Sunday, January 8, 2012

Reducing Familes Does Not Reduce Government

.Once an electorate is ruined, mere rule from on high will not cure. Government is law, made by lawmakers, to regulate common situations. Everytime one person asserts power to regulate speech or behavior of another, government is entailed. Everytime the ACLU sues to allow a Fed judge to establish a new entitlement, law is entailed. Everytime a jury judges whether facts rise to support legal action, law is entailed. Like air, government fills living space. When considering how social values should be regulated, ACLU libs are not in business to foster less intrusive government. They are in business to establish more national precedents, to increase centralization of governmental power.
The only real counter to central agglomerizing of power is an electorate enlightened enough to inculcate de-centralizing mores through the generations. This enlightenment is not sought by centralizers. Centralizers are in competition to siphon power away from local levels, by "educating" children, parents, local institutions, and lower levels of government to seek central rule. To justify centralization, crisis and divisions are sewn, to entice dependence on centralizing rule. This displaces the experience of local authorities. Being displaced, local authorities become incompetent and non-responsible. Power over routine issues for raising children siphons to central authorities. Parents become so incompetent it becomes impossible to think of restoring their authority. The more power is centralized, the less responsive it becomes to local concerns, and the more it justfies itself by arbitrary rule --- for which it monopolizes significant means of propaganda and persuasion.
The more Libs reduce traditional families, the more they ensure absolute, despotic rule of Big Brother. A society that loses means to incentive an assimilated, enlightened electorate of responsible families has no hope by any quick fix of preserving a representative republic, much less small government. Who are Libs who believe government and law should be so intrusive, to decree that their notions of entitlements should be ENFORCED from on high? What is their experience in raising responsible children or sustaining enlightened electorates? Who are these Libs, so confident they know so much?


Anonymous said...

In main, the period from 1960 to present has entailed ruination of local electorates of the West in order to grease sellout to the NWO. It matters little whether there was massive conspiracy, because there has been abject lack of decent intellectual leadership. One looks in vain during this period for political wisdom that would inspire and preserve a self reliant electorate, capable of demanding that its representatives sustain freedom and dignity and not sell the masses into plantations under false hopes of change towards equal redistribution of wealth, even unto derelicts. There have been giants of social and military inspiration, but hardly any of politics ... not of the vision of many of America's founders. In main, there have been apologists for undermining local leadership and families and for selling liberty of the masses to highest bidders. Sometimes, this was appropriate. This is because most electorates, sadly, are not suited to self governance in all concerns. Even so, this is no justification for know-it-all elites of little vision and nary any experience in raising responsible children to rush to centralize authority away from local institutions with regard to those concerns that are best addressed locally. As important as it is for SCOTUS to aspire to set national standards for those issues properly set aside by the Constitution to the Federal domain, it is at least equally important for SCOTUS to deprive Feds of authority to meddle in issues properly set aside to the local domain. Locals need means to reset the balance! It is imperative that locals demand and institutionalize authority to recall Feds of all branches when they intrude on rights reserved to the people. Local legislatures should have authority to recall and require explanations from Congressional representatives, including explanations for why judges run amuck have not been impeached. The electorate should demand and intsitutionalize authority to recall its representatives.

Anonymous said...

Re: "Yet the right is woefully bad at selling conservative ideas to anyone not already smart enough to know how bad the leftist agenda is for the country. And that is why the right is losing the culture war and why the country continues to decline spiritually and temporally."

There's more to it than that. Sheep want to be led and will follow a loud leader, even a stupid and corrupt one! The daunting task for Conservatives is to enlighten citizens to think for themselves. This is not simply a matter of stationing a loud, anti-stupid leader, however skilled. Few societies are entirely up to being electorates for sustainable republics. Western society is now so divided and dumbed down, in many respects it's beyond immediate salvage. Americans have become so stupefied, many actually believe the path to less governmental interference leads through a relative reduction of influence by local institutions and families. Now, a long learning odyssey must recur before good sense can have much chance to return. Instead of remaining disentangled from foreign stupidity, Americans sought it out and admired it as intelligence. Now, we must preserve what we can, drive home lessons where we can, keep the flame kindled, and document so future generations may have a chance. Regardless, mere agitprop, however skillful, will not convert a stupid, divided electorate into republic-deserving voters. Unfortunately, 1 percent united and obnoxious change artists can rule a nation of sheep. Unless decent, wise leaders keep vigilant to preserve widespread enlightenment, liberty for the masses has few defenses against idiots and sociopaths. Simply put, narcissistic stupidiy, once it masses, admires its image and requires its day.

Anonymous said...

Equal distribution of material wealth cannot be achieved without imposing inequality in immaterial classifications. Except by handicapping classifications, fools cannot be protected in their distributions, and in fact will learn less about how to fend for themselves without mobbing those who do fend for themselves. Those who try to teach persons placed in lower castes how to better fend for themselves will become irksome and expendable to those who have learned to aggrandize themselves by leading mobs of fools. The upshot of emphasizing equality in wealth over liberty is neither equal distribution of wealth nor of liberty, but rule under Big Brother.

Anonymous said...

Feds in every branch are greedy to grab power. It is the nature of any organized system that it needs a head to steer it. So the head, to the exclusion of local parts of the body, will have to be judge in many cases of those situations that fall within the power of the federal government. A household needs to recognize that certain decisions will be the domain of a head. However, the body need not be helpless. A well evolved body will reserve checks. When the head refuses to rest, the body can shut the system down until rest is restored. The problem with our Constitution is that it allocates checks and balances among various heads among Feds, but few among those of the body. The people and their state legislatures should, when 60 percent who vote are so inclined, be empowered to recall any official they elect or who is appointed by anyone they elect. Otherwise, power always accumulate one way, up, like water pumped by an Archimedian screw.