Saturday, March 17, 2012

Scientific Progress and Division of Nothingness

REGARDING SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS: Human and other forms of consciousness undergo bubbles, phases, and changes. For an arbitrary duration and context, they may happen to become proportionately more represented than other ways of being. However, no mortal perspective of consciousness undergoes "progress" in understanding its capacities and limitations in respect of any ultimate goal or explanatory model. Science does not "progress" to objective truth. To know thyself and to know thy opponents are aspirations that are relational to contexts and subjective purposes, not to truth in itself. This is because there is no ultimate explanatory model in itself. There is no such a thing to linearly progress towards. As each qualitative form of consciousness transcends towards changing ways of interpreting and controlling its relation to the contextual universe that happens to quantify it, such consciousness itself changes. Situations and bubbles phase change, flux, absorb, burst, and reconfigure. Aspects flux across changing relations among qualitatives and quantitatives. As we learn, old opportunities foreclose while new ones unfold. Each sense of pleasure, expansion, learning, and progress is subjective to a way of being conscious with respect to present context and purpose. We do not "prove" any non-trivial, circular-tautology that is meaningfully true in itself. At most, we simply intuit and abide with one or more truths concerning relations among subjective perspectives of a qualitatively connecting whole.
REGARDING DIVISION BY ZERO --- MORTAL MATH CANNOT, YET THE COSMOS DOES:  When the bubble of this world-universe ends, its potentiality may be conceptualized as an aspect of nothingness.  Question begged:  Is there a quantifiable potential to nothingness?  To pose the question is to experience the paradox.  No "progress" of science will "answer" such paradox.  So, if not an holistic aspect of Consciousness itself, what Source or metaphysic averages nothingness to zero, yet avails perspectives of such nothingness with capacity to image results of divisions by zero?  Is reference to such Source --- whether stated or unstated --- our only common communion?  To pretend to sever one's relation with such Source, I suspect, is to disfigure one's receptivity to meaningfulness.  It is to confine one's expression of self to the limits of an artificial lie.  No particular form within the context of any bubble, merely by manipulating quantities of relationships against the potential of the universe, will ever achieve immortality for any particular set of relational quantities.  Immortality, by definition, whether in science or in natural evolution within quantitative evolution, cannot be entirely confined to a frozen set. In other words, no scientific model can represent quantitative truth in itself.  Rather, truth is experienced, which necessitates perspective, which necessitates consciousness, which necessitates qualities that accompany capacities to signify and communicate relational quantities.


Anonymous said...

No thing of quantification abides in the past or future, only with the present. What abides with the past and future are only fluxing parameters for interpretating information, i.e., living math. The spirit that quantifies such information abides only and continuously with a synchronizing now. The spirit that directs your perspective or mind through your receiver or brain abides with the now, and never stops abiding with the now --- regardless of perspectives, transpositions, or reincarnations. Life is organized matter that receives and is projected by Spirit. Without Spirit, there is neither life nor matter nor energy nor a present abode.

Anonymous said...

I very strongly prefer that people of good will not divide themselves based on race. Problem is, moral principles tend to get sacrificed to existential realities when: 95 percent of Blacks vote for Obama mainly because he's black; controlling institutions deem La Raza (all for the race) not to be racist; redistributers worry that poor whites may receive some of their siphoned resistributions; hate crimes are prosecuted only in connection with injuries to minorities; The Regime declines to prosecute voter intimidation by Black Panthers; and Democrats unite with enemies of democracy (proponents for Shariah law) in order to form a political majority that can hogtie Whites to make them pay what amount to reparations. Because we have midgets for leaders when we need moral giants, racism may soon become rampant. Black and Hispanic racists, race baiters, and victim mongers are pouring gas on the fire and then complaining that the fire is not out. Surprise, surprise! This is insanity, and Obama feeds it and blows oxygen on it. Just look at his czars. The regime, its czars, and its apologists are racists and affronts to decency. Obama has to go.