Sunday, March 26, 2017

The People Farm

Lefties who claim to be serving the interests of fairness and equality are in fact serving the interests of those who seek power to farm and fleece the masses, worldwide. Lefties have already been fleeced of their decency and often their brains. Those who would dictate fairness and equality must dictate subhumanization for the masses. The feminazis and femimen of fairness and equality are flying monkeys against the free-thinking republic.


When ladders are availed for invaders and pulled up against citizens, you know an oligarchy has taken over your republic.


How is libertarianism on preserving representative republics? Or on faith, family, and fidelity? Without those, there is little ordered liberty. 

With too little or too much law, there is no ordered liberty. There needs to be enough assimilation of faith, family, and fidelity to assimilate a nation. There needs to be enough law to define a nation. There needs to be enough checks and balances to defend the nation's citizenry from oligarchs who wish to buy and sell it.

Keeping the correct mix of ingredients needed for sustaining a representative republic is a rarity. I'm not sure Libertarians understand the best cook books for that. Maybe Conservers of Ordered Liberty would do better?


What "equality" and "no rules" really mean to the subjective hearts of Progs is "me first." Me first means to parasite from, but not to sacrifice for, the nation, nor to preserve it as a civilization. No sacrifice means easy.

It's easy to be a feminazi. When you get whatever children you want, you can turn responsibility for raising them over to the village/gov.

It's easy to be a girlyman. When you get whatever you want, you don't have to worry about being drafted to defend the borders.

No mores, no borders, no nation, no responsibility does not really mean freedom or dignity. What it means is that everything will be selectively regulated by fascist despots and their social law droolers. Speech, guns, associations, safe spaces, welfare, child grooming, diets, books, scientism, and hurt feelings will be regulated by laws enforced by despots -- right down to the toenails.

And this society of me firsters will be able to defend itself from invading barbarians, jihadis, and fascists? Guffaw!


Empathy is innate, but it is often so unenlightened as to be counterproductive. Tough love is often the more enlightened kind of empathy for raising responsible children.

The empathy of feminazis and girlymen tends to be horribly unenlightened.

The Problem With Feminazis and Girlymen: They want gov to make everyone be nice. So they listen to elite strongmen or scientists who promise to impose a best system of law enforced niceness. Problem is, when you force people to act nice or to give charity, they aren't really learning or doing either. Because their character is not in it, they will have learned neither niceness nor charity. As soon as they are sure no one is watching, they will take off the masks and revert to uncivilized, barbaric, selfishness.

They are not really keen on electing officials to enforce laws of niceness, fairness, or equality. Principles of niceness be dammed, they are keen on electing and appointing officials who will work they system in favor of their tribe, race, gender, orientation, ethnicity, union. Officials who will enforce laws only selectively, to reward in-crowd merits and punish out-crowd demerits.

The wannas of Feminazis and Girlymen do not nurture decent civilization, fairness, or equality. Rather, they grease the path to utter despotism. Despotism that will eventually bite its useful idiots and salt its own economy.

Moral: You can't use gov or law to make people be nice or charitable. When you use gov to try to force people to be nice and charitable, what you accomplish is only to teach them to be two-faced connivers and parasites. When you use law to take away the freedom and dignity of adult citizens and replace it with the diktat of expert elitists and moral scientists, you wind up with a citizenry of incompetent, whinny sheeple. That is, Feminazis and Girlymen, entirely incapable of defending a representative republic.

Indeed, such unenlightened Feminazis and Girlymen will crowd out nearly all competent citizens. When they are done, their country will be ripe for picking by despots and invading jihadis and barbarians.

When citizens are allowed to learn enlightened empathy, there is much less need for busybody law drooling. That is the genius of the First and Second Amendments -- Snowflakes be dammmed.


Trump's core principle is to MAGA. That entails borders, Will to defend them, Law Enforcement and Military to enforce them, and Tax and Trade regulations to sustain them.

What Trump is not for is the dissolution of the republic, to replace it with phony Commie Equality as promised by Fascist Oligarchs, who really intend to rule the masses, worldwide, as think-as-you-are-told subhumans.

However, Trump's core principle is played out in a real world, not in an antiseptic laboratory for small-brained, linear-thinking Purists.


Dinos would be liars if they were not immunized by their idiocy; Rinos are liars. Both are corrupt servants, sold out in the pay of Oligarchs. Both pretend to protect fairness, but both want to shackle everyone to the worldwide serfdom.

Dinos rationalize their talking points through the "moral scientists" that are paid by the Oligarchs.

Rinos rationalize their talking points through the "free trade economists" that are paid by the Oligarchs.

Both Dinos and Rinos work to reduce the world and its masses to a lowest common denominator of desperate and cheap laboring serfs.

Apart from Trump, how many denizens of DC want to MAGA, really? Apart from Trump, where is the two-party system, really?


To explain Progressives, one needs to consider who are the hive minds, socialists, and fodder for the NWO? They are:

- People too incompetent to think and do for themselves. Many are born that way; many are imported and/or indoctrinated that way. (Anyone who spends 5 years getting a "critical studies" degree has been rendered without skills or competence, except to serve the worldwide people-farm.)

- And people who think they care about others, who are too incompetent yet to have learned that gov, when pretending to be charity, fosters entitlement-mindedness and ingratitude. They fail to learn that a good and successful charity is one that is appreciated because it teaches skills and self reliance. Real charity helps people grow up. It does not shelter them in people-farms.

Unfortunately, decent Americans were too long rendered senseless by natural feelings of sympathy and tolerance, wrongly projected feelings of goodness, and by flim-flammers of bait-and-switch, three-card-monty, fiat money, fake news, fake virtue signaling, fake scientisism, and fake religionism. Many are finally waking up. Pray it's not too late for the republic.


Trump is the guy who was smart enough to tell Americans their republic is in a NWO pot, being boiled alive by oligarchs. Progs are the frogs who are so dumb they think the water is just cozy. The only clear choice is Republic or lowest common denominator NWO people farm.

Progs are of several classes: (1) So dumb they fall for stupid indoctrination; (2) corrupt sold out shills and apologists for godforsaken oligarchs; or (3) pleasure addled goat fvuckinng pansexuals too distracted by their perversions and buzz brains to be able to think straight.

It's not Communists that have completed the long march through the institutions. It's godless and/or godforsaken oligarchs. In 1968, they had not completed their acquisition of nearly all significant institutions of power and persuasion. Now they have. They thought Hillary would be the icing on the cake.

Then, the cake was switched out and replaced by a man with an unusual hair style and aura. That man tells us we can still reclaim the republic from the clutches of the NWO people farmers. Since the facts show the depredations and depravities of the people farmers, they can't make their case with facts. They have to make their case with fake news.

And boy howdy do they have a lot of money, power, platforms, and institutions from which to broadcast their case. To spread it higher and deeper among the typical members of the Prog base. That base consists of several classes: (1) So dumb they fall for stupid indoctrination; (2) corrupt sold out shills and apologists for godforsaken oligarchs; and (3) pleasure addled goat loving pansexuals too distracted by their perversions and buzz brains to be able to think straight.

How can Trump save a country that is morally bankrupt from the financial bankruptcy it has courted for so long? He can't, by himself. Not without inspiration received among Americans to bring under control those in their midst who are bent on forcing the country along the degenerate path of free stuff and globalism. 

This will entail a miracle delivered more by moral regeneration and hard work than by free stuff. The choice is moral cleansing or the abyss (where people are farmed as animals). Absent evidence of regenerative repentance and moral cleansing, we will be made farm animals. Pinocchio donkeys. it will be the abyss. If we can't face down the funders, instigators, and supporters of degeneracy --- the Oligarchs, Open Society, Femimen, Feminazis, NWO, ADL, BLM, ACLU, CAIR, and other sold-out, de-brained, people-farmers --- then we are done as a nation.

Radical Progs, unlike Radical Muslims they align with, draw a temporary red line in the sand against grooming children at the point it becomes sexual exploitation. That's against their "faith." Temporarily.

Apart from their synthetic dolls. what do Dems/Progs/Commies love, and who loves them? Many adult Americans have sweated and bled to establish and preserve the republic. The republic is based on borders and is sustained by assimilated faith, family, and fidelity.

Globalism is sustained by breaking borders, breaking faith, breaking families, and ridiculing patriotic fidelity. Among those that established and preserved the republic, who would love the godless faithless sex-addled mind-doped oxymoronic kabuki Globalism that the Dems/Progs/Commies want to impose on Americans?

In the sight of faith and those who sweated and bled to give us a republic, what can be said of Dems/Progs/Commies/Globalists --- other than that they are fundamentally detestable to every American with a shred of common sense who still values human freedom and dignity?

What do Dems/Progs/Commies/Globalists stand for --- other than their desire to destroy the republic so they can imagine they will live in a continuous, demented, subhuman state of orgiastic im-Borg-ment?

For those who choose transgenderism as a convenience, those who encourage children to engage in gender experimentation, those "men" who need safe spaces, those women who admire femimen --- what would the men and women who helped win WWII think of these crappies? I suspect they would shame them, detest them, and run them out on a rail. As they should.

These people are poison to the republic. They are more poisonous than the original Loyalists of 1776 --- who were chased into Canada. They cannot be further imported, empowered, or tolerated. They need to be deported, disempowered, shamed. Otherwise, given their funding by a shameful, demented oligarchy, the republic simply cannot survive the push to sub-humanizing globalism. There is simply no way a person who values the representative republic can continue to reach across the aisle to a demented globalist, oligarchist, or musloid. Let them pack up their crap, satanic worship, pedophilia, pansexualism and ride out on the globalist horse they want to eff everyone else with. Just gtho!

Political correctness kills people, and it kills nations. PC kills willpower -- individual and national.

We are approaching majorities that no longer have faith in God, in the representative republic, in the Golden rule, in the innocence of children, in country, or in one another. Rather, they have faith in virtual reality, soma, the need to redistribute whitey's stuff, the immediate gratification, and money. Nothing decent can come of this "new faith." Nor can this new faith prevent the dollar from utterly failing.

In the new faith, globalization will save everyone. Compare the lack of sanctity of homes with the lack of sanctity of national borders. Suppose you were to try to provide a safe space in your home for a jobless or alcoholic relative or derelict to recover. You may think the derelict would/should feel grateful. More likely, he/she will feel entitled and insult you by drinking in your home. Then cursing you. You will find, after 30 days, the law prohibits you from self-help evicting the ingrate, even as the ingrate begins stressing your health. You will be jailed or lose your property if you attempt self-help.

I suspect this law is a consequence of open borders, whereby farmers of illegal aliens agitated to preclude their cheap laborers from being summarily evicted. The nation may be analogized to a home. And so it is becoming harder for the nation to evict ingrates. This is part of the law-drooling agenda for destroying nations to bring in the open bordered NWO people-farm. Ingrates are being used first to destroy us, then to convert the masses to farm animals.

The useful idiots are propelled by their immediate addictions. The people-farmers are propelled by their godless or godforsaken greed. The American people, out of mistaken "charity," have been asleep to the utter evil that frolics among us. Our checks, if ever we had any, against degenerate oligarchs have been dissolved by pleasure-addled femimen and feminazis.

The Deep State is a product of our innate susceptibility to evil. It makes early death the ultimate soma. Which seems appropriate for gender-confused farm animals.


The Revolving Door helps DC cockroaches ensure their fascist pay-to-play. Soros Ilk are the Ilk Rinos love to hate. 

All DC roaches are hacks for the Fascist Party --- that often works behind the curtain. Though, nowadays, fascists are coming out from behind the curtain and going proud (like Gay Pride and Black Pride). Saturnalia Pride. Romans-inviting-barbarian-savages pride.

We're in a tight spot. The Constitution was ignored in order to require employers to provide health insurance. So how, politically, can that Unconstitutional impediment to competition by U.S. employers now be lifted, Constitutionally? 

Given the situation as it is, unless the Fed Gov finds a way to budget and provide for health insurance for all citizens, how can the U.S. remain competitive with foreign corporatists? And how can foreign nations remain competitive with the U.S., if they were to allow the U.S. to remove public health insurance and revert entirely to desperate, cheap, and/or imported labor?

To escape from our tight spot, however temporarily, would require either an assimilation of good sense or an undeserved miracle in answer to a restoration of good faith. Of the two, an assimilation of good sense seems the less likely.


To make everyone fair and equal, it is first necessary that everyone be rendered subhuman. This Agenda for the Worldwide Destruction of Humanity requires repeal or replacement of the First Amendment. Everyone who opposes the subhumanization of humanity is a hater, a misogynist, a phobe, and a racist. S/

Dems loathe generalized eugenics (allowing women to become knowledgeable before they select for proficient mates),

but they love dysgenics (indoctrinating women and femimen to marry and propagate and prof-agate the cause of producing social miscreants and malingerers).

1400 years of inbreeding has produced swarms of demented Muslims. How many years of "enlightened" professorial socialism has it taken to inbreed swarms of demented Dems?

The USSR system of production failed. The U.S. system of education is failing. Everything eventually falls through phases of entropic disorder. Some call this "progress."

We grasp at rules, like weak branches during our fall down, but our manmade systems of rules keep braking, putting us in free fall to the next weak limb. Now, Elon Musk would lead us to grasp towards cyber-bionic-cloud borg man. Not just a new world order, but a new cloud order. Yup. That'll fix us. S/

Generally, to force people to like you, you must first make them incompetent. When you force too many incompetent people to like you, the competent people tend to want nothing to do with you. Dems are cornering the market on the people who are incompetent to man (he-man and she-man) a representative republic. In anger, they call those who do not want to join their cause for worldwide free stuff "racists."

In Dems' eyes, this makes a racist out of everyone who is a competent defender of the republic. To them, George Washington, John Adams, James Madison, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump are all mainly racists. But George Soros, Barrack Obama, Michelle Obama, Billary, Bernie, the ACLU, the ADL, BLM, La Raza, Acorn, and CAIR are "progressive" and "enlightened" and therefore not racists. S/

If Lerner were prosecuted, how many more would be required to be prosecuted? The Swamp counts on being too big to prosecute. You can't swat every mosquito. But you can drain its access to a livelihood.

Nixon could feel shame. Obama-ilk are shameless. They have a lot of practice at being shameless. Not the audacity of hope, but the shamelessness of utter perversity and depravity.

As Gov replaced Church with its minted and demented brand of higher-minded charity, Citizens replaced liberty-sustaining values under God with the abysmal values of easily perverted, easily bribed, easily herded farm animals.

Chutzpah: Republic Destroyers alarming the citizenry by accusing the one guy who stands in the way of their destruction of being a destroyer. The wolf hollers at the sheep: Run into my lair to save yourself from the wolf! And the dumb sheep, Judas sheep, and perverted sheep all run towards the lair. Pushing the flock with them.

Would a tax by any other name smell as sweet? Could a yearly payment (collect $200 for passing Go?) by the Fed to every citizen for the purpose of acquiring health insurance be called a tax (or an advance on an expected tax)?

Our manmade laws are often like daydreams. Delusions fed by fascists to entice the serfs, bedevil the literalists, and provide full employment for the ACLU.

The Revolving Door helps DC cockroaches ensure their fascist pay-to-play. Soros Ilk are the Ilk Rinos love to hate.

All DC roaches are hacks for the Fascist Party --- that often works behind the curtain. Though, nowadays, fascists are coming out from behind the curtain and going proud (like Gay Pride and Black Pride). Saturnalia Pride. Romans-inviting-barbarian-savages pride.

We're in a tight spot. The Constitution was ignored in order to require employers to provide health insurance. So how, politically, can that Unconstitutional impediment to competition by U.S. employers now be lifted, Constitutionally?

Given the situation as it is, unless the Fed Gov finds a way to budget and provide for health insurance for all citizens, how can the U.S. remain competitive with foreign corporatists? And how can foreign nations remain competitive with the U.S., if they were to allow the U.S. to remove public health insurance and revert entirely to desperate, cheap, and/or imported labor?

To escape from our tight spot, however temporarily, would require either an assimilation of good sense or an undeserved miracle in answer to a restoration of good faith. Of the two, an assimilation of good sense seems the less likely.

To make everyone fair and equal, it is first necessary that everyone be rendered subhuman. This Agenda for the Worldwide Destruction of Humanity requires repeal or replacement of the First Amendment. Everyone who opposes the subhumanization of humanity is a hater, a misogynist, a phobe, and a racist. S/

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