Sunday, May 15, 2011

Up the Organization

Organizations are stupid.  By that, I mean that independent-minded human beings who are inclined to try to uncover a consistent philosophy or theology by which to guide their experiences tend not especially to be compatible with those whose pathologies incline them to exploit opportunities for self promotion.  A person of intellect who seeks fulfillment by advancing himself within a community or corporate organization will at some point encounter a need to compromise the principled against the expedient.  Currents are much more favorable the easier one adjusts one's principles to fit the stream of the management ethos for the organization.  That is, KUSD.  IOW, kiss up and spit down.  Eventually, organizations may form networks of interconnecting hierarchies, so that KUSD becomes an unavoidable, inhumane, soul stifling part of reality.  That is the mechanism that is entangling all of America.  Elite spiders are wrapping ordinary beings who are caught in their webs and then storing them for later exploitation.  Webs within world wide webs.  I don't know if there is any escape --- even for the spiders.  To modify a common dictum:  Speaking the principled truth by cutting the spider webs becomes a revolutionary act.


Anonymous said...

An Obamasolution is a synonym for boondoggle. It ALWAYS entails more organization of the community, government, regulations, strings. It doggles most, and boons few. However, organizations are stupid. By that, I mean that independent-minded human beings who are inclined to try to uncover a consistent philosophy or theology by which to guide their experiences tend not especially to be compatible with those whose pathologies incline them to exploit opportunities for self promotion. A person may have character or intellect, but when he seeks fulfillment by advancing himself within a community or corporate organization, he will at some point necessarily encounter a need to compromise the principled against the expedient. Currents are much more favorable the easier one adjusts one's principles to fit the prevailing stream of the management ethos for the organization. That is, KUSD. IOW, kiss up and spit down. Eventually, organizations may form networks of interconnecting hierarchies, so that KUSD becomes an unavoidable, inhumane, soul stifling part of reality. That is the mechanism that is entangling all of America. Elite spiders are wrapping ordinary beings who get caught in their webs and then storing them for later exploitation. They tell us they are doing this for our own good. Webs within world wide webs. I don't know if there is any escape --- even for the spiders. To modify a common dictum: Speaking the principled truth by cutting the spider webs becomes a revolutionary act. We already have more than enough laws and regulations. Perhaps there is a law of conservation of sense and regulation: sense and regulation are convertible, but the total amount is constant. IOW, the more the regulation, the less the public sense. Obama has so regulated his mind as to have lost all sense.

Anonymous said...

Our capacity to color facts and write regulations is increasing. Increasing the slipperyness of words does not translate into increasing freedom. China is climbing into freedom? Big cats in the zoo are better fed, so they're freer? Consider a lion raised in a zoo. It cannot very well fend for itself if released into the wild. Once its life has been reduced to a zoo of regulations by its keepers, who presume to know what's best for it, the lion won't on its own learn how to escape the zoo, much less how to fend for itself. No doubt, an economist can compute how the caged lion enjoys higher income. Thus, the problem with submitting to detailed regulation and supervision of elitist keepers: Once the regulatory system's imposed, there's much slippery talk, but no easy escape. The more the regulation, the less the fitness for independence. The zoo cages soon render even the regulators unfit, except to rationalize accounting tricks and tightening co-dependence. After enough psycho-econ counseling, the lion may even forget he's caged.

By substituting secular regulations for spiritual charity, Americans have come to a point such that a return to self reliance and charity would be far from easy. Yet, the path we are on is soul deadening, for our elite leaders are really our most weak and co-dependent, and they mean to screw down the cages so no escape can be allowed. After all, it can be shown, "factually," that we are better off.

The problem with good governance is this: How should law best be crafted so as to define a system wherein citizens can be availed decent opportunities for self expression, without stifling that expression? The leader who promises to lead us to government-provided entitlements and luxuries or to utopian equality and fairness is merely a small cynic, bent on tricking us into zoos. When we come, all hopey-changey, to believe elitist zoo keepers can provide us with a perpetual happiness (and freedom?) machine, we will have tragically deluded ourselves concerning a fundamental quality of the meta law of conservation of moral consciousness.

Anonymous said...

If something about conscioiusness is inextricably interconnected with matter, then matter, in itself, might not be rigorously definable. If so, no analysis of non-trivial material facts can, except in prtetense, be with “rigor.” One may only pretend to explicate a rigorous analysis by dismissing as irrelevant all considerations and facts which do not accord with precise assignments to artificially prescribed grids of detailed definitions, regulations, and conversion functions. By assumption, one thus models and commits everything that is off the grid (outside the cages of the regime) to irrelevancy (or hell!). Thus, a figurer for a school (or a regimen for a regime) will limit all relevant considerations and calculations for value-assignments to those persons and functions it assigns to play roles within the grid and to those it accords capacity to alter the grid. Thus is devalued every interest that is beyond the animals and attendants for a zoo (or an artificial construct for a despotism). Thus can one reliably hammer square facts into round holes. Thus can one “factually” argue that every kind of regime has changed or increased wealth, fairness, dignity, freedom ... even unto an increase in righteousness of the sky.

Indeed (per Reagan), non-trivial facts, in themselves, “are stupid things.” What gives such facts color or meaning are the empathies and purposes of their advocates. Before trusting an advocate’s ideas, explore his heart (moral core of his consciousness). Look to the context of his acts. Test the fundamentals of his moral orientation. Does he seem even to entertain a philosophy of morality? Does his loyalty extend beyond his glands or his particular wolf pack? Does he extend his empathies to intangible principles or values that are beyond immediate material and glandular tastes? Does he think some grand, dialectic synthesis should make the unforeseeable or spiritual interests of people irrelevant to scientific economics? Does he personify or reify (god-ify?) his higher values as some kind of Alpha Wolf (Allah? Big Brother?), or as some kind of general teacher of empathy (Jesus?)? As one tests those considerations, one may get a better sense of how people arrive at so-called "hard facts.”