Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Truth and Purpose

I think there's also a self-fulfilling aspect of Conscious Will, with which we each participate.  What we observe, what we study, and how we rationalize all affect what we measure in our statistical analyses.  The contours of those statistical analyses need not be deliberately cherry picked in order for them to be subjectively affected by the emerging values of a particular society.

In part, the reason America became suitable for a free and independent minded people is because that is what our Founders wanted.  Our system cannot often be exported to nations unsuited to it.  Although those nations are not exporting their systems to us, they are, by exporting so many of their citizens, exporting disarray and corrosion to us.

That which we consume, think, and value tends to define how our moral truths unfold.  For a nation to have a center that can hold, it needs to share values that can form the glue.  Those values depend on good will (Golden Rule) and good faith (Great Commandment).  When those are reviled as based on religion and therefore replaced by commie secularists and "noble" oligarchic "philanthropists," human decency suffers. 

The truth is, we greatly need to be receptive, in good will and good faith, to an ongoing, feedback relationship with our larger Source -- the Reconciling Godhead.


As a "point" of reference, the Godhead is immeasurable.
If by "thing" one is referring to a physically measurable (as opposed to spiritually immeasurable) thing, then one is referring not to God but to a mere signification of God. And the power of God to flux each signification (subject only to math-based rules of chronological conservation for each manifesting signification) seems likely always to perplex mere mortals.
Of "things," many are measurable, but One is not. Rather, IT seems to be directly and empathetically intuited because IT's signs are in every measurably relational manifestation.
The way we "progress" towards IT seems to be more subjectively spiritual than objectively measurable. That way seems to relate to the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule. To love your neighbor as yourself necessitates a subjective consideration of yourself and what you really are.


Conundrum: To say that an interpretation of an empirical formula or recipe, relationship, or thing cannot remain true unless it is falsifiable seems to suggest that no thing can be lastingly true. Rather, that all (measurable) things (and form-ulas) flux.
To be true, must (the lasting essence of) a "thing" be false? Who's on first?
If so, where abides lasting Truth? And where abides moral guidance concerning the purpose for which we "should" seek to reconcile with Truth? Perhaps that guiding Source, in its larger and better sense, has been in and/or with us always, provided we make ourselves receptive (intuitively and empathetically) to "listen" to it? IOW, we may never fully understand Truth, but perhaps, in faith, we can follow a path of reconciliation towards it? In that way, we may raise ourselves above pigs, instead of aspiring (liberally?) to out-pig pigs. Perhaps that is the value of a community that follows a faith-dogma, instead of a faithless den of LCD hedonists.


Truth is that which is conserved through the Reconciling Trinity, that adopts perspectives of Consciousness for coordinating from future potentialities, to relate presently measurable manifestations of Substance, that will transition into past recordings of Information. Teleological CSI. Future leaning, past forming, present recording.
To my belief, the purpose is participatory expressiveness, whose highest expression tends towards freedom and dignity. Which accounts for how America came to have a First Amendment. And why those (faux liberals) that would trade long term liberty for short term pleasure and security deserve neither the long nor the short.



As a "point" of reference, the Godhead is immeasurable.
If by "thing" one is referring to a physically measurable (as opposed to spiritually immeasurable) thing, then one is referring not to God but to a mere signification of God. And the power of God to flux each signification (subject only to math-based rules of chronological conservation for each manifesting signification) seems likely always to perplex mere mortals.
Of "things," many are measurable, but One is not. Rather, IT seems to be directly and empathetically intuited because IT's signs are in every measurably relational manifestation.
The way we "progress" towards IT seems to be more subjectively spiritual than objectively measurable. That way seems to relate to the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule. To love your neighbor as yourself necessitates a subjective consideration of yourself and what you really are.

Conundrum: To say that an interpretation of an empirical formula or recipe, relationship, or thing cannot remain true unless it is falsifiable seems to suggest that no thing can be lastingly true. Rather, that all (measurable) things (and form-ulas) flux.
To be true, must (the lasting essence of) a "thing" be false? Who's on first?
If so, where abides lasting Truth? And where abides moral guidance concerning the purpose for which we "should" seek to reconcile with Truth? Perhaps that guiding Source, in its larger and better sense, has been in and/or with us always, provided we make ourselves receptive (intuitively and empathetically) to "listen" to it? IOW, we may never fully understand Truth, but perhaps, in faith, we can follow a path of reconciliation towards it? In that way, we may raise ourselves above pigs, instead of aspiring (liberally?) to out-pig pigs. Perhaps that is the value of a community that follows a faith-dogma, instead of a faithless den of LCD hedonists.

Truth is that which is conserved through the Reconciling Trinity, that adopts perspectives of Consciousness for coordinating from future potentialities, to relate presently measurable manifestations of Substance, that will transition into past recordings of Information. Teleological CSI. Future leaning, past forming, present recording.
To my belief, the purpose is participatory expressiveness, whose highest expression tends towards freedom and dignity. Which accounts for how America came to have a First Amendment. And why those (faux liberals) that would trade long term liberty for short term pleasure and security deserve neither the long nor the short.

Obama is not trying to fix feudal savages. He is trying to get people's minds right so they can be good cattle for his ideal: The worldwide people farm.
As to those that want neither to be slaves nor to have slaves, Obama is every ready with the middle finger to the eye. Obama has always hated the American Ideal of individual freedom, dignity, and ownership based on the merit of a person's work. This is because he is, was, and always will be, an incompetent wuss.
Obama's only competence is being the champ among chooming pansexual loutish Musloids. For that, the Establishment picked him to become the Nobel Prize winning figurehead.

Stirring up the islamists in Syria led to the Islamification of Europe and the weakening of the U.S. electorate. This has promoted destruction of the Ideals of human freedom and dignity, "progressing" towards the worldwide people farm.
Obama is on board for every method of subjugating the human mind: Violence, Stockholm Syndrome, bribery, free stuff, indoctrination, race baiting. Obama is, and always has been, a total pos. Among Obama-like minds, genocide, death camps, gulags, and mass reeducation camps are just another set of tools in the socialist/fascist tool box.

The Constitution has been thoroughly besotted. We need common sense to guide a COS to amend it. Otherwise, we will continue to have a dirty rag that is used for whatever the purpose of each changing administration. With the general direction always ratcheting towards the people farming NWO.
Law, even Constitutional law, is only a thin veneer to guide us. It is not God. Indeed, many modern interpretations of the Constitution are as irrational as they are ungodly.

The Fed Gov has indirect enforcement means short of federalizing the national guard. It can make revenue sharing contingent on cooperation with Fed security measures. Such as not releasing known illegals from custody once a proper Fed Agent has indicated intention to arrest.

Common sense should tell us that some functions belong to the federal level and some to the state level. Problem is, the faithless ACLU, believing it has a direct line to Rights Under Gaia, has obscured the lines. When ACLU types are displeased with society, they just go to whatever judge seems most friendly to their concern of the day. The result is a legalistic hodge podge of dysfunctionality.
Defense of borders and national citizenship should belong to the federal level, However, the borders and citizenship should be clearly enough defined so that states can legitimately assist in the enforcement, not the undermining.
Many functions should belong to states and localities. Such as the criminalizing of drug sales and use, the status of being married, the legal status of abortion, etc.
It is because our separate realms of power have been (deliberately) obscured that our federal system (and very republic) has become endangered. The disease is so advanced that a radical prescription may be among our few chances to survive as a society: A COS.
Nullification movements are the first serious warnings of grave disease in the republic. They may help, if they move us towards needed treatments and repairs. Steps in due order: Wake up, COS, nullification, secesssion, tree of liberty -- as needed. Hopefully, the cure will take before we get too far into the steps.


If people want to becrybullies, they need to learn from the master of being a deserving victim, George Constanza.
Scene from Seinfeld - The Andrea Doria:
[Setting: Tenant board room]
(George is telling the board his astonishing life stories. Every board member seems to be deeply moved by them)
GEORGE: I was handcuffed to the bed.. In my underwear, (Sighs) where I remained.. (Scene cuts to another story) She was attractive.. She was, also, infact, aNazi.. (Cuts to another story) The water.. that I had been swiming in was.. very cold. And, when I dropped the towel, there was.. significant shrinkage.. (Scene cuts to, yet, another story) Her parents were looking at me.. So, there I was, with a marble rye hanging from the end of a fishing pole.. (Scene cuts to his closing statements) In closing, these stories have not been embellished, because - they need no embellishment. They are simply, horrifyingly, )the story of my life as a short, stocky, slow witted bald man. (Gets up) Thank you.
(Every memeber of the board shows some sign that George's story is most deserving of the apartment. Ricardi is crying. George turns to leave, then remembers one more thing..) Oh, also.. my fiance died from licking toxic envelopes that I picked out. (Sobs and loud crying erupts from the board members) Thanks again. (Leaves. Eldridge looks defeated)
(Scene ends)
So, should a one-drop black be entitled to race-based affirmative action? Should a one-drop white be taxed for reparations? Or Is a short, stocky, slow witted bald man the most deserving of all?
Answer: Nearly everyone has a cross to bear. In main, people should respect one another's dignity enough not to engage in victim competitions. Each person should be encouraged to learn how to cope with the gifts and challenges he/she has. Not to become an entitlement-minded burden on society.


Why would most of the Press have propagated so many wrong predictions and polls? Answer: Because they are owned and indoctrinated by wannabe people farmers that had invested in Hllary.
Why would the Press now want to blame Hillary's loss on Russia? Answer: Because the media wants to pretend they were objective all along, and that they were wrong only because of last minute hacking by someone else, like the Russians. They want to soothe the sheeple they have cultivated.
Why the Russians? Answer: Because they make a convenient scapegoat, given history and the media monopoly owned by oligarchs employing shills.


It may help to give convicted criminals choices: Hard time or supervised community service while living under direction of a DI while learning OJT. IOW, infrastructure boot camp, to learn how to transition from a crap flinging maggot to a responsible human being.
Workfare and boot camps for the salvageable; deportation and long hard time for the non-salvageable recidivists. No more welfare for able bodied adults. No more govfunded "education" in "critical social studies."

Some Progs are racists against whites, but all Progs are infants against decency and personal reponsibility.

They will survive until their host either dies out or wakes the heck up.

It's not a whiteness problem. It's a babybrain addiction. Babybrain addicts often blame whiteness in order to deflect examination of the real problem: Perpetualized babybrains. If you have an alcoholic relative who gropes her way through life by blaming everyone and everything except her own utter lack of personal accountability, you may know what I mean. I doubt that buying into their deflections helps anyone.

Libs/Progs/Commies/Crybullies have a problem with every competent, energetic person who succeeds. They don't like blacks that "act white," either. They just call it a whiteness problem to avoid confessing that they are incompetent, infantile, crybulling, shriveled testicleites. They don't propagate grownups -- just more whinyazz, gang-banging, shriveled testicleites.
Edit: For which they compensate by flinging their crap and showing us their 'tude, i.e., droopy pants, SNL, pierced tongues, hatred for responsible adults.

The problem is that the cronycrats that control the direction know full well what they are doing, and it is what they intend to do: Prepare the masses for the giant people farm. Indeed, they take our money and our sweat and pour it back into their people-farming machine. You are to become first a sheeple, then a widget. Giving them more central power over domestic policy is the last thing we should be doing.

Among the worst things taxpayers could waste their money on would be funding free education for the further indoctrination of socially incompetent morons. Actually, that is worse than waste. It is active treason to the republic and to humanity.

We need a Porkwarts Schools for Weeweepigies. It could teach courses on Problems. The Problems of: Blackness, Redness, Yellowness, Snowflakiness, Femimenness, pinkiewaggerness, pansexualness, goatlovingness, fakescienceness, fakephilanthropyness, farmingthestupid, debtaddictiononaccountofstupidity, Profswithoutbrains, Goodsenselosttoablackhole. So many choices, so much to learn. A mind is a terrible thing to proglytize.

MSM is owned by oligarchs, who are the real bosses from whom most of DC takes its orders. The real Americans whose blood and sweat actually defend and work the country, who embrace the American Ideal, are more ignored or misdirected than represented. Loss of faith and lack of leadership has reduced them to this sorry state.
With DJT, we have a chance for that to change. That is why the Establishit is losing its mind. The Establishit consists of behind-the-curtain oligarchs funding cronycrats to mooch off Americans while building electoral power by importing third-world liberty-illiterate cattle-people. With DJT, those formula babies will be put back in their crib. There's nothing like the smell of freshly inspired, free-thinking Americans in the new morning.
Behind the oligarch's masks, we see that most of them have become mere faithless, self-godded, virtueless POS's, not worth admiring. Their talents have inclined less to inventiveness or inspiration than to management of fiat money, gov favors, confiscated ideas, people farming, and deconstruction of all the institutions that would support a decent society of free, dignified, and responsible adults. While we slept, they constructed a pig party and came very near to consolidating totalitarian power.

immigrants only if one intends to include invading hordes and criminals within the term. When most people think of immigrants, before MSM redirecting disinformation, they think of people with papers or processed through official channels. They remember Ellis Island. Not Typhoid Mary.

Why do the politicians funded by oligarchs want to increase third world immigration? Well, not because of any stone tablet that says diversity is better. Not because of any prescription by Gaia. Not because such immigration helps build democracies abroad. Nope. Faithless oligarchs promote diversity for one reason only: To solidify their positions as people farmers.
The NWO is not about spreading democracy abroad. It is about making the entire world one vast people farm for a syndicate of oligarchs.
Why has this NWO people-farming movement come to pass? Is it because alien masters have invaded us from outer space? Not likely. It's because too many people have forsaken all decent invitations to higher mindedness. Instead, they flock to invitations to the most base and immediate of gratifications, And that is how they have flung their freedom and dignity away, along with all the clothes of decency.
That's why so many "churches," "charities," and pagan-satanic cults have embraced the "new higher mindedness": "Free" sex, free abortions, free borders, free dope, free "education," free salvation. But these things are not free. And when they are mistaken to be free, they turn into the chains of Jacob Marley.

By definition, people farmers are traitors to humanity. By definition, globalizing anti-nationalists are traitors to their nation. A good many of these scum need to be hung, to encourage the others to curtail their faithless rapine. There was good reason for hanging traitors in bygone days. Those good reasons resound today.

What do I call them? Faithless, self-godded, treasonous, free-loading, diaper-loaded people-farmers. Aka, Skrotumm Ticks.

Far Right" is dog whistling for anti crybully. By Progs' own reasoning, "far right" should be sanctionable hate speech, since it is hateful against competent individuals.
Indeed, to give aid and comfort to collectivist crybullies is to be a traitor to the principles of the Founders. And these aren't voluntary collectivists. Nope. They're gang-banging, gov-forcing collectivists.
Progs: Still not potty trained after all these years.

I am wary of conscription. That would seem like baking trrds into a cake. I would prefer something different, but with similar results.
First, scale back welfare to make the low life less palatable. (The truly worthy will likely obtaini additional help through bona fide charities, and those charities would insist on results -- unlike gov giveaways.)
Then, share more revenue with States -- but under a proviso that the revenue be used for infrastructure. Some infrastructure maintenance jobs would be so recurring as to be permanent. Like painting the Golden Gate Bridge. Use tax revenues to promote more infrastructure contracts -- and exclude illegals.
Make some volunteer infrastructure jobs into something akin to work-study programs. No free tuition, but funding for infrastructure work-study workers. (They would likely learn more via OJT than in most classrooms.)
It seems likely that there are ways to control a mix of incentives and disincentives so that actual conscription is not needed -- except in national emergencies. The only reason conscription can work in a national emergency is because the emergency focuses peoples' minds so they don't waste time catering to snowflakes. Otherwise, the dirty snowflakes would ruin everything they touch.

It took awhile (too long) for Conservers of Liberty to notice how many Progs have been led by their self-godding faithlessness into their horrific evil. It's not just their "stupid" that is so set in stone. It's also their evil. Never again should we turn blind eyes to that.

Fake newscasters hate that Conservers of Liberty are exposing that nearly every last Prog is a wannabe-people-farmer Fake Humanitarian. Progs think they are the new "chosen people" -- chosen by Gaia.

I have the displeasure of knowing one of these guys, and he is spectacularly vocal. He indeed does think Trump is Hitler on account of wanting to do an extreme vetting of future Muslim immigrants. He has become very angry at people who don't share his "logic" in comparing Trump to Hitler. He is not just a JINO. He is a JINOIHOT -- JINO Insanely Hateful Of Trump. These nutbags exist.

Yup, I sure wish the Progists would keep their religion of entitlement to have their glands pleasured to themselves, without foisting it everywhere and trying to force everyone else to pay for it and often to participate in it.
Do they believe in some natural law that gives them such "right"? Sure sounds like a self godding religion.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.."
Problem: Libs often consider any Fed money spent in any way that facilitates the free exercise of religion to constitute a federal attempt to establish a religion. They're insane in that way. I suppose funding the building of roads would constitute an establishment of religion, since roads are often used to drive to church. Infants! Progs are such diaper loaded idiots!

Liberals don't grok the meaning of "earned" because they don't grok property, ownership, or responsibility. Just entitlementism, to be pooped out the behind of the Great Speckled Bird of the Collective.
Libs think their pleasure glands are all that are needed to merit. Libbies want to be pleasured, and, in their religion, the Great Speckled Bird of Paradise will poop it out. What do they want? Pleasure. When do they want it? Now. What do they do to earn it? They demand, hold up, loot, rape, blame, gang up, and vote for a living. Lib Pleasures Matter.

It's always a shock to Dem noses when a strong wind blows their foul ignorance back in their faces. Be assured, they're not thinking about how to appeal to the thinking working class. They're thinking about how to train enough working whites to join the mental zombies among the rainbow class that is farmed by cronycrats for oligarchs. That is the godforsaken cause for which Dems and the oligarchs that farm them will focus all their guns. That is the cause against which all thinking, caring Americans must rally their eternal vigilance.

Provided Trump remains healthy, Pence succeeds him, they inspire a new class of Conservers of Liberty, and enough Americans of good faith never forget the 8 years of Obamanation. Meanwhile, the billionaire techies Trump recently summoned will be plotting behind his back to restore their NWO. And they have all the institutions of the devil at their disposal.

Should a black with one drop of white blood pay reparations? These kinds of questions do not bode well for DemNuts as the gene pool becomes ever more mixed.

The sheeple class among the Dems never knew much to begin with, except to bark the way their people-farmers taught them. And the only "principle" that will ever be followed by the class of faithless people farmers is the principle of the NWO: Rule by elite people farmers over the masses.

Progs think racism means to believe in a marketplace that does not grade on the curve, So it's racist to judge anyone on his character and competence without adding or subtracting points, such as on account of being black or white, Muslim or Christian, hyphenated or non-hyphenated, gay or straight, criminal or responsible,
Except when there's crime or looting is being investigated. Then no points are to be added or subtracted, because then all profiling is racist. Indeed, to send cops into a neighborhood that qualifies for being graded on the curve is in itself racist, because only the people that live (and loot) there are qualified to investigate anything.
And to be against free education in victim studies and prog indoctrination is also racist. Indeed, racist is whatever offends the dominant culture. And that ain't workaday whities. Actually, it ain't minorities, either. Nope. It's the cronycrats and oligarchs that pay to indoctrinate the whinyazzes and snowflakes.
Per the indoctrination, it is only "right" that whities work to pay the welfare needed to "reparate" all the "victims" that just wanna live the life and breed more victims. Any citizen who is against such reparations is deplorable. And racist. Cuz whinyazz minorities say so, along with snowflake whities.
Of course, there are minorities and whites that are good solid Americans. But then, they aren't the passive-aggressive, crybullying, make-s-up, incompetent, shameless, whinyazzes and snowflakes I'm talking about.

Everything that comes out of the Establishment Media is a people-farming lie.

What causes the "liberalization" is the hyphenating antagonism against assimilation to the American Ideal of individual freedom and dignity. Otherwise, the American Ideal would teach respect for private property (ownership responsibility) and the marketplace (as opposed to corrupt favoring redistributive bureaucrats).
Untill fairly recently, each State determined its own requisites for voting. Because of our "original sin" of slavery, that led to Jim Crow. That led to forced Reconstruction and gross intrusions by Feds into freedoms of association. Soon enough, Reconstruction led to its own kind of corrupt abuses.
At this point, we live in a populous nation with vastly interconnecting trade interests. I much doubt that forced Reconstructive measures remain worthy to their originating purposes. The business owner or State that engaged in policies for fostering racism would soon enough find itself a pariah to the marketplace.
Btw, the biggest racists and bigots tend to be the Prog baiters. What is more racist, misogynist, or bigoted than saying one group deserves gov-backed special favors or reparations solely on account of its race, gender, or religion? What is not racist, misogynist, and bigoted about Progs' allowing of filthy Saudi money to influence our politics? California and Sanctuary Cities are probably the biggest racists in the U.S. What is not racist about academics and mayors of inner cities pandering to denizens that declare open season on cops?
Yes, the determining of who has a right to vote should be blind to color, gender, and ethnicity. However, it need not be blind to generalized measures for profiling for responsible maturity.
Factors: Age, period of citizenship, passage of a basic civics course, lack of criminal history, time of residence, payment of property taxes. I don't see how reasoned application of such requisites would "tear us apart." I do see how it would cause snowflakes, thug-baiters, cronycrats, and people-farmers (i.e., neo-carpetbaggers) to crap their drawers.

There were a lot of "Republicans" in contention this last go round. Not so many Conservers of Liberty with the cojones, wits, energy, and loyalty to take on the Establishment of faithless, cronycratic gang-bangers.

I don't much care about the skin color, gender, or ethnicity, per se of a President. I care about whether he/she is pro or anti American representative republicanism. For or against the freedom and dignity of every citizen to pursue happiness, under law as founded by the Constitution. American or Globalist.
Unfortunately, Globalists tend to be Collectivists who tend to care more about collective redistribution for favored, gang-banging sub-groupings instead of individual responsibility. And globalist propaganda has most definiteily infested some sub-groupings more than others.
The consequence is this: Blacks, Gays, feminists, and femimen tend to have been indoctrinated to a similar cause. That cause is to erase the Constitution, the borders, and the republic, and replace them with a centrally regulated apparatus that will enfore their ideas about "equality and fairness" right down to the toenails. What this really means is: They mean to take from some and redistribute to their favored gang bangers. Not under any marketplace of competition or colorblind system of regulation, but under a hierarchical regime headed by their choice of MacDaddy Despot.
So, until society regains its senses, I do not want ANY hyphenate to become President ever again. All hyphenates need to be put back in their cribs and not be consulted about matters of politics until they show some signs of growing up. Somehow, authority to participate in the politics of a representative republic needs to be more closely tied to demonstrated individual competence and responsibility. The right to vote ought not be freely conferred to every perpetually infantilized adolescent. Especially so long as he/she/it presents more as a hyphenate than as an American.

In taking action to restore America, Trump will be investigating the waste, fraud and abuse of years of establishmentarian rule. Establishmentarians don't want that. So they deflect. They want to short circuit Trump's coming investigations of their shenanighans by preempting with their own "investigations," bent to a preconceived story: That their corruption in taking Russian and Saudi money should be laid at Trump's door instead of their own. Progs are truly some foul sh eest.

The philosophers of human dignity and Identity. Asimov and Rand, when they took off their anti-god blinkers. Further back, de Tocqueville.
According to your link,
In a past life I was a knight, born in 1437 somewhere in the territory of Southern Germany. My father was a castle guard, and my mother was an ordinary peasant. I was loyal to my king, so he rewarded me with a large area of land.
Well, it's pretty to think so. :)

Fundamentally, I suspect we have been, are, and will be, all the same person. "The interconnected I."
The only difference between that -- and what we now present as -- abides with degrees (fractaled layers and levels) of separation.
If so, the better questions, in "Kevin Bacon terms," are:
- With which previous and present expressions of personage do "you" feel (intuitively and empathetically) most closely connected?
- And, how should you, as presently your own dignity, seek meaningfulness with which to express yourself, freely?
in free participation, because you own "your" self. To not assert responsibility for such ownership of yourself is to fall back into a sub-human state. In respect of being human, such falling back would be regression, not progression. In that respect, Collectivizing Progs are Regressives, not Progressives. But then, Progs always like to wash words through Orwellian Cycles.
It may be that this exact context only goes around once. But "you" do not only go around once. IOW, YOLO is b.s. "You," like Jacob Marley, continue to have an investment in that for which you have been responsible.


The reason Libs are so tolerant of Mohammadism is because they care so much about tolerance.  What a cruelly pretzyled hoax these faux Libs are to themselves!

All so they can follow a despot that convinces them that, by doing so (and being PC) they can "justifiably" feel good about themselves.  Very sad.  Very intellectually stunted.


Don't be blind to the anti-white male strategy of the Dems. They outright seek demographic warfare as a way to drown the U.S. under hordes of incoming illegal, third-world, non-white, liberty-illiterate, cultural-socialists.
There are no bigger anti-American racists than among the Dems.
Real Americans believe in the American Ideal of individual freedom and dignity. Your people believe in selling out that birthright for a mess of looted pottage. Teaching people how to revile individual competence, responsibility, and independence is not charitable.
Agitating gang-bangers to loot opm by voting for a living, to use gov force to take the produce of others, is not charitable. It is sick, subhuman, racist, undignified, crap. There is a difference between taxing to sustain gov infrastructure that benefits all versus taxing to pay special favors to professional moochers. But your deep training to be a moocher precludes you from seeing it.
If one drop of black blood entitles one to affirmative action and special lootings, then does one drop of white blood oblige one to pay reparations? Go work on your "objective" redistribution scheme based on skin color. Boy, talk about Hitlerian racism! Look in the mirror. Oh, and don't forget to hit the ban button, so you can continue to nurture your fellow racist subhumanoids under a rock.

Doesn't "stronger together" sound, well, fascist-ish? Even gang-banger-ish? Who are they "stronger together" against? Well, the Deplorables. IOW, responsible, working adults.
To become "stronger together," Libs even want to import help from Muslims. The reason Libs are so tolerant of Mohammadism is because they "care so much" about tolerance. Irony: What a cruelly pretzyled hoax these faux Libs are to themselves!
All so they can follow a despot that would convince them that, by doing so (and being PC) they can "justifiably" feel good about themselves. Very sad. Very intellectually stunted.

Did 17 different agencies each come to their initial "conclusions" independently, or were they all simply regurgitating from the same script? Does anyone know?

For a time, it so happened that whites tended to have the best advantages in America. For some time now, however, that is not necessarily the case. And many whites are actually mixed. Persons of all skin tones have been able to succeed in America. And anyone that unfairly discriminates (against non-whites) based solely on race will likely suffer in the marketplace -- both in the marketplace of commodities and services and in the marketplace of ideas.
What is holding some mixed tones back is a mix of factors: Being deliberately discouraged by our school system; being set up for failure by our school system; being mollycoddled by our welfare system; being encouraged to be a drag by our cultural and entertainment leaders; tending to have fewer successful ancestors to inherit money and values from.
That is how life is. Nature is not fair or equal. Nature discriminates and selects. But every individual can still participate to become the best that he can be.
Millions of people have far more challenging problems than feelings about skin color. Many are born severely handicapped, in third world hellholes, or in societies that allow very little freedom of speech, association, or enterprise.
To entrust central bureaucrats to impose some formula for handicapping or advantaging every person based on personal or appearance factors as a way to impose fairness would make no more sense than to entrust central bureaucrats to impose economic decisions without reference to any marketplace. In either case, the regime that agglomerates power to do so will necessarily be hypocritical, unfair, inefficient, and, ultimely, despotic. The people that so advocate need to be sent squealing back to their cribs -- until they grow better sense.

An America run by competent, respectful, decent, responsible, culturally assimilated people is better for all Americans.

But deliberately disenfranchising (or demoting) everyone (with one drop?) of white blood would be a racist way to empower the Dem Party. To advocate that every mixed white must take a back seat to everyone with more or less mixed white blood is racist, illogical, arbitrary, hypocritical, immature, subhuman, uncivilized, anti-assimilation, and, fundamentally, anti-American. It is the kind of thinking that a Prog, Alinsky, Hitler, or unprincipled people-breeding farmer would indulge. Everyone that can think readily sees the idiocy. Which is why such advocacy appeals to Progs: They self select for idiocy.

Leftys cannot tolerate Conservatives' failing to pick up the tab to pay for their free stuff. Leftys cannot understand what Conservatives have against free stuff.

It's a shared lust for blood meals. A parasite is a parasite.

He believes in a different Immanuel: The Immanuel of the material free stuff -- provided the free stuff is paid for by a different Immanuel: Emmanuel Goldstein, aka Other People.

The '49'ers had gold rush fever. Anti-Americans have blood rush fever. They are like co-sub-contractors for destroying Western Civ. Except no Prime Contractor unites or pays them. Rather, they simply all smell blood and have found easy ways to suck it. Some have become very fat ticks, indeed: Soros, Billery, oligarchs united against Trump.
There is an effective repellent. It is a mix of the civic and religious values of the Founders. However, the ACLU has washed most of those values away, leaving us exposed to swarms of parasites. Trump is trying to apply those values again. At first, it is a messy task. But soon, the toll taken by zapping parasites will restore the health of the nation.

The only DDT so far found effective to stop infestations of radical "shtrugglers" is made of a religious combination, such as the combination of the values of the Founders and the inspiration of the New Testament. We have no other way to stop sociopathic madhat-terism.
Switching metaphors, the ACLU (Rehab-Rahab) has embraced Mohammad/Marx/Manson/Murdoch instead of Joshua, and it has greased the way for parasites of Islam, Marxism, and People-Farmers to combine in order to dissolve the glue and bring down the walls of Western Civ.

A virtueless parasite is a virtueless parasite. And virtueless parasites recognize and cooperate with one another whenever convenient to get their blood meals.
There is no other reason to account for the cooperation of convenience between atheistic American Jews, Islamic radicals, Alinsky sociopathic looters, race baiters, and cronycrat shills for oligarchic people farmers (and their moronic profs and indoctrinated "students").
They are the Rainbow Coalition, and they "peacefully coexist" with one another only so long as convenient to suck all the blood out of Western Civ.

All parasites, including Dems (Alinsky commies united with cronycrat fascists) follow their parasitism religiously. Soros is as much a true believer in Radical Parasitism as the most radical of koran screamers or bible thumpers. Committed Progs that claim not to be true belivers (religious zealots) are liars that often know not even their own lying. Their faux-higher mindedness and "giving back" is always rationalized to their selfish material gain. Decency is not in them. And they do not hesitate in the least to groom innocent children.

Religion is spread by inspiring belief, not by shocking people into Stockholm Syndrome. The First Amendment does not grant the free exercise of methods for imposing Stockholm Syndrome. There is nothing of "free exercise" in Islam. Islam is practiced to obtain advantage and to keep from getting stoned. Otherwise, Islam would not be, and indeed is not, believed in any rational sense of the word. No rational person, outside an area where Islam is practiced, would read the Koran and be impressed with its faux-reasoning.

There is no co-existence with Islam. Nor with any sociopath who believes there is no such thing as your property, but only his right to what you claim as your property. Nor with infantile, incompetent, entitlement-mongers that follow any creed that denies you can earn the right to keep that to which you dedicate your enterprise.
Thus, there is no peaceful co-existence with Muslims, Marxists, some kinds of Anarchists, and people-farming cronycrats for oligarchs. All tend to be incorrigible threats against human decency, dignity, and liberty, and therefore they are fundamentally evil. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance against the incorrigible evil of all such predators and parasites.
The alternative path to suicide is easy: Just invite such incorrigibles into your homes and societies until their fascist gang-bangery tips to destroy your capacity for self defense. Within the corporatism of a fat society, about 2 percent of radicalized evil-doers would do it. That is the power of radicalized fascism.

There is no way to refute someone who has made a lifetime either of avoiding good sense or of pulling the remnants of his brains under his belt. When you say "f wits," you're obviously projecting, You never had anything sensible to say to refute to begin with. No "out of the crib" for you.

Are Dems more likely than Conservatives to feel lost when they lose a leader?
IOW, is it more likely that a person who depends on another to think for him and tell him what to do will feel lost once the umbilical cord between his cranium and their brain is severed?
Yes, I suspect there is much to that. That may account in part for the diminished, aged, lost, and uninspiring crew of Dems now warming their bench over an ash heap of bad ideas.


Meditative prayer entails feedback with the Source of the Cosmos (sometimes called God),  A sense of good faith and goodwill.  People aren't simply "told" by God what to do.  In a state of good faith and good will, they receive feedback guidance.  The quality of that guidance can be enhanced or made more decent or civilizing by communicating about such meditations with others. 

That often produces a shared language, or framework of metaphors and sacred stories.  They are meant to be inspirational and to facilitate moral communication.  Not necessarily to be scientifically factual.  It tends to be monstrous to try to stamp out such communications,  That is the evil of militant atheists.

There is another kind of evil.  It is the evil of frothy literalistic believers, bent on forcing people to ignore practical realities.  Of that, the life of Jim Jones is an exemplar.

Too many people are made to suffer on account of unbalanced and evil feuds between militant atheists and frothy metaphysicians.


That each conscious individual is simply a spatial-temporal-contextual perspective of that Conscious Source which has always been, is, and will always be.
Some people have become so devoted to math and logic that their essential sense of being is blocked from sensing/intuiting That Which Otherwise Would Be Apparent, much as A is A. It is not apparent to the inferior senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, balance, etc.). It is apparent only to the Sense Of Being. It is not amenable of the sort of empirical analyses and algorithmic functions with which the inferior senses deal.
A person cannot derive subjective and immeasurable "ought" solely from objective and measurable "is." A person devoted entirely to that which is objectively measurable will tend to have less appreciation for the necessity of subjective appreciation regarding concerns of morality. (Good faith and good will necessarily refer to subjective aspects.)
It is not hard for a person who has lost contact with his subjective, moral self to become a grotesquely "equalizing" monster, much as various socialists, communists, and atheists have been throughout history. Conversely, it is not hard for a person who, in religious zeal, has lost contact with his objective senses to become a monster in the service of bafflegab mumblings supposedly "understood" by an oracle or prophet.
A decent person needs a sense of balance, both for that which is physically measurable and that which is spiritually immeasurable but qualitatively appreciable. Unfortunately, rulers, systems, and cultural niches often devolve to turn people into farm animals, either by diverting and blocking their sense of connection to higher beingness (Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot) or by indoctrinating them to ignore practical, objective reality (Mohammad, Jim Jones).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you think (mediate) before you do (act). And I hope you nurture insight and information regarding other people before you do to them. They are more than widgets! :)


Curious: You cannot derive moral ought from scientific is. So, if not from an innate source of empathy for your co-travelers, where do you get your moral code? If not from physics or metaphysics, from what or where? If just from within yourself, isolated from contextual feedbacks, that would have little to do with what most people have in mind when they talk about a moral compass.

Do you think you're concerned only with being thought by others to reliably follow certain principles or rules (pretense), or are you actually concerned with trying to live up to your idea of a moral code? Where did you start to get this moral code (good faith and good will), if you did not come pre-equipped with it?

Caution: If you answer, you're probably meditating as much as doing.