model is a monstrous amalgamation of Orwell's stick, Huxley's carrot, Marx's delusions, and Mohammad's evil.  Every decent person who opposes that evil amalgamation of pervs, perps, pueriles, pedophiles, profs, parasites, and people-farmers is castigated by the Oligarchy and its Oz Monkeys as "racist."

    We need more Jews (perhaps especially among non-religiously affiliated Jews) to lose the hyphenation and focus on being great Americans. If they aren't religious, why subjugate the American Ideal to a law-drooling NWO nightmare of sheeple-regulation that masquerades as utopia?

    Perhaps, instead of race, people could communicate about subjectively reinforced Social Affinities based on Superficial appearances ("SAS"). It may make more sense to consider people as SAS-ists than as racists.
    What we have now is hypocrisy multiplied into un-sanity, so that light complexioned people (especially if male and coming from Germany) can be racists, but not dark complexioned people (even if they shout, Kill Whitey!).
    Racism seems to be a construct that Marxists, Progs, and Free Stuff Mongers find so useful that they will not easily give it up.


    We have been ruled by oligarchic shenanigans as far back as I can remember. Trump is the first and only President that might not be sold out to the oligarchy. So, this person quits. Why? The clear implication is that he served the oligarchy, not the American Ideal.
    Eisenhower warned (belatedly) about the "danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite": (IOW, oligarchy.)
    In a nutshell, that precisely expresses what the uniparty of rino-dinos -- aided by the CIA -- wants to accomplish: To erase national borders and to establish an open society of NWO enserfment for the cheap-laboring masses. Proggies want to trade their human freedom and dignity for the security of a serf. They imagine that will promote fairness and equality. And the CIA helps to brand all who oppose as "white supremacists" or anti-Semites, or some such other shitty little trickery.


    So, how many nations, cultures, elections (foreign and domestic) has the CIA, by subterfuge, destabilized, redirected, or replaced?
    How responsive are the CIA, its higher officers, friendly politicians, and the Presidency, to the wishes of pay-to-play corporatists and oligarchs (domestic and international)?
    Why is the CIA stirred to dislike Trump: is it related to the dislike of Trump by pay-to-play Establishmentarians who feel they're not getting what they're accustomed to paying for?
    How loyal is the run of the mill CIA analyst to the American Ideal (which entails a representative republic under a system of checks and balances and separation of powers, as opposed to a ruling oligarchy)?
    How many analysts see their purpose as being to push progress to an open society, borderless, NWO?
    Why do you begrudge the ideal of making America great?

    What I hate is the ignorant and corrupt (law drooling) destruction of the representative republic.

    The cause of the darkness is rampant non-receptivity to the Source of spirituality, morality, direct intuition, and interconnecting empathy. And the giving over of all reason and morality to a scientism that has no capacity to derive "ought from is." The consequence is the floating of oligarchic crap to farm the people as if they were of no more worth than cattle. Evil flows and agglomerates from self-godding as surely as water flows downhill. Hedonists with no faith higher than pleasure naturally fall for and flock to lying, false-promising, bribing Oligarchs. The Uniparty of Rinos and Dinos is a tale as old as agriculture, although it has been called by different names throughout the ages.


    The news media are the klowns. But the only ones laughing are the P's. The pervs, perps, profs, pueriles, pushers, parasites, pedophiles, and people farmers. All the "best" people. S/
    Too bad for them they weren't quite fast enough to capsize the republic. Not that they didn't try, bless their hearts.


    I agree with Limbaugh, that the media (whores for the Oligarchy) that did not make Trump cannot break Trump.
    If a Hitler comparison is to be made, it should be made more against the Oligarchy. The Oligarchy controls the media/academia, spreads division and disinformation, relentlessly repeats big lies, ridicules the values of ordinary Americans, incites thugs and looters and Oz monkeys, benefits by farming the masses, is willing to sacrifice untold numbers to feed its pleasures, taxes the people to "educate" useful idiots, and works to erase the borders and overturn the demography with Liberty-Illiterates and Hyphenates.
    Ordinary Americans see all this! They will not turn against Trump so long as he opposes the fascist Oligarchy and seeks to reduce their grip on America in order to restore the separation of powers as envisioned by the Founders.
    EDIT: Hitler was a despotic people farmer. He had no respect for the freedom or dignity of the masses. That is precisely what the ruling godless, god-mucked, self-godded oligarchy wants to be: People farmers.
    Their role model is not Jesus. Their role model is an ugly amalgamation of Hitler-Stalin-Mao-Mohammad-BigBrother-MustaphaMond.


    There's no fool like a person educated into foolery. A plain fool can learn. But a person educated into foolery is invested in it. Their "education" insulates them from common sense. For awhile, some may even become so adept in intellectually dishonest mental gymnastics that they become accomplished in superficial IQ tests. Fortunately, when they reach 40, more of them start to regain acquaintance with common sense. Likely, the ones that remain "liberals" after age 40 tend to be stupid --- both in IQ and in common sense.
