Monday, May 30, 2011

Oasis of Stasis

Why does the seeming success of worldwide technology still leave so many with so much anomie?

One sometimes apprehends the larger patterns and vortexes of nature, associating with interfunctioning expressions of consciousness. One may apprehend what tends to unfold, as particular forms of consciousness become so successful and prevalent that many are no longer inspired or entertained by the potentials of such forms, leading them to retire, drop out, and numb their brains to alcohol, drugs, depression, or to seek others willing to assume responsibility over them, to carry them, drug them, or arrange their vainly hoped for final exit.

Crowding leads to collectivism, to apathy, to numbness, to slouching towards spiritual death. Thus, consciousness dynamically balances and cycles through bouts of inspiration versus depression. Does, can, should, or will consciousness seek an oasis of stasis, that may, at least temporarily, slow the manic-depressive cycling of strum and drang?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always has it been thus: Failure to take individual responsibility for believing in anything brings failure to value anything, brings belief in the value of no thing, brings seeking absorption into atheistic collectivism of nothingness ... which leads to worship of anarchy, destruction, and death --- the ultimate collectivizer. From power that comes from the barrel of a gun, the misery of those-who-know-best demands company. Scratch a collectivist, find a hollow agent of despair.