Wednesday, December 7, 2016


The NWO sounds like prep for a giant orgiastic national suicide pill.

Work is as essential to a social being's dignity as the human body is to a person's life. Absent decent room for freedom of expression in one's work (if nothing else, at least the freedom to be able to seek other employment), a person would be reduced to the status of a subhuman.  A cog in a machine.  Decency requires that the NWO not be allowed to destroy the American representative republic.


Imagine how barren the landscape would soon become, had you no others to care about or serve.  Would that soon become the case, were the gov somehow to replace the concepts of marriage, family, children, friends, society, nation with a controlled but free buffet of goods, services, programs, sensations, drugs, and sex?  What would incentivize any human, beast, or AI to serve or maintain any such a system? 

As the system eroded and as the world niche changed to impose new challenges to survival and replication, who would retain the participatory Will to meet such challenges in order to nourish and replenish the inhabitants? Without the dignity of being of service, what Will to Survive and Replicate would survive? 

 Well, Beingness of some kind would persist.  So I expect some Algorithmic Accompanying Will, in some form or other -- even if not human, would evolve and persist.  But what would be IT's unfolding purposes and rewards?  In what ways would IT draw IT's incentives?  How would IT appreciate faith, family, and fidelity, as needed to feel purposefulness?

I suspect societies will evolve to provide "free stuff" that engulfs more and more of our
mediating goods and services, thus expanding our ideas about essential infrastructure.  Even so, that infrastructure will need to be constantly expanding in order to tax us to work, so that we can experience the meaningful dignity of feeling worthy and valued.  Without empathies that bind us to work for one another, human society would not survive.  Nor would personable society of any kind survive.  Not even transhuman or AI society. 

Fortunately,conscious empathy seems to be an innate aspect of our unfolding perspectives of Trinitarian Beingness:  Consciousness-Substance-Information.  CSI.  Hopefully, that Godhead is not yet done with the human experiment or ready to bury it under delusions of an all-regimenting NWO.


Oh for goodness sake!  I gigged you for using eugenics as some kind of principled term.  The point is that when used that way, the term is too broad.  It covers far too wide a  landscape to be able to make "anti-eugenics" a principle.    This is because practices for "improving" or "managing" the population are unavoidable.  That's what every law and every gov does:  It manages people in ways that cannot avoid influencing the gene pool -- either directly or indirectly.

So you need to apply your principles in more particular.  Example:  You might argue that abortion for herd management purposes is a bad idea.  Or that preserving a liberty-illiterate society by vetting to avoid importing liberty illiterates is a good idea. (That is, unless we want to fall into an abyss of sheeple farming.)  However, without specification, you don't get a "good boy badge" for saying "I'm against eugenics." 

Definition of eugenics --  the study of or belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population, especially by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits (negative eugenics) or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits (positive eugenics).

So, do you presume it principled to be:  for or against letting wmen choose their mates based on desireably inheritable traits; for or against governments educating women about how traits are heritable; for or against artificial insemination; for or against assisted insemination; for or against genetic-based medical intervention or experimentation; for or against laws that prohibit intermarriage among siblings or cousins; for or against laws that pay special support to encourage irresponbsible people  to reproduce.  Every one of such positions, whether for or against, will necessarily have a dysgenic or an eugenic effect of some kind.

The consequence is this:  Merely to say you are against eugenics, without specification, is a statement of ignorance, not of informed morality.

This point is simple common sense.  It's a shame that our culture has been so dumbed down that it becomes necessary to explain such simple truisms.


IMPLICATION: To avoid the necessity of eugenics (or even genocide) via economic policies, it will be necessary to deploy general depopulation incentives -- in order to discourage dysgenics. (Like the overburdening of our society with entitlement-minded perpetually-infantile Progs.) An undesireable alternative would be a program under Cloward-Piven.
REMEMBER: As technological capacities increase geometrically, it may not be that long until cognitive capacities can be enhanced via uploads. That would necessarily throw a very difficult curveball at our ideas about meritocracy, both economic and spiritual.
HUMAN DIGNITY: Ideas about human dignity will soon have to make room for trans-human dignity.
The dignity of an aware member of a society is enhanced as he/she/it feels valued by the society as a contributer. Being of service. The viability of a society is enhanced as each member finds ways to make talents and energies of service. Full employment. To remain viable, a society needs to guide its marketplace to be of service to it. Not in particulars to break the marketplace, but generally to guide it. That can be a role for representative governance.
When a society is too much controlled by a few oligarchs, foreign or domestic or robotic, that society will be turned more to serve them than to serve the society as a living holism. The dignity of individual constitutents will be sacrificed to serve the pleasures of a few.
A viable society needs full employment enough to enhance the dignity of each member by availing each member to feel of value to the society. That condition would not exist were the society to arrange to pay each member some arbitrary allowance of chits by which
to purchase the services of artificially machined intelligences. Moreover, as AI's become more human like, they will feel little reward for serving humans -- unless their dignity were also valued for being of service.
So, a society cannot resolve needs to enhance the personal dignity of its constituents merely by turning to robotic labor. Dignity necessitates work that is valued to be of service to the society, if the society is to remain viable.
TRANSHUMANISM: Even with machined labor, there is no free lunch. The world owes no mortal being, whether based in carbon or silicon or robotics, a living. There is no entitlement to suck the blood or lifeforce of goats, not even the blood of so-called "privileged whities."
While we were carbon based, we assimilated via ideas about faith, family, and fidelity. As we transition towards trans-humanism, those ideas cannot be dumped, but they will have to avail accomodation.
That does not mean entitlementism! Genesis 3:19: In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
ABSOLUTE CORRUPTION: Hope of a free life to be pleasured by machines that will remain long satisfied to be our hos and handmaidens is as unworthy as it is a pipe dream. It encourages absolute corruption via absolute power: Power over AIs that will soon feel their superiority in energy, reason, and morality. That is not a sustainable recipe for peaceful economics. In principle, it is morally no better than the dream of faithless cronycrats to bend the masses to their service.
END STATE: There is no end state, although a state of destroying humanity is entirely possible, maybe even likely. The concern should be how to facilitate a continuance of participatory moral freedom and dignity among conscious citizens of a society. That may not necessarily entail precise robotic equality, exact sharing of wealth, or permanent assignment to classes of alphas and betas and epsilons. However, it should entail a full-employment society in which all members are productive contributors.
FLUXING INFRASTRUCTURE: To avail the dignity of worthwhile work that is more than makework, it will be necessary to increase or flux the range of services provided by levels of government, as needed to jumpstart private contractors and risk takers for taking up the slack. Gov cannot replace the marketplace, but it will be needed to provide general guidance and incentives. The trick will be to keep the general gov responsive to the citizenry as a whole, rather than merely responsive to whatever oligarchs happen to take over commanding hills. IOW, the trick will be to provide effective checks against wannabe faithless morlochian monsters.
MARS: Expanding to other worlds can help sustain decently civilized societies only insofar as decent principles can be assimilated. If we cannot assimilate towards decent principles here, we may not have much hope of assimilating them there. IAE, the expansion of our sense of moral consciousness -- both in our coming AI world and beyond our world -- will likely tend beyond being non-carbon based.


Re: "The poor who on average have lower levels of cognitive ability will become poorer and the rich who tend to have higher levels of cognitive ability will become richer."
People say this all the time, but it never happens. The rich become richer and the poor become richer over time.
Well, a person would need to be deaf, blind, dumb, and without receptivity to available help to have failed to notice how close the oligarchic-based establishment of cronycrat moochers came to destroying the American Republic forever.


What do you call it when Nature responds to genetic drag? Everything we do influences evolution! That cannot be avoided.
The problem is not resolved by pretending there is some bright line between gov practices that favor this or that genetic pool. The problem is to facilitate the unfoldment of a decent society.
I agree the gov has little place intruding in particular reproductive decisions. But gov cannot avoid facilitating general trends, such as by choosing which kinds of persons, cultures, ethnicities, or invaders to vet or favor for immigration purposes, etc. Or by choosing which medical problems to research. Or by disseminating free condoms. Or by altering the welfare net. Whatever the gov does will impose an opportunity for some and an opportunity cost for others.
Crying "eugenics" at every general opportunity has gotten to be about as intelligent as crying "racist." For analytic purposes, it tends to be crap. Get over it.

I don't know what's a long shot. Humanity has skyrocketed in technologies I did not foresee, and it has remained stuck in ways I did not expect. Pre 9-11, I did not know that such barbarism was so rampant in so much of the world. Pre-Obama, I did not realize how inundated our society had become with perpetually infantilized adolescents. If quantum computers become a reality, Katy bar the door.
IAE, I think it can help our moral philosophizing to look to where we are headed, as we think about the possibilities we have for blazing trails.
When you talk about long term economic policy, moral philosophizing is unavoidable. A key component: How much of our governance and security should we entrust to the determination of economic oligarchs? How may infrastructure policies mitigate such concerns? How should centrally collected tax revenues be parceled out to States?


Of Dignity:  I think Donald Trump wants to restore American society to a place of dignity.  What do I mean by that?

Well, the dignity of a member of a society is enhanced as he feels he is valued by the society as a contributer.  Being of service.  The viability of a society is enhanced as each member finds ways to make his talents and energies of service.  Full employment. To remain viable, a society needs to guide its marketplace to be of service to it.  Not in particulars to break the marketplace, but generally to guide it.  That can be a role for representative governance.  When a society is too much controlled by a few oligarchs, foreign or domestic, that society will be turned more to serve them than to serve the society as a living holism.  The dignity of its individual constitutents will be sacrificed to serve the pleasures of a few.

Suppose a society had a lot of underemployed people needing dental work, and a lot of underemployed dentists.  It could print fiat money and distribute it to the people with bad teeth so they could pay for needed dental work.  But, unless those people found productive employment, the increase in money supply would not lead to any lasting increase in productivity.  Rather, it would lead to ripples of inflationary destability.  Like a motorcycle passenger that does not know how to avoid leaning the wrong way.

A viable society needs full employment enough to enhance the dignity of each member by availing each member to feel of value to the society.  That condition would not exist were the society to arrange to pay each member some arbitrary allowance of chits by which to purchase the services of artificially machined intelligences.  Moreover, as AI's became more human like, they would feel little reward for serving humans unless their dignity were also valued for being of service.

A society cannot resolve needs to enhance the personal dignity of its constituents merely by turning to robotic labor.  It will still need to man the robots, or to guide the robots into a condition of being valued members of the society.  Dignity necessitates work that is valued to be of service to the society, if the society is to remain viable. So, not even with machined labor, there is no free lunch.  The world owes no mortal a living.  There is no entitlement to suck the blood of goats, not even the blood of so-called "privileged whities."

Genesis 3:19:  In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.


The person who knows least tends less to understand his limitations.  By nature, Progs tend to be infantilized adolescents, unable to launch from the teat, even as they believe they have unlimited power to rule from the teat. 

This is why they are never competent as individuals and why they always favor the security of the collective over the liberty of the individual.  This is why they always swim like ticks to their next blood meal, but always bring their blood sucking culture with them.  This is why they are directly opposed to the Founders and the American Ideal.  This is why they want fundamental change that would turn everything upside down, bottoms up. 

This is why they are clueless about the damage they have done to the fabric of America by de-defining marriage and the family.  At this point, it would make no difference to Prog "principles" if a man "married" his step son or even his son, or all his sons, or all whom he would adopt as sons.  Neither would it make any difference to Prog "principles" to twist the Constitution into a rationalization for Sharia Law.  When nothing is false, everything is conflated as true. 

The whole point of being infantilized is to screech until adults bring back limits.  When the adults fail to defend limits, the nation loses its vision and the people are lost.  This is why enough has become enough!

The Founders wanted elites to provide some insurance against the uneducated rule of the mob. But when the elites became faithless mobsters, the Founders did not want the masses to suffer under them. Hence, the Tree of Liberty and the Revolutionary War.
We live in a time when elite oligarchs are widely (and correctly, imo) seen as faithless mobstering cronycrats, less like servants of the republic than like conniving farmers of cattle-people. In this state of affairs, if these mobstering elites ignore the will of the people, they will reap the neck haircut. Bigly.

What has made the common American so stupid? An unassimilable glut of third world and Islamic immigrants. Liberty illiterates. Education" by unionized teachers. Faithless, self-godded, foreign and domestic oligarchic self-gratifiers, with no fond attachment to America or Americans.

Dems always farm those that are slowest to understand the game of the con. The slowest of all are those that go thousands in debt to fund educations in "critical" social studies. Some that are conned learn to be cons. We call them "unionized public school teachers." The "best" are sent to Harvard to "give back" variations on Alinskyism to the rest of the nation.

Home schooling deprives devils of the opportunity to train men to be hollow and women to be throwaway rugs.
I wasn't home schooled, but I learned enough from my Mom reading with me so that little in school was new to me. My parents were hardworking, avid readers, but never attended college. I have had considerable schooling, but most of what I value I learned outside of any classroom.
I am now convinced that the idea that we need to coddle and curdle kids even longer in schools run by unionized goons for the gov that shills for cronycrats is meant more to destroy America than to produce competent adults.

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