Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Not Even Wrong

Of things that just are, but that are "not even wrong":

Within space-time, measurables can be wrongly measured. But non-measurables cannot be measured, not even wrongly.

They can, however, be constructed and de-constructed. Rationalized, to explain what they are like and not like. (Jesus told us what Heaven is like, not what Heaven is.) Metaphor-ized, parable-ized, and moral-ized. The qualitative experience of thinking cannot be otherwise appreciated. Moral purposefulness could not otherwise abide.

The function of explanatory metaphor-izing is to help guide purposeful participation among perspectives of Consciousness, in ways that tend towards consistency and coherence. Not towards final or complete rightness or wrongness. The purpose is to pursue fulfillment, not to obtain it.

Unavoidably, this entails faith that the pursuit itself is worthwhile. That within the eye of chaos, it is possible to identify with the pursuit and appreciation (construction and deconstruction, assimilation and dissimilation) of kinds and degrees of consistency, coherence, communication, community, and civilization.

This process is how worlds and worldviews are accompanied with simulations, tests, constructs, deconstructs, phases, fluxes, and replacements. This process is as worthwhile as it is unavoidable.

To say that the process of world simulation is "not even wrong" tends towards being blind to the unavoidable and unfolding reality of such simulation, testing, and process-feedback.

I do not know how or why Chaos functions in math to produce orders of world constructs and deconstructs, made of perspectives of Consciousness, measurable Substance, and cumulated Information (CSI). I only know (directly sense and experience) that Chaos does.

So, finding my I-ness within Chaos, what, in faith, should I be about and doing? Well, if I am about communicating empathy, then I am about helping to in-form societies of children growing into free-thinking adults (i.e., representative republics). But if I am about self-ish enmity against my very beingness, then I am about deconstructing or despotically destroying republics.

Problem is, both empathy and enmity seem to be innate to our angst and beingness. (To get the Internet, we have to deal with hackers.) And so it goes.

Presently, our world tends to be under thumbs of overly proud "moral scientists," who think their moral scientism is settled so that they should rule, and so that voting by the masses should be mere diversionary make-believe. Especially as they erase borders and flood nations with persons bred or indoctrinated to be liberty-illiterates.

The consequence is enmity against the masses, with the masses "persuaded" (forced) to love Big Brother by a 24/7/365 apparatus of syndicated media/academia/banking/preaching/scientism/oligarchism. This is the coming dominant worldview/simulation/test. This is a consequence that accompanies a (wrongly?) devalued construct about non-measurable fluxes in CSI (i.e., the Godhead).


Does the same Consciousness abide as a Holism, capable of projecting among uncountable Perspectives?  Is the Consciousness that associates with each of us of the same unifying and interconnecting Holism?  Is Information concerning the previous aspects of each sequence from the past accumulated, assimilated, absorbed, and stored, for all Perspectives?  Can logic consistently and completely support a concept of a fundamental and ultimate building block to that which exists throughout space-time?

When a Perspective has become inclined to meditate and pray for a thing, is it because the Holism has contemporaneously become inclined to respond with feedback --- which may be accommodating, changing, denying, but always in reconciliatory mode?  In that way, is the Holism personally responsive and reconciling (empathetic?) to the context of each Perspective?  Does receptive meditation (prayer) tend to enhance that feedback?  How is it that the body syncs to form choices a split second before the mind becomes conscious that the choice has been made?


For more than 20 years, I have been shouting that the Rino and Dino Parties are both corrupted and of immense, perhaps nearly equal, danger to the Republic.  Since 2001, I have been saying that Islam does not qualify as a religion that can be afforded protection under the free expression clause of the First Amendment.  For about as long, I have been musing that a progressive tax on personal consumption may help protect the Republic against the absolute corruption of the "breathing together" of the class of international Aristocratic-Oligarchs.  For longer, I have been needling that the religious/spiritual environment is out of whack, largely on account of charitable tax deductions.

Since about 10 years ago, many people have finely awakened to the fact that, in terms of danger to the Republic, there is little practical distinction between so-called socialistic Dems and oligarchic-fascist Repubs.  A few people may be realizing that the Islam does not qualify as a religion under the protection of the First Amendment.  Very few people support the idea of a progressive tax on individual consumption.  Perhaps a few more will, in about 30 more years -- long after I am deceased.


Not without a miracle.  But neither did I really expect DJT to win.
Regardless, neither the Godhead nor the seed of free thinking people will ever die.  Their source is innate.
Who is against Trump?  Atheistic Jews, self-godded Oligarchs, militant Queers, Muslims, FemiBeasts, incompetent Codependents, Students marinated in social scientism idiocy.  I don't see them winning as much as I see them making themselves and everyone around them miserable.
Musing:  Consciousness is consciousness.  A is A.  Does the same Consciousness abide as a Holism, capable of projecting among uncountable Perspectives?  Is the Consciousness that associates with each of us of the same unifying and interconnecting Holism?  Is Information concerning the previous aspects of each sequence from the past accumulated, assimilated, absorbed, and stored, for all Perspectives?  Can mere logic, devoid of regard for qualitative Consciousness, consistently and completely support a concept of a fundamental and ultimate building block for all that exists throughout space-time?
When a Perspective has become inclined to meditate and pray for a thing of quality, is it because the Holism has contemporaneously become inclined to respond with feedback --- which may be accommodating, changing, denying, but always in reconciliatory mode?  In that way, is the Holism personally responsive and reconciling (empathetic?) to the context of each Perspective?  Does receptive meditation (prayer) tend to enhance that feedback?  How is it that the body syncs to form choices a split second before the mind becomes conscious that the choice has been made?
All that shouts of futility and godlessness, when turned to a purposeful perspective, shouts instead of godliness.  In that light, do I have faith in a society (republic) based on human freedom and dignity?  You betcha.
When we restore faith in the Godhead of Innate Empathy, the bad guys will run, and the slow witted will wake up. 
(Until then, we will have to put up with dumas "moderators."  Did they think I did not copy and save this?  Good grief!  Pending my azzz.)

If what defeated Hillary was her email controversy, and that was fed by Seth Rich to WikiLeaks rather than by Trump to Russia, then the investigation of Trump is the Oligarchy's way of diverting attention away from its fraud fest with Hillary while it uses its media and institutionalized corruption to undermine and prosecute America's elected President.

In effect, the Oligarchy and its Farmee-Minions are punishing the American people for daring to believe they still have a representative republic.


Faith, family, fidelity: Our republic is reaping the whirlwind from having profaned those fundaments.  Who are the destroyers?  Oligarchs and farmee-minions against Trump.  Self-godded Oligarchs, atheistic Jews, militant Gays, Muslims, codependent Femimen, incompetent Students marinated in social scientism.  These people cannot sustain a republic.  They can only sustain a people-farm.  These people lack the character to defend a representative republic.  But they certainly have the character to be able to kill one for everyone else.

If what defeated Hillary was her email controversy, and that was fed by Seth Rich to WikiLeaks rather than by Trump to Russia, then the investigation of Trump is the sub-humanized Oligarchy's way of diverting attention away from its fraud fest with Hillary while it uses its media and institutionalized corruption to undermine and prosecute America's elected President.

In effect, the Oligarchy and its Farmee-Minions are doing their voodoo to punish the American people for daring to believe they still have a representative republic.


To expect that a rigorous (consistent, coherent, complete) explanation of everything can be reduced to a rigorous formula is a too linear way of thinking about the power of math over existentiality. 

It's not just about the math.  It's also about contextual feedback with the Mathematician.  And He has "not left the building."  Maybe linear thinkers tend to remain mired in self-defeating maths for profaning faith, family, fidelity, as if math by itself has more power than it does?  If so, wisdom will always elude them.

Maybe to seek a rigorous definition of linear thinking (direct current), free of feedback with the Godhead (alternating current), is itself to be overly linear-minded?

Example:  Sam Harris and his pursuit of moral scientism.


For God's sake, there is no *rigorous definition of religion! But people bent on destroying the republic will interpret in favor of Islam. However, nothing in common, decent, or good sense requires any such a thing.
The issue should be: Can Islam be tolerated in a free society, without grossly endangering that society? The answer is clearly no. Regardless of numbers, a society that twists itself to tolerate what is intolerable and poison to it cannot survive.
The First Amendment says Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion. But Islam itself prohibits the free exercise of other faiths. By definition, Islam on its face is 100% incompatible with the free exercise clause. Islam is a written, practiced attack against the free exercise of faith, hence of the First Amendment, hence of the republic. I can think of no other conspiracy of evil (Communism, Nazism, Oligarchic NWOism, Slave-ism, People-Farming) that is a more evil affront against human freedom and dignity than Islam.
*There are lots of qualitative things and ideas for which there is no rigorous definition. Nearly every concept has its fuzzy edges, where it slides, morphs and phases. Present Substance slip-slides away into past Information. "I" am different in some ways from what I was a second ago. The idea of an ultimate particle recedes into paradoxical conundrums. As does the idea of a Changeless Changer (unchanging Godhead that sponsors changes) Or a relational essence.
Yet, via a process of participatory feedback, we are able to communicate ideas, values, and purposes. And enlist cooperation and/or resistance.
IOW, even though a Port Royal system of rigorous definitions is impossible, we are able to communicate subject to a context. Which unavoidably morphs over time.
My point: We can strive towards a Port Royal system of logical categories, but we will never achieve it. IAE, no Port Royal system of logic should lead us to make a suicide pact of the Constitution. Rather, we should interpret the right to the free exercise of religion as not requiring us to allow invasions by proponents of religious intolerance. Simply put, a so-called religion that calls for the killing of apostates cannot in any reasoned fashion be considered to be consistent with a free exercise.

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