Monday, May 23, 2011

Marxism Under Any Name Smells As Sweet

Pushed to extremes, models based entirely on so-called material facts, because they are necessarily incomplete, often become as pressed to serve the fascist pounding of square pegs into round holes as any fascist religion. A perspective of consciousness may consider all of reality as if it were explicable through a model of dialectic materialism, which often occupies or translates into much the same locus for modeling as empirical science or economic determinism. Such models promote the quantitative over the qualitative. They discount any model that would consider the qualitative to abide, at least at a level of co-dependent dignity as the quantitative. They consider that facts are superior to will, as opposed to will (by interfunctioning through various perspectives) being on a par with facts. Those economists, mechanics, engineers, and grand unifying theorists who tend to consider that every aspect of reality is entirely reducible to substance-based facts often become easily tipped into approving the total rule of materially-objectivist elites over the masses, much as any good Marxist.  OBL, having been trained as a civil materials engineer, easily blended his mind to accept the fascism of Islam as a religious brand of collectivist Marxism.

One may model a third alternative to religious and Marxist fascism.  That alternative need not be fascist; it could be based in immaterial idealism, as opposed to material-minded subjugationism.  In immaterial idealism, evolution can be modeled as being guided by empathy within forms of consciousness.  After all, if evolution is not guided by empathy within and among perspectives of consciousness, then whatever evolution shows to be fittest or strongest is "right." If so, might makes right, and discussion about what is right becomes useless, apart from discussing who or what has power. In that case, those without power could hardly claim "moral standing" to complain against any abuse that a more powerful force may throw at them.

Otherwise, to idealize that quantitative, fact-driven analysis should entirely dictate the quality of all that we should do is to idealize that we should best behave as a society of fact-crunching robots. That is an ideal that entirely discounts and devalues the world of the non-objective, subjective, qualitative state of will and becomingness. It is the inhuman ideal of a know-it-all, fascistic materialist, who lacks appreciation of the world of will, for whom the best of all possible worlds would be a dead world of pure objectivism, devoid of the often unreconciled communications and conflicts among perspectives of will. The alternative to the ideal of empathy among perspectives of consciousness, that is, materialism, discounts the natural, temporal right of each conscious individual to his or her own perspective, against all the forces of heaven and hell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Through the farmers and the farmed of the NWO, tentacles are spreading to consolidate control over every institution of civilization, whether it be of banking, industry, communication, society, family, or individual. In this onslaught, those who think forays against decent family values are only minor diversions are horribly misled and mal-educated.