Monday, May 9, 2011

Liberty Based Enterprise vs. Conformity Based Enterprise

Not all enterprise is based in the freedom of individuals just because it is based in capitalism. Rather, much of capitalism is based in the conditioning of individuals (by the state, the culture, or the corporation) to appease and conform to the party line, even when it lies. In other words, there is liberty based (free ranging) enterprise and there is conformity based (or managed) enterprise. (Actually, there will almost always be a blend, but the philosophical tilt may be considerable.) As economies become more interdependent, there comes a decided increase in tilt towards those enterprises that are deemed politically correct by those persons who control or direct the fashion of the government. Such tilts generate power, and as tentacles of power infiltrate every aspect and institution of society, that power will more often be flexed --- often without even needing to show the iron fist that is in the velvet glove.

By enterprise, I have in mind a broad sense, to encompass not only the choice whether to start a business, but also the choice whether, when, and to whom to sell one's labor.  Under the Chinese model, no enterpriser need be favored or allowed to succeed unless he plays to that which is approved by the party line. Every Chinese enterpriser knows the iron fist is never far from where it may feel needed in order to enforce the political lies that define the governing myths. No law of nature or economics ordains that an increase in general wealth and enterprise must necessarily result in an increase in personal liberty, dignity, or freedom of mind. For Americans, a question nags: Will the Chinese model of conformity (self deceit) based enterprise relegate the American model of liberty based (self authentic or "free") enterprise to the dust bin of history? While the Chinese model seems appropriate to the dehumanizing neighborhood in which it competes, can there remain room in this world to tolerate the freedom of the ideal (if not the actuality) of the American model of enterprise?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tisn't incompetence. Obama's doing what he was recruited to do: Read lines put before him. Purpose? To eliminate the middle class, worldwide, and usher in the triumph of conformity-based, managed capitalism. Regulate until regulations make as much consistent sense as inmates babbling in asylum. Put NWO mantras in the air, food, schools, military: We can't drill our way out of the energy crisis. We can't legislate morality. We mustn't interfere with Islamic freedom to impose Sharia law. We mustn't interfere with the Arab Spring. We mustn't enforce our borders or treat aliens as illegals. We mustn't require minorities to compete on an even field. We mustn't talk as if there were already an American culture worth preserving.

When Obama said he wanted to fundamentally change America, he meant his handlers want to cannibalize us on the fast track. He knows he is only the front. He knows, if not reelected, his handlers will see that an equally limp puppet for Chinese-style international enterprise is put in stead. McCain, Graham, Huckabee ... OMG. Absent a hard corps, what needs to be done will not be done. About the only hard corps in America consists in Code Pink women and military volunteers --- who are subordinate to the Marxist Capitalists now running us.

In pure idealization, Marxism and Capitalism are fast becoming lies. What is instead coming to pass is crony capitalism that promotes the buying of cheap labor to freeze out the middle class. One may better call it Marxist Capitalism (or The Chinese Model). That movement has grown so strong that it no longer needs to hide. It owns us. It's a kid's delusion to expect to roll it back just by electing a few pointy-eared fiscal conservatives. We have become so soft we have turned things over to girly men. Now, we will preserve only that which girly men can defend. Until culling by a long, bitter winter, I doubt Americans will again be strong enough to lead liberty-based enterprise.