Tuesday, January 31, 2012

To Become Viable, A Middle Class Must Find Its Values

To Become Viable, A Middle Class Must Find Its Values:
One should oppose aspects of internationalism and nation-building if one proposes to preserve an island-exemplar for human freedom and opportunity.  Inhabitants of many lands have few capacities, inclinations, or traditions that're compatible with freedom and opportunity for citizens.  A viable and relatively free middle-class is a rare thing.  Once such a flower is planted, one does not show care for it by opening it to all weeds that ravage the world.  That is, unless one doesn't prize a free middle-class or expects gain by helping those who're bent on uprooting it.
As the rest of the world becomes a toilet for despots, why think it small-minded to wish to preserve a vestige of hope for freedom and dignity?  Has our openness to internationalism made other lands better, or has it enriched and empowered despots, who now apply themselves more to corrupt politicians in America than to improve lives for their own peoples?  If we concentrated more on presenting an example than on enriching despots, I suspect not only we, but many peoples abroad, would be better off.  The idea that elites would, by freely trading technological expertise with despots, make better the lives of all little people of the world, smacks of rulers who think to do best by reducing middle-class voices of ordinary Americans to inconsequential pips.
While leverage availed by power of re-organization CAN raise all boats, it WILL NOT, by itself, raise liberty and economic opportunity among the masses. Qualitatively raising liberty and opportunity for a middle-class requires that respect for humanity be exemplified and inspired, rather than that brawn be harnessed by elites in search of cheapest labor. Considered against pet programs of organizing elites, human freedom and dignity are coming to be qualitatively not valued.  Minds yearning for liberty are lulled asleep by cheap diversions and misleading experts, feigning wisdom enough to quantify non-quantifiables.  The only hope for re-igniting liberty in America is for enough leaders among the masses to recognize deceptions and delusions pandered about in established ways of thinking.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Managing Helots

Were America not tied in knots to prevent it from functioning as a representative republic, a number of fundamental solutions would readily appear. Deploy general tax incentives to moderate family sizes. (This would be the most decent and sane way to address environmental concerns.) Move towards a Canadian style single payer health care system. (This would remove the monkey from employers' backs and allow them to become more competitive.) Stop allowing corporations to buy up patents in order to mothball them for years while there's not the least intention to bring them to market, because the profit-making infrastructure for the status quo would be overturned. (This would go far towards freeing the market to incentive fundamental energy independence.)
Such solutions would readily occur to the middle class, were it not constantly agitated and divided by an allied establishment that rips its immediate gratifications by using the middle class as sheep and cattle. Democrats may finally be learning that the candidates they tend to be offered toss only crumbs to cover promises, while funneling billions to cronies at the back door. Tea Party Republicans may finally be learning much the same thing about establishment candidates from the Republican party. There's little financial motivation to the funding establishment to actually fix things to faciliate representative republicanism. Profit motive can be a good thing, but it's not essence-of-God, nor is it guraranteed to be a good thing --- especially within societies whose workers are ruled by deliberately keeping them as divided and ignorant as helots. Why expect the establishment NOT to reduce Americans to compete as serf laborers? Think of the rush of power and profit for the most imaginative of sociopaths and narcissists! who tend most often to occupy the pool of power brokers.
Advocates for establishment Dems or Repubs tend either to be ignorant dupes or calculating traitors. Marketplace as a solution?! What marketplace? The alliance of cronies rigs the marketplace! They run the currency exchanges, banks, media, academia, politicians! Why expect them to want to stop the gravy train? There're obvious solutions, but they're poisoned with pejoratives blared by those who benefit by keeping the pot stirred away from solutions. It appears that Mitt or some clone will be the Republican candidate. We can HOPE that Mitt will grow into a representative to foster freedom, opportunity, dignity, and decency for the class that actually wants to work, add value, and earn its way. But the sheer weight of ensconced abusers renders such hope rather childish. So Mitt may be elected. If the middle class can waken --- despite the constant administering of poison to weaken it by every significant institution that's under thumbs of a corrupt and allied establishment --- then a reassimilated middle class may be able to force reform. Meanwhile, notice how Obama fairly chuckles. He knows he can say and do just about anything and then repackage and force-sell it as progress. Get mad. Keep the faith. Get assimilated. Hold hot coals to feet of cronies. Tipping points will come. It's about positioning to counter crisis opportunists and their sociopathic managers.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Anyone with a modicum of common sense soon notices that the accelerating increase in the population of human beings is “out of whack” with any decent regard for harmony with the rest of the biosphere. This is not meant as a paean to paganism, but to respect the most common ground needed for civilization. The obvious way to “recover whack” would generally be to incentive families to exercise moderation in restraint of appropriate sizes for households. This could be accomplished with general, civilized tax incentives for contraception, instead of with inhumane, brute force. However, any such effort conflicts with cronies whose power or financial gains are dependent on replenishing stocks of cheap, ignorant labor. It also conflicts with megalomaniacs whose empires are dependent on replenishing stocks of canon fodder and preserving control over collectives for generating technological superiority. Cronies and dupes are usually motivated more by desire to groom, soothe, and milk aphids than by desire to disseminate intelligent analysis of facts.
Aside from aesthetics and insults to human freedom and dignity, the burgeoning of organizations of human beings brought under tight harness of an allied establishment of corporatist-collectivists is obviously closely associated with rapid interruptions in harmonies of other species with which we share the planet. Some destructive species of jellyfish and insects, in their patterns of migration, ARE expanding further from the equator, leading to potential decimation of other species of plants and animals. Rates of change are accelerating among patterns for habitats, coastlines, farmlands, and deserts. True, as floating ice melts, the water surface level will not immediately rise. However, as the melting is associated with general warming, all the water will expand and rise in level as it goes from a cold-but-unfrozen state to a warmer state. As larger populations become more and more dependent upon central organizations, any sudden and simple disruption in the central nervous system for an organization can easily bring catastrophe.
Although the above states obvious truisms, it does not advocate switching back and forth in “sky-is-falling” panics between cronies and megalomaniacs. It does, however, suggest an obvious remedy (if not too long delayed): Simply institute general incentives for moderating sizes of families. As to any need to compete with megalomaniacs intent on building empires founded on military might based on technological advancements discovered by populous nurseries for mad scientists, consider: Computing power is accelerating at such a pace that brute numbers of scientists would seem likely to as soon become as obsolete as human fighter pilots. For middle class Americans to fight the common sense of general incentives for population reduction is to reduce themselves to mere flotsam, to be pushed back and forth for the use and abuse of contending and cynical cronies and corruptocrats and their climate-consensus carbon-crediting calculators. So long as a reasonable, responsible intelligentsia fails to assimilate among the middle class, it will continue to be reduced to cheap fodder for crony corporate collectivists, i.e., open-society free-traders of human beings as commodities to be connived among “those who know best.”
By itself, motive to profit is not essence of God. Like any other civilizing epiphenomena, it needs for its conservation to be tempered with civilizing empathies, lest it become self-devouring unto a pit. Such tempering is accomplished by processes of cultural identification and assimilation, not by severing loyalties to God, humanity, kin, and country. There’s little need or advantage in debating with cronies and dupes whose status and livelihoods depend upon disagreeing. Simply state the obvious facts and the obvious remedies. That is, if the goal is civilization that avails decent freedom and dignity for all who incline to want it.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


BACKGROUND: There’s an interesting article on health care at http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2009/01/26/090126fa_fact_gawande. It points out the tension between any idealized health care system and the need to build from factors already extant. For example, the course of events from the Great Depression through WWII made it necessary for the U.S. to go down the path of employment-based health care programs. Now that we're far down that path, many people have invested years of work in order to become vested in their health care coverage. Having paid their dues, they're far less prone to volunteer to pay tax increases to fund health care for those who have not paid such dues. Americans may idealize the perfect health care system, but there's no easy way to transition to it from the path we're already far down. Regardless of whatever ideal might otherwise be agreed upon, the path-dependent factors that already burden our system loom large against any sudden transition.
IDEAL: Even so, it would seem worthwhile to envision what an ideal system might look like, so we can try to plan ahead and reserve ways here and there to make gradual transitions towards better sense. To do that, we need to look beyond brain-freezing pejoratives. Regarding brain freeze:   Few believe the national government should forego taxing residents in order to finance national defense, interstate highways, national standards for airline traffic, and inoculations of the general public in order to mitigate against epidemics. Similarly, there’s little reason to believe the national government should forego taxing residents in order to finance decent, civilized, national health care. Nor is there reason to believe that would unreasonably pick anyone’s pocket. Private companies still compete to produce weapons, contract to build roads, and provide airline services. Health care providers would still compete to market their services, even were payments for a floor of services to be made by some combination of national, state, and local governmental agencies. Britain, Canada, Australia, and numerous other nations manage to accomplish national health care without unreasonably compromising it. Yes, on behalf of plan users, the government would be in a strong bargaining position. But many people remain wealthy enough to enter into contracts for more exceptional services, so that progress towards increasing excellence in medical techniques would continue.
REASON: If Rinos and corporatists can reasonably expect skilled factory workers to compete to market their labor to diminishing numbers of manufacturing and even foreign corporations, than Dinos and citizens can reasonably expect domestic health-care providers to compete to market their skills to diminishing numbers of governmental payers. Decent aspects of the market would be retained; indecent aspects would be reduced. Tax funded government would be incentived to control costs; the press would remain incentived to pressure providers not to unreasonably deny coverage; middling insurers would find markets for them to profit in by means other than denying health care to the least powerful. Assuming the U.S. could transition to a more ideal system, it could get the monkey for providing health care off employers’ backs and thereby allow American businessmen to become more competitive with offshore businesses that are not beset by such costs.
BALANCE OF FACTORS: Regardless of system, there will always remain competing factors: How to attract good students to become good health care providers; how to disincentive illegal residents and malingerers from hijacking the system; how to overcome misleading pejoratives of purely profit-driven cronies. Indeed, it’s intuitive to any realistic thinker that some purely profit-driven cronies will always prefer that middling insurers remain involved precisely so that easy money can continue to be made by finding efficient ways for denying treatments to relatively powerless individuals.
SLOGANS THAT FREEZE OUT THINKING: The soundbite pejorative (against requiring uncovered citizens to participate in a plan, pay for their own plan, pay a tax assessment to cover a government provided plan, or pay a tax penalty) is nonsense. The people are already mandated to pay assessments to cover public costs of health care!  They're called taxes. Public health care is paid for by public taxes. When you take advantage of emergency public health care, you're taking advantage of other people being required to pay for your coverage. They're called taxes. Unless you're an illegal alien, you pay them too. Just because the tax is called a mandate for individuals not otherwise covered does not make it other than a tax. If government can impose taxes to cover public health care, then it can impose a mandate to members of the public either to pay the tax (or fine), or to directly purchase their own coverage.
PREPARING THE WAY: Enforce borders. Reform medical malpractice tort law. Make insurance policies for employees portable. Don't require employees with vested coverage plans to participate in taxes designed to cover government financed single payer plans for everyone else. Phase out copays on employer provided coverage. Over time, phase out requirements for employer provided coverage. Meantime, until transition is complete, the phasing and transitioning will unavoidably be fairly complex.
OBSTACLES PLACED BY DUPLICITOUS CRONIES: Notwithstanding, even if Americans could reach consensus about an ideal system, how can they find a practical way to navigate towards it?   How can the fraud that passes for representation by the Allied Establishment of Dinos and Rinos ever be overcome? After all, health care is just one among numerous concerns for which ordinary, middle-class Americans are under the thumb of a corruptly allied Establishment of crony corporatists and collectivists, which controls most aspects of every such debate. The middle class can only restore good sense to the American system as it shucks off mainstream disinformation and begins educating itself. I wonder where Newt and Mitt REALLY stand on this?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Default System of History

But for the example of the U.S., the default economy of history is comprised of rulers and workers, with no influential middle class. This is true under communism as well as under colonizing, state-run corporatism (which is what modern communism amounts to). If the U.S. fails to preserve its borders and identity, then nothing stands in the way of rule-of-all under a fluxing, worldwide cadre of despots, corporatists and fanatics. That Establishment, seeking the default position on behalf of elites and dupes, never stops trying to eat the U.S. middle class, until it expires. Apart from lip-servicing for dupes, the Establishment never has its heart in defending U.S. borders, nor in defending economic freedom and opportunity for America’s own middle class.
Rather, elite corporatists work with easily-bribed dupes to erase U.S. borders and to ship U.S. industry overseas. This they never cease to “inform” us is because they “know best how to fix things” and “free trade raises all boats.” Plus, don’t you see, they “earn” the right to force U.S. workers to compete with worldwide serf labor, indentured to corporations that operate hand in hand with governments. When they say “land of the free,” they mean freedom to harness American laborers as commodities to buy and sell in the worldwide (crony-manipulated, artificial) “marketplace,” where it’s only “right” that American laborers should be forced to compete with laborers who are already under the harness of foreign despots and corporate wise guys. The siren rationale they sew into the consciousness of dupes is that even though workers will earn less, the prices they pay will also be less. What they don’t mention is that this is at the cost of erasing America as an exemplar for middle-class liberty, opportunity, and voice to demand representation. How again is this “freedom?”
Everything border-erasing establishment-cronies do is driven by morally-depraved shallowness. They’re fanatically baptized in it, through and through. The only serfs they promote are happy dupes on a stick. Take the callow rationalization for allowing American car manufacturers to be cleansed by bankruptcy. What our cronies really meant was to allow the cleansing of legacy costs for accumulated pensions and health benefits. But think what that would mean: Except for token operations, the work would be shipped to cheap labor markets overseas. Think how Japanese makers would respond. The only reason they make cars in America is because they saw that not as many Americans otherwise would buy their products. But what happens to the patriotic impulse once so called American makers ship their own production to the cheapest shore for serf labor?
Given the vast sway the Establishment exerts over our media, banking, indeed, our very currency, it will be difficult to awaken the middle class to otherwise simple points. I don’t know that Newt is the man to do this. I do apprehend that he might be the only one with the grit for it. Free enterprise, yes. Crony eating out of America, no.
Possible border-defending solution: Smart tariff increases on im-ports, smart tax increases on funding out-goes; less taxing on internal business production, less taxing on funding in-comes. If this raises prices, it also preserves American industry and middle-class political influence. Without that, the notion of “representation” in Representative Republic becomes a sad joke. (BTW, if American corporations really want to eliminate legacy costs, as opposed to wanting to reduce American workers to serf laborers, then why not convert to a form of single-payer, safety-net, national health coverage, instead of putting that onus on American businesses in a way that makes them less competitive with foreign corporations?)
Yes, decentralize non-national concerns. However, competitiveness with foreign, state-run corporatists necessitates some domestically centralizing response. Better to preserve the American middle class as a national holism than to reduce it to competition with serf-harnessed laborers under banana despots.
If the American middle class is to stop allowing itself to be slapped silly between crony Dino socialists and crony Rino corporatists, it needs to get the old-hickory-grit to think anew. It needs to think grandiose. Centralize where we must, decentralize where we can, and restore middle class influence and decency. How many patents are filed or purchased by internationally operating corporations for the sole purpose of protecting entrenched businesses by not allowing new technologies to come to market? Talk about counter-productive, central-government regulation of rewards for digging and refilling old holes! How much of the "free market" "earns" its money by draining the real economy? Patent protection should end when a new discovery (hydrogen powered engines, ultrasonic washing machines, etc.) is not marketed within 5 years.
Stop with the childish diversion-and-dividing-fixation on the utter non-priority of replacing Judeo-Christian values with wide-open Lib sex, drugs, and frenzy. Do Lib pushers have anyone's best interests at heart, or do they just want ways to recruit addicts in order to keep them under status-quo thumbs? If the middle class does not wake to real priorities, America will simply blow away, like a bubble floating on nothing but know-it-all blow of impatient, spoiled, easily misled children. Then, how much liberty will Libs have?
Apart from greater access to trinkets and diversions, in terms of supporting a household, why is the buying power of a modern engineer hardly more, if at all, than that of a milkman in 1955? Apologists point out that America benefited much more from churnings of WWII than any other nation. Ok. But what about increased efficiencies in machines, robotics, and computing --- shouldn't such efficiency-enhancements offset, to keep the general standard of living high? Or are those benefits solely the "earned" domain of elite corporatists? Look around. Those efficiency-enhancements are translated by those with power to translate them to render most of the middle class quite expendable. Given the heady power and advantage of having access to cheap labor and means for conditioning the masses to think most insults to be palatable, why presume corporatists pursuing the bottom-line will or should seek full employment? I give you Obama-Soros, the perfect crony alliance of hyena-socialists and lion-capitalists. Can you imagine anything such alliance could not package as "progress?" Why believe such alliance would ever actually want serfs to come to an even playing field, as opposed to always being kept to need elites to look out for them?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Newt and Mitt

Of our founders, four were magnificent: Washington, Franklin, Adams and Jefferson. Two were essential: Washington and Franklin. I give you the "no-good" Franklin: occasional attendee of hellfire club, abettor of illegal dissections, likely serial affair artist, part time agnostic, slaveholder cum abolitionist. A complex man who learned and changed over time. What he would advocate for himself in the individual case would often come to be inconsistent with what he would advocate for the country at large. Inasmuch as the whole is more than the sum of its parts, that is the way that unfolds for all of us. Indeed, an innocent, unfamiliar with the ways of the world, would be tragic. For that, I give you Jimmy Carter. Obama scares me in both aspects, as individual and as statesman. While Newt often falls far short as an individual, it's his evolving philosophy for the state with which I am mainly interested. Between Newt and Mitt, which one is most suited to restore opportunity and liberty for the American middle class? Without a free and healthy middle class, there's little that can restrain despotism. I don't necessarily want or need an elite ruler who thinks he knows best or how to fix things top down. I don't want a land swamped with voters who lack sense to apprehend when to close themselves to ravages of foreign despots and illegal derelicts. I want a land of liberty and opportunity, and I want it to defend itself against all despots, elitists, and fanatics of the world. Let them stew in their own nation building.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Waves of Distortion

.Some among the ancient Greeks thought there must abide a higher order of forms and numbers, like a living number. Indeed, it seems there must be something like a willing number, like a conserving-willing Numberer. Like a Will of a trivalent face, with capacity to turn to show present will, preset will, and randomly indifferent will. The face such holism shows seems to flux, fuzz, and transpose, depending on each particular observer's perspective, context, and purpose. If it seems hard to imagine how this state of being could be so, it is also hard to imagine how any state of being could be otherwise.
Attempts to confine to logic and measure the aboriginal Source-in-itself, whether such Source be conceived as God or as God-particle, seem paradoxically beyond the power of logic or measure. Math of gravity (geometry of space-time) may offer the best concept with which to relate all else. One may conceptualize that each gravity-wave of distortion in space-time is coordinated and piled up in order to “push,” manifest, and vector matter and energy (substance) into relationships, then to avail each such relationship to unfold in its inertia along the vector defined by the distortion-wave that pushed the particular substance into its originating and defining density, spin, wake, charge, and vector. The distortion-wave that “pushes” substance into manifestation also pushes such substance along the general vector of such distortion-wave that was not translated into any particular manifestation of substance. If distortions in space-time are called “gravity,” then such gravity marks the aboriginal Source of all relative manifestation, motion, measure (and mindfulness?). Thus there abide waves within waves, fluxing and overlapping within an ocean of no visible boundaries of land, yet obeying a measurably conserving, reconciling, synchronizing, law or Lawmaker (or number or Numberer).
Depending on perspective, context, and purpose, each particular parameter of substance can be relatively measured in direct, coordinate association with other particular parameters of substance, but cannot be measured in relation with the open yet finite ocean that defines all parameters — except broadly and indirectly (if at all). While flotsam within gravity-waves mark the aboriginal Source, neither gravity nor the Source it marks with flotsam (substance) can be directly measured as any kind of (dark) thing-in-itself. However, relative vectors that mark gravity-distortions in space-time can be measured. Thus, “gravity” is not a pulling force, but a meta-force that “meta-pushes” particular relationships and manifestations along a distortion-vector. However, this meta-pushing-force is of a quality that cannot in itself be directly or particularly measured, vectored, or controlled, nor can it holistically be confined or predicted. However, the substance (matter and energy) that it manifests can be measured, and by such measure, broad local effects of such distortion-waves are signified, although the distortion-waves-in themselves are not signified — apart from arbitrary fitness for apprehending local flotsam (experience of perspective, context, and purpose). This is because gravity-distortions are expressions of a holism (a Wilful Numberer) that has capacity to express and conserve its particular fluxes by means beyond mortal kin.
The Source of distortion-waves may be differently conceptualized, depending on local perspective, context, and purpose. When the concept of a distortion-wave is meant primarily to explicate predictions of physics, then happenstance of shared perspective becomes paramount. When the concept of a distortion-wave is meant primarily to explicate statistical analysis of apparently random and indifferent parameters, then context becomes paramount. When the concept of a distortion-wave is meant primarily to explicate moral choices, then purpose becomes paramount. When spiritual appreciation is of primary concern, then it becomes important to reconcile each perspective with the entire context, to conserve purposeful feedback and interfunctioning between source-distortion-waves and manifestations-of-particulars. Then it becomes helpful to conceptualize how the Will of God may coordinate with a trivalent face, whose determination may be (1) willed (presently willed), (2) preset (pre-willed), or (3) random (willed on randomizing autopilot). For each situation for which the Holism happens to present, the face that is presented will coordinate with local perspective, context, and purpose. Thus spirit touches and concerns spirit.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Stock Markets vs. National Boundaries

Regarding pent up frustration: Given the world marketplace, how can any nation, consistent with rule of law, defend its culture from being dissolved in the aggressive saliva of packs of disloyal or foreign cronies and investors bent on cannibalizing America in order to position themselves to acquire power to rule all? Under cloak of corporate form, cronies have rendered American law largely impotent to resist the: corrupting of the Fed for funneling "aid" money to foreign despots for them to use to buy propaganda, media, influence, and resources of America; laundering of money to kick back to compliant politicians and candidates in order to choke America's energy independence; buying by cronies of stock control in weak domestic corporations in order to transmit industries and jobs out of country; using of American colleges to transmit military and industrial technologies to cults bent on reducing or replacing America; and ignoring of domestic patent rights. America's antagonists are corrupting our politicians, currency, banking institutions, colleges, technologies, industries, and domestic corporations in order to dissolve our national will to exist as a last redoubt for human freedom, dignity, and decency. It quickly becomes useless to focus on borders while we continue to allow ourselves to be rotted out from within. I see no candidate who is addressing the piecemeal dismantling of America by cronies. The dominant trend is towards cronies and serfs, supers and subs, morloch and eloi. Yes, cronies, supers, and morloch do know how to use us. As far as a city on a hill for ordinary middle-class folk of good will and good faith, fuggedaboutit.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Moral Truths

Phony saints are fundies who assert that only others are fundies. A Lib-t (i.e., a Liberal, Libertine, Libertarian, or Literalist) will tend to be a fundie. By "fundie," I mean one who does not merely believe he apprehends an approach to moral truth, but instead believes he KNOWS (or can know) moral truth. Indeed, he is the truth he has been waiting for! Throughout history, many thinkers have reasonably intuited that concepts based only on notions about substance (matter and energy) are inadequate to appreciate all that reasonably should be appreciated. Something spiritual, beyond physics, is needed. This "something" abides and permeates as Unifier of holism and particulars, Reconciler of moral purposefulness, Connector of metaphysical will to measurable physical effects, Effector of logos between spiritual intentions and measurable signs, Immanent and immeasurable quality of empathy beyond quantitative substance, Guider of individual efforts, and Definer of perspectives, contexts, and purposes. The character and properties of this "something" are beyond the confining power of mortal categorizations. IT cannot be reduced to a single coordinate, coherent, consistent, complete concept by which mere mortals could adduce all else. Yet, it can be intuited, appreciated, and communicated. How? Not by scientific probes and quantitative measures, but by innate quality of intuitive empathy, apprehension, and appreciation. Thus, our mores, logic of ethics, parables, figures of speech, and sacred stories often inspire wondrous insights for appreciating moral truths, but not quantitatively measurable truths. Different religions and cultures often recycle similar parables about floods, cribs, and sin under different words and names. We can append names to concepts of God, but cannot make God into mere names. Yet, a fundie will almost always tend to force despotism once he acquires the power needed. He will live to serve social sociopathy, by snaring drug addicts, socialists, and crony corporatists. Above all else, he thinks to spend all his time trying to price moral values, square the qualitative to the quantitative, save Gaia, or save his own nest egg. However, this will sail right over a fundie's head. Indeed, a Lib fundie will hardly ever notice he is conceptual cousin to a biblical fundie.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Perfecting the Corporate Order

Americans tend to apprehend that there is no objectively "best" way to put in concrete, establish, and manage details for how to put every American's mind and muscle to the wheel of work, howevermuch that may enrich society in material terms. We don't need or want a collectivizing or corporatizing manager to organize and mesh us to wheels and gears of hierarchically constrained control --- regardless of whether such organization be by government or by corporate chieftains who come to be effectively licensed or blessed by government. Rather, we need and want leaders who can dance with a Source of Will with which we can all be receptive, who have vision, and who can apprehend and appreciate the Spirit of America and Americans.
Americans want political leaders who can be receptive to vision for empowering us to pursue a civilization where each citizen is availed to pursue fulfillment. This is a different thing from obtaining leaders who have lived saintly lifes. We need to judge our wannabe leaders less for their personal failures than for whether they can confess failures, learn from them, and offer decent and sustaining visions for civilization. What I wish to apprehend concerning our wannabe leaders pertains to the following: who is interested in the history of civilization, and who is not? Who has learned mainly from history, as opposed mainly from fairy tales, visions of final utopias, or notions regarding the perfectly corporatized world of free corporate trade (wherein everyone can be enlisted to work for a hierarchy of corporate managers who are selected by "The Market" --- however artifically that market may be constructed --- as "knowing best"). Who is concerned with freedom and dignity of ordinary citizens and believes in the exceptional possibilities of human decency and liberty? Who has vision, versus who simply wants to help elites worldwide to organize, manage, milk, and work gullibles? Whose vision entails faith in, and respect for, our unfolding relationship with an Immaterial Reconciler of freedom, dignity, and decent civilization?
We need a leader who can put those who ridicule God as a flying-spaghetti-monster in their place. Who has the skill, timing, and gravitas to do that? (Actually, the concept of a holistic "flying spaghetti monster" Field Of Consciousness, whose immaterial tentacles interpenetrate to reach and reconcile with every particular and every particular perspective, is NOT inconsistent with natural conservation of matter and energy and capacity of perspectives to come to enlightened empathy in respect of one another. That is, there abides a dance of conservational feedback and respect, whereby parts are reconciled and conserved to the whole. We are NOT chained to any purely linear progression, to build some perfect machine and then retire from the field. The dance implicates feedback and PART-ICIPATION, i.e., interfunctioning with the unfolding expression of Will. Not linear progression to the perfectly organized new world order of corporate material syndicalism.)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Collectivist Capitalism

I came across an interesting new book called Cannibal Capitalism.  Because I haven't had time to read it in detail, I have skipped ahead to the last several chapters.  The points are as follows.  A thriving economy needs to keep workers gainfully working.  Industrial nations benefit by spreading work to developing countries.  It's immoral to deprive developing countries from competing with one of the few resources readily available to them, being cheap labor.  As developed nations produce fewer durable goods, they begin developing more in faux-goods, i.e., paper goods.  This consolidates wealth and dries up the middle class, making the economy unhealthy in terms of real wealth.
The solution offered seems unrealistic:  to rely on businesses to have vision to temper the good of liberty at home with their own immediate profits.  That is, to negotiate give-back financing to build more infrastructure in the labor areas hollowed out at home.  I see the need for less regulation of business at home.  I don't expect, without national regulation, that the "invisible hand" of immediate self-interest will lead businesses by themselves to finance such give-back programs.  Moreover, it doesn't seem appropriate to blindly lump all poorer trading partners in some benign category as developing nations.  Many are not benign; their cultures mean to devour or bury ours, if we continue to enrich them with means to do so.  Yet, western nations fall all over themselves scurrying to sell themselves out.  I don't see the "immorality" in depriving entrenched, anti-liberty interests abroad from using their cheap labor to run state-capitalism that is intent on burying the West.  Moreover, blindly extolling the developing of markets in developing countries that are bent on burying ours is calculated to empower them to buy control over our resources, politicians, and jobs at home.  Blindly extolling such "free trade" translates into celebrating those capitalists at home who're quickest to sell us out.  I don't see candidates or pundits addressing this.  Maybe concerns with cannibal capitalism are not compatible with soundbite thought processes.
Communists and corporatists are both collectivists, but one favors sticks while the other favors carrots. Even so, both run competitive communes. By that I mean competitive loyalty to the cause (apprehending who is strong and needs to be fed, versus who is weak and can be jumped) tends to be more important than any abstract notion of fairness or merit. Those Forced into collectivization tend sooner to comprehend their situation, but not much availed to communicate about it. Those Lulled into collectivization tend longer to remain deceived, and less likely to communicate about it while they deceive themselves. In any event, once the commune gates are closed, any strenuous effort to escape will likely be met either by expulsion from grace or by force necessary to the situation. The stronger and less checked a centralizer becomes, the more he becomes aware of his control, the more corrupt he becomes against the liberty or dignity of individuals. Death was pay to anyone who jested Alexander when he wanted not to be jested. A communist sociopath may deal death as a blatant example. A corporatist sociopath, bound more to formalities of law, must be more discreet. Eventually, both establish crony collectivism. At that point, it becomes mox nix whether you call it crony socialism or crony capitalism. Some want to abuse (Rinos); some want to be abused (Dinos). They take turns being on top. Not so many want to be free. I don't care much for Paul or Gingrich, but more needs to be learned about Romney in order to make an informed choice. As for Santorum, just say no to nation-building.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Freedom and Dignity

I just watched "When Romney Came To Town." For a hit piece, it may be effective if its inaccuracies are fixed. Coming as it does as everyone knows America is being hollowed out, it's timely. Now we hear how Republican Vultures are more wholesome than Democrat Parasites, and I tend to agree with that. Republicans play the competition card; Democrats play the empathy card. Neither pays much respect to Enlightened Empathy.
No doubt, When Alexander and Caesar were capitalizing with force of arms, their soldiers would grow wounded and aged over time. To thin the soldier herd and make them hardier, it seemed only right to require that they get well and get younger. When borders are invaded, there's little alternative, except in wars of choice. So why are America's borders being invaded, infrastructure being rotted, and industry being sent abroad? Is it because America had no choice, or is it because our leaders became corrupt and ratted us out?
Where did/does Bain get its seed money? Are its profits going to loyal Americans or to foreigners and NWO types? Are the jobs Bain "saves or creates" going to Americans and people of dignity or to cheap, third-world laborers working under whips of necessity? Is it a good day for American freedom and dignity to reduce our laborers to compete with Chicoms and nations that deal in selling children and human organs? Is Bain the apex of good vultures, or will foreign venture capitalists create a Bain of Bains? More for capitalists is always better, right ???
It's educational to study how alliances have been entered into over the years
between crony opportunists and divided minorities. Simply choose a minority target, freeze it, and then excite dupes to believe you're on their side and against the target. So we cycle through Jews, Blacks, Catholics, Indians, Irish, etc. So it goes. Now, we come to white middle class men, whose turn it is to pay. Coincidentally, this comes as the middle class in general is being hollowed out and almost all significant institutions and means of persuasion are now in the hands of crony owners.
It's suggested that Bain revived a lot of dying jobs and businesses. Maybe so. If so, let Romney explain. He's a data guy, so let's see the data. Let's also see who owns Bain and who provides the seed money. Cui bono? Who is Bain making stronger: the American economy or the crony alliance for a worldwide "Open Society," to be managed by people who "understand business" and "free trade?"
Freedom's a friend of mine. But I suspect so-called free-traders tend to be friends of cronies who care more about their material economy than their children's opportunity to live in a free America. Freedom's one of those interesting personalities who're addressed under various concepts that shape-shift to convenience of hustlers.  Context is important to the concept of Freedom.  Is "freedom" meant as power to defy laws-of-nature? As a stand-in word for degrees-of-uncertainty that prevail while science remains incomplete for controlling beyond the trivial?  Does freedom pertain to the participation of a perspective of Meta-Will, relating to mental state, not as mind-in-itself, but as precursor to measurable effects? As felt intentions, versus power to effect intentions?  As an independent good-in-itself? As head-locus of power-of-choice over corporate bodies?  As power in one to enforce servitude in another? As power to buy-and-sell politicians, people, and jobs? As entitlement to kickbacks elicited with winks-and-nods about hope-and-change?  As entitlement to direct neighbors' children into reeducation or drug-addiction camps? As entitlement to dilute the full-faith-and-credit of American citizens by siphoning fiat money to fast-talking kickback artists? As entitlement to buy eminent power of politicians and government to remake whole districts into projects for repackaging and selling to foreign investors?  As entitlement not to be forced or cajoled while making economic choices? Yet, in the real world, where do free people make rational, independent choices, uncajoled by conditioning?
To converse about freedom and "free trade," relatively coherent or consistent notions about freedom need to be shared.  Appreciation is needed concerning the interdependent roles of perspective, context, and purpose, i.e., assimilated culture. Such appreciation is neither much proved nor much advanced by resort to contrived statistics or concepts that shape-shift to convenience.  For freedom on Earth, advance a quality of enlightened empathy among all who seek it. Don't regulate advantages that reduce common folk to commodities to be bought and sold.  Especially to non-Americans, and especially to foreigners with no acculturation for appreciating human freedom, dignity, or empathy. In dogmas of Freetraders, Chicoms, Jihadis, and Materialists, what is meant by "freedom"?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Club Vulture Crony

Vulture capitalists are about centralized control over the masses, who "need it, if they know what's good for them." They are not about decentralization of liberty or government. Spoil-driven, vulture capitalism does thin herds, but not necessarily herds that need to be thinned, nor herds that are thereby made more productive or efficient. Nor are vulture profits necessarily re-invested in job-producing functions, as opposed to chariot-enhancing functions. Nor is vulture capitalism necessarily inconsistent with conquistador-imposed feudalism. Primarily, vulture capitalism has to do with who shall have dominion, who shall crack the whip, and who shall luxuriate because his ruthlessness "earns" him the right. It cares nothing for borders for a land of free enterprise for the commoners, to avail them dignity and markets in which to buy and sell their goods, wares, and labor. Such efficiency as vulture capitalism does obtain is often at the expense of a culture of opportunity, freedom, and dignity for the commoners. Vulture capitalism is not primarily driven by desire to preserve a free and representative republic, but by desire among cronies to accumulate dominion. In bygone ages, it was called spoil-driven conquest, and its currency was swords, blood, enslavement, gold, and allowing caesars to strut and pretend to be gods. In kinder and gentler times, its currency has become lobby-owned politicians, debt-imposed servitude, fiat money laundered to crony-kickback artists, and all the short term pleasures that money can buy from third world labor. Vulture capitalists do NOT want to preserve borders for Western Civilization. They want a worldwide society that is open to being reduced to the servitude of Club Vulture Crony. They don't "earn" their money; they take and make it. Before being ravished, so I can respect myself in the morning, I want to hear more from Romney than passionate promises to defend my borders and dignity. I want to hear how he plans to reduce the ethos of vulture capitalism to serve the freedom and dignity of America and Americans. I don't want to hear how America should be subservient to international vulture capitalists.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Kinder and Gentler Materialism

It’s an evil lie to deny the Quickening NWO, whereby fewer and fewer are centralizing controls over more and more. This quickening occurs under shell-games of good cop-bad cop, capitalist-socialist, individualist-collectivist. Civilization is a complex system, and complex systems of heads and bodies will change and evolve. The more complex, the more varied the functions that must be delegated, subject always to moderating feedback. When either the head or the body becomes too independent, the system falls. Like it or not, evolution and eugenics occur, indirectly or guided. As human civilization becomes more complex, ways will be found to delegate and moderate functions within hierarchical systems. Every measurable system of conservation avails unfolding expression of hierarchical, complex, trivalent patterns of positive attraction, negative repulsion, and neutral indifference. Such systems will be representative (enlightened), despotic (elite), or tumultuous (dangerously random and unstable). If despotic, precursors will be established for dividing humanity not just between castes, but between super and sub species, one to receive genetic therapies, the other not. Once enough Subs are conditioned to believe Supers (either under masks of political power or economic wealth) know best and deserve to rule, then the system is well on its way to hardened differentiation of species, i.e., slavery or Fed-sponsored, indentured servitude of the masses. The only distinction is one that makes little significant difference: the idiotic among the masses believe their crony governors actually mean to be fair; the merely dumb believe those who own the cronies will listen to representatives rather than fetch after red herrings. Caesar was careful to preserve the apparent form of a republic.
There is an alternative to the eugenics of class separation and the devaluing of humanity of the lower castes. Eugenics need not be given to establish Super species under cover of denials. Eugenics need not be applied in Nazi fashion. Instead, eugenics could be applied to serve complex civilization by availing indirect incentives to the population of a society or nation generally, as a whole. Indirect incentives could be established so that less competent populations would tend not to produce more offspring than the system could absorb. Thinking people could be treated as adults. Myths could be recognized for their myth values, as opposed to scientific values. Condoms could be encouraged for families already unable to support their existing children. Machines could displace repetitive movement jobs. Within limits, tax incentives could favor the basic unit for propagating civilization (the traditional family), without unduly increasing central regulation. Environmental concerns could be addressed mainly by incentives to reduce populations. Societies that over-produce would not be availed relief valves calculated to cause them either to continue or to undermine neighboring cultures. Despotism would not be facilitated cover under guise of religion. Government would address genetic drag humanely, by providing only such safety nets as would not entice irresponsible subcultures of bums. Most concerns about empathetic fairness could be left to charitable foundations and churches.
The alternative to bringing along the population generally is to promote Supers for the purpose of reducing Subs to a lowest common mass.   Casting epithets — such as bigot, racist, unfair, mean, benighted, Nazi, fascist — against a vision for bringing along the population generally is to play into the hands of quickening Supers. Supers stand trained and ready to use the Fed to print the fiat money for leading the masses to sell themselves into indentured servitude to cannibal cronies, worldwide. Wide open capitalists mean to turn governance into a for-sale commodity. Technology is centrally quickening the human culture. This quickening must be addressed. The choice seems to be either (1) to foment differentiation into Super and Sub species or (2) to apply general incentives to foster a society of enlightened citizens (a City on a Hill).
The measurably substantive wealth of Earth cannot exceed the substance that is availed to Earthlings by the Cosmos. This fundamental law of conservation cannot be denied except by posing ridiculous. No particular thing can relate except within limits imposed by a conserving context. No particular thing can substantively exist unless governed and conserved by a whole. Although aspects can be abstractly imagined, mythologized, and even counted, like fairies on the head of a pin, they can exceed zero-sum parameters of conservation only insofar as they relate to non-substantive abstractions (such as freedom, governmental “bigness,” gross national “happiness,” or general fairness or merit). Abstractions such as freedom, pursuit of happiness, and fairness are qualitatively important, but not directly measurable. Still, one knows happiness and fairness when one sees it. Vision tends to be most fulfilling when exercised most locally. The tendency of a sustainable, complex system is to cycle through stages of centralization. Such tendency is dangerous to a culture of human freedom and dignity unless balanced with institutionalized checks. At present, the worldwide quickening towards rule of the masses under a separate class of Supers is hardly checked, but is enormously facilitated by ever consolidating control over Groupthink and central printing of Fed-sponsored fiat money for buying and selling the trust, faith, and credit of the masses. The tipping point for “Gaia to decide” whether or not to impose worldwide financial servitude over the masses is at hand. It’s time for the thinking and empathetic middle class to take a Tebow, and then to rise, demand, take, and institutionalize a right to recall crony politicians from pretending to represent the people at large, as opposed to serving cronies who mean to rule.
Why are some Americans, in the name of free enterprise or free trade, so cavalier with allowing people to position themselves to sell out technology and infrastructure to unfriendly regimes and to replace jobs for Americans with jobs for foreigners?  Why aren't the rules for American capitalism moderated to preserve liberty for Americans, or at least for Western Civilization?  What's so great about being incentived to apply financial and political advantages of scale in order to put small operators out of business and force Americans to compete with serf labor?  What's so great about monopolizing the market by accomplishing economies of scale by driving out small operators, reducing the number of concerns that compete for American labor, and buying congressional influence to write regulations that make upstarts prohibitive?  Were Congress to restrict itself to less power grabbing, why should Congress need to centralize so much regulation or need so much help from lobbyists to write regulations for concerns that pay the lobbyists?  Merely to slogan "Free trade!" or "Economic liberty!" leaves me cold.  I want American laws for American trade that is governed to America's interests, and I want liberty that does not sell out my country.  It's a fraud and an insult to shout Free trade! while getting Congress to grease your way, recruit third world partners to promise cheap labor, rewrite immigration rules to import cheap labor, use the savings to buy American business, replace American workers with foreign workers, use the profits to buy American resources in order to cannibalize more of the same, and then somehow say you EARNED it!  These are not benign economies of scale, but economies for cannibalizing America, and by cannibalizing America, to undermine human freedom.
The gall of linear "I earned it!" thinkers can be astonishing!  The substantive cosmos can never disobey the law of conservation of matter and energy.  If you push any substance too far in a linear direction, conservation eventually pulls it back into balance or converts it to something else.  Both communists and marketeers push materialism too far when they use it to push towards the reduction to impotent serfdom of the masses and entire middle class.  Either form of unmoderated materialism soon sacrifices the liberty of the masses.  To operate a nation as a going concern for availing human freedom and dignity, factors have to be checked and balanced --- including "entitlements" to buy or monopolize laws in exchange for intimated kickbacks.  America needs to be moderated against the world.  Against non-loyal crony and vulture capitalists, an array of devices should be given careful consideration:  tariffs, death taxes, local property taxes, local regulations, forbidding of corporate lobbying or campaign contributions, local recall of corrupt politicians, treating individual political contributions as a form of taxable consumption.


As Scotty would tell Kirk, you can't rev an engine beyond its operating limits for very long, or else she'll blow. If you want to stay operational, you have to govern a complex system within its limits. You can't keep centralizing wealth and power forever and still call your system an engine of capitalism, or liberty, or anything other than a worldwide fiefdom. When you go too far beyond operating limits, whatever else you may have, it will not be a sustainable system built on free exchange of goods and labor within a marketplace. If you want capitalism within a representative republic, you need checks and balances to restrain the system with decent respect for operational limits. This is not rocket science. It amazes me that so many apologists for wide open capitalism seem blind to it. The quickening to a few owners leads to a republic in name only, where the governance is owned and only pretends to be representative. The unmoderated worm turns and eats itself. Dirty Harry would teach us that a man and a country, to survive, need to have some sense of their operating limits. You can't resist the NWO while leaving its accumulators unchecked. Cronyism is the use of wealth and influence to buy government. Unregulated, it becomes an indirect form of enslavement, or forced debt servitude. Why is this so hard, that crony capitalism is not a good thing for a representative republic?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Entitlement to Government Supported Sex Relationships

Regarding Sawyer's question: "what you would say sitting down in your living room to a gay couple who say...we want gay people to form loving, committed, long-term relationships?"
Fine example of a typically sophomoric, leftist question! Camouflaging b.s. is all in the framing. Why is this a b.s. question? Because it's a trick question. It asks a question for which there is no objectively right or wrong answer, yet it sophistically implies that there should be! Although there is no objectively correct answer to such a question, there are morally subjective answers. A subjective answer has to do with respect for values that happen to be culturally shared or inculcated. You don't assimilate culturally-shared, subjective values by dividing a society or by assuming there abide objectively correct answers to be discovered by elites and then dictated to instruct masses how their lives should be lived. Indeed, suppose a community DID decide that contraceptives should not be allowed: do elitists somehow KNOW, to a certainty, that it would be best for federales to step in and "protect" such a community from itself, notwithstanding circumstances probably better known to that community?
In most cases, there's little reason to presume it the proper job of elites to seek by force of law to require that locals must accommodate themselves to every expression preferred by elitists, as if it merited funding by taxpayers. The way values are assimilated is to allow stakeholders to assimilate that which they value, at lowest appropriate level. It's not by having the ACLU invite elites to dictate, either yea or nay. Properly challenged, the issue is not: which of many is an objectively best answer or culture? The issue is: at what level should a decision regarding a choice or opportunity be made? Should local communities decide whether their schools may or should teach children to appreciate or even experiment with sophomoric philosophies, strange religions, risks, violence, drugs, sex, gay sex, or group sex? Should local communities be divested of responsibility for making, and living with, such decisions --- instead to be instructed what is to be done, or not done, by their so-called elite betters? Well now, the candidates aren't running for local positions!
Sawyer implies that force of nationwide law should entitle gay people to tax revenue financing to encourage and sustain "loving, committed, long-term relationships." If it's a committed long-term relationship, why does it need nationwide approval or funding? The touchy-feely aspect in what Sawyer really meant was: Won't you agree that national laws and resources should be committed to encourage and entitle gay communes to adopt children and to require that all children be inculcated that such entitlement is right? However, she could not pose it that honestly, because then the framing mask would be off. When properly framed, differently acculturated societies will more likely assimilate different answers to such questions. The assimilation will depend on: connivance, ignorance, and greed of elites; access to institutions of mass persuasion or force; traditional conditioning of populace; spoilage of younger generations; faux-wisdom of crony cannibals; and enlightenment and energy of citizenry.
One who judges the foundation of America to favor a city on a hill will tend to view Americans as enlightened proprietors, inclined to demand opportunity and dignity --- instead of equal droppings from elites. Such Americans will generally trust that most decisions ought NOT be made at any central or federalized level. Rather, the ONLY decisions appropriate to federales should pertain to: (1) defending the nation from real dangers; (2) supporting standards for currency, roads, and such protection of children as experience shows to be essential to the general health and welfare of the society (if not otherwise amenable to competent local administration); (3) providing social insurance for the most needy and unfortunate (without financing the able or already insured, and without giving incentives to large numbers to live as bums). An enlightened society, allowed to become practiced in accepting responsibility for its opportunities and mistakes, is hardly likely to outlaw contraception or to succumb to bygone hobgoblins that still haunt leftist fantasies.
Americans tend to favor defense against territorial invaders and against the undermining of American culture and the undermining of the independence, responsibility, and economy of the citizenry. Presently, open-society, NWO, faux-elite federales are utterly FAILING in the only things they should be doing, while VOMITING a plethora of things they should not be doing. Bottom line: I have no objective opinion about what gays should do (nor, frankly, do I much care!). I do have a subjective opinion about what I, and, hopefully, my local community, should tolerate. Federales should NOT promote federal, financial, or tax incentives for gay unions as being on par with traditional families. This has to do with common-sense, national defense (i.e., propagation of the next generation of defenders). Why should a candidate for federal office be asked questions that deal with issues that should be decided by locals!? Although I am not running for local office, my local community should NOT tolerate the extortion of tax money to be used to condition children to experiment in areas that are best guided by parents. A local community should NOT be seeking, as by by force or violence, to dictate to other local communities. While the fluxing terrain entails competing interests and values, the assimilating competition among such values, so long as peaceable, should best remain with local populations, which are best suited to know their interests and to own and learn from their own mistakes. My urging to intrusive, elite dictators can be summarized as follows: Let people live their lives and stop with the childish, pseudo questions.

Kinder and Gentler Materialism

Freedom entails free will. Mill did not believe in free will. Rather, he believed everything is mechanistically, materially determined, such as by conditioning. In that respect, Mill was as much a materialist as Marx. Indeed, the new Marxism is a kinder and gentler form of faux-fool-you-communism. It's hard to get a handle on "freedom-to-be-conditioned" by elites, especially once means of mass conditioning are monopolized. Then, "slavery becomes freedom," per Orwell. There's no such thing as freedom-in-itself. There are so-called degrees of freedom availed within conserving parameters. It's a rabbit hole to try to analyze the issue in terms of individual freedom versus big government. The concern closer to human dignity relates to the centralization or decentralization of power to effect choices. Choices are always going to be conserved to a controlling context. Dignity relates to how each perspective and each family should be entertained to perceive itself as exercising power to participate in effecting choices. Regardless of whether centralizing Federales grab power to direct that lower levels of government shall do certain things or shall not do certain things, Federales are about centralizing power. Better is to provide that decisions shall be made at the lowest appropriate level. Problem is, that is not subject to mathematical analysis. But it is subject to broad checks and balances. Federales cannot very well GIVE power to subordinates to effect their own decisions unless and until subordinates show the WILL to TAKE such power. A way to take such power is to demand and institutionalize power to recall federal officials.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Reducing Familes Does Not Reduce Government

.Once an electorate is ruined, mere rule from on high will not cure. Government is law, made by lawmakers, to regulate common situations. Everytime one person asserts power to regulate speech or behavior of another, government is entailed. Everytime the ACLU sues to allow a Fed judge to establish a new entitlement, law is entailed. Everytime a jury judges whether facts rise to support legal action, law is entailed. Like air, government fills living space. When considering how social values should be regulated, ACLU libs are not in business to foster less intrusive government. They are in business to establish more national precedents, to increase centralization of governmental power.
The only real counter to central agglomerizing of power is an electorate enlightened enough to inculcate de-centralizing mores through the generations. This enlightenment is not sought by centralizers. Centralizers are in competition to siphon power away from local levels, by "educating" children, parents, local institutions, and lower levels of government to seek central rule. To justify centralization, crisis and divisions are sewn, to entice dependence on centralizing rule. This displaces the experience of local authorities. Being displaced, local authorities become incompetent and non-responsible. Power over routine issues for raising children siphons to central authorities. Parents become so incompetent it becomes impossible to think of restoring their authority. The more power is centralized, the less responsive it becomes to local concerns, and the more it justfies itself by arbitrary rule --- for which it monopolizes significant means of propaganda and persuasion.
The more Libs reduce traditional families, the more they ensure absolute, despotic rule of Big Brother. A society that loses means to incentive an assimilated, enlightened electorate of responsible families has no hope by any quick fix of preserving a representative republic, much less small government. Who are Libs who believe government and law should be so intrusive, to decree that their notions of entitlements should be ENFORCED from on high? What is their experience in raising responsible children or sustaining enlightened electorates? Who are these Libs, so confident they know so much?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Zion

By all means, let's keep enriching the faux-Arab-Spring.  (Sarc.) America will remain immune from the rolling thunder of hate only so long as decent, religious, spiritually-empathetic folk remain vigilant and not too disheartened to avail principled moderation. Americans are used to being wooed, not forced. It would seem fundamentally mistaken to suggest this is not attributable to Christian founding and maturation. As Americans' fidelity to traditional symbols of spiritual empathy is eroded by know-it-all change-artists and secular militants, more and more people will succumb to the rolling force of hate over principle.
Most Americans are conditioned to fall for the smiling, competently-likeable, go-along-get-along guy. That will change as our society becomes more tribally divided. Thanks a lot, salad bowl people! Much danger will lie in opportunity availed of crisis. As wedges define and bind antagonists based on hatred of persons and tribes more so than ideas, the adrenalin-driven hatred that can be stirred by a 1 percent cadre of true believers who pretend to represent the remaining 99 percent will become awesome! Given a spoil-financed and dedicated cadre, the worm of hubristic tyranny can turn anywhere at any time. Narmer,Lugal-Anne-Mundu, Sargon, Thutmose, Ramesses, Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, Darius, Helu, Critias, Alexander, Maurya, Caeser, Constantine, Atilla, Clovis, Justinian, Muhammad, Devapala, Charlemagne, Ivar the Boneless, Yoritomo, Khan, Vlad, Richard III, Isabella, Moctezuma, Elizabeth, Ivan, Nader, Robespierre, Napoleon, Jackson, T. Roosevelt, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Kim, Castro, Amin, Pol Pot, Chavez.
In festering stew, competition tends to favor the most sociopathic. At some point, sociopathy will not be resisted with mere smiles. To survive, Christians will need to become principled defenders of a Zion of human freedom and dignity. This is not isolationism. It's decent common sense.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Logic of the Cosmos

See http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/01/a_provisional_anatomy_of_truth_comments.html#disqus_thread.
BIVALENT MATH INFERIOR TO TRIVALENTLY SHARED CONSCIOUSNESS:  Consciousness of Bivalent Truth and Falsity (math-based logic) abides only in respect of a Trivalent cosmic logic-of-consciousness that is based on complex patterns of iterations of omnipresent digital expressions of Attraction (Y-yes), Denial (N-no), and Neutrality (I-indifference). (Aka, "YSDI," or digitally entangled bits of Yes-Deny-Indifferent.) At their most fundamental level, these expressions are metaphysical, in that they are not directly amenable of any dimensional measurement. It is pointless to talk of their quantitative size as opposed to their qualitative beingness. Rather, the variety of patterns they share in entanglements among themselves is what avails the dimensional contexts within which all that constitute particular perspectives of consciousness can quantitatively measure, record, relate, signify, identify with, empathize about, and communicate.
In bivalent derivation from the trivalent logic of the cosmos, either reconciling values abide relative to consciousness, or they don't. If reconciling values do not abide, one cannot very well complain of sociopaths ... which, of course, is consistent with what sociopaths believe. If values tending towards empathetic reconciliation do abide, then most of religion consists in analogizing the Source of such values as something human-like, or empathetically conscious. It's sort of like conceptionalizing that the aboriginal Source of unfolding evolutionary purposefulness is not "the selfish gene," but iterations of A fulfillment-pursuing and empathetically-charged Consciousness, expressing itself in meta-logic of trivalent (Y-N-I) avatars for synchronously signifying fluxing cones for selecting, experiencing, and recording attractions (Yes), dis-attractions (No), and indifference (I) (aka, YSDI --- not gene-in-itself (an absurdity), but particular Iteration in dance of reconciliation with expressing Field).
The logic of evolution of charged spins and double helix DNA isn't "best" conceptualized as bivalent, true-false, natural selection of "the fittest" (trivial-tautological-feedback). After all, indifferent bivalent-logic is hardly amenable of supporting moral judgments about what is "best." Rather, the logic-of-evolution is best conceptualized as abiding in the temporal-unfoldment of complex interactions among variously organized systems for expressing levels of trivalently charged Like (attraction), Dislike (repulsion), and Neutrality (indifference). The logic of the cosmos is not ruled by an indifferent void, but by an organizing, choice-manifesting Source of Principle.
RECEPTIVITY TO GOD:  To what other principle could one appeal, if one believes in principle higher than his own immediate, sociopathic gratification? There are empathetically civilized beings, and there are trained, conditioned, and genetically shaped sociopaths. One may not have sought a consistent philosophy of purposeful morality and yet still live as an empathetically civilized being. In that case, one is simply being ruled by a philosophy that remains beyond his capacity to articulate, yet, is still a philosophy (or higher, religious-like belief). Civilization needs little more than that to begin assimilating towards more fulfillment and less divisive sociopathy. Indeed, to go much further, to pretend to be a direct terrestrial link to God, with divine license to dictate minutiae of obeisance, is to try to turn faith in empathy into terrestrial license to scourge against decency and mutual respect. That's the road to inquisitions and fatwas.
TRIVALENCE:  Wilfully chosen and determined (Yes); Naturally not chosen but determined (No); Randomly determined (objectively Indifferent).  Thus, evolution is guided, based on a synchronizing dance of feedback and appreciation.  Particular perspectives of Consciousness are reconciled.  Events are determined, either by upshot of competing and reconciling iterations of Will (CHOICE), randomly charged "natural" Indifference (CHANCE of evolution out of chaos), or superior, predetermining Source of Laws (CERTAINTY of fate).  Choice, Chance, or Certainty.  How one conceptualizes or categorizes "to explain" an event will then and there depend on one's cone, i.e., one's perspective, context, and purpose.
BIVALENT SUBSERVIENCE TO TRIVALENCE:  It is neither true nor false to say whether light-in-itself is a wave or a particle or whether a particle-in-itself is charged to be positive, negative, or neutral.   It is simply meaningless (unless as noise or music).  This is because there is no such a substantive, measurable thing as light-in-itself or particle-in-itself. What light is, and what a particle is, is nothing that is identifiable in itself, but is dependent on:  focus of view, frame of contextual reference, and state of mindful will or potential or purposeful consciousness.  It is not objectively meaningful to say that it is objectively true or false that some substance-in-itself is truly or falsely one thing or another. Absent relation to perspective, context, and potential purpose, mortals have no directly identifiable basis for taking the measure of any thing. That is, whether a relative thing is measured as being charged positive, negative, or neutral depends on relations that are shared and entangled to its measure. There is no interpretation or recordation of truth about substance-in-itself, but only relative truth, which is as subject to flux as there is flux in the perspective, context, and purpose. Even information that is recorded is qualified by the perspective, context, and purpose of whomever may later happen to cross or come to interpret it.
SHARED TRUTHS ARE RELIABLY SHARED:  That is not to say that relative truth is unimportant, for there are some truths that rule our universe in common with every inhabitant who happens to share it ...  and on down to the lowliest turtle. However, it is to say that precise notions of some measured truths, and especially many moral truths, become fuzzy as the cones of experience that happen to come upon them vary in what they share in respect of perspective, context, and purpose. Relative sequence, location, age, attraction, repulsion, and indifference may flux, rather than remain fixed as seeming either one thing-in-itself or another. The point is that information, interpretation, potential, substance, and experience are digital in a Trivalent sense of being relatively charged (positive or negative or neutral), but are only Bivalent (black or white, or true or false) in an inferior sense, with regard to how they happen to be processed within unfolding, fluxing, entangled, trivalent cones of: perspective, context, and eventually related purpose. The logic of the cosmos is primarily charged Trivalent; only its measure under such charge is subject to being related and analyzed in Bivalent terms. Once two or more people happen to adopt, identify with, and share a cone of perspective, context, and purpose, then they can communicate in confidence about that which happens to be measurable within that cone.
EVOLUTION GUIDED BY RECONCILIATION TO DANCE OF ITERATIONS OF A UNIFYING SOURCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS:  The trivalence of the cosmos is what avails its unfoldment and evolution to be GUIDED and normalized, so that consciousness is an effector, not a mere byproduct of bivalent equations. It is not true to say that light is a wave, particle, or even wavicle. What light is is dependent on what happens to abide as its unfolding and potential relation to consciousness.  Same with whole, part, or holon. Or holistic perspective of consciousness, particular perspective of consciousness, or encompassing holistic-particularistic consciousness. Or identity, avatar-iteration, infinity.  Perspectives that happen to become closely enough entangled within a shared cone will experience, measure, and normalize the same RELATIVE FACTS.  But that does not change this:  that those "facts" will NOT likely be interpreted or experienced in the same way by another perspective that is part of another cone of experience that merely crosses or overlaps, without becoming so entangled as to perceive or interpret selected "facts"in the same way.
ENTANGLEMENT:  "How" may different cones of perspective cross without altogether entangling, so that inhabitants of each may measure relative things and events differently?  The "more" one perspective identifies with, empathizes with, and communicates with another, the more the two become entangled, bringing their cones of experience into entanglement.  However, this "more-ness" is qualitative, not measurable unless indirectly or at some meta level that is beyond mortal kin.  To the extent they merely skate by or across one another, without become measurably involved with one another, they remain unentangled.  To the extent perspectives of consciousness remain measurably uninvolved (unentangled) even in indirect sense, their substantive experiences remain beyond one another's measure in any direct sense.  Problem is, mere mortals will not likely ascertain "the extent" to which perspectives of consciousness may remain measurably uninvolved even in indirect sense.  In other words, "degrees of entanglement" among perspectives of consciousness may not be very well calculated at the human level.  Even though such entanglements, attractions, repulsions, and indifference among layers and levels of perspectives and expressions of consciousness are the very "qualitative building blocks" upon which all of quantitatively measurable physics is derived.  The territory out of which the building blocks of physics are found is entirely qualitative, not quantitative or substantively "physical."  Ultimately, apart from perspective, context, and purpose, there is no physical Higgs boson, nor any other ultimate particle or particle-in-itself.
A muse may communicate appreciable music merely by tickling piano keys, only as there happens concert among perspective, context and purpose. Unless guided and reconciled, purposeful consciousness would not arise merely from random mixing among charge potentials --- unless the charge potentials themselves were expressive of conscious apprehensions of charges, i.e., positive likes, negative dislikes, and mutual indifference. As there abide the conserving, reconciling, guiding holism, with conscious apprehensions of particular charges, so does experience of consciousness unfold, like music being tickled off piano keys.  The piano player is itchy.
See http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/01/a_provisional_anatomy_of_truth_comments.html#disqus_thread.
TRIVALENCE:  Relator (consciously charged observer); Relatee (thing charged for being focused upon in order to be observed); Medium of Relation (dimensional field of contextually indifferent space-time-matter-energy) -- Positive Apprehender (father); Attracted or Repelled Apprehendee (son); Indifferent Field of Apprehension (holy ghost); --- ONENESS: Reconciliation with unfolding Reality of Eternal Present.