Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cycles and Choices of Order and Disorder

MODEL:  May there abide a most consistent, coherent, complete way to model the appreciably unfolding and directionally sequenced interplay and cyclically conserved feedback among Consicousness, Information, and Substance?
Conceptualize Black Holes (BH), Information Perimeters (IP), Holographic projections of organized Substance (HS), unorganized Dark Substance (DS), and Space-Time (ST). Ask: How may one best model a presumed cyclic interplay among the aspects of beingness that such concepts represent? How may one best model the directional unfolding, experience, and recording of Consciously apprehensible and appreciable Will?
QUESTIONS:  Consider the experience and recording of relations among such matter and energy as is associated with space-time, both manifest and potential. Space-time seems to be filled with empty non-emptiness, i.e., potential. Does that potential constitute what is measurable at large scale, as by gravitational lensing, as Dark Substance (DS)? When potential becomes manifest, does it transition to Holographic Substance (HS), at a conservational price such that an equal mass of HS must synchronously become DS? Must the only Substance that is directly measurable consist as HS? Must the only Substance that can occupy a Black Hole be DS? Must the appearance of HS depend on projections made from BH through planes of Information filters at perimeter? Must a kind of two-step feedback first from the apprehension (expectation) and second from the appreciaton (evaluation) of sequences of projections of HS affect which bits of Information from the Perimeter of a BH are sequentially activated and how they are synchronously interpreted? Must that feedback and synchronization proceed both in respect of a systemic, fluxing holism and the sum of its cones of potential and particular expression and experience? Must that two step process of feedback in apprehension and appreciation among the holism and its particular perspectives constitute "consciousness?" Must consciousness in that respect be of a qualitative aspect that is beyond quantitative measure in itself?
TRIVALENT MECHANISM OF CONSERVATIONAL CYCLE:  If so, what is the mechanism of exchange, that drives the flux, feedback, apprehension, and appreciation? If the mechanism were merely bivalent, it would seem inconsistent with experience of an expanding cosmos, with no apparent means for a cycle of collapse. Yet, sense demands limits, which demand conservation, which demands some sort of collapse. How could there be a future collapse and still defy any particular measure of its onset? How can the appearance from the perspective of parts of HS be preserved, notwithstanding some kind of conservational collapse or systemic recycling?
Seeming Answer: Via trivalent relationships and trivalent logic. So long as a part senses or records that it is expanding and accelerating directionally outward, it will abide and identify with HS. Once it entropically translates into unorganized DS, it will no longer sense an outward expansion. Yet, the Holism may "sense" a collapse of the DS. Indeed, nothing can be swallowed by BH without first being converted, to the appearance of all outsiders, to DS. By swallowing DS, BH swallows unorganized entropy and converts it to organized information.  As organization of Substance diffuses, may potential for organization of Information consolidate?  Information implicates share-able interpretations, which implicates relative-absolutes, i.e., so called laws of nature. Organization implicates a direction of determination, which implicates some level of synchronized choice-making to the extent that Consciousness is associated with it. Thus, BH acquires means to expel more Information to the surrounding perimeter plane. Such expulsion is synchronous with determinations regarding projections to be made from BH through IP to project HS. Such determination affects how otherwise DS that is outside the BH is translated back and forth into HS. Each particular perspective that identifies with a mass of HS seems to affix with the HS, but "really" remains with the Holism, merely experiencing an interpretation of a particular perspective that identifies with an outward bound cone of potential experience. Once that cone closes, the particular perspective is reabsorbed with the Holism of Consciousness. Other cones with which other perspectives identify or may identify continue outward bound, until their perspectives likewise close.
REALITY DEPENDENT ON FEEDBACK RELATIONSHIPS:  Availing feedback among the Holism and its particular perspectives necessitates mirages and illusions, or relations that are meaningful to consciousness, but not independently real in themselves. Thus, particular perspectives experience a sequencing sense and capacity to renormalize, record, and measure relations among cones of potential perspectives of space and time, which may accord with, but not limit, the experience of the Holism. The experience of time and space lags and separations in accomplishing intentions relative to apprehensions and appreciations is not limiting to the Holism. Thus, particular perspectives may experience aspects beyond their kin, regarding entanglements, functions, and interrelations that occur simultaneously and synchronously across all manner of present distance and future (not past) times. Whatever the mechanism by which BH determines to project through IP, it may project differently entangled interpretations of HS across long expanses along a single shared axis or cone of potential experience (spooky action at a distance).
SYSTEM IN ITSELF:  What may constitute the System-In-Itself, that vents the trivalent relationship among BH, IP, and HS? Much of that seems to abide as an Unknowable Unknown. The aspects it expresses --- i.e., Consciousness, Information, and Substance, i.e., Space-Time (ST) and Matter-Energy (ME) --- may not exist in themselves, apart from their being availed expression, as signifying guideposts or logos, by the Unknowable Unknown System. Thus, DS, HS, ST, and ME may not exist except as derivative field disturbances, dependent for their expression on an Unknowable Unknown. In respect of the derivative field of ST-ME, directionality in time and in obedience to gravity is synchronously determined coordinate with disturbances, grooves, and cones of potentiality within the field. Substance is not independently sucking, attracting, repelling, or binding. Yet, aspects of Substance may correlate, signal, or signify field distrubances whose sequential effects are often predictable, controllable, or apprehensible.
INNATE EMOTIVE OF MEANING AND PURPOSE:  Regardless, conscious will, empathetic purpose, and meaningfulness remain apprehensible and appreciable. An innate aspect of empathetic purposefulness leads civilizations generally to aspire towards sustainable and surpassable decency, liberty, and expression of self awareness. With varying kinds and degrees of success, we are availed Consciousness of Will by which to experience potential, power, and purpose for giving expression to awareness of selfness and innate emotive need to communicate empathy. Thus, it is reasonable and worthwhile to believe and intuit that Emotive Awe and Empathy are innate to the unfolding of the System. While our perspectves seem separate, and such seeming separateness avails meaningful experience, communication, and empathy, such separateness is not independently real in itself. We are not independent of the Holism. Black holes are not independently separate. Entangled particles are not independently separate. Substance is not independently real. Not even space-time or gravity constitute the aboriginal entity or Source. Not even the Holistic perspective of Consciousness is the Source. Rather, an Unknowable Unknown is the Source of the System. Yet, it avails conscious meaningfulness, i.e., opportunity to separate wheat from chaff, both particularly and, I believe, holistically.
PROJECTION: When whatever-it-is that establishes electromagnetic radiation (light, or EMR) projects through the IP, it necessarily follows distortions and grooves in the field, so as to obey a buffered cone of potential in respect of kinds and degrees of freedom within allowed parameters of translation. Thus, EMR is buffered to serve as a relative absolute, able to relate to all within a shared cone of potential, yet measuring in absolute obedience to the measure of all. As it traverses through organized and disorganized aspects of ST, it translates manifest substance, i.e., HS, i.e., photons, electrons, quarks, patterns, entanglements, and fluxes. It conserves a fluxing, cosmologically constant relation between DS and HS.
IDENTIFICATION OF PERSPECTIVES WITH AVATARS: A perspective of consciousness can neither tinker with, nor identify with, a purely disorganized diffusion. For an intelligent perspective of consciousness to identify with a pattern of HS, the pattern needs to be evolved to be sufficiently organized to avail intelligent appreciation and identity. Because Information is the means by which the separateness of Avatars for perspectives of consciousness is established, such perspectives cannot directly measure Information-in-itself. They can, however, to the extent they share a context of reference, measure relationships among HS.
QUALITY OF PROJECTION OF CHOICES: Where Information may be measured by the synchronizing Holism, I, while a particular and separate perspective, cannot measure or know. Because Information is of a Quality that is not itself by me measurable, I can infer its potential only in respect of the measurable HS that correlates with it, by which HS is projected, by the BH determining, deciding, and projecting --- through the IP.
CHRONOLOGY PROTECTION, NOTWITHSTANDING THE CROSSING AND FLUXING OF CONES OF EXPERIENCE: Participating in determining the future while remaining entangled with the past: Suppose those I leave show later to have become proportionately younger or older than me after I return, or am returned, from an odyssey is space. In either case, part of the cones of experience for them versus me will have separated, lost contact, and then later regained contact, in such a way that one cone will have experienced more than the other during the interval of the separation, and the one that experienced less will not be able to recover the qualitative difference in the experience that was lost. Thus, one may, without changing the direction of Time, affect the future, but may not change the past. To the experience of Consciousness, the future is not pre-determined. From each particular perspective, the past exists as translated to Information Perimeter, but the future remains subject to alternative choices among potentials, depending on unfolding apprehensions and appreciations of Conscious Will.
PERSPECTIVISTIC TRADING OF SUBSTANCE FOR INFORMATION: Suppose the Source synchronizes instantaneously, by, relative to us, accelerating its projections through Information Perimeter. Conceivably, the Holographic Substance thus produced by such accelerating projection may accelerate outward bound the further out it is projected. Meanwhile, the Information Perimeter around the Source may be sensed, relative to such outward bound HS, as accelerating in its accumulation. For every particular perspective, increasing disorder in outward Substance is thus traded, conservatively, for increasing order in inward Information. Thus, that outer Substance which I follow, and the present Substance with which I identify, and the Substance that follows behind me, must be linked and entangled in a Conservational way.
MASS, DARK SUBSTANCE, AND HIGGS MECHANISM: DS is so disorganized as, in itself, to support no Avatar for respecting any direction to ST, except to collapse in obedience to BH and the Holism of Consciousness. DS is not drawn by any gravitational force except that of a BH. It is only in that respect that gravitational lensing avails detection of DS. Mass is a property that accompanies HS, but does not accompany DS except in its relation to BH and large scale effects on non-mass particles. DS is too disordered to support any attachment with mass except in large scale or in relation to BH, Yet, may the projection of HS through the DS that permeates ST avail HS its measurable mass among other expressions of HS that are apart from BH?  Thus, may the Higgs Mechanism relate to the direction of HS as it is projected through DS?  As HS is projected through DS, grooves and distortions become expressed in the fabric and geometry of ST. However, DS, as it is attracted towards BH, does not form grooves in the fabric of ST that could significantly affect the direction of HS. DS, by availing mass to the HS that traverses through it, avails ordered grooves in the fabric of ST and ordered direction for HS. Perhaps the reverse does not apply. Perhaps DS does not acquire additional mass by traversing through HS. Perhaps DS is so disorganized that the only mass that is measurable in DS is measured in large scale, by gravitational lensing, not in any precise relationship with HS.
CHRONOLOGY AND TIME:  A conservational two-step dance of feedback in apprehension and appreciation between a synchronizing Holism and each separate Cone of potential experience implicates, in relation to such dance, a protection of chronology and an aspect of fluxing Discreteness in units or cones of ST.  Why then may each side, the Holism versus each Particular Perspective, still experience ST as having Continuous character?  Answer:    Because, (1) notwithstanding their Discreteness, they remain paradoxically Connected in a dance; and (2) while one is at rest, the other is active; while the one is at rest, it is oblivious, so that when it is stirred, it has no way to measure how long it has been asleep.  IOW, a higher ST may connect both, but the ST of each is separate, so that while one is active, the other is asleep, but with no way to measure its sleep, so that its awakeness seems continuous, even though, in its relation to the other, it is discrete.  Thus, God is outside our ST, yet also discretely coordinate and interactive with it.
BOTTOM LINE:  This model is not meant in itself to constitute Reality, but only to avail a conceptualization for leveraging appreciation for both the Quantifiable measuring of Reality and the Qualitative valuing of Reality.  It is meant as a starting point for thinking about how empirical science might be synthesized with intuitive spirituality.
FEEDBACK CYCLE: Holistic synchronizing Will-of-apprehension projects information perimeter (IP) (out of black hole), to establish potential for severable choices in interpretation and cones of perspective; projects interpretations through the IP; encounters drag of potential (of dark substance - DS); translates to manifest measurable logos (holographic substance - HS); manifest logos is consumed, appreciated, spent, and diffused ... back into potential (DS); diffused potential (DS) is sequentially gathered back to black hole, to be fed back to Will, to appreciate and translate back into new apprehensions of potential information (projected to IP) ... and so on. Thus continues a feedback cycle of sequences of streams of translations flowing from among potentials into the manifest, fed back into potentials, and so on.


Anonymous said...

It often seems everything circles back. I wonder if God believes in God, or if consciousness believes in itself? My take on a recent Nova episode about non-empty space is that the holographic-substance we measurably experience around us may be modeled (a model is a map, not the territory) as projections from black holes through information filters planed around their perimeters. Perhaps the phenomena of entangled-and-spooky-action-at-a-distance may be a trick of sequenced 3D projections, based on projections from black holes through the same bit of information. This raises questions about choices. Statistics pertains to analysis of probabilities among possibilities. But what accounts for each choice, determination, or random-happenstance that actually becomes manifest? The supposed "answer" is always circular, sometimes referred back to indifferent Nature, sometimes to caring, Conscious Will ... as in Will of consciousness that finds expression in the cosmos ... as God, spirit, or man. Regardless of perspective, where does the seat of determination or consciousness "reside?" Does the seat of every determination reside in a black hole, its information filter, a holographic projection of substance ... or in feedback with respect to some meta Source of the entirety? Militant atheists are wilful about their belief systems, yet don't "believe" in will. At the end, Vonnegut said it's all a crock. Apparently, a crock for which Hitchens finds reason or appreciation to be brave about. That's his "answer." Hitchens is fond of fellow Horseman, Sam Harris. Harris, despite agnostic stance, respects Eastern spiritualism.


It's ok for atheists, agnostics, and physicists to engage in metaphysical musings, so long as they're "testable." As if multiverses, string theory, and projections from black holes through information perimeters were testable. Go figure.


Why "must" we pass over that of which we cannot quantify in silence? Why ought we not celebrate it in a quality of emotive, empathetic appreciation? Why should civilization reject common ground in a quality of empathy just because it cannot find common ground in science? An atheist who bravely wills or believes that we should seek common ground in empathy (btw, empathy is not necessarily love) is a great believer-of-sorts ... despite protestations.

Anonymous said...

West re-made East when MacArthur ran Japan post WWII. That was after much of Japan was reduced to rubble and the U.S. had a monopoly on nukes and had shown will to use them. But West will not again re-make East when it comes to Islam or Communism. West has no good reason to be trying to nation-build in East. That can only be syncretic folly of hubristic evil NWO, bent on global governance so centralized as to insult human liberty.
It’s the trend to overly central governance that needs to be confronted. Otherwise, it's nonsensical to speak of “small” government. Governance is more like a quality than a quantifiable. Whatever the measure chosen (population, production, proportion of GDP allocated to commercial vs. charitable vs. familial vs. governmental sectors, etc.), it will not measure the “size” of government per se. There is dumb, bad, smart, good, and qualitative government. The problem with government is not smallness or bigness. Whatever the space-time available, it will be FILLED with some manner of governance — whether it be natural, factional, social, cultural, religious, or self governance. The problem governance presents has less to do with its smallness or bigness than with its smartness, suitability, level, and quality of distribution.
West values the examined life, individual conscience, freedom of will, and ordered liberty. East values regimented manners. Where West meets East, there’s bound to be heated friction. It’s suicidal for either to try to force the other to change. If West desires to preserve ordered liberty, it had best defend borders, stop nation-building in East, stop enriching market cannibals, stop inviting disintegration, and stop centralizing power at home beyond the most local levels where power can be guided most consistently with decent regard for individual liberty.
West needs to stop playing shell games trying to figure out which politician advocates for the biggest government. Instead, pay attention to which politician advocates for the smartest and most appropriate levels for delegations of power. That test necessitates a component of subjective judgment, suitable to the unfolding situation. So as not to fly off into meaningless space, such test needs to be tethered to reconciling faith, mores, purpose, i.e., respect for the idea that humanity is endowed by Creator with unalienable rights, i.e., freedom to be human, i.e., freedom to think for oneself. For West, government serves only to avail decent, ordered liberty. For East, government-religion-tradition serve those who seek power to trump the liberty of all others. For Adam Smith-Jehovah-Jesus loving West, God-or-Beingness avail human freedom and dignity; order is secondary to liberty. For Marx-Allah loving East, God-or-the-Collective avail regimentation; liberty is secondary to order. For West, the Individual is valuable; for East, the Individual is worthless.
Muddled Western minds elected an Eastern-thinking, Churchill-hating collectivist as their President. Too many NWO minds have been muddled to actually believe West and East can and should be reconciled to a globular syncretism. Hard knocks will teach contrary to such unwise attempts at nation building. Trying to make one world order will avail East to collectivize West; it will not avail West to liberate East. "If the past sits in judgment on the present, the future will be lost." -- Winston Churchill. If West consents to be judged by East (or NWO), West will be lost.