Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Elitist Ruled Governance v. Representative Republicanism

Facts, good faith, good will, and higher-mindedness mean little to those that find union by believing in little more than relieving their sex and pleasure drives.
It might be worthwhile to conceptualize distinctions in religious and higher-minded trends between Pilgrims and Fellow Travelers.
Pilgrims can be conceptualized as vessels seeking to express the unfolding guidance of the Reconciler.  Fellow Travelers can be conceptualized as gland-bots seeking to find and live in an actual physical land of Unicorns.
 Pilgrims leave heaven to heaven.  Fellow Travelers want to establish their own heaven on earth, sans God.  Pilgrims seek direct, personal, intuitive, feedback relationships with the Reconciler.  Fellow Travelers seek by "moral science" to divine the best expert system for the mass-bots to be ruled under elites (and messenger-prophet-intermeddler-knowitalls enforcing systems of despotism). 
Pilgrims may be Christians, Spiritualists, Seekers, Responsible Employers, Faithful Americans, Believers in Good Faith and Good Will.  Their mainstays tend to be faith, family, fidelity.
Fellow Travelers tend to consist of the Rainbow Coalition of Parasites, Progs, Gays, Pleasure Addicts, Commies, Pervs, Choomers, Child Groomers, Pushers, Oligarchs, People Farmers, Moral Scientists, Ethical Experts, Prof Knowitalls, SJWs, BLMs, OWSs, CAIR, ACLU, Butt Buddies, Polyamorists, Legalistic Busybodies, Jihadis, Gang Bangers, Mafiosi, Ignoranti, and Corrupti.  Their mainstays tend to be sex, drugs, and violence.  Seasoned with self deception, lying, and rationalization (called "social science") twisted to serve pleasure.
What unites Fellow Travelers seems to be only two things:  Their mutual incompetence as individuals, and their unresolvable hatred against Pilgrims -- whose blood they in common want to suck.


Money can attract robbers much the same as law-making can attract hardcore abnormals.  The consequence is that robbers and abnormals often enjoy a naturally advantageous organizing principle.  Even a small two percentage of them can soon snowball to poison an otherwise decent society.  Why have small groups of malcontents, outcasts, and deviants acquired so much power over modern societies and nations, while the rest remain asleep or at work -- tired, silent, distracted, divided, and ruled?  What can arouse and inspire them periodically to reassimilate and throw off some of the robbers, abnormals, diversity-dis-assimilators, and people-farmers?

Human dignity relates to freedom of expression and enterprise within parameters of good faith and good will. However, specific cultural applications of those parameters vary. Participatory freedom requires tolerance for sustainable yet evolving ranges of disorder. This necessitates tolerance for different metaphoric approaches to spirituality.
Some ways of being will be outside decent parameters of tolerance. To tolerate them is to tolerate the destruction of human freedom, dignity, and decency. For a Western representative republic, Islam, for example, is outside the range of reasonable tolerance.
People become emotionally and spiritually attached to their culturally imbued metaphoric approaches to religiosity. No cold rational study of "the best religious dogma" can substitute for those ever evolving attachments. Nor, for mortals, does there abide any best specific way of being in all concerns. Rather, our ways of being are subject to constant flux in feedback with the guidance of the Reconciler. To be a participating human, as opposed to a subhuman, requires no less.
It would not be humane for any group of hubristic scholars, no matter how elite, to prescribe (as opposed to recommend) a specific set of belief applications for all persons, worldwide. Subject to tolerable parameters, let human beings participate to assimilate their own spiritual approaches to their ways of being in the world. Within limits of common decency, let every person aspire in his/her own way to be guided by the Holy Book of the Cosmos. In faith, family, and fidelity, let communities and congregations find common patterns out of otherwise chaos. A lot of people choose their congregations based more on the quality of members than on the strictures of dogma.


A better report could likely be written finding a "pattern or practice" of NWO-funded racial divisiveness and anti-social crybullying behavior egged on by hired race-baiters, shills, and cronycrats.
Research may well show that the number of incidents, per capita, has correlated with the amount of cherry-picked media coverage. Deeper investigation may reveal that the quality and quantity of media coverage has been coordinated by talking points organized by agents working for media owners. Problem is, what outlet would publish or promote any such a study?
Studies could be made to compare proportions of "social justice" courses offered, degrees awarded, communities agitated, student loans defaulted, families broken up, police calls made, incidents of civilian violence reported. Sift that data, to see if its explanatory power may exceed that of some generalized blaming of "white privilege" or "racist white genes" or "nasty American culture." Compare with like investigations made of cultures where the masses are under the more direct rule of "beneficent elites."

Elitist Capitalism: Buying and selling political influence in order to suck up fiat money, natural resources, and worldwide cheap labor. That's what Chinese Capitalism is. That's what the NWO wanted the U.S. to become. That's what makes China a good fit for partnerships with Strongman Republics.
That's what would bury freedom and dignity for the masses for a millennium. That's what the Rainbow Coalition of incompetents, layabouts, choomers, addicts, blood suckers, shills, and cronycrats want. They do not want to feel inferior to their obvious betters -- morally, energetically, or talent-wise. That is why they will unite with faithless oligarchs to suck America dry -- if they can be allowed.
Without a free market in other nations, despotic nations would have no measure for how to allocate or distribute production. With no representative republic, despotic nations would have no compass for human rights. If the U.S. were to throw in the towel and surrender representative republicanism to elitist capitalism, human "rights" for the masses would soon be buried for a millennium.
With no guiding marketplace or moral compass, economies and societies would soon become both poor and depraved.
Brain-emasculated Progs do not want the diversity of a competitive marketplace. They want an elitist-run marketplace. Brain-emasculated Progs do not want the human rights of a representative republic. They want the beneficent security of a "moral oligarchy." Progs want the "diversity" of a faith-depraved world without freedom or dignity for the masses. A world of serfs ruled by elitists, all cowering before their common evil hubris. A world of desperate and cheap laborers, being forcibly led to chant about how wonderful is the security and riches provided by their NWO.

The plutocracy is the establishment that owns the media-academy-entertainment-banking apparatus. That establishment was almost unanimously opposed to Trump. Why? Because he wanted to restore the political-economic viability of the middle class of people that want to regain their freedom of expression and enterprise.

These kinds of political parties are more like religious sects than practical leaders. Some worship the All Powerful Wizard of Oz (lovers of Soros-like oligarchic benign-rulers), others worship the Good Fairie of the East (love-everybody commie co-existers). Both try to force systems that cannot work outside of Fairyland. Because of that, they are allies for destruction, during which we fall to the default condition: Rule under roving bands of assorted delinquents, derelicts, deviants, demons, and despots.
There is a way out of despotism, but it requires enormous courage and unrelenting vigilance. The way out is not in Pinkie-Wagging Femi-Fairyland.
Comment: Odd, that Progloids whose minds dwell in the "land" of Oz and Fairies tend to be so quick to cast aspersions concerning the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Unicornism, utopianism, communism, anarchy, and democracy do not exist except in the delusions of fairies and demons. There are two political systems: Service to Rulers (under oligarchy) and Free Enterprise by Citizens (under representative republicanism).
Many republics are in name only, and are far from representative. For its establishment and sustenance, a representative republic requires a citizenry with assimilated and mutually supportive values, forums for inculcating and supporting good faith and good will, a recognized system for checking and legitimizing laws and enforcement practices, and the will and means for defending itself.
In recorded history, it has been rare that enough parts of the recipe would come together to produce a representative republic. And it is easy to lose. As by throwing forums for inculcating and assimilating values into doubt and disarray. Opening borders to the invasion of liberty-illiterate hordes. Allowing political leaders to sell political favors to foreign despots by laundering bribes as charitable contributions to foundations. Giving authority to create fiat money to NWO oligarchs and their servant-shills. Weeding all thinkers opposed to the destruction of the republic out of academia. Promising phony free stuff to the lofo weed/lotus eaters.
Because of this, the emergence of a representative republic is a rare flower. Strong while its members are fresh in understanding. Weak as their success makes their progeny soft. This is why the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, while the existence of demagogic despotism is the default condition of humankind -- ever since the invention of agriculture.
The choices are republicanism or despotism. All the rest is confused commentary, often used to keep political parties divided. The test for a decent society: What is needed to establish and sustain a system that facilitates free thinking and free enterprise for its members? Answer: Faith, family, fidelity. Not godlessness, marrying the gov, pansexuality, or selfish hedonism run amuck. Not choomers, pervs, goosestepping parasites, commies, anarchists, gender fluids, pinkie-waggers, little girl groomers, law-drooling-atheists, or brain-split musloids.

Hitler was about developing a master race to eliminate, enslave, rule, or dominate over all others. He would have called Stalin whatever prejudicial name he could conjure up to tar him as a subhumanizing throwback. Such is the way of demagogic despots. Hitler had command of the media-academia-entertainment-banking apparatus.
Trump is about facilitating a land of free thinking, free enterprising individuals. Trump does not care about race or gender. He cares about citizens that can help preserve a free republic. He does not have command of the media-academia-entertainment-banking apparatus. Rather, their miscalculating greed and hubris leads them to cover him. But the command of that is in oligarchic wannabe people-farmers bent on replacing every free-thinking republic with docile, reeducated, politically correct, useful drones, femimen, feminazis, and other swishing and looting goosesteppers. None of whom could sustain a free or decent republic without the exertions of their moral betters.
Whatever the moral defects in proggies, they will always be first to project as if others were the cause.

When the Establishment rids itself of Trump, who can replace him to stand against them?
What assimilation of faith will support them? What store of power and mutual good will and good faith will they draw from?
If we were assured, how did we come so close to being buried for a millennium under a nasty rainbow uniparty of derelicts, deviants, pervs, pansexuals, choomers, layabouts, looters, entitlement-mongers, crybullies, race-baiters, pimps, shills, influence peddlers, corruption-launderers, phony profs, phony-charities, phony priests, parasites, and self-godded social-cannibals?
Trump is smart to recognize the crying need for good religious leaders and prayers for his and our guidance. The alternative is dark and bleak.

The Leftoid Media lies, then whines when Trump corrects their lies. They reserve the right to lie, for themselves. Also the right to tip the scales, recast the burden of proof, cheat to even the odds, get out the dead vote. suck the blood of producers, and to require adults to clean up after them. In the nature of things, it's often easier to be a bloodsucker than a producer. Bloodsuckers always "immigrate" to where the producers are, but never want to produce for themselves. Spare the crib, be ruled by Leftoids. That is what Trump means to stop.

When proggies load their diapers, they always think it's someone else's fault. We don't care. Back to the crib. And change yourself, for Pete's sake! You're supposed to be an adult by now.

Obama was thought to be offering handouts. Trump is thought to be offering work. Work-minded people are a different breed. It would be interesting to have an estimate to show how many Obama attendees had responsible jobs. Frankly, I don't much care how many bums, looters, illegals, and crybullies showed up.

The Left can function only so long as the media-academia-entertainment apparatus run by the self-godded oligarchy can hide behind its curtain. Whether technology will allow that curtain of corruption-ignorance to hold together remains to be seen. The purpose of Conservers of Liberty is to dissolve that curtain, to encourage each individual to become a competent, contributing member of a free-thinking, free-enterprising society. Leftoids hate that because it clears away the drugged delusions in which they prefer to live.

I suspect the Uniparty-NWO model for how people are farmed in politics affects the model for how they are farmed in business. When you have an open society, open bordered, recruitment of serfs worldwide, you effectively reduce every worker to compete with the most desperate among the lowest common denominator.
The workers hardly dare to complain, knowing they can be fired simply by replacing them. Moreover, politicians and managers can fool the most ignorant and corrupt of the little guys by paying lip service to a multitude of "equal rights to fairness." They can hoodwink lofos to get their support when it's convenient, then sob crocodile tears as workers and citizens are replaced wholesale and all the jobs, industries, and resources are sucked out of the country that was made and preserved by the sweat and blood of their betters.
Those at the top tend to be the last to suffer. They can consolidate power and wealth -- even as the general citizenry is fed with contrived statistics, jimmied definitions, bait and switch, and general emasculation.
I suspect most modern business, tax, and political models have been contrived to use political mooching to increase wealth and power at the top while spreading division, confusion, and delusions everywhere below. And this is sold as equality, free stuff, free trade, fairness, hope, orgasm, and "best management practices."
Krauthammer has been criticizing Trump because Trump does not follow the NWO/MBA model. Krauthammer thinks reality (the political uniparty of shills and cronycrats for NWO oligarchs) will neuter Trump. I suspect not. DJT can hurt Congressional Representatives by going over their heads and over the heads of the oligarchy and its captive media-academia-entertainment apparatus. Trump has demonstrated that he can likely go to any Representative's District and summon hordes of supporters if need be to defenestrate Congress of parasites.
Honest, responsible, working Eloi know Trump is for them and against the Morloch Class. Trump and they know the NWO Establishment has perverted the ideal of free trade."" They know the NWO version is not free trade of durable goods, but free trade for the buying and selling of political favors and entire systems of governance.
This is why it is vital, as soon as possible, to nurture thousands of Trumps. (I am Spartacus; I am Trump.) It is a near certainty that many among the NWO Oligarchy will be on edge, looking for the opening to remove Trump -- one way or another. First, they will hammer by using the lofos, dumases, feministas, femimen, deluded profs, law-addled atheistic commies, treasonous talking heads, venomous lawyers and judges. All along, these evildoers will be adverting, "Will no one rid us of this turbulent priest." Keep the Tree of Liberty dear to your heart.

God does not need a name. The unifying, connecting, reconciling, source for the unfolding experience of Consciousness abides. It responds to the parts; the parts respond to the whole. Immeasurable freedom and responsibility are experienced within measurable parameters. Not with free will, but with participatory will. The engine that fluxes both the holism and the parts abides -- with good faith and goodwill.
Good faith (Great Commandment) and good will (Golden Rule) help make us what we conceptualize, what we consume, what we eat, what we admire. If we admire evil, we will produce evil, and even make God out to be a monster.
Without the dignity of individual freedom and responsibility (freedom of expression and of enterprise), both spirituality and religion become a sham. A belief is something you believe. Not something you pretend to believe in order to avoid giving offense or being killed for apostasy.
Take the parables and metaphors of religious leaders and remember that they are parables and metaphors. They add meaningful poetry and pathos to communications. They form common language bonds. But they are NOT literal, measurable truths. At least, no one has given a rigorous, math-based, peer-reviewed, scientifically acceptable proof of the existence or precise moral purposes of the Godhead.
Rather, what we have are innate intuitions and empathies of higher-minded good faith and good will. Innate, because the Godhead abides. Innate, because it is impossible for a sane human being to live very long without forming some kind of moral code based in higher mindedness. However, most of the rest, when pushed to literalisms, is bafflegab. And often pimped for evil purposes by phony knowitall intermeddlers.
The Godhead abides. Feeds back. Reconciles. Is promoted by inspiring metaphors communicated among congregants. Holds everyone responsible. Does not excuse following phony intermeddlers who claim literalistic authority while talking in bafflegab. During our mortal sojourn, that is enough.

Many DO still have appreciation for the American Culture, as exemplified in the Declaration of Independance, the Bill of Rights, the ideals of freedom and dignity, the representative republic, the expectation of adult competency and responsibility, the idea of earning your keep, respect for the good faith and good will of persons assimilated to the American Ideal, and impatience with toenail-regulating law-droolers.
As opposed to the default condition of most of humanity: Rule of dupes, incompetents, ignoranti, and corrupti under oligarchic people farmers.
Without the American system of free enterprise and marketplaces, socialistic nations would have little guidance for how to allocate or price resources or production. Without respect for the American ideal of freedom and dignity for individuals regardless of race or gender, the idea of human rights would reduce to a farce.

Read *Colossians 1:21.  Then get back and tell me what made you expert for saying as fact who or what is or is not Christian?

*"And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled." --  https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/k/kjv/kjv-idx?type=DIV1&byte=5213809; https://bible.org/seriespage/12-reconciliation.

Some things fall clearly within parameters of facts, and some fall in an overlap with interpretive opinion. What color is a traffic light really, to a color blind person? When you read something from the media, can you tell from that alone what it is reporting that is true versus false versus edited to a purpose? Do you believe that all things that are written as facts in truth are facts? How do you know? Can you tell the difference? For thinking persons, my answer would be: Test what you are told for consistency, coherence, completeness, context, and likely agenda of the presenter. Do you have some special sunglasses that make you an expert for knowing and reporting facts?

A trivial fact would be a fact that is true by definition. One is one. Two is one plus one. Etc. The non-trivial Reality in which we live is a Reality that we only approach in understanding, even as it continuously recedes.
For awhile, Progs thought they could explicate a "theory of everything" that would sew reality up in a nice basket of "facts." That notion has been largely discredited since Godel. If you want to discuss this, please read up a bit.
The problem with the facts that Progs claim to know is that so many of them just don't amount to what they think they do. Why else would so many Progs have been left with their pants down as the election results came in?

I understand that non-trivial facts are not as well or easily understood as you presume. I understand that facts are bound to parameters, but that all parameters eventually flux and change. How we conceptualize, what we read, what we value, what we consume, and what we eat all affect that process.
I am guided by the Reconciler, but I do not claim to know the mind of the Reconciler. Nor do I want to subjugate the U.S. to a system of elitist-regulated despotism posing as noblesse oblige. I prefer the sustenance of a society that has assimilated to embrace good faith and good will, instead of elitist regulation down to the toenails.
I think you cherry pick your "facts" to rationalize the destruction of the representative republic, to replace it with a demented vision of a NWO of unicornish "fairness and equality." With faithless oligarchs laughing uproariously behind the scenes with Screwtape.

People are people. A lot of them are of considerably below average intellect or moral fiber. A lot of them are faithless people-farmers. A lot of them have been brain-emasculated by steady, agenda-driven drumbeats in the media-academia-entertainment complex that is owned and operated by and for an oligarchy.
Not every society is suited to be governed under a system of representative republicanism. To subordinate the U.S. to a global system would necessarily be to reduce it to a lowest common denominator, wherein the masses would be farmed in ghetto bins, kept divided in diversity- ghettos to facilitate their being ruled. Obama, Billery, and Bushies want "fundamental transformation" that would eradicate the society that loves the Bill of Rights. Subhumanization on steroids.

People call themselves deplorables because they are making fun of race-on-the-brain dumas progloids. Your name calling does not scare them anymore. Indeed, they will return fire and give as good as they get.

Sam Harris on that point. Sam Harris is a very smart person who takes the stance of an atheist (as does David Deutsch, btw). I do not consider myself an atheist. I think a spiritual feedback aspect is unavoidable, yet immeasurable. Yet is abides with good faith and good will.
I think to surrender responsibility for one's good faith and good will to the regimens of elitists (faux "moral scientists") is to make oneself a subhuman. I think Progs that want to replace the representative republic with a NWO to be run by "moral scientists" in the employ of faithless oligarchs is to pursue hell on earth. ACLU Lawyers' Paradise in substitution for the Bill of Rights is elitist dumbassery.
I don't give a damm about race. You're suffering from race-on-the-brain. Many of the (white) founders did the best they could to facilitate an early eradication of slavery. Trump does not give a damm about race. He wants good Americans that want to MAGA. If Progs are so concerned with using expert-ruled-reams-of-regulations to promote "fairness and equality," then why do they want to flood the U.S. with cultures that despise equal rights for women and that promote Sharia Law?

To appreciate non-trivial "facts," try David Deutsch's The Beginning of Infinity.

A responsible adult will tend to subject all "news" to comparative tests for consistency, coherence, and completeness. But that pursuit is a receding one. A person can strive to approach reconciliation of facts, but, except in trivialities, will never quite achieve it.
That requires too much effort for Progloids. So they tend to give up the effort and simply surrender to their puppet master's (bread butterer's) interpretation. Chortling and chooming all the way to the farm bin.

Sam Harris has argued that science should be an authority on moral issues. In America, advocating for the replacement or eradication of the Bill of Rights is in-American. Fundamentally, the Founders meant for the U.S. to be a representative republic. Not an elitist ruled despotism, whose elite class consider themselves "too big" to be bound to obey the law. I mean "loid" to have to do with the process of sub-humanization. A person who refuses to aspire to become an adult, responsible for his own expression and enterprise, is a perpetual "loid." Prog is short for Progressive (i.e., desirous of elitist rule). Progloid is descriptive of an incompetent who wants to be given free lunches and safe spaces to be paid for by other people's money. Militant Progloids tend to run riot among hordes of looting bloodsuckers.

The meaning of facts is affected by context and point of view. And those are often edited and cherry picked to a contrived purpose. The alternative purpose of Progloids is the replacement of the representative republic with a people-farmed elitist-NWO.
It is amazing how the Oligarchy hides in plain sight as it funds and cheaply bribes all the useful idiots to march into their respective farm bins. Hillary in effect explained that Progloids are easily deceived or blinded (as by hubris, dopery, and "free lunches").

Progloids are anti-Americans, i.e., people that want to be ruled by "moral experts." Progloids have a clear mandate from their puppet masters. That's their huckleberry patch of facts.

Thinking people know that alternative facts" simply refers to facts ignored (often deliberately) by cherry-picking (out-of-context-editing) Progloids. The very emphasis by Progs on the phrase "alternative facts" is illustrative of their immersion in their alternative cherry patch.

Voter fraud does not have to be massive to be effective. The Left wants to keep the lights off so it can do its voodoo in the dark. The miracle is that the Left miscalculated and did not do quite enough fraud this time around. Probably because a parallel wave of disgust overrode it.

Fractional vote tallying. Sounds like the "Goldilocks"care the Allies took when they broke the Enigma Code. They didn't use the info gained in every case. Just enough so the Germans would not suspect, and just enough to facilitate an expeditious victory.
Would an Elitist Uniparty deploy such a Goldilocks strategy against the Republic? Well, do some mosquitos distract you with buzzing while others step lightly just before they suck your blood?

To keep hot the issue of voter fraud is to keep active the question of why the Left is against voter ID. To promote individual freedom and responsibility is to question the unstated assumption of the Left, which is that we should better be ruled by expert elites than by a system of representative republicanism. This raises suspicions that the Left wants to destroy the republic and replace it with the "noblesse oblige" of aristocrats and oligarchs. This in turn raises questions: How much power has the oligarchy already agglomerated; how much can it be trusted; what could and would it do as it generates means, opportunity, and motive?
If voter fraud is not extensive, it is not because of any innate virtue in the Left or in its puppet masters. If voter fraud is not yet extensive, then, given trend lines, it is no less important to ensure that such remains the case.
If the alliance of the Left and the Oligarchs is not intent on destroying the republic by all means available, then questions are begged: Why is the Aino-Uniparty so relentless in wanting to import liberty illiterates into the citizenry? Why is it so relentless in discrediting all responsible, middle class, producers? Why does the media-academia-entertainment complex that is owned and operated by the Oligarchy come across as so one-sided and dishonest? Why is it so invested in preserving the political-financial-laundering of the DC status quo, while it sues and shouts to preclude even the hint of the same among its challengers?
Nothing in the scruples of the Left for desiring the destruction of the republic hinders it from committing vast voter fraud if or when it deems such to be helpful or necessary. If voter fraud was not as extensive as Trump suspects, that would likely be because the Left thought it already had the election in the bag by other measures of hackery. For the future, it is no less urgent to the preservation of the republic to true the vote.
It is nonsensical and scurrilous for a movement that wants to kill the representative republic to claim that it does not want to make public voting irrelevant.

Are there any executive offices at the city, county, state, or federal level that are free to disseminate info to the press without coordinating the same through guidelines or press liaisons? I suspect such coordinating controls are commonplace -- regardless of whether the elected head is a Democrat or a Republican. Given the encrusted progloidian nature of the bureaucracy, it is probably particularly difficult for elected Republicans to get subordinates to adhere to the same guidelines. Evidently, Trump intends to scrape some barnacles.

Trump rightly recognized his Yuge base of support. But Progloids have infested every institution. They thought they had power to take him down. They in effect chose to make him the opposition. They gave him boatloads of free air time, mis-believing free-thinking American non-snowflakes would disown him. It's a beautiful thing to watch Trump effortlessly dismantle the Hitlerian Fascist Leftoids. The guys that don't know totalitarianism from shinola. The guys that can't get enough of living under the rule of Establishmentarian Elites because they are helpless to change their own diapers.
Just keep doing what you're doing. Please. I'm hoping to see Progloids sent scurrying, hiding from daylight. Loving it! Now they think they can make it counterproductive for Trump to counterpunch. Wrong! Most Americans love to see cockroaches being counterpunched! Just keep on. You know you want to. You know you have to. Watching Prog demise is a beautiful thing.

Facts are facts. But Lefties especially cherry pick and edit among the facts they like. Prime example: Making hay out of attendance at Obama's Inagurations. As if such were not expected, given the number of gov and welfare leeches living around DC, the years of conditioning for crybullies, and the monies spent by funders of the NWO to hoodwink the sheeple. And then doubling down to denigrate the obvious nationwide support for Trump, notwithstanding new TSA chokepoints. Then having the gall to call other people deceivers! What a lot of diapered babies Lefties are!

China is the model for societies where elitists -- by force or deceit -- rule the masses in all matters of significance. If you want to trade your freedom and dignity for a little more security, that is your model. However, that model tends eventually to have only crony markets and crony ethics. That elitist model tends towards economies without marketplaces and mores without moral compasses. Its progress is towards subhumanization. The U.S. should aspire to be the exemplar for a different model: A model for representative republicanism that checks against crony mooching of gov favors. A brake against the subhumanizing NWO.

Globalism would reduce people to a lowest common denominator of serfs, divided and ruled by oligarchs. Territories would be more business based instead of geography based. But the people would still be agitated and kept in divided sectors -- the better to rule them. Atheists, Muslims, Anarchists, Commies, Greenies, Unicornists. Divided, but serfs -- all of them.

That's the point of free exercise of religion! You don't have to accede to any organized religion. A good many attend organized churches based more on the quality of the congregation and preacher than on literalistic belief. For them, the shared language of poetry and metaphors facilitates communication of moral feelings.
Why oppose the Great Commandment (good faith) or the Golden Rule (good will)? Why oppose localities seeking to assimilate shared purposes, as opposed to central gov fiat ordered up by secular law busybodies?
Leave atheistic progs in charge and they will invent as many busybody regulations against expression and enterprise as wouid be prescribed for diets by the most fanatic devotees of kosher or halal. Guess how much influence such people have on the ACLU, SCOTUS, Hollywood, etc.?
Less religion with more secularism greases the way for more busybody regulators. As if more laws would make us more moral or more charitable. After all, the Great Society was so successful for the Black Community. Not.

 You know, atheists always say they are as moral in their mind's eye as anyone else. If you like the way things were shaping up before Trump was elected, I suppose you can say that. I don't buy it. I think Soros-moral-ilk were leading the world into an open season for parasites and predators to gang up to suck the blood of producers. I think we got a second chance by a miracle.

The Mexican kakistocratic narcopoly would argue the U.S. deserves to have to fund the wall, since illegal Mexicans are only responding to the U.S. demand for illegal drugs and illegal cheap labor.
By that logic, it is only right that homeowners should pay the wages of burglars, since homeowners' ineffective security measures give the burglars no choice. Along that line, it may next be said that pushers ought to be given medals or talk shows for meeting the demands of addicts. And groomers ought to be fed-funded to teach children how to have drugs and depravity, enjoyably. Oh, wait. They are.

 Obama! should be an epithet on a level with Mephistopheles (meaning not light loving, plasterer of lies).

 Racism is nurtured, not diminished, by crybullying, pity milking, femi-freaking, celebrating race baiters, pant sagging, looting, whining about other people's birth advantages, maniacal law making, denigrating the Reconciler, playing the fool, and enlisting to serve nation-erasing, dividing to rule, people-farming oligarchs. Racism will only be diminished among societies whose members grow up and man up. Societies that deploy law droolers to try to use law to right every wrong will only promote the worst of dregs and filter out the best of humanity. People cannot learn the responsible use of freedom and dignity where they are "protected" from being allowed to make their own mistakes and pay the consequences. When people are not allowed to earn their own way and pay the consequences, there will mainly be phony equality, without dignity. There will be political correctness, covering over seething resentments. A recipe for a pinkie-wagging lawyer's paradise, but hell for everyone else. If you want subhumanization big time, put the femi-waggers in charge of everything.

 Wannabe people-farmers are fluxing with patterns, to try to create mods in their image, to establish a new elitist Reichstag. The internet is not immune from self-godded despot-brains.


I agree with the need to be receptive to guiding feedback from a relationship with the meta-caring and immeasurable Source.

However, the language by which such receptivity is nurtured and communicated varies from culture to culture. Various traditions of religiosity and spirituality shape the figures of speech from which such language forms. It would be very misguided to try suddenly to replace all such traditions, metaphors, and sacred stories with some new Church of the Supreme Being formulated by some crew of supposed moral elites and experts. That kind of hubris by Robespierre may have fanned The Terror.

Meantime, assimilating the common faith and values needed to establish and sustain a decent representative republic has historically entailed a long, challenging, and somewhat rare process. It has not tended to occur suddenly or without great and courageous sacrifice and vigilance.

I would not recommend that Western representative republics suddenly erase their borders in pollyannish hope that societies that have been long conditioned to despotism under knowitall rulers, "moral science" profs, infidel killers, mullahs, imams, faithless oligarchs, laundering cronycrats, and pleasure addicts would suddenly accept Christian-like values. Or values of free expression, free enterprise, individual responsibility, merit based earning, and representative republicanism.

Notwithstanding pretensions by Soros-ilk, leaving borders open has led less to the enlightenment of non-Christian cultures than to the darkening and destruction of Christian cultures.

If moral enlightenment is to spread to the masses, it will not be by opening all nations to the masses.
It will be by demonstrating exemplars for the masses. America needs to be an exemplar. Not a doormat or a carcass for blood suckers.

I don't believe Soros believes global open-bordered society would be a moral thing. I think he believes it would be an effective thing for increasing the power of elites to rule what he considers to be the vulgar masses. But he wants his "moral science" experts to help him convince the masses that it would be "good for them" to accept their intended disposition as serfs for elites. That would be a return to the same old, same old. The default condition of humanity since the discovery of agriculture: Rule over the peasants by elites, aristocrats, oligarchs, and morlochs. IOW, subhumanization imposed upon the masses.

EDIT: As a matter of academic preparation, I agree with the sentiment of seeking common ground among all decent and serviceable religions. Caveat: I do not consider Islam to be likely amenable of decent serviceability for such purpose. Nor would I consider Mafia-ism to be serviceable, such as if it were suddenly to inculcate belief in previous Dons as Saints for a Gangster God. 


What is the margin of error for estimating the number of illegals to apply the 6.4% of persons among illegals voting? What about the people voting more than once, such as by using aliases or registrations on behalf of dead or senile people? Why suppose Dems would not contrive to boost such voting only to the extent thought needed to overwhelm the election odds?

 What is the attraction of Islam? People who are incompetent as individuals seek the power and security of like minded gangs. Arse lifting is like a gang sign.

The NWO agenda for forcing marriage to the gov so oligarchic spiders can have their way with the masses is so far forward that it will be difficult ever to restore the concepts needed to sustain a representative republic, such as concepts of marriage, family, charity, responsibility, and liberty.
The more our republican traditions are replaced with Prog legalisms, the tighter the spider will sew us into its tangling web. Too many central law droolers have stupidly not figured out that their tangled recipes are choking and killing all that is decent and humane. They stupidly believe free-thinking responsible workers are their enemies. Actually, their enemies are the oligarchs that fund them to forge their own chains.

Jews were long without a homeland. Maybe that's why they tend to infiltrate the legal and propaganda apparatus wherever they go? Whatever the reason, they're way overrepresented in SCOTUS, Hollywood, ACLU, ADL, probably NAACP.
As they rub legal shoulders with the NWO oligarchy and its agenda and media-academia apparatus, maybe they adopt its positions in order to gain influence within?
Whatever the reason, it is astonishing how many Jews support Muslims. Do they think being nice will get them eaten last? The consequence, of course, is slow death to representative republics everywhere.

Among Jewish advocates for tolerance for the program of Mein Kampf versus the Koran, in terms of degree of despotism, is there a distinction that makes a moral difference?
Apart from the writings, was Mohammad more moral in his applications than Adolf?
Or is Islam just "too big" to be evil? Maybe Hitler was just in too big a hurry, and should not have opened up that second front? Had he been successful, would any Jews be taunting Trump with "that's not who we are"?

NWO = new improved same old ripoff under self-godded people-farmers playing old shell games under new shells. The actors -- being the shills, shapries, and marks -- remain pretty much the same, while the responsible workers are left with the cost of cleaning up the mess. More like a moveable carnage than "a moveable feast."
The game is as old as prostitution. DJT is trying to blow the whistle to break up the current round. But his supporting workers are almost evenly set off against the large number of shills, sharpies and marks (i.e., rainbow gamers).
Pilgrims versus traveling gamers. It never seems to get any easier. Like your meme about every workday for the sheepdog versus the wolf in sheep's clothing. DJT is the sheepdog. Soros is the wolf in sheep's clothing. Proggies are submarginals. Eventually, did the wolves "touch" even Elliot Ness?

 Faithless, law drooling, ACLU, legalistic busybodies at work. What we have is not rule of law, but rule by busybody abusers of law being funded by NWO s heads. When "judges" can dictate that we can't vet our borders, then, if they prevail, Katy will bar the door.

 Facts, good faith, good will, and higher-mindedness mean little to those that find union by believing in little more than relieving their sex and pleasure drives.
It might be worthwhile to conceptualize distinctions in religious and higher-minded trends between Pilgrims and Fellow Travelers.
Pilgrims can be conceptualized as vessels seeking to express the unfolding guidance of the Reconciler. Fellow Travelers can be conceptualized as gland-bots seeking to find and live in an actual physical land of Unicorns.
Pilgrims leave heaven to heaven. Fellow Travelers want to establish their own heaven on earth, sans God. Pilgrims seek direct, personal, intuitive, feedback relationships with the Reconciler. Fellow Travelers seek by "moral science" to divine the best expert system for the mass-bots to be ruled under elites (and messenger-prophet-intermeddler-knowitalls enforcing systems of despotism).
Pilgrims may be Christians, Spiritualists, Seekers, Responsible Employers, Faithful Americans, Believers in Good Faith and Good Will. Their mainstays tend to be faith, family, fidelity.
Fellow Travelers tend to consist of the Rainbow Coalition of Parasites, Progs, Gays, Pleasure Addicts, Commies, Pervs, Choomers, Child Groomers, Pushers, Oligarchs, People Farmers, Moral Scientists, Ethical Experts, Prof Knowitalls, SJWs, BLMs, OWSs, CAIR, ACLU, Butt Buddies, Polyamorists, Legalistic Busybodies, Jihadis, Gang Bangers, Mafiosi, Ignoranti, and Corrupti. Their mainstays tend to be sex, drugs, and violence. Seasoned with self deception, lying, and rationalization (called "social science") twisted to serve pleasure.
What unites Fellow Travelers seems to be only two things: Their mutual incompetence as individuals, and their unresolvable hatred against Pilgrims -- whose blood they in common want to suck.

Lefties claim to hate discrimination. That's why they decline to discriminate between a waste outlet and a sex organ. Yet, they discriminate to beat the band against white men with responsible jobs. In their special minds, they're enlightened and "fair."
If Trump excluded all Muslims, Lefties would howl. If Trump excluded all refugees, Lefties would howl. If Trump excluded some refugees, Lefties would howl. If Trump excluded only some nations, Lefties would howl. Babies bawl. Lefties gotta howl.
EDIT: If Trump lets in a single immigrant, Lefties will howl that, to be fair, all people throughout the world should be admitted. Lefties are so maleducated and indoctrinated that they tend to be unable to discriminate, unable to profile in depth or filter in stages, unable to defend principles, and unable to think as responsible adults. Yet, because they are incompetent as individuals, they band together at a show of gang signs or a flash of agitation money from oligarchic funders.
Lefties' stupidity, incompetence, and ease of being bought by oligarchs makes them as dangerous as a bacteria pandemic. Every representative republic that wants to survive urgently needs to improve checks against both Lefties and their pimping oligarchs.


George Soros is a proggiejew who is "extreme vetting" so that only proggiejews and other proggies will be allowed access to the higher level establishmentarian apparatus of media-academia-entertainment-banking-facebutt-politics-courts-ACLU-CAIR-NAACP-ADL-Interfaith.

Special high intensity training (extreme vetting) has been ongoing for many years in the establishment apparatus. That's why they were so confident. That's why they were stunned when Trump won. That's why they think they have the position, power, and purse strings to make Trump heel. They are so inbred that they are completely unaware that thinking, responsible Americans are so onto their asinine act!

As Trump lets in a single immigrant, Lefties will howl that, to be fair, all people throughout the world should be admitted. Lefties are so maleducated and indoctrinated that they tend to be unable to discriminate, unable to profile in depth or filter in stages, unable to defend principles, and unable to think as responsible adults. Yet, because they are incompetent as individuals, they band together at a show of gang signs or a flash of agitation money from oligarchic funders.

Lefties' stupidity, incompetence, and ease of being bought by oligarchs makes them as dangerous as a bacteria pandemic.

Every representative republic that wants to survive urgently needs to improve checks against both Lefties and their pimping oligarchs.


Take your pc headinthesand and asphyxiate in it.  It is not anti-Semitic to point out that Jews are mortal and, for whatever reason, have acquired vastly disproportionate influence in Western republics. You can't deny that and be proud of it at the same time.   Not unless you are dishonest. 
 There are racists among Jews just as there are racists among any other group.  Racist Jews want to attribute that to native intellect.  I doubt the validity of that, so I explore what else may factor.  I suspect a kind of tribal-herd, us-versus-them mentality is at work.  If so, that is understandable, but it ought to be appreciated and factored.
You need to read more before you blast out crap.  Your leap to call people anti-Semitic helps give Jews a bad name.
I suspect a good many people, including a good many Jews, seek to make a better earth by denigrating belief systems based on spiritual higher-mindedness.  IOW, a lot of Jews are secular Jews, into secular humanism, with an emphasis on replacing spiritual forums with schooling from "moral scientists."  I'm not about to stop exploring that possibility simply because some close-minded fruitcake wants to call me names.  Especially since everyone who is not a fool or not intimidated by "änti-semite shouters" readily sees how all our institutions have become infested through and through with so-called secular-humanist moral-scientists.
Over reliance on law, legalism and regulations is ruining America.  If a part of the cause of that is Jewish Unicorn-ism, then it absolutely needs to be factored!
Anyone interested in preliminary place for considering lists may want to look at *http://www.jewornotjew.com/index.jsp.
I think it is interesting that so many ACLU people are Jewish oriented.  And the Hollywood influence is undeniable.  It is fact!  As the pre-loaded effort to impede Trump every step of the way is fact.  The purpose is not to protect the American Ideal.  Do you even have a clue what the purpose of that pre-loading is?
See http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v14/v14n1p-4_weber.html:
"Although officially Jews have never made up more than five percent of the country's total population, they played a highly disproportionate and probably decisive role in the infant Bolshevik regime, effectively dominating the Soviet government during its early years. Soviet historians, along with most of their colleagues in the West, for decades preferred to ignore this subject. The facts, though, cannot be denied.
With the notable exception of Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov), most of the leading Communists who took control of Russia in 1917-20 were Jews. Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) headed the Red Army and, for a time, was chief of Soviet foreign affairs. Yakov Sverdlov (Solomon) was both the Bolshevik party's executive secretary and -- as chairman of the Central Executive Committee -- head of the Soviet government. Grigori Zinoviev (Radomyslsky) headed the Communist International (Comintern), the central agency for spreading revolution in foreign countries. Other prominent Jews included press commissar Karl Radek (Sobelsohn), foreign affairs commissar Maxim Litvinov (Wallach), Lev Kamenev (Rosenfeld) and Moisei Uritsky.
Lenin himself was of mostly Russian and Kalmuck ancestry, but he was also one-quarter Jewish. His maternal grandfather, Israel (Alexander) Blank, was a Ukrainian Jew who was later baptized into the Russian Orthodox Church.7
A thorough-going internationalist, Lenin viewed ethnic or cultural loyalties with contempt. He had little regard for his own countrymen. "An intelligent Russian," he once remarked, "is almost always a Jew or someone with Jewish blood in his veins.""
MY NOTE:   Assuming Jews are disproportionately over represented among those that seek by worldwide legalism to impose some elitist and dystopian vision of heaven on earth, I want to understand why that may be the case.   I suspect it is partly because, before the reestablishment of Israel, they had no homeland.  Many want to cling to their Jewish identity, even after giving up the Jewish religion. It is unusual that a person/people would claim a religion-based identity even after giving up the religion.  Is it unreasonable to hypothesize about how many among them may want legalistic safeguards to try to hold the nations they inhabit at bay?   Problem is, if so, that would seem to translate into excessive elitist regulation, top down.  That, I find to be, subhumanizing.  Why should anyone keep his head in the sand concerning such possibility?
I don't want Muslims in America, period.
Jews contribute a great deal.  But if they as a group tend to damage the representative republic, we need to understand how that may be the case, before we can think about reasonable ways to address it.  If there is a problem, why should we be afraid to look into it, merely because some pcfreak hollers "anti-Semite"?!

*A very limited list of influential Jews (including persons of Jewish ancestry, whether faithful or not):
RADICALS:  Jesus, Saul Alinsky, Karl Marx, Lenin, Kamanev, Trotsky, Bubnov
COMMENTATORS:  Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Noam Chomsky
PHYSICISTS:  Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Wolfgang Pauli
BILLIONAIRES:  See http://politicsinn.com/48-percent-of-u-s-billionaires-are-jewish/:
George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Sheldon Adelson, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Steve Ballmer, Larry Ellison, Carl Icahn, Rupert Murdoch, Jeff Zucker, Mortimer Zucherman
MONEY:  Mayor Rothschild, Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr., Charles R. Schwab, Ben Bernanke
ENTERTAINMENT:  Nora Ephron, Rob Reiner, Ben Stiller, Oliver Stone, Mel Brooks,
Ben Stein, Howard Stern, Jon Stewart, Mike Wallace, Charles Grodin
POLITICIANS:  Nicholas Sarkozy, Madeleine Albright, Al Franken, Barbara Boxer, Eric Cantor, Dianne Feinstein, Gabrielle Giffords, John Kerry, Henry Kissenger, James Schlesinger, Eliot Spitzer, Anthony Wiener
MEDIA:  Wolf Blitzer, Rachel Maddow, Katie Couric, Sally Jessy Raphael, Bill Maher, Seth Meyer, Geraldo Rivera, Al Michael
COURTS:  Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, Arthur Goldberg, Louis Brandeis, B.N. Cardozo, Felix Frankfurter
LAWYERS:  Gloria Allred, Julius Hoffman, Roy Cohn, Ed Fagan, Ben Brafman
INFAMY:  Meyer Lansky, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Arnold Rothstein, Jack Ruby, Bernard Madoff, David Berkowitz
ACTORS:  Judge Judy, Bob Dylan, Madonna, Barbara Streisand, Billy Crystal, Sean Penn, Daniel Day-Lewis, Michael Douglas, Shia LeBeouf, Robert Downey, Jr., Jake Gyllenhall, Howie Mandel, Sarah Jessica Parker, Tom Arnold, Roseanne Barr, Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David, Jason Alexander, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Sacha Baron Cohen, Paul Neuman, Richard Dreyfus, Leonard Nimoy, Dustin Hoffman, Joaquin Phoeniz, Adam Sandler


So now secularists have at least two fronts against the representative republic:
1) Wall advocacy for traditional values away form the public square as constituting attempts to "establish religion";
2) Call those who question the "wallers" names, like "anti-Semite."
Go suck your thumb.


I'm not interested in "Protocols."  I'll make this simple.  Try to follow.  It's a fact that every institution of persuasion in the U.S. is bent towards a NWO open society open borders agenda.  Soros' has a website and billions to prove it.  It's a fact that Jews, for whatever reason, along with billionaire Progs and their usefully indoctrinated idiots, exert disproportionate influence over most such institutions.  It's a fact that the ACLU is under strong Jewish influence.

The faith of Conservers of Liberty is in the value for appropriate societies of less central gov, with more power disseminated to states, localities, families, and individuals.  The more Progs wall away the expression of such values, the more they try to fill the void with busybody pc regulations.

This is not hard.  It is simple enough for a cave man to understand.  But I have no illusion that an indoctrinated Prog could possibly understand it.  So please go get a warm blankie and hang some more papers and regulations.  It'll make you feel better.  Bye.


Trump is trying to reduce the regulatory burden.  That would entail more respect fof the rights of states, localities, families, and individuals.  That goes against the NWO Church of Centralized Legalism under the pious direction of elite moral scientists (ACLU) working for faith-mucked oligarchs.  So the entire media-academia-entertainment-pious apparatus want's Trump's head.
Why do people that no longer believe in God still cling to religion-founded tribalism --- even as they try to have it both ways by calling other tribal and superficial-based groups names, like racist, bigot, chauvinist, phobe, etcetera?  How is it that Americans put up with this, simply because someone, like Schumer, for example, pulls out the fake tears, or someone else starts claiming near sole victimization under the holocaust? 
Herbert Marcuse was a prime advocate for one-sided, crybully, passive-aggressive, aggressive-aggressive, acting-the-victim.  Enough of this double-dealing, double-talking, double-standard crap!  I don't care whether proggie crap is Jewish-based, Femiman-based, Femi-based, or Nutbag based.  I refuse to pretend it is a good thing.  Lately, when I hear someone whining about "anti-Semitism," it seems often to amount to misplaced whinny asininities.  Just stop.
Just as Obama tried to fundamentally change America from a representative republic to just another part of an elitist-ruled central despotism, Proggie Secular-Humanist Jews seem to have fundamentally changed their religion from one of meta-based good faith to one of earth-entangled central legalism.
To add insult, many (like Soros) use the ACLU to try to wall Christian values of good faith away from the public square, while hiring thugs to shout down anyone who opposes the central legalistic religion.  It's not just that such persons tend to have central legalism on the brain. It's the same with many Proggies.  But funds and power backing this trend are undeniably and disproportionately among Jewish billionaires, talking heads, profs, academia, interfaith organizations, politicians, the ACLU, ADL, brain trusts, and, decidedly, the legal profession and courts.  Why do I care?  Answer:  Because they do this as hollow men, always behind cover of victimization claims!  Even as they have no tears or cover for anyone outside their legalistic program.
What has been the result?  Well, look around ....


I am very relieved and thankful.   Trump is a Protestant.   His children are friendly to Jews.   Ivanka seems to be a great American as well as a Jew.   I suspect Neil Gorsuch will make a great justice.
 It appears he is Jewish.  There are many great Americans that are Jewish.   I am fond of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments.
That said, I am skeptical about how friendly Judaism and Catholicism are to the American Ideal, as a broad cultural concern.  It is a bit disconcerting that every single justice on Scotus is either Jewish or Catholic -- at least in name.  It reinforces concern that our system is too much falling under the rule of central elites.
I suspect Third Worlders, Muslim's, Catholics, and Jews tend not to come to America to partake of opportunities to assimilate.  Rather, I suspect many come to escape poverty and despotism abroad.   But many seek to ensure soft landings by clamoring for gov taxes and regulations -- to mooch.   To "fundamentally change" America.   They don't seek fairness -- either economic or social -- via individual initiative or local responsibility, but via gov -- in the form of tax redistributions and regulations.
 The problem is, central gov tends to bring central despotism --- under faith-devoid or faith-forsaken elitists. 
 Jews, at least of the ACLU type, tend to want to enforce social fairness on a culture via elitist-ruled regulations.   Catholics seem to want to enforce economic fairness (what they want to call "charity") via elitist-imposed tax redistributions.
The consequence is this:   When unassimilated and undiluted, Jewish and Catholic immigrants often seem to want to drag America back down to the very condition they sought to escape:  Elitist despotism, i.e., people-farming.  IOW, liberty illiteracy.


The looniness is in the people too indoctrinated to see what is in plain sight:  That there is an alliance to take the blood, sweat, work, resources, and land of decent, competent people to redistribute them to indecent phony rule makers and their incompetent apologists, shills, and easily duped and bribed ignoranti.  That's all in plain sight, but it's covered by mass hypnosis so that people like you actually believe the despotic king is wearing clothes.

Look -- More than a majority of Catholics, some 70% of Jews, and 90% of Blacks approved of Obama.  Twice!  They can't do that and at the same time assert special group status as being "smart," good, or entitled.  I'm trying to pull the blinders down, any you're calling that "extremism."  My gawwwd, man!

I'm NOT saying their genes are defective or that they are innately bad.  I'm saying their cultures and secular and religious leaders have put them in a long-term perpetual haze of loony confusion.  I'm saying their cultures are not well suited to assimilation in America.  And when too many flood across our borders at once, we all drown in a new return to the same old despotism under knowitall corrupti and the worst liberty-illiterate dregs of ignoranti.

Riddle me this:  If they're so smart and decent and I'm so "extreme," why did they vote twice for an incompetent ass bent on fundamentally destroying America?

People are people, but some cultures are not well suited to representative republicanism.  Rather, some are more suited to the default condition of blood suckers and blood suckees.  Why do you want that for America?

I perused your Disqus history.  Or as much as I could stomach.  Talk about the sound of your voice!  I have you pegged as a law-drooling, paper hanging, liberty infringing, Koran tolerating, wannabe hack for the ACLU.  Talk about in-American!

It appears you've been twisted so as to reduce your capacity, much less understanding, concerning the philosophies of enlightened self interest or innate empathy. Seriously, I think you're carrying near dead cells from the neck up. As to the neck down, please seek treatment for zombie legs. Try muttering to yourself awhile. Maybe someone will notice and offer you a head implant. So sad. Good luck with that. TTFN.

Trump is not Jesus. He is subject to temptation, as are the mortals around him. Still, a near unified Establishment is arrayed against him. In main, it consists of faithless oligarchs, devious cronycrats, sharp shills, sociopathic henchmen, prof scientisimists, certified morons, and goons seeking free stuff and safe spaces that have been blinded by jealousy to believe the Establishment has their best interests at heart.
That Establishment was on the verge of destroying freedom and dignity, worldwide. The Trump admin can be a much needed and appreciated counter to that. Why do you want to hobble the only fighter for restoring the republic since Reagan? If you have a practical and better alternative, say what it is.

Prog Snowflakes are to the Berkeley Burners as Moderate M8slims are to Musloidian Apocalyptics. Or s flies looking for a landing strip.

The oligarchy is teaching that the way to keep the women and children safe is by teaching all the men to become femimen. That's because the oligarchy cares so much about the rest of humanity. Peace, love, bliss, and unicorns. When the wolf comes knocking, just show him your p hat. S/

Useful idiots believe the only valid facts and valid opinions are those they are told to believe by their paymasters. Their paymasters know them well.

As scientific pursuits compel conceptualizations of multitudes of parallel worlds, with multitudes of parallel and unfolding and phasing physics, what we happen in common to choose to believe affects the path we happen to take among those multiples of potentialities.
To think science can freeze the cosmos into one constrained description of every possibility is indeed a religious belief! Only religiously freaky scientisimists still believe a theory of everything will explain everything, to reduce everything, including "moral science," to nothing more than an explanation of "facts."
Realization is dawning that not even the speed of light is necessarily un-phased by phase changes. Rather, what allows us to communicate seems to relate mainly to this: That those with whom we can communicate happen to be adapted to the same bubble of perspectives with which we happen to be adapting.
Unfortunately, freaky scientismists tend to be among the law droolers begging to be ruled under a NWO of faith-freaked oligarchs, "moral scientists," shills, parasites, and people farmers. Many can't wait to destroy the republic by drowning it in more liberty-illiterate "ïmmigrants" than the nation can possibly sustain. Witness the Berkeley Burners.

Strangely enough, what we believe affects what we study and what technologies we develop. Which in turn can affect the unfolding nature of how we go about studying and applying science. What we happen to believe often affects what we happen to develop.
I suspect the potentiality of applications of science will multiply tremendously, the pace and direction of which will be influenced by what we happen to choose to pursue. The course of scientific applications will be varied and in many ways unpredictable. Regardless, it will be influenced by how we happen to care about it.
Yes, we are defined and limited by math-based rules. But capacity to jigger with those rules seems to be bigly.
Good sense is called for as much as science. To avoid sudden drowning of our republic and world in trash and excess, the easiest, most effective course would seem to abide with population and immigration constraints. Unfortunately, many religionists, politicians, and scientists seem instead to unite either to ignore good sense or to promote idiocy like carbon credits to address "global warming."
Supreme idiocy comes from Lefties and Progloids that want less global population but more immigration to the U.S. Which is bound to relieve pressures from population exporters to get their acts under control. The more the U.S. constricts its liberty-literate population and replaces it with liberty-illiterate invaders and parasites, the more out of control things will spin. Until worldwide despotism, dystopia, and destruction is imposed. Which seems to be the sort of death wish for human dignity that Lefties want, at least subconsciously.

Law drooling Lefties that want elitist regulations down to the toenails are itching for a fight with a President who was given a mandate by Americans to restore the representative republic. Do we want to preserve a nation of liberty, or do we want to be divided and ruled by non-assimilating, hypocritical, tribal-bigoted, law droolers?
The Executive is charged with primary duty as Commander in Chief to protect the republic. 8 U.S. Code Sec. 1182 does not purport to invade that.

People farmers will ALWAYS need and find a goat to blame.
Goat recipe: Goat must be easily marked. Easily divided. Able to produce milk and blood in abundance. "Chosen" by elite blamers. Disarmed. Suffer kids to be taken for indoctrination. Practiced in rationalized bafflegab for demoralizing self defense. Easy to be jealous of. Easy to rob. Unwilling or unable to counterpunch. Attractive to Rainbow Flies.
Presently, the Goat is competent white American males with responsible jobs and who are balky at surrendering their nation's sovereignty. As to the Rainbow flies, well, ye shall know them by their fly sh*t.

2045: if one drop of black blood makes you black, does one drop of white blood make you white? By 2045, how many mixed whites will there be?
Isn't this focus on skin color, well, racist? What do genes for skin color have to do with fundamental attraction to the American Ideal? Answer: Not a thing.
If Americans will but take off the blinders, they will see the uniparty of corrupti and ignoranti for what it is: A horde of racist race-baiters projecting madly to call everyone else racists. Americans are tired of this crap. Race-on-the-brain Proggies need to get a grip, stop whining, take personal responsibility, grow a tougher hide, and grow the heck up. Meantime, they can talk to the hand.
EDIT: People farmers will ALWAYS need and find a goat to blame.
Goat recipe: Goat must be easily marked. Easily divided. Able to produce milk and blood in abundance. "Chosen" by elite blamers. Disarmed. Suffer kids to be taken for indoctrination. Practiced in rationalized bafflegab for demoralizing self defense. Easy to be jealous of. Easy to rob. Unwilling or unable to counterpunch. Attractive to Rainbow Flies.
Presently, the Goat is competent white American males with responsible jobs and who are balky at surrendering their nation's sovereignty. As to the Rainbow flies, well, ye shall know them by their fly sh*t.

I fervently pray the gist of this article is true. If so, it's about time! More faith, less busybody central ACLU lawyering!

Idiots vote. You don't sway them with reason. You sway them with emotion, virtue signaling, righteous indignation, and good one-liners. MSM has done that for years. Now, MSM is being replaced by the internet. It turns out that there are more conservers of liberty than pleasure addled proggies. Effective one-liners, over time, can now be our friend. Face it: Most people hardly know what the Civil War, War of 1812, or Revolutionary War were about. About all they know is what the one-lining cons of free stuff and safe spaces tell them.
The MSM desperately tries to pull Trump down by ridiculing his 5th grade level political vocabulary. But Trump is wise to understand that the 5th grade is precisely where his opponents' brains are stuck. Especially the ones with college credentials.

Why does the instigator of this thread want to stop Trump from stopping the replacement of the representative republic by a despotic uniparty alliance of ruling corrupti (Rinos in Dino clothing) and shilling ignoranti (Marxists in Dino clothing)?

The looniness is in the people too indoctrinated to see what is in plain sight: That there is an alliance to take the blood, sweat, work, resources, and land of decent, competent people to redistribute them to indecent phony rule makers and their incompetent apologists, shills, and easily duped and bribed ignoranti. That's all in plain sight, but it's covered by mass hypnosis so that people like you actually believe the despotic king is wearing clothes.
Look -- More than a majority of Catholics, some 70% of Jews, and 90% of Blacks approved of Obama. Twice! They can't do that and at the same time assert special group status as being "smart," good, or entitled. I'm trying to pull the blinders down, and you're calling that "extremism." My gawwwd, man!
I'm NOT saying their genes are defective or that they are innately bad. I'm saying their cultures and secular and religious leaders have put them in a long-term perpetual haze of loony confusion. I'm saying their cultures are not well suited to assimilation in America. And when too many flood across our borders at once, we all drown in a new return to the same old despotism under knowitall corrupti and the worst liberty-illiterate dregs of ignoranti.
Riddle me this: If they're so smart and decent and I'm so "extreme," why did they vote twice for an incompetent ass bent on fundamentally destroying America?
People are people, but some cultures are not well suited to representative republicanism. Rather, some are more suited to the default condition of blood suckers and blood suckees. Why do you want that for America?
EDIT: Why do so many Progs, Jews, Catholics, and Rainbows want to allow Muslims to flood and destroy America? Answer: They want to create an emergency justification for elite despotic rule. They believe their new despotic lawyering will then empower them to put the Muslims under control. Problem is, that's not what history teaches, when Rome went all femi and began relying on barbarians to enforce its laws.

Well, as to:  "right down to telling a person they can't marry the person they love" --
A society organizes.  It need not forbid "inventive sex" to appreciate that it ought not be compelled affirmatively to support or finance goat-peopleness, goat marriage, child marriage, sibling marriage, poly-marriage, or Islamic I-divorce-thee three times.
Too many Conservers of Liberty let too many ugly camel noses into their tents.
The issue of marriage is one for the States.  It is quite hypocritical for Behind The Curtain Proggies to argue the Gov ought not become involved, but then seek to use the Central Gov to Require recognition of their nuttery.  And, to add insult, to fund it!  And to fine, suspend, bankrupt, and indict for "hate speech" all who disagree.
People are people.  Voluntarily assimilating groups and cultures are something else.  BLM volunteers include some of the most venomous racists.  As do some (racially specially chosen and smart?) other organizations, such as the ACLU.  The ACLU is one of the most dangerous, anti-American organizations extant.  Yet, incredibly, they call themselves the American CLU.  Yup.  And up is down, and ignorance is strength, slavery is freedom, and living under oligarchic funded diktat is "moral and American."  S/
It's NOT phobic or bigoted to take off the pc blinders.  The inhumane thing to do is to put the masses under pc blinders!  Take them off!

    Logical fallacy my azz!  Marriage -- It depends on how you define marriage, is that it?  if you de-define it to make it meaningless, or divide by zero, you can "prove" anything.  There's your logical huckleberry, bub.
    IAE, if you are trying to be honest and the issue is one for the individuals, then the individuals would be defining marriage as a "private language."  IOW, baby talk.  Or crib talk.  Deep thinker you ain't.
    I posted to you because it is you who needs to re-think his "logic."
    The Constitution did not address marriage.  By the Tenth Amendment, it left it to the States.  Unless, of course, you're a proggie with a private language.
    Marriage is to proggies as American is to ACLU as healthcare is to Planned Parenthood:  Reductio ad absurdum.
    The time for babytalk bedside manner with crib-bound proggies is over.  Daddy (Trump) is saying, "It's time to grow up."  You've taken your fed-law-puke to its domestic apex.  Now comes the counter-reckoning.

    Now, I have no problem with proggies having a private, crib language.  Provided they don't try to legislate it or use the ACLU to "promulgate" it.

    One thing the 10th Amendment is not about is expanding Fed power to define marriage.  Only proggies thought that was ok.  Sorry if that is hard for you.  Frankly, neither I nor Trump care what name you want to call any of your relationships by.  I'm just saying those names are your private language, and now you're trying to punish everyone who does not subscribe to your private language.

    Your error in logic is at a fundamental level:  You assume, with the "moral scientists," that "ought" can be derived (logically or scientifically) from "is."  Americans that value the DOI and BOR tend to believe that cultural "oughts" entail a feedback relationship based in higher-mindedness and intuitive empathies.  Perhaps, that "I-ness" is fundamentally connected, being made to seem separate and distinct only as a consequence of math-based limits on perspectives and contexts.

    After assuming ought can be logically derived from is, you compound the error by assuming that everyone that makes a different derivation is committing an error in logic or science -- when neither logic nor science constrain the derivation.  You assume some kind of logic or science-based expertise to prescribe a best system of law for everyone else, worldwide, for all cultures.  This is why proggies hate Constitutions and wanna have expert elitist diktat.  This is why they are forcing a war between wannabe central law droolers versus free-thinking Americans.

    It is true that not every culture or nation is suited to a Constitution-based representative republic.  Especially those without assimilating values regarding faith, family, and fidelity.  Obviously, if you import enough liberty illiterates, you make a constitutional republic constitutionally illiterate. 

    No one of competence said a representative republic is good for every kind of culture or people.  Only slippery-slopeist fallacy-liberals would suggest such a thing.  Why?  Because it creates the situation they want:  A need for a NWO based not on individual or sovereign freedom, dignity, and responsibility, but on NWO oligarchic diktat masquerading as centralized moral science.  A law drooler's dream, and an American's nightmare.

    Suppose you (or a society) were to become successful and wealthy enough to guarantee that your progeny need not ever have to learn to become individually competent or responsible. Should you (or society) encourage such progeny to deem themselves entitled so to do whatever they wanted?
    What would a Prog/Lib say? What would a Conserver of Liberty say? What would a competent immigrant say? What would a parasitical immigrant say?
    The Prog delusion is that a worldwide system of AI robots will soon service every human pleasure. That "moral science" will/should soon devise a worldwide system of gov/laws to make separately sovereign nations obsolete. That the governance of such a system can either be put on autopilot under a best devised algorithm, or that enlightened demi-gods can be promoted among humankind to serve as our governors. That such AI-bots and/or Demi-gods will find their pleasure in pleasuring the Sex-Drug-VirtualReality addictions of the inferior masses.
    IOW, the Prog delusion is that, if God won't serve the pleasures of humankind, God should be fired and replaced by Demi-gods that will. If God won't "choose" us to our satisfaction, we will choose our god. By infiltrating and infesting every institution -- legal and illegal -- of "persuasion." And by law (and regulations down to the toenails) force him/her/it on everyone else. As if!

    Too many institutions have been rigged to select and filter in order to float crap.
    Some of the most messed up of people seem to want to "find themselves" by becoming schooled in understanding their victimization. Having no other marketable skills, they become agitators, counselors, and "teachers."
    Libs are also selected for tenure. For schools endowed to promote idiocy. For promotion by Soros' organizations. For attracting media attention. For appealing to incompetents, narcissists, and sociopaths. For attracting moochers, bribers, and money launderers. For being protected by fellow travelers. For weaponizing the IRS and other regulatory bureaucracies to centralize and extend their power. For de-defining and undermining foundational institutions of faith, family, and fidelity. For corrupting churches and charities. For cannibalizing America. For empowering faith-mucked, law-drooling oligarchs.
    It's as if all sucking winds were coming together to create one vast vortex of filth, depravity, and ever more Libbie grooming.
    America began as a Christian nation. But there is not a single Christian Protestant on Scotus. Why is Trump so reviled? Well, do any institutions of significant power remain for defending the DOI, BOR, and the freedom and dignity of competent individuals? Not many. Which is why the establishment was so surprised, and is so up in arms, on account of Trump's election. No other candidate was like him. And the Establishment wanted him as the Republican candidate because they thought he would be the easiest to defeat.
    The vortex of law-drooling regulatory-filth is about to meet the remnant of decent America.

    Ok, now I see your problem. You are agreeing with Justice Kennedy on his opinion about gay marriage -- who I think is an idiot on that point. He should have seen that you can't claim that a State lacks power on an issue just because the Constitution doesn't say anything about it.
    No doubt, you and Kennedy would give Scotus all kinds of power to require the States to recognize all manner of individual "rights." By that "logic," you already have a "right"(under the Constitution!?) to enter into poly-marriage. Or sibling marriage. Or Sharia marriage. Or Sharia child marriage. Or Shariah divorce.
    Kennedy is a social law idiot. But it will be fun to watch the fool try to limit his "reasoning" to just two people in a gay marriage.
    Conservers of Liberty want to conserve the Constitution. Liberals want to erase the republic and the Constitution to allow them to dictate "fairness and equality." s/
    Of course, the proggie idea of fairness and equality really means the "right" of incompetents to parasite from producers. For producers (those who "act white" or normal), fairness requires fair handicapping against "white privilege." Prog fairness means using the force of law/gov to renormalize the abbies.


    You argued marriage should be whatever you want it to be. I said (to people who can reason) that, no, that does not make sense. First, you argue as if marriage should amount to whatever you want. Now you say, well, it need not be available to children. (You're bound to tick off some Muslims on account of that!) So, does your idea of marriage exclude Islamic child marriage, or does it not? What about property rights, in event of failure to execute a pre-nup: Does the State have an interest in that? And if one member of a sex circle claims to be "common law married" to every rich member of his sex club, does the law/gov have an interest in that?
    You're evading ("dividing by zero") on all the obvious issues.
    Oh, so now Oxford. (Is this the newest, latest, "improved" Oxford?) First, marriage is what you want. Now, it's what Oxford divines. (BTW, notice Oxford says "legally or formally recognized." Did you notice that?) So, what does "formally" mean to you? Does it mean recognized by an established church? A newly invented church? or are we back to "whatever you wahna"? Or maybe what the gay law-drooling community entices Oxford to say next?
    And what do you mean by "ïntervention"? Do you mean a status of being without recognition in law? Without benefits of status under law? (If all you mean is private status where you want to use a private language to call yourself "married," that's fine. No one is saying you can't do that.)
    I don't want the Fed gov any more involved than necessary. I do want States to be entitled to prescribe limits on child abuse, and on claims to taxpayer funded benefits and educational curriculums, and on frivolous claims to "common law gay polyamorous marriage." Etc.
    No, local decisions being made by local people is not tyranny. Tyranny is despotic rule by knowitall central law droolers, such as those who think their ideas ought to be forced onto people, worldwide. On that as a general tactic, you social proggies and Berekley Burners are itching for a war.
    How this works? Are you serious?! Everything, and I mean everything, builds on previous patterns. History. So, you are unable to show a decent representative republic that has sustained itself while entertaining the (silly) idea that marriage is "whatever sex participants want it to be." And now you want to force that on society and say the burden is on me (chutzpah!) to show why it is a silly idea!
    By that reasoning, let's propose that communes should be (legally) entitled to marry everyone within their membership, and be (legally) entitled to bring in whatever members they wahna, and to (legally) fine everyone who does not agree (as a "hater"). And then let's argue the burden is on those who resist. Cool beans! Wow! Genius even. S/"
    Let me guess: You "learned" your nonsense in college? Or maybe you "teach" it?

    Talking about circles?! Now you're straw-manning, hiding, and conflating. My argument was NOT that gov benefits by "controlling" marriage. My argument is that gov, at some level, CANNOT AVOID being involved in marriage related issues. Pay better attention and stop hiding!
    Moreover, I doubt that any representative republic (California, with Berkeley burning?) can long sustain itself upon encouraging (Islamic) child marriage or polygamy. The Roman Republic long had a Senate, but the Empire soon enough made it puny. Do you have an example of a successful representative republic (that you would hold up as an example for the U.S.) that allows marriage to be defined as whatever two or more sex practitioners want to say it is?
    Do you suppose Gaia prescribes some kind of "scientific" or "logical" definition of marriage that restricts it to two people?
    The very idea of marriage -- with legal rights -- is a legalistic concept that necessarily entails a law giver (i.e., gov)!
    Really, the quality of your argumentation is degenerating to slum level. Wise up or be gone. You've become boring.

    I agree the intent is not organized to anything specific. The problem is, the intent is more general and subconscious than that. The intent is derivative of misplaced faith in moral scientisism. Faith that some system of best international laws should be made to apply to every nation. Faith that the U.S. must eventually be dissolved and replaced by the best laid plans of expert law droollers. That the "living Constitution" encourages them to that end. Faith that the sheeple must be made to conform as their international superiors rule.
    Ginsburg is receptive to preference for international legal precedents. Breyer is guided more by his notion of best consequences than by the letter of the law. Kagan questions the need to teach Constitutional Law in law schools. Sotomayor seems to be Latina first. Kennedy is often without a brain. I agree they are not consistent Catholic or Jewish thinkers. Regardless, they ARE consistently anti-constitution, anti-republic, dangerous, knowitall law-droollers -- more than ready to rule the sheeple as they deem themselves qualified.

    That there is tribalism run rampant is obvious to everyone who is not a pcfreak. That Hollywood has an elitist NWO fixation that is against national borders is also obvious. That Dems are useful idiots for anti-nationalist NWO freaks is obvious. That the ACLU shops among anti-nationalist judges is obvious. That more than 70% of Jews vote for DEMs is fact.
    I don't care what the religiousness, origin, gender, or genetic makeup of a person may be. What I care about is whether they carry with them the gang signs and marks by which to hold themselves above the republic.
    I think you are so addled by pc and indoctrination that you can't see the nature of the poison to the republic that is right before you.
    I don't care about their markings or symbols. Or whether they call themselves secular Jews, secular humans, or sophisticated cosmopolitans. I don't care whether they are Jews or not Jews. I do care whether they are international law droollers bent on destroying the republic.
    I am an American Idealist, for human freedom and dignity. All for that are welcome. All.that want to shop for judges willing to destroy our borders, common values, and representative republic are my enemies. No matter what their tribe, religion, color, orientation, or indoctrination.
    Your dog whistling "anti semite" does not work here. I tell you straight: You are a pc anti-American. Your thinking is what is killing the republic.

    There is not a single Protestant on Scotus. And the tribally Jewish influence on the ACLU and ADL is beyond dispute. And Hollywood.
    Why so tribal? Well, what does liberal mean to insular tribalists? One thing it obviously means is seeking by controlling the force of gov/law to subjugate everyone to legalism -- right down to the toenails. IOW, "fairness and equality" -- as judged to the satisfaction of "those that are too insular or too big to be bound by the law." ACLU law droolers after the "living" Constitution.
    This is the path for the destruction of every representative republic. This is the path for destroying individual freedom and dignity and replacing it with pleasured glands and gonads. IOW, reducing the masses to little more than zombie pleasure bots. And wiping away everyone who is not "down with" that program. Rules of kosher dieting to be extended to kosher pleasuring. Is your sex-bot kosher?
    I do not want to be mean. What I want is to put a stop to law droolers and their hate on against the Constitution and the representative republic. It is they (and their hero frontman, Soros) who have started this war.

    A lot of people idealize themselves as God's chosen gift to humanity, with an obligation to use their superior status (noblesse oblige) to rule from above, rather than to assimilate with, and be part of, rule from within.
    They see themselves as being of a superior tribe, even when the glue from common religion or genetic affinity has been removed or diluted. This promotes racism or bigotry, but it tries to prevent people from seeing it by constantly asserting victimization and anti-Semitism. In that way, they can be as racist as they wannabe, even as they call other people racists! What a gig!
    When that doesn't work, some fall back on this ruse: That they aren't really bigots claiming false superiority, because they only want to use their "superiority" to serve humanity.
    A lot of self-godded people go into finance and law, so they can pull the strings needed to rule the puppets they see as beneath them. This does not apply to all bankers, lawyers, or Jews. But it does lead a thinking person to wonder why it is ok for some to act tribal (Jews and Blacks) and to favor their tribes and gang markings, but for others that would be hateful, dhimmifying, racist, bigoted, colonialist, unconstitutional, profiling, and illegal.
    Some things never change. Such as the propensity for incompetent gang bangers to seek out goats, to suck their blood, even while they project their evil by calling the goats the blood suckers. Audacity! Chutzpah!

    Common sense understands that there is no apex of cultural goodness that can be reached by any single path simply by following the lead of phony moral scientists. Its proponents prefer due respect for the freedom and dignity of ordinary citizens, as opposed to the elitist force of big selective lies.
    Common sense understands that the purpose of law is not for elitists to force "progress" towards a chimera, but to smooth out unfolding relations among ordinary citizens as they participate in our representative republic.
    Common sense understands that BLM and ACLU are Soros funded monstrosities bent on purposes that are poison to the representative republic.
    Common sense understands that the dignity of each person is enhanced as he or she is encouraged to make their own way -- challenges and warts and all. Common sense understands that to enforce equality in results for all, if it could be done, would be to reduce everyone's humanity to that of a widget among indiscernibles. Common sense is lost when people surrender their personhood to their pleasure or to their paymaster or prof grader/groomer.
    Once common sense is lost, it becomes a farce to pretend such a people are suitable for a representative republic. This is why those that want a NWO people-farm are warring on common sense. They war in the classrooms. And in the immigration stations. And in the law enforcement stations, And in the churches, media, entertainment. And in international corporations and the military. Provided they are fed their daily soma, more than half of most populations can be trained as sheeple to baaaa anything. They are ready for the New World Sheeple Farm (NWSF). Old man Soros had a farm, ee ii ee ii oo.

    Straw man: I don't think you understand the idea of a straw man. You have essentially opined that every controversy is ultimately "for the courts." I am explaining why that is not the case and giving examples.
    Rational basis: You also misunderstand the legal meaning of the term "rational basis." Imagine if a child had a legal right before you required her to go to school to enjoin you until you showed a rational basis. That's the idea here. The courts know they're out of their realm, and they would not be able to digest or comprehend all the facts, data, plans, and purposes entailed. So scientific or mathematical proof is not what they want. They want the people to whom they feel beholden, to tie up a pretty story for them and then to opine whether they believe it seems rational.
    Problem is, in our representative republic, the sovereign people spoke when they elected Trump and when they put Republican majorities in Congress.
    If you want judges to have political power to second guess the rationality of political decisions, such as who should be deemed (adjudged) unsuitable for entering the nation, then you need to elect a Congress that will give authority to the judiciary to deem that. The existing Congress has plainly not. Rather, it gave that authority to deem to the President -- exclusively -- without unworkable second guessing by millions of reds, droolers, malcontents, agitators, or Soros hired goons.
    Deem: In legal usage, authority to deem a matter is authority to consider and decide it. See Black's law Dictionary, at http://thelawdictionary.org/de.... To hold, consider, adjudge. In this matter, the Legislature recognized authority in the President to deem (adjudge) who can be precluded entry and for how long. It did not delegate any such authority to adjudge to the Judiciary.
    Reality: The real reason this particular bozo judge is emboldened is not in any respect of law. It is in respect of Soros money, Soros agitation, and a calculation that the judge may be able to get away with it until Gorsuch is confirmed. IOW, it is in respect of a desire to erase the Constitution and sovereign republic and push the U.S. into a NWO, with all people-farming decisions rationalized by the law droolers du jour -- the sovereign people and Constitution be damnnned.


    The arrangement is for Congress to oversee the President on this issue. Not the judiciary. It is a political issue for which the judiciary is unsuited. Now, if you are "unemotional" about the killing of the representative republic, you may not wince as Progs try to make everything for the law drooling judiciary and ACLU. Personally, it sounds to me as if you would like to move to that arrangement.

    Good grief! There's no debate that the bozo judge has not been delegated with the power to determine the inherently qualitative issue of whether a class of people may pose an unwarranted threat against the republic. This is not a matter of science or math or pull-from-your-behind "evidence." It is a matter of delegation of power to make decisions based on inherently qualitative factors.
    This idiot judge "reasoned" that no evidence showed any terroristic act by a person from the banned locations. In that, he made a few ridiculous assumptions. First, that he has been entrusted to require such evidence. Second, that purely quantitative evidence could or should be required to show by some kind of preponderance or "rational basis" that precluding such a class would preclude unwarranted subterfuge or danger, or that previous such preclusions had prevented subterfuge or danger. Those issues are simply not in this bozo's bailiwick.
    Nothing in any provision of law or the Constitution supports that the judiciary has been empowered to oversee such determinations. Moreover, such determinations are inherently not the kind of quantitatively or qualitatively based decisions that are amenable of judicial oversight.
    If you think they are, please demonstrate how to "prove," logically, that admitting or not admitting a particular class of people is or is not likely to result in unacceptable subterfuge or danger. There is no such an objective measure! To pretend there is would be to empower every bozo Fed judge to seek to undermine the republic. The republic would be endangered to subterfuge more from Soros-ACLU-funded, friendly-bozo-judge lawsuits than from foreign terrorists!
    The Legislature already has a cure, without subjecting the republic to such nonsense. That cure is in the authority of the people's representatives, under the Constitution. Not in some unelected bozo among bozos, shopped for by Soros' goons.
    The only reason the issue is "for the courts" is for the courts to determine the jurisdictional issue of whether they have jurisdiction. That would be readily resolved by any non-compromised judiciary. Unfortunately, much of the Fed judiciary has been compromised by 100 years of Prog lunacy and by a Scotus now split 4-4 to slavering, unelected proggies.
    Quote: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."
    Note: Nothing in the delegation grants the judiciary power to supervise the reasonableness of the findings as deemed by the President. Nor is the judiciary, comprised of so many bozo unelected shoppable judges, suited to provide such supervision. There simply is no Constitutional issue, and no statutory issue.
    Suppose this judge had decided to put Obama on hold until he could demonstrate a rational basis for favoring selection or enforcement for some immigrants or refugees over others. Would second guessing that triage be "for the courts"?

    Whatever you may imagine, rule by moral scientisimists and pc rationalizers is not "rule of law." Rule of law, pursuant to checks and balances, would require the judiciary to abstain from this area. The matter entails one of judgment, based on qualitative factors that are beyond the measure of "moral scientists" or law droolers.
    Moreover, it is a matter that has been delegated to the President, with the participation of the Legislature. No judge is qualified to make the qualitative determination of whether excluding a class of wannabe immigrants is or is not dangerous to the well being of America. The people did not elect this judge, nor did anyone entrust him to inject his pc law drooling bs into the situation. How much terrorism, crime, subterfuge, and danger to the republic is reduced by precluding entry of a class of liberty illiterates? No one can prove that in science or law. Inherently, it is a matter that entails qualitative judgment. Of a kind that has been delegated by the people and/or the people's representatives, to the President. Not to some BLM loving racist bozo who thinks he's God's boss.
    Unfortunately, our system has been infested by so many similar minded law droolers that this narcissistic femiman bozo's bs may stand, and the bs infested Scotus may eventually split 4-4 to allow it to stand.
    Proggies are definitely looking for a war against decent, common sense. Given their way, they would utterly destroy the republic and replace it with a new system to the liking of larvae brains, like Soros.

    Given a forum for the free exchange of ideas, those that frequent it will have a better chance to falsify ignorance and to condemn corruption. Let free thinkers sort for themselves - - for consistency, coherence, completeness. There are plenty of other channels for snowflakes that conflate fairness with feelings.

    That's the American Ideal: To be capacitated to apply your freedom and dignity to pursue your authentic purposes. Not to gang up to impose rule to foist your purposes on goated others. Not to gang up to cajole and buy political influence to mooch off others. Not to claim superior (or "chosen") moral expertise to rationalize the farming of others. Not to climb from a marketplace of durable goods to a marketplace for buying,selling, corrupting, and indoctrinating governments, people, serfs, and politicians. This necessitates a system that helps to assimilate sustainable individual values while it limits the influence of oligarchs, moral scientisimists, and law droolers.


    The Wall:  The wanted-to-be NWO of proggies (narcopolists, self goddees, pleasure addlers, law droolers, moral scientisimists, goat lovers, truth twisters, larvae-brains, and parasitical rainbows) will pay for it. Mexico will just be their frontman.
    Impliedly, W's appointee has jurisdiction to consider whether he has jurisdiction.
    We need Gorsuch to be confirmed asap. There's no telling what hash the existing Scotus would make. Ginsburg, Kagen, Sotomayor, Breyer may split it 4-4 to allow whatever the lower appellate court decides to stand.
    Sotomayor is Catholic. Ginsburg, Kagen, and Breyer are Jews.
    Per Wikipedia: Breyer's "attack on originalism is powerful and convincing". In 2006, Breyer said that in assessing a law's constitutionality, while some of his colleagues "emphasize language, a more literal reading of the [Constitution's] text, history and tradition", he looks more closely to the "purpose and consequences".
    So, what consequence does Breyer want?
    This is probably why Trump is proceeding a bit more deferentially. Hopefully, Gorsuch would have little patience with Breyer's "thinking" (legalistic drooling by elitist wannabe rulers).


    Re: " To practicing Jews, law, precedent, and custom are the center of their cultural life, not a political game."
    Bingo! There's your answer. It's what I mused a week ago as likely being at the bottom of this: To help explain why so many institutions of legal force have fallen under Jewish auspices. I suspect it's why the ACLU is primarily the work of Jews.
    Here's the thing: America and its Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights rely mainly on the idea of a competent, responsible, free thinking citizenry, with a minimum of busybody laws. And with those laws that are enacted being mainly the work of representatives who are responsive to the citizenry, rather than to oligarchs, moochers, and law/forum/cherry shoppers.
    That has been turned upside down ever since we became infested with people who think they have some kind of natural right to be free from want, free from hunger, free from being cold, free from having to compete, free from inequality in results, free from being rewarded based on a marketplace that tends to value work, initiative, talent, insight. All the things that create the prosperous economy that then attracts the femimen, fairness-crybullies, and law droolers to destroy it.
    Our problem is not profiling. Our problem is failing to profile in depth. if we profiled in depth, we would learn that many Jews (Blacks, Whites, etc.) make good Americans and good employees. While many do not. Some people -- of all kinds of backgrounds -- mainly just want to work the system -- either by ruling it or by sucking it. It is not racist to notice that. it is stupid to fail to notice it.
    Our problem is that we have too long failed to profile in depth because we have been too concerned with racist hypocrites who claim immunity from being racists while simultaneously claiming that everyone who complains must be a racist (or anti-Semite). I am sick of that. No mas!
    BTW -- Who are you to say I have no Jewish blood?


    Of Goats, Wolves, Sheep Dogs, and Black Sheep (independent minded individuals) -- a thought for the day:

    Without goats to blame and rally against, I suspect Socialism could not survive. People do not tend to rally to volunteer to give up their own stuff. They tend to rally more quickly to take other people's stuff. To make that "moral," they need to make those people out to be goats. Like "privileged white men."

    Smart, faith-mucked oligarchs suss out goats as needed in order to misdirect the common herd. Ironically, many of the most successful oligarchs are privileged white men. But they travel freely among the classes of useful idiots by wearing sheep's clothing and other simple ruses, Now, they have acquired such control over every institution of persuasion that they walk about in plain sight -- molesting as they please, while remaining unmolested for themselves.  The funding and clamor for a NWO seems to be less the work of crying masses than the work of self-godded oligarchs, promoting agitation and division everywhere (while claiming to be non-racist uniters -- lol).

    The prevailing system of non-Socratic, indoctrinating "education" has turned out a lot of citizens that have been so indoctrinated that they seem unable to think for themselves and therefore seem unworthy as citizens in a representative republic -- whose lifeblood is a decent and informed citizenry.

    Maybe that's why our society has become closer to Hitler-ism. Not so much because of Trump. But because of "educators," molded by phony "moral scientists," bribed to be phony by "elite" crony-crats, placed in power by oligarchs, that have tried to replace the marketplace of goods with a marketplace for buying and selling political favors and influence.

    Human freedom, dignity, and decency seem to hang in the balance, between those who contend for self-rule under representative republicanism versus those who contend for NWO "Fairness" -- to be ruled by our "morally superior" elites.  Who is informed, and who is being had? 

    Sometimes, the most caring people among us seem to be unwittingly used by the most twisted.  Can that happen?  You betcha.  How can you tell the difference?  If not by the fruits, I'm not sure you can. 

    Question:  Why does the Establishment of Oligarchs seem to be so united against Trump, worldwide?  Who believes it's really because they are so caring?

    The kind of brain that is amenable to evil and idiocy writ large (such as Marxism and Islam), that has been marinated in such idiocy, is the kind of brain that likely never was amenable to reason, and never will be cured by reason. Every subpar brain that has been stewed in Marxism will not likely ever be able to recover by resort to mere reason. Horowitz (and Whitaker Chambers) is (was) probably a rare outlier.
    Extant sociopaths, narcissists, and despot-brains must usually and simply be defeated -- by whatever the interventions and means required. The alternative is intolerable destruction of all decent toleration. The alternative is the sub-humanization of humanity.

    Marxism, as theory, has always been chimera. For that reason, it cannot be applied in practice. Like other ideas of centrally coerced "fairness" (built on so-called objective moral science as prescribed by so-called superior elites and non-elected judges), Marxism has always been delusion and cover for despotism. Despotism built on delusion and sociopathy has never gone out of style. Nor, as long as we have faith-mucked oligarchs, will it ever go out of style.
    A lot of people, by tribe or education, have been indoctrinated to believe "fairness" is something that can and should in all things be promulgated by elite unelected judges -- even if that means the representative republic must be replaced by another chimera: An unelected, fair minded oligarchy. That is the key issue. Some societies are suited for representative republicanism, some for elitist rule.
    If the U.S. is still suited to representative republicanism, that cannot much longer remain the case if, by processes of reeducation and non-assimilating immigration, the nation is allowed to become indoctrinated to and populated by a majority that prefers to be ruled under supposedly fair minded elitists and oligarchs.
    What is certain is that the nation cannot stand, half wanting a republic and half wanting an oligarchy. We have sewn the wind, and now we will reap the whirlwind.


    I distinguish between science and scientism. Maybe it is you that has a problem with basic reason? Or perhaps you don't understand the sarc tag?

    Do you think "social science" is primarily about science or about rationalization for social control? Do you agree with Sam Harris that there is such a thing as "moral science"? Is it the proper place of science to seek to derive "ought from is"? Is there an explanatory Rule For Everything, which only science is empowered to seek? Is there a proper realm for innate intuition and empathy, apart from science? Should human governance be turned over to elite scientists of morality and sociology? Should people not indoctrinated or trained in "sciences" of morality and sociology be precluded from voting in a representative republic? Should all representative republics be fundamentally transformed into bastions for being ruled under benign moral scientists?
    Have you actually thought about any of these topics?

    You have white-on-the-brain. There are no white genes. We are all already mixed. It is you racists that make crap up so you can practice racism while claiming to be innocent, so you can practice deceit, division, and rule. You do this because you are so individually incompetent in mind and body that you require a goat to blame for your ineptitude. You missed your "launch by" date.
    EDIT: The bigger problem in the U.S. today is not one of racism. It is one of snowflakes. Everyone has his/her cross to carry. A lot of white people carry heavier loads than many people whose skin tone is less white. There are always people who, for whatever reason, will prefer the company of some and not of others. Everyone has to take responsibility to compensate for his/her own situation.
    Enacting reams of laws for hordes of fairness-monitors to enforce does not help anyone or anything. In the U.S., nearly every adult has freedom of travel, easy access to the internet, easy access to self help. What is needed is more self empowerment, less coddling, less entitlement mongering, less stupidity bent on trying to enforce "fairness."
    Fairness by whose definition? There are people with great physical and mental challenges who complain far less than the bulk of entitlement minded thugs and phony students so often seen trying to destroy the republic in the stupid, law-drooling expectation that some despotic rule by "moral elitists" and pc-association red-guard enforcers would improve things.
    Enough! People need to grow the heck up. They will not do that until the rewards are stopped for whining and playing the fool. They can talk to the hand. And if they attack me, they can talk to the Glock. Less "peace out." More piz off.


    Socialism is the practice of trying to benefit the individual members of a society by taking away their ownership of their individuality. It promotes the idea that an objective betterment abides that can best be pursued by finding and authorizing the best moral engineers to rule over the common herd. However, the best moral engineers are not found by a competition in a marketplace, but by the best moral scientists. Moreover, the best moral scientists are not found by a competition in a marketplace, but by divination by an all powerful oligarchy. Socialism is the pursuit of the Oligarch-polis. That is, the NWO.
    The apex of socialism will transition from humanism through bot-ism. Then, poof, unicorns. Therefore, socialism is a science, not a religion. S/

    For some people, the nicest thing that could be done would be to teach them the dignity of taking personal responsibility and not playing the fool or the race/victim card.
    Reserve a helping hand for those that have capacity to appreciate it, rather than begrudge it.


    What the Progloidian Sphere is really saying is that everyone who voted to try to salvage the representative republic from the oligarcholopse is disconnected from reality. Accept the New Serfopolypse, peasants!
    To a question of whether the Court had jurisdiction to second guess the rationale of the President, the answer was no.
    The attorney failed to give the right answer for the same reason you would decline to tell a gang of burglars pointing their guns at you that they were outside their legal authority.
    Once the attorney was intimidated, the only issues remaining were how to carve and divvy up his dignity.
    Which is what Prog billionaires are paying their goons to try to do to Trump. If what remains of Conservers of Liberty will allow them to get away with it.

    The Prog Uniparty is a (racist, bigoted) herd management party, not an individual rights or dignity party. It sings (racist, bigoted) soothing cowboy songs to its cattle people, sotto voce.
    It's early in the courtroom we round up the doggies.
    We herd mark them and brand them and saw off their horns.
    And then while they're wild eyed we promise them free stuff.
    Safe spaces and equal hay for equalized meat product.
    So git along little doggies, sweet dreams for your troubles.
    For you know fairness and equality is the place you belong.


    Put the Ninth out of business and replace it! While at it, nail down the law to remove sovereign political functions (like immigration and visa decisions) from the jurisdictional purview of the Judiciary. Keep them in Congress, Admin Courts, and the Executive. Allow the AG to prosecute judicial violators and, on conviction, have them automatically removed from office. Get an Amendment if necessary. Enough of this law puking! Enough of this reverse sewer sieve.

    The whole prog-goat blaming apparatus is out of whack. Without goats to blame and rally against, their socialistic/fascist/NWO programs could not survive. People do not tend to rally to volunteer to give up their own stuff. They rally to take other people's stuff. To make that "moral," they need to make those people out to be goats. Like "privileged white men."

    Smart, faith-mucked oligarchs suss out goats as needed in order to misdirect the common herd. Ironically, many of the most successful oligarchs are privileged white men. But they travel freely among the classes of useful idiots by wearing sheep's clothing and other simple ruses, Now, they have acquired such control over every institution of persuasion that they walk about in plain sight -- molesting as they please, while remaining unmolested for themselves. The funding and clamor for a NWO seems to be less the work of crying masses than the work of self-godded oligarchs, promoting agitation and division everywhere (while claiming to be non-racist uniters -- lol).

    The prevailing system of non-Socratic, indoctrinating "education" has turned out a lot of citizens that have been so thoroughly indoctrinated that they have become unable to think for themselves and therefore unworthy as citizens in a representative republic (whose lifeblood is a decent and informed citizenry).

    That's why our society has become closer to Hitler-ism. Not because of Trump. But because of "educators," molded by phony "moral scientists," bribed to be phony by "elite" crony-crats, placed in power by oligarchs, that have tried to replace the marketplace of goods with a marketplace for buying and selling political favors and influence.

    Human freedom, dignity, and decency hang in the balance, between those who contend for self-rule under representative republicanism versus those who contend for NWO "Fairness" -- to be ruled by our "morally superior" elites. Who is informed, and who is being had?
    Sometimes, the most caring people among us seem to be unwittingly used by the most twisted. Can that happen? You betcha. How can you tell the difference? If not by the fruits, I'm not sure you can.

    Question: Why does the Establishment of Oligarchs seem to be so united against Trump, worldwide? Who believes it's really because they are so caring?

    Reverse Sewage Filter: The more corrupt the oligarchy and its tools (the ACLU and the 9th Circuit) become, the more corrupt a person has to be to hope to float to the top of its excrement. One does not compete at the oligarchic level by failing to "invest" in buying governments, politicians, and, apparently, pedophiles and nation destroyers.

    Trump graduated beyond the money grubbing level to the level of wanting to restore the representative republic. Most of his fellow billionaires are still trying to swim to the top of an excrement pile. They are a disgrace and a plague.

    The louder the NWO goons holler, the more violent they become, the more invective they throw, the more it becomes necessary to defeat and scatter them. They are beyond reason. They are ruled by their glands, hormones, pleasures, addictions, feelings, and power addictions. They are itching for a war. For the opposition (Conservers of Liberty) to restrict itself to niceties against such goons (who pose as fair-minded people who mean well for the downtrodden) is for liberty lovers to lose.


    When you approve of dividing by zero, you can phony prove anything. When you can call evil good and good evil, you can phony prove anything. When you can call worship of forced monstrosity a free exercise of religion, you can phony prove anything. When you can call a desire to banish worshippers of monstrosity from your borders the establishment of a religion, you can phony prove anything.
    We are beset by law droolers, trained to undermine our republic by phony proving whatever they find advantageous at any given moment.
    Law droolers behind the judiciary peddle a phony idea: That banning more Muslims from entering the U.S. would be an establishment of religion, in violation of the First Amendment. The unstated presumption is that to ban any class that might disproportionately favor some religious ideas over others constitutes the constitutionally forbidden establishment of religion. IOW, no class or any kind can be banned without implied permission from (those that oversee) the Judicial Branch.
    So, even though there was no express ban of Muslims, the judiciary usurps power to look behind the actual words to divine that there is a judicially reviewable issue concerning the true intent. Astoundingly, the judiciary now takes on itself power to review every decision by the Executive Branch to test whether its actions may serve a verboten intention. This is tyranny by a Judicial Branch, which is now stocked with law drooling traitors to the republic.
    What do these law droolers want? They want to kill every nation, every republic, every decently assimilated culture and society, and replace it with a new world order that is borderless. In this "open society," all power is to be in "benign" oligarchs, advised by moral scientists, served in courts by tribes of law droolers. They are to be "too big for the law." They are to be chosen and entrusted to redistribute everything, in such manner as they deem "fair and equal." As to the individual freedom and dignity of individual "citizens of the world" -- that is to be "deaded."
    Do the oligarchs believe they will prevail? Is a pig's hindside pork ? They have been at work for more than a hundred years, working all sides of despotism, flying false flags of communism, socialism, fascism, do-gooderism, liberalism, progressivism. Always, those flags represent chimeras, while the true agenda is power. Oligarchic Despotism. Worldwide. For that, goats du jour are always in demand. Presently, the goats du jour are white American males who want to preserve the representative republic.
    Apparently, some law drooling moron has this "pending. That's ok. I've already copied it.